Great Artist

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: 1 Piece Of Rough Jade

Anne-Hathaway couldn’t control her excitement as she walked out of the movie theater, and the exclamations of “Wow” were incessant.

“Nolan is definitely a genius.” Anne-Hathaway faced Gu Luobei while walking forward, waving her hands and sighing in her iconic high voice, “However, you understand Is it? Who killed Leonardo’s wife? And also, what role does that Teddy play in it?” Anne-Hathaway snapped a lot of questions.

Indeed, “Memento” is definitely a very esoteric film. The cross use of flashbacks and sequential narration techniques in the film, as well as the unknown past of the protagonist, make the film very obscure and difficult. Gu Luobei didn’t understand it for the first time. After reading the analysis of the film review, he watched it for the second time, and then he clarified his thinking, but there were still some unsolved mysteries. Anne Hathaway watched it for the first time today, and there were countless questions in her mind. It was normal.

“How about it, do I have vision?” Gu Luobei and Anne-Hathaway walked back with a smile and said triumphantly. At that time, it was a chance to meet Christopher Nolan at the San Francisco Film Festival, and Gu Luobei was very happy to be one of the people behind the successful shooting of “Memento”.

“Of course, this movie is really wonderful.” Anne-Hathaway also bumped Gu Luobei with her shoulder, and her carefree expression had the ladylike temperament she cultivated during the filming of “The Princess Diaries”. However, Gu Luobei didn’t mind at all, such a straightforward Anne Hathaway was his childhood sweetheart. “There are more and more independent films now, but there are definitely not many of them that are of real quality. Your vision is really good. If you invest in a few more promising films like this, wouldn’t you be able to sit at home and count the money? ”

Anne-Hathaway’s words made Gu Luobei laugh. This girl is sincere. Let others mention this kind of thing, either to prove talent, or to gain fame, and never mention “money” so directly, how vulgar. But in fact, when a film company makes a movie, there is absolutely no lack of interest in the starting point. After all, film companies are also businessmen!

Although the two of them don’t know much about the operation of film companies, they still understand the basic principles. A movie either has box office and direct dividends; or it has word of mouth and relies on DVD sales and rental to make money. In short, excellent movies can make money, as everyone knows. As for earning more and earning less, they don’t know the ratio of profits.

“It’s a good idea, I’ll consider it carefully.” Gu Luobei didn’t deny it, and nodded with a smile, “but I didn’t think about this level this time. When I invested in ‘Memory Fragments’, I didn’t think about it. If you leave your contact information, I guess you are doing a good deed.” Independent films don’t earn much in the first place, and it is absolutely impossible for an idle person like Gu Luobei, who is generously sponsored, to get DVDs and box office dividends like a distribution company.

Anne-Hathaway waved her right hand arrogantly, saying that it’s okay, “I’ll make it back next time, anyway, there are plenty of opportunities.” This understatement seemed to believe that Gu Luobei wanted to make money in movies and music. A very easy thing to do.

Gu Luobei rubbed Anne Hathaway’s head, the smile on her face continued, but before she could say anything, she found that she was about to bump into someone before walking, Gu Luobei hurriedly pulled Anne Hathaway Servi slammed on the brakes. But don’t want to, the other party came towards the two of them, and actually walked over. This time, they stopped and rushed, but fortunately they didn’t bump into each other. It just turned the attention of Gu Luobei and Anne Hathaway to the person who came.

Directly in front is a girl in her twenties. Originally, she had an exploratory expression on her face, but when her eyes met Gu Luobei, she immediately turned into joy. The first reaction in Gu Luobei’s mind was: Did he meet an acquaintance? Or a distant relative? The girl blurted out, “Bell? Evan-Bell?” The happiness on her face did not hide at all, leaving Gu Luobei confused.

The other party actually called out his name. Gu Luobei tried his best to search for the figure in front of him in his mind. Although Gu Luobei dared not say that he would never forget it, his memory was definitely very good, but he still couldn’t remember where he saw him. Did you meet her after getting drunk in a bar? “Should I know you?” Gu Luobei’s words were direct enough without any cover up. If it was a thin-skinned girl, she probably wouldn’t be able to answer directly.

Anne-Hathaway put her elbow against Gu Luobei’s waist, with a look of interest in watching a good show on her face. As Gu Luobei’s childhood sweetheart, Anne Hathaway of course knows Gu Luobei’s romance. He is very popular among girls, whether it is a bar full of one-night love, or a normal public place. Luo Bei can always talk to girls easily, and even ask girls to take the initiative to talk to them.

Gu Luobei glanced at Anne Hathaway’s bright eyes, and a helpless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Anne Hathaway was excited. She felt that the girl in front of her was probably one of Gu Luobei’s flirting targets in the past, but Gu Luobei, who had a strong memory, couldn’t remember it at this time, so the scene was very interesting.

“No, it’s the first time you’ve seen me.” But the girl in front of her was not at all shy. Instead, her cheeks blushed because she was too excited, which made Gu Luobei even more confused. Not only Gu Luobei was confused, but Anne Hathaway was also a little disappointed: there was no good show to watch.

Fortunately, the girl didn’t let Gu Luobei’s doubts persist for too long, and then she explained, “You are the lead singer of melancholy mood, I like you very much!” The girl’s words were simple and direct, which made Gu Luobei suddenly realize. Anne Hathaway’s dull eyes lit up again. Of course, she knew that Gu Luobei was the lead singer of a melancholy mood, and she also knew that they participated in the Eagle Rock Music Festival, but she didn’t expect that Gu Luobei actually had supporters. This makes Anne Hathaway very happy.

The expression on Gu Luobei’s face was rather strange at this time, it should be said to be surprised and happy. Melancholic mood was also famous in Boston before. The so-called small fame means a little bit of awareness among a small number of niche groups, that’s all. Although Melancholy went to the Eagle Rock Music Festival and got a good response, the audience of a Eagle Rock Music Festival is only 3,000 at most, and the influence is no more than that. Therefore, Gu Luobei really didn’t expect that someone on the streets of New York would know melancholy and know himself. Secondly, the two or three things that Gu Luobei and Melancholy had to say also made him feel a little ironic.

“Thank you.” Gu Luobei quickly collected the confusion in his heart, with a happy smile on his face, “Once.” Gu Luobei popped out a word, which made the girl in front of him a little puzzled, “I mean, I The lead singer who used to be in a somber mood has now left the team.”

Before the girl came out of the joy of seeing Gu Luobei, she heard explosive news, and the expression on her face was stunned. The expression on the girl’s face experienced surprise, doubt, understanding, and finally returned to excitement. She put aside the explosive news revealed by Gu Luobei, and then said, “I like you! I only like you!” Explaining the reason why the girls didn’t dwell on Gu Luobei’s departure from the team for so long, “Although I also like melancholy, I like it because of you.”

These sincere and straightforward words made Gu Luobei, who was a man of two generations and boasted that his skin was thicker than the city wall, also laughed embarrassedly.

“By the way, my name is Raisa Rosie.” Although the girl in front of her was suspected to be a legendary fan, she still introduced herself generously to Gu Luobei. This down-to-earth, yet pretty girl immediately won the favor of Gu Luobei and Anne Hathaway. “I admired you very much after I saw your performance at the Eagle Rock Music Festival on the Yahoo community. I didn’t expect to meet you here today.”

A simple sentence that explains why Raisa-Rosie knew the problem of depression. It turned out to be the Eagle Rock Music Festival. But Gu Luobei didn’t expect that his performance at the Yingyan Music Festival was actually uploaded to the Internet. What he didn’t know was that in Los Angeles, there was a little girl named Elena who not only recorded the melancholy performance. Uploaded to the Internet, and became the first batch of fans of Gu Luobei.

Since no one expected that the melancholy performance would be so popular that day, the only song circulating on the Internet was “The Last” sung by Encore, UU Reading www. has caused quite a stir. Before Gu Luobei knew it, he and Melancholy had won the hearts of many fans on the Internet. Reza Rosie is one of them.

“Bell, I’ve been looking for your information on the Internet for a long time, but unfortunately I haven’t found any useful information.” Reza-Rosie is also a lively type, and just accidentally discovered that Gu Luobei suspected that she was a band she was very interested in recently. The lead singer in a melancholy mood came forward to confirm it recklessly, but did not expect her blind cat to encounter a dead mouse. “I really like to hear more of your music. You are meant to belong to the stage, and you can definitely shine on the stage. It’s like…”

Ruisha-Rosie raised her head and looked at Gu Luobei carefully. At this time, the dim street lights were not very bright, and she could only see Gu Luobei’s profile on the right half of his face, and the left side of his face was shrouded in the shadow of the high nose bridge. Inside, those azure blue eyes reflected a radiant look through the thick eyelashes, which made Reza-Rosie’s heart skip a beat. “It’s like an unpolished rough diamond. Although it hasn’t been polished, it can already see the dazzling light.”

Hearing Raisa Rosie’s compliment, Gu Luobei burst into laughter. It was really strange to be praised by a stranger who met for the first time as a rough jade, an unpolished diamond. Even though Gu Luobei was full of confidence, he still felt a little awkward.

“Bell, I hope to hear your music again, I’m looking forward to it very, very, very much!” Reza-Rosie used three “ten” in a row to embellish her strong feelings and let Gu Luobei and Annie – Hathaway couldn’t help but smile.

First update today.

Seven cats have something to go out today, please update in advance, the second one will be later, please forgive me. Recommendations and collections are still required, huh, huh.

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