Grass Story

Chapter 25: Celestial Boredom.

Because of the unsatisfactory ending, the group fights Tenshi in a one-on-one battle, and she always loses.

Tenshi has a messy appearance and is very tired.

"I think that's everyone..." Tenshi said between breaths as she is dead tired and her whole body hurts, good thing Iku always heals her before another round starts.

"Me!!!" Kusa, who was dizzy, shouted, making Tenshi look at Kusa's small form.

"Oh... what are you?" Tenshi said she had just realized that Kusa wasn't a fairy when Iku healed her to her best state.

"Kusa!" Kusa said proudly,

"Is that your name or your species?" Tenshi asked her curiously.

"Both!" Kusa confirmed that it was a name and a species.

Kusa seems eager to fight, and she is very sugar-rushed from the flame she absorbed.

"I don't think I can lose to her..." Tenshi said and grabbed her sword, thinking it would be an easy fight.

"Fine, we will fight! And because you look so weak, there are no rules when it comes to you," Tenshi declared, her pride unyielding as she dismissed the possibility of being defeated by someone smaller than herself.

As her words echoed, reactions from the spectators were a mix of exasperation and disbelief, shaking their heads at Tenshi's audacious claim. Her overconfidence seemed to cloud her judgment.

However, Kusa's response to Tenshi's declaration was different. A glint of excitement shone in her eyes as a golden-white card materialized in her hand, its surface shimmering like a promise of something extraordinary.

"Seiza Uranai, 'Jikkakukei Blaze'!" Kusa's voice resounded, channeling the spell card's might.

The enchantment, named "Astrological Divination: Decagon Blaze," initiated its awakening. A cascade of ten suns manifested, each radiating a distinct hue—crimson, scarlet, amber, gold, verdant, jade, azure, amethyst, lavender, and ivory. They revolved around Kusa, gradually converging into a singular luminous entity.

The fusion of suns formed a dazzling hue—a copper rose that cast visible ripples across the surrounding air. In an instant, the world transformed, the landscape bathed in copper and rose shades.

The spell's impact was instantaneous. Tenshi's form wavered, then faltered as her consciousness succumbed to the overwhelming display of colors. Her pride, once towering, crumbled beneath the force of Kusa's technique. Tenshi's body went limp, and she collapsed onto the ground, unconscious.

"Hmm? I won!!!" Kusa exclaimed jubilantly, celebrating her unexpected victory with childlike enthusiasm.

The immediate aftermath was met with a temporary hush, as the dramatic turn of events left the spectators momentarily speechless.

"Good thing it's not lethal, or else..." Yukari's voice carried a wry tone, underscoring the gravity of Kusa's power. She couldn't help but wonder why such immense abilities were bestowed upon a being in an incomplete form.

"Kusa," Marisa's voice broke the silence, drawing Kusa's attention. Kusa gulped, expecting some form of reprimand.

"What is it?" Kusa adopted a cute demeanor, attempting to mitigate the consequences she might face.

"Please teach me that!!!" Marisa's eyes sparkled with eagerness. She was enamored with the spell and its potential applications, even considering how it could enhance her Master Spark.

"Ehh?!!" Kusa's surprise was palpable. She hadn't expected Marisa to express interest in learning her spell card. However, her surprise turned into a smile as she agreed to teach Marisa.

As the group exchanged words and emotions, Iku approached Yukari, her expression a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

"What kind of monster is that?" Iku's voice held a note of trepidation, as she tried to comprehend the extent of Kusa's power and the potential havoc it could wreak.

"A good kind," Yukari replied, her smile hinting at a deeper understanding that Iku was yet to grasp. Iku's gaze returned to Kusa, newfound respect mingling with her lingering sense of uncertainty.

"I guess..." Iku muttered, her mind already contemplating a private conversation with Kusa to understand her capabilities better.

Tenshi's groggy consciousness returned, and she blinked as if waking from a deep slumber.

"ehh? Did I fall asleep?" Tenshi's confusion was evident as she tried to piece together what had transpired.

Suika made her presence known with a grin. "Nope, she defeated you that fast," Suika said, gesturing playfully toward Kusa.

"ehh... How?" Tenshi's disbelief was palpable; she couldn't fathom being defeated so quickly.

"It's better if you don't know," Suika's mischievous response only deepened the mystery for Tenshi.

"You are the main culprit!" Patchouli's accusation directed at Suika caught the one off guard.

"Eh?" Suika's confusion matched Tenshi's as she tried to make sense of Patchouli's statement.

"Kusa, can you give me some beans?" Patchouli's sudden request for soybeans seemed unrelated, but there was a hidden intention behind it.

"Yes!" Kusa's cheerful agreement resonated, causing Suika to visibly squirm, sensing the impending threat.

Kusa handed over an entire basket of beans to Patchouli, while Suika swiftly retreated, sensing the impending storm of soybeans.

"You damn Librarian! I didn't offend you or anything!!!" Suika's voice echoed as she tried to evade the onslaught.

"Come back here!!!" Patchouli's determined shout chased Suika, turning the scene into a hilarious chase.

With a huff, Patchouli switched to flying and began throwing beans, her intent to hit Suika unmistakable.

As the soybean battle continued, the rest of the group found amusement in the chaotic spectacle.

Amid the chaos, Reimu steered the conversation back to the earthquake.

"If the earthquake is true, can you prevent it?" Reimu inquired, hoping to extract more information from Tenshi.

Tenshi's response was a mix of truth and pride, "What can I do? I've lost to you all, so I must do what I've been requested to do..."

"But first! We should celebrate!" Tenshi's sudden shift in mood showed her celestial nature.

"That's a nice idea!" Marisa chimed in, her enthusiasm for free treats quite evident.

Reimu, on the other hand, could only sigh at the suggestion, already feeling exasperated by the day's events.

Yuyuko, Yukari, and Iku huddled together, engrossed in discussing their next steps to ensure the incident's resolution.

On another corner, Yomou, Alice, and Komachi were engaged in a deep conversation, sharing thoughts and strategies to contribute to solving the situation.

Meanwhile, Aya was multitasking, munching on something while scribbling away on her notepad, capturing every bit of the unfolding events.

Sakuya and Reisen found a serene moment for themselves, enjoying a quiet tea time, exchanging stories and laughter as they relaxed.

Patchouli, undeterred by the bean-throwing escapade, continued her mission to pelt Suika with soybeans. Suika, for her part, managed to snatch a slice of meat amid the chaos and was now darting around with it.

In the midst of it all, Reimu, Marisa, Tenshi, and Kusa formed a little group, engaging in light-hearted conversations about various topics. Their discussions ranged from the mundane to the whimsical, as they built rapport before delving into the more serious matter at hand.

Despite the peculiar circumstances that brought them together, a sense of relative peace settled over the group. The incident, it turned out, was driven by a celestial's boredom.


In the tranquil setting of the Hakurei Shrine, Tenshi stood beside the completed keystone, its significance and power finally realized.

"You're aware that removing this keystone could trigger a more significant earthquake, right?" Tenshi cautioned Reimu, emphasizing the potential consequences of tampering with it.

Reimu nodded with determination. "Then I'll just have to ensure no one ever pulls it out."

Tenshi's wry smile acknowledged Reimu's resolve. "That's one way to handle it."

As the group gathered around, Marisa chimed in with her observation. "Seems like there's not much damage left from the incident. Can we officially declare it resolved?"

Reimu sighed in relief, knowing her shrine and Gensokyo was safe from further tremors. "Yeah, I think so."

Tenshi, preparing to return to the heavens, offered a parting sentiment. "If you're up for it, you guys can visit me in the heavens sometime."

With a cheerful "bye," Tenshi took flight, ascending into the sky, and leaving the earthly realm behind.

As Tenshi departed, the attention shifted back to the group. Marisa had a determined request for Reimu. "Now that it's all settled, hand Kusa over to me."

Reimu's response was reluctant. "Ehh... let her rest a bit longer."

With Kusa nestled peacefully in Reimu's arms, sleeping soundly, the night was calm and serene.

"That's why I'm taking her home with me," Marisa asserted, her intention clear.

Reimu's voice held a hint of disappointment. "Could you both just stay here until tomorrow?"

Marisa's surprise was evident, but she couldn't help but let out a sigh. "You... fine, then."

A mixture of relief and contentment spread across Reimu's face as Marisa relented to her wish, knowing that Kusa would be there to cuddle with throughout the night.


Two days slipped by, and Marisa's growing concern about Kusa's unending slumber pushed her to return to the shrine. With a heavy heart, she shared her worries with Reimu.

"It's been two days, and she still hasn't woken up," Reimu mused, a hint of helplessness in her voice as she grappled with the situation.

"I think maybe Mokou could offer some insight," Marisa suggested, her tone carrying a tinge of regret as she blamed herself for not fully understanding Kusa's condition.

"I understand. I'll stay here and keep watch over her," Reimu decided, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. Marisa nodded in agreement and left the shrine, leaving the shrine maiden alone with her sleeping companion.

As the sun cast its warm rays upon Kusa's slumbering form, Reimu gazed down at her with a mix of emotions. Memories of their first interactions came flooding back, the initial clashes and misunderstandings, the moments of teaching and learning. She recalled how she had resisted Kusa's lessons at first, the resistance that had ultimately pushed Kusa away.

"At first, you were just another annoying person who loved to nag me," Reimu confessed, her words carrying a mix of nostalgia and regret. "But somewhere along the way, I realized that listening to your lectures wasn't so bad after all."

She continued to speak softly, her gaze fixed on the still form of Kusa. "The way you spoke, the way you talked about things... even the way you laughed. They all left an impression on me."

Reimu's thoughts drifted back to those moments, each memory carrying a weight of its own. "To be honest, I was more interested in those little things than the actual content of your lessons. But if by answering your questions right, I could bring a smile to your face, then I was willing to do it," she admitted, a hint of self-depreciation in her tone for pretending her motivation was solely for learning.

A faint, longing sigh escaped Reimu's lips as she looked upon Kusa, hoping beyond hope that the sleeping youkai would wake soon. "That's why, please be okay," she murmured, her voice carried away by the gentle breeze. Unbeknownst to her, the potted plant at her side seemed to shift slightly, as if responding to her words, before settling back into stillness.


Marisa soared through the skies towards the Bamboo Forest, her thoughts heavy with self-doubt and worry. She couldn't shake off the feeling that she was failing Kusa in some way. The realization that she couldn't effectively assist Kusa in her current state made her grip her broom tightly, her frustration evident in her clenched fists.

"I'm so useless..." Marisa's voice trembled with self-criticism, her heart heavy with guilt. She couldn't fight alongside Kusa as she normally would, and her spell cards didn't align well with Kusa's abilities. She felt inadequate, unable to truly support the person she cared for.

Amidst her self-deprecating thoughts, a voice interrupted her inner turmoil. "Nope, you helped me a lot..."

Marisa's eyes widened, searching around her for the source of the voice. But to her surprise, the answer was much closer than she expected.

"Hehehe~ I'm the little branch in your broom," Kusa's mischievous voice resonated in the air, followed by a gentle rustling of leaves.

"Kusa?!" Marisa exclaimed, glancing at the broom's branch that was moving against the wind, as if it had a life of its own.

Kusa's voice continued, a mix of playfulness and seriousness. "Well, it's my fault for using such a strong spell without fully considering the consequences."

Marisa was caught off guard, her bewilderment growing. She wanted to protest, to assure Kusa that she wasn't at fault, but Kusa's words cut her off before she could speak.

"Don't undermine yourself," Kusa's voice carried a mix of sincerity and fondness, her words washing over Marisa like a soothing breeze. "Because of you, I've gained a proper foothold to walk on. Because you always drag me along, I've become sunnier. Because of you, I've become the person I am now."

Kusa's words resonated deeply within Marisa's heart, her eyes glistening with emotion. She remembered the moments they had shared, the changes they had inspired in each other. From Kusa's negativity to her newfound positivity, Marisa felt a sense of pride in being a part of that transformation.

"You changed my way of thinking, my outlook on life," Kusa continued, her tone both playful and earnest. "If you hadn't appeared, I might have become one of those protagonists full of arrogance." She chuckled softly, a warm and genuine sound that made Marisa's heart flutter.

"And that's why you're the reason I'm called the Persona of the Sun," Kusa's voice turned sweet, almost shy. "Because you were the first light that brightened up my world."

Tears welled up in Marisa's eyes, a mixture of happiness and overwhelming emotion. Kusa's words touched her deeply, reaffirming the depth of their connection.

"I guess... it's my time now," Kusa's tone shifted to a more serious one, and Marisa could sense the underlying concern. "I need to rest. So don't insult yourself, and if someone ever insults you, you tell me."

Marisa's smile shone through her tears, a combination of amusement and gratitude. "Sure thing, my fiery sun."

As Kusa's branch returned to its normal state, Marisa's heart felt lighter. She knew now, without a shadow of a doubt, that Kusa saw her as more than just a companion. She saw her as a partner, a lover, and a guiding light in her life.


"Now that I've finished that," Kusa said, her gaze shifting to Doremy, who sat comfortably in a bean bag behind a short table.

Kusa's mischievous grin only grew wider as she addressed the girl before her. "Nice to meet you again, Doremy."

In a realm characterized by a pristine white landscape, the girl possessed captivating dark blue eyes and hair. A distinctive white tail with a tuft of black fur at the tip added to her unique appearance. Her attire consisted of a dress adorned with black and white orbs of varying sizes. A red nightcap reminiscent of Santa's hat perched on her head, contrasting against the white of her outfit. She completed the ensemble with white socks.

Doremy's expression remained unamused as she addressed Kusa's appearance in her domain. "You can't just appear here simply because there's a potted plant!"

Kusa's response was equally defiant, her tone challenging. "Says who?"

Doremy's frustration was palpable as she retorted, her anger evident in her voice. "Says me!"

I think the past me solved Kusa's problem, I didn't know which chapter it was. Yes, this story is already finished and I'm rewriting it on this site.




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