Grass Story

Chapter 16: Sea of flowers II.

As the group continued their aimless wanderings through the vibrant fields of flowers, a familiar voice unexpectedly chimed in. Tewi, the mischievous rabbit youkai, emerged from beneath the blossoms, her presence almost blending seamlessly with the colorful surroundings.

Reimu's exasperation was evident as she addressed Tewi's appearance. "You again, Tewi? Don't you have any idea about what's causing this?"

Tewi shrugged nonchalantly, her carefree attitude on full display. "Nah, not really. But does it matter? Life's full of surprises, after all."

Reimu's frustration grew, but she could hardly expect more from the crafty rabbit. "Figures..." she muttered, realizing that Tewi was unlikely to provide any valuable information.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Tewi proposed a different way to pass the time. "How about we settle it with a friendly bullet battle, Reimu?"

Reimu's irritation momentarily gave way to a smirk. "Sure, why not? I could use a break."

Marisa and Kusa, content to watch the showdown unfold, stood on the sidelines as Reimu and Tewi readied themselves for their playful duel. The vibrant flowers served as a backdrop to the spell cards that clashed in the skies, a colorful dance of danmaku that momentarily diverted their attention from the puzzling floral phenomenon surrounding them.

Kusa, Marisa, and the lively scene of the bullet battle provided Kusa with an interesting insight. She turned to Marisa, her eyes bright with realization.

"You know, Marisa, it's quite an effective way to settle disputes and communicate," Kusa remarked, her voice tinged with curiosity and contemplation.

Marisa raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Kusa's observation. "What do you mean by that?"

Kusa leaned in, her small form radiating enthusiasm. "Bullet battles, I mean. You can resolve arguments, have fun, and maybe even strengthen bonds through them."

Marisa chuckled, nodding in agreement. "You're not wrong, Kusa. It's a unique Gensokyo thing."

Kusa's expression shifted to one of puzzlement. "But why was this rule even implemented?"

Marisa explained, shedding light on the origins of the practice. "Well, it's partly because of the power difference between humans and Yokai. Reimu wanted to level the playing field a bit and make it entertaining for everyone, including the spectators."

Kusa's eyes widened in realization, her gaze drifting towards Reimu and Tewi as they continued their playful barrage of colorful bullets.

"Now I get it," Kusa muttered her pout a mix of disappointment and amusement. "So that's why most of my spell cards are banned."

Marisa chuckled, reassuringly patting Kusa's head. "Don't worry, Kusa. You'll figure it out."

As Reimu emerged victorious once more, Tewi dusted herself off and bid her farewell, her cheerful demeanor undiminished. "It's been a blast, Reimu! Catch you later!"

With renewed determination, Tewi strolled away to relish the beauty of the blooming flowers, her carefree demeanor blending seamlessly with the vibrant landscape.

"Time to get back on track and solve this mystery!" Reimu exclaimed, her resolve reignited as she gazed at her companions.

Kusa and Marisa exchanged a knowing glance, their shared enthusiasm is evident. "Absolutely!" they chimed in unison, their synchronized response sparking a playful smirk between them.


The group found themselves within the tranquil expanse of the Bamboo Forest, guided by Kusa toward their destination – Eientei.

"Look at these bamboo flowers! It's a rare sight," Kusa marveled, her eyes drawn to the delicate blossoms that adorned the towering bamboo stalks.

"Bamboo has flowers?!" Marisa's voice held a mix of amazement and curiosity, her excitement palpable as she took in the unexpected sight.

Reimu turned to Kusa, her brow furrowed in thought. "Could these flowers be connected to the incident?" she inquired, seeking Kusa's insight.

Kusa shook her head, her expression thoughtful. "No, these bamboo flowers are a natural occurrence. They bloom only once in the lifetime of a bamboo plant, typically taking around 40 to 50 years to do so."

Understanding dawned on Reimu's face. "Let's proceed to Eientei and see if they have any information about what's been happening," she suggested, her determination unwavering.

Marisa recalled their past encounters with the establishment. "You mean the place we visited during the fake moon incident?"

"Yes, that's the one," Reimu confirmed, nodding in agreement.

"From what I heard, Eientei is known for its medicine production," Kusa added, recalling Mokou's mention of the establishment's role in supplying medicine to the human village.

Arriving at the entrance of the building, their attention was drawn to a girl standing before them. Her striking appearance and elegant attire marked her as someone of importance. Red eyes, long light-purple hair, and rumpled rabbit ears adorned her, while a crescent moon-shaped insignia on her collar caught the eye. Her business suit and composed demeanor exuded an air of professionalism.

"Reisen!" Marisa's face lit up with recognition and delight upon seeing the familiar figure. Reisen, known for her gullible nature and seriousness, had been a formidable opponent in their past battles.

"Marisa and Reimu, what brings you here?" Reisen's cautious tone was evident as she poised herself for a potential confrontation.

"We're here to inquire about the recent flower incident," Kusa's voice held a curious undertone, intrigued by the rabbit's unique aura that hinted at an otherworldly origin.

Reisen's surprise was palpable, her gaze shifting toward Kusa, who she initially mistook for a doll. "I apologize for not realizing your sentience," Reisen quickly offered her apologies, genuinely taken aback by the revelation.

Kusa played along, feigning a tinge of sadness. "It's quite alright, such misunderstandings are common," she responded, inwardly amused by the reactions she often garnered.

"Regarding the incident, I regret to inform you that no one here possesses knowledge about the flowers," Reisen explained, her demeanor reflecting sincerity as she addressed both Reimu's and Kusa's queries.

A sigh escaped Reimu's lips. "Another dead end, it seems," she lamented, her frustration evident.

Marisa chimed in, her curiosity piqued. "Wait, you have a list?"

Reimu nodded, her expression serious. "Yes, we're conducting an investigation, and having a list helps us keep track of the places and people we've checked."

"That's quite the change," Marisa commented, acknowledging Reimu's shift in habits and methods.

Reisen's inquiry shifted to Tewi's whereabouts, a topic that Reimu and Marisa had recently encountered. Reimu's response, though not conclusive, provided enough information to satisfy Reisen's query.

Curious and hopeful, Marisa turned her attention to Kusa, who was preparing to use her unique ability to sense Tewi's location. With a touch of her hand to the ground, Kusa's eyes transformed into a shimmering gold, and an aura of light enveloped her surroundings.

Kusa's voice remained composed as she shared her findings. "She seems to be headed toward a hill amid a forest," her words were delivered calmly, even as she battled the strain of processing the influx of sensory information.

Reisen wasted no time in expressing her gratitude. "To the Nameless Hill, then. Thank you, Kusa," she acknowledged before darting off in the direction indicated. Her rabbit-like agility propelled her swiftly on the chosen path.

Marisa turned to Reimu, now pondering their next steps. Reimu's suggestion pointed them toward the afterworld, an idea that carried its intrigue and potential for information.

Amidst their discussions, Kusa interjected with a light-hearted jest, a reminder of the unexpected twists and turns that their detective work had led them through.


Amid the serene beauty of the afterworld's blooming Sakura Trees, the trio engaged in a discussion with Youmu, seeking answers to the puzzling events that had unfolded. Kusa's inner thoughts wove through the conversation as she reflected on the cause of the flower phenomenon, attributing it to the reaper who had perhaps been neglecting their duties. She inwardly expressed gratitude to the cherry blossom trees for maintaining their calm in this realm, even as she endured the consequences of a certain reaper's actions.

Reimu's surprise at the normalcy of the cherry blossoms resonated through her words, revealing her expectation of the event's pervasive influence.

"The flowers' abnormality hasn't extended to the afterworld. It remains peaceful here," Youmu explained, her knowledge of the overworld's events informing her assessment.

Reimu turned to Youmu with a direct question, her anticipation of finding answers evident. "Do you know what's happening, Youmu?"

Youmu's response was incredulous, her eyebrows raised in disbelief. "You mean to say you haven't figured it out yet? You came here without a clue?"

Kusa interjected, her tone admitting their lack of information. "We're still working on it, though we do have some insights."

A hidden smirk accompanied Kusa's thoughts, suggesting that despite her awareness of the situation, she found amusement in withholding the complete truth. Her motivations for doing so remained known only to her.

Youmu's explanation revealed that her Mistress, Yuyuko, sought a flower view over the world, shedding light on a potential motive behind the event. Meanwhile, Reimu asserted their commitment to continuing the investigation, driven by the need to uncover the truth.

Marisa's suggestion introduced a hint of whimsy into the conversation. "Why don't we join in the flower viewing too?"

With a sense of determination, Reimu emphasized her commitment to unraveling the mystery that had shrouded Gensokyo. "I'm focused on uncovering the truth behind this before anything else."

Acknowledging the conclusion of their investigation in the afterworld, Reimu declared their departure. "Our work here is done. Let's head back."

"Farewell, Youmu!" Reimu offered her parting words.

"Take care, Youmu!" Marisa chimed in with a wave.

Kusa's playful gesture accompanied her farewell. "Best of luck with the preparations!"

As they leave, Youmu's expression shifted from the interaction to the nearly empty lunch boxes before her. "Lady Yuyuko!!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with both frustration and exasperation,


As they soared through the skies towards the mountain, the trio unexpectedly encountered Sakuya, the capable head maid of the Scarlet Mansion.

"Ah, Sakuya," Reimu greeted the silver-haired maid with a nod.

"Sakuya, it's been a while," Kusa added with a smile.

"Marisa and Reimu, I see. Good day to you all," Sakuya responded cordially.

Curious about their purpose, Sakuya inquired, "Are you also engaged in an investigation?"

"Yes, we are," Reimu replied, her tone tinged with a hint of frustration. "However, we haven't been able to find any substantial leads."

Sakuya nodded in sympathy, understanding the challenges they faced. When Marisa questioned whether Sakuya had made any progress, her response was less hopeful.

"Unfortunately, no. I haven't come across any leads either."

Sakuya's perspective took an unexpected turn as she shared her view. "Hypothetically, I don't believe this particular incident necessarily requires immediate resolution."

Curiosity piqued, Reimu probed further. "Why do you say that, Sakuya?"

Kusa's internal frustration, exacerbated by the continuous barrage of information, was palpable, though she wisely chose to keep it to herself.

Sakuya elaborated, "Considering the circumstances, it doesn't appear to pose a significant threat or disruption. It might be a fleeting phenomenon."

While her words were calm, Kusa's inner turmoil contrasted starkly with her composed exterior, driven by the desire to swiftly resolve the issue.

Reimu, still curious, pressed on. "Could you elaborate further?"

As the conversation flowed, Sakuya's cheerful statement about abundant tea ingredients seemed to draw Marisa's skepticism.

"I'm not so sure about that," Marisa chimed in, causing Sakuya to raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Sakuya inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Marisa gestured towards the flowers, her expression shifting to a more serious one. "Take a closer look at these flowers."

Sakuya's attention turned to the flowers, studying them intently. The sight that met her eyes was perplexing – the flowers were moving in an erratic and uncoordinated manner, devoid of any apparent external influence.

"These flowers don't seem to be behaving like regular plants," Sakuya noted, her observation clear and astute.

Suddenly, the focus shifted to Kusa, the tiny grass spirit who had been the source of much intrigue throughout their investigation. Sakuya's gaze fixed on Kusa, an unspoken question hanging in the air.

Kusa felt the weight of the moment as all eyes turned toward her. She pondered rapidly, her mind racing to salvage the situation and provide an answer that would keep the investigation alive.

"Ah, well, you see..." Kusa began, her voice a delicate mixture of thoughtfulness and anticipation. She took a moment to gather her words, her mind racing through her vast knowledge.

"We- Well... these plants aren't obedient to me and they ignore my questions, and because of them, I can't properly communicate with ordinary plants," Kusa explained, offering a plausible explanation for her limited interaction with the flowers.

Sakuya, who had been intrigued by Kusa's earlier revelation, seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. "It seems even you have your limits," she remarked, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes.

Reimu, taking in the information, nodded thoughtfully. "So, it's not that you've been holding back intentionally."

"It seems we'll need to rely on more conventional means," Marisa added, her determination undeterred by this revelation.

Sakuya gracefully acknowledged the situation. "I see... I apologize for taking up your time with my inquiries," she said, playfully integrating a pun that drew a mix of speechlessness from Marisa and giggles from Kusa.

"Sorry, not sorry," Sakuya added with a playful smile before departing.

Marisa raised an eyebrow in response, appreciating the unique sense of humor Sakuya brought to the conversation.

"Seems like she's become a lot more cheerful lately," Kusa mused, observing the departing maid.

"Thanks to you," Reimu acknowledged, knowing that Kusa's efforts had contributed to the positive change in Sakuya's demeanor, which in turn affected the atmosphere at the Scarlet Mansion.

"I just do what feels right," Kusa said with genuine humility, her faith in her actions evident.

Marisa couldn't help but tease. "I don't think you're quite 'normal.'"

Kusa responded with a playful pout. "Well, it's normal by my standards."

With their interaction light and cheerful, the trio resumed their journey through the mountain.


In the tranquil mountains near a serene pond, Marisa, Reimu, and Kusa found themselves taking a well-deserved break. Their efforts in seeking clues had been in vain, leaving them with a sense of frustration and restlessness.

"Can we just enjoy a flower view now? It's been ages since we stumbled upon any leads," Marisa grumbled, her boredom evident.

"Later, Marisa. Have some patience," Reimu replied with a hint of sternness, knowing the magician's penchant for impulsive actions.

Kusa, on the other hand, appreciated the atmosphere. "The breeze up here is refreshing," she noted, a sense of tranquility settling over her.

"Ah, but that's because I'm flapping my wings, creating that breeze," a mischievous voice interjected.

Startled, they all looked up to see a tengu hovering in the sky above them. Aya Shameimaru, the tengu reporter known for her playful nature, was observing them with an amused glint in her eyes.

"Ayaya?" Kusa's voice held a hint of curiosity as she playfully mimicked Aya's signature greeting.

"Ayaya!!" Aya chimed back, her cheerfulness infectious. The two of them shared a lighthearted high-five, a symbol of their camaraderie.

"Aya Shameimaru from Bunbunmaru Newspaper is reporting for duty!" Aya proclaimed with an enthusiastic flair as if she were about to embark on a grand adventure.

Marisa couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the display. "Kusa, I didn't realize you had a close connection with her."

Kusa's expression held a touch of amusement. "It's a rather interesting story," she said, reflecting on how her initial annoyance with Aya had evolved into a genuine friendship over time.

Aya, however, seemed delighted to share the connection. "Indeed! Kusa and I have become quite good friends if I do say so myself."

The conversation took a surprising turn as Aya's mischievous grin returned. "Ah, speaking of connections, I heard a certain rumor about Marisa and Kusa being more than just friends."

Marisa's eyes widened, caught off guard by Aya's words. "Rumored? Well, it's not a rumor when it's true," she retorted, a playful smile dancing on her lips as she looked at Kusa.

Aya's eyes sparkled with excitement, her reporter instincts kicking in. "Oh, how fascinating! Tell me, tell me, I want all the juicy details!"

Kusa let out a resigned sigh. "Aya, it's not some scandalous story. Marisa and I have simply grown close over time."

Aya pouted dramatically, feigning disappointment. "You kept this delightful tidbit from me? How could you!"

"Next time, I'll make sure to share the details, I promise," Kusa's voice held a note of sincerity, her golden eyes meeting Aya's.

Aya's playful expression turned into a mock-serious one. "You better keep that promise! I'll hold you to it."

Kusa chuckled, her demeanor carefree and relaxed. "Sure thing, Aya."

Marisa's curiosity couldn't be contained any longer. "Aya, do you have any insight into why the flowers are everywhere?"

Aya's eyes gleamed with a knowing twinkle. "Ah, the flowers themselves aren't a major concern, but the abundance of spirits and ghosts is quite unprecedented."

The revelation hit Reimu and Marisa like a bolt of lightning, causing both of them to react with startled exclamations.

"So, it's Yuyuko's doing?" Reimu mused, her mind piecing together the puzzle.

Marisa shook her head. "No, it can't be. Youmu would never lie about something like this. She's too straightforward."

Reimu's brow furrowed as she contemplated the situation. "Then what exactly is going on?"

Aya observed the conversation with a raised eyebrow. "It seems you're already forming conclusions, Kusa."

"Maybe the Sanzu River is overflowing~," Kusa playfully added, her tone hinting at a jest while offering a subtle clue.

And just like that, the pieces of the puzzle fell into place for the others.

"That's it!!!" Aya exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with newfound understanding.

"Hmm?!" Kusa pretended to be caught off guard by their sudden realization, her golden eyes dancing with feigned surprise.

"It's the slacker Komachi after all," Reimu stated matter-of-factly, knowing exactly who might be behind this incident.

"No wonder the ghosts are so abundant," Aya said, a hint of disappointment in her voice for not having figured it out sooner despite her keen instincts.

"It makes sense now," Marisa chimed in, her annoyance evident in her voice. "It's always that slacker's fault, isn't it?"

Reimu's determination flared. "Let's find her and put an end to this!"

"I'm tagging along!" Aya declared enthusiastically, ready to dive into the next chapter of the story.


As the group approached the tranquil banks of the Sanzu River, their attention was drawn to a captivating figure leisurely strolling amidst the vibrant scenery. With striking red eyes that seemed to reflect the river's depth, and short pinkish-red hair cascading into two charming pigtails adorned with double hair beads, the girl exuded an air of elegance and otherworldly mystique. Her choice of attire—a pristine white dress accentuated by a sky-blue vest and an obi belt adorned with a sizable coin—underscored a sense of purpose and authority. Most intriguing of all was the slender, wisp-ended scythe she carried, a tool that hinted at her role in the delicate balance between life and death.

Amidst this serene backdrop, the girl, named Komachi, seemed to be relishing the tranquility as she ambled at her own pace. Her red eyes held a hint of contemplation, and her demeanor exuded a sense of calm that belied the chaos that had befallen Gensokyo.

"This many flowers... I think it will be normal soon," Komachi mused aloud, her voice carrying an air of detachment and nonchalance. It was clear she held no immediate intentions to rectify the situation.

However, her moment of solitude was interrupted by the unexpected arrival of Aya, who wasted no time in calling her out. "Seems you're slacking off again, Komachi."

Caught off guard, Komachi's relaxed posture faltered for an instant as she turned her attention to the newcomers. Reimu, Marisa, and Kusa stood before her, their presence a reminder that her leisurely demeanor had not gone unnoticed.

"I assure you, I was just investigating the quantity and distribution of these flowers," Komachi quickly countered, attempting to regain her composure.

"Sure, sure," Reimu responded skeptically, her tone dripping with disbelief. "Investigating, huh?"

Komachi's attempts at evasion were met with a stern glance from Reimu, a gaze that brooked no excuses. It was clear that her reputation for being a less-than-diligent reaper was well known.

As the group exchanged banter, it became evident that Komachi's current demeanor was part of a pattern—a pattern of procrastination and avoidance. Reimu's sharp intuition and Aya's investigative nature left little room for Komachi's attempts to deflect blame.

"Perhaps it's time you got back to work," Kusa chimed in, her voice carrying a playful yet knowing undertone. Perched atop Marisa's hat, she regarded Komachi with a bemused expression, her golden eyes glinting mischievously.

Komachi's gaze lingered on Kusa, an air of intrigue emanating from her as she studied the peculiar being before her. Her curiosity couldn't be contained as she finally voiced the question that had been lingering in her mind.

"Are you one of the souls too?" Komachi inquired her tone a mix of genuine curiosity and probing assessment.

Kusa's response was swift and straightforward, delivered with a serene smile. "Nope, I'm just an ordinary grass that gained sentience."

Komachi's brow furrowed slightly as she processed this answer. The revelation seemed to puzzle her, prompting her to vocalize her thoughts. "You aren't a yokai nor a human, not a god nor a divine being... your existence can be called natural? Like fairies. That's strange..."

Kusa's smile remained unchanged, though a faint hint of awkwardness colored her demeanor. The prolonged scrutiny left her feeling slightly uncomfortable, caught amid Komachi's pondering.

"Okay..." Kusa responded simply, not entirely sure how to address Komachi's assessment of her nature.

Komachi's sigh broke the momentary tension, her exhalation a sign of her resignation. She seemed to accept that she couldn't quite categorize Kusa into any familiar classification.

"I can't tell what kind you are. I give up..." Komachi admitted, a note of defeat in her voice as she acknowledged the mystery of Kusa's existence.

Sensing the conversation's direction coming to an end, Kusa couldn't help but feel relieved. However, before the atmosphere could become too awkward, Komachi swiftly shifted gears.

With a casual gesture, Komachi motioned for them to depart, her demeanor switching from curiosity to duty. "I'll do my job, so shoo~"

"That's strange..." Aya chimed in, her knowledge of Komachi's usual behavior contrasting with the scene they had just witnessed.

Reimu's voice held a hint of incredulity as she murmured, "Such a rare event indeed." The departure from Komachi's usual demeanor was certainly an unexpected turn of events.

Marisa, true to her playful nature, added a light-hearted quip. "Maybe she isn't Komachi," she teased, earning herself a pointed glare from the reaper herself.

"I heard you!" Komachi retorted, her retort laced with a touch of annoyance.

Kusa, ever the instigator of mischief, interjected with a mischievous suggestion. "I guess talking is still necessary... let's go home!"


Kusa, now in her adult form, wandered among the gravestones, her curiosity piqued by the possibility of discovering peculiar devices in the area. "Rinnosuke said that sometimes weird devices can be seen in the area..." she mused aloud, her eagerness evident as she envisioned taking these odd findings to the Kappa for their expertise in modification.

As she explored, a sense of tranquility enveloped her, and she took a moment to reflect. "Though this area seems peaceful enough, it's nice to finally settle down," Kusa remarked, her gaze shifting towards a particularly mysterious violet cherry blossom. She engaged in a silent conversation with the flower, a moment of quiet connection amidst the surrounding calm.

Unexpectedly, a voice broke the stillness. "It seems you aren't affected by the violet cherry blossoms," the voice observed. Kusa turned her attention to the source of the words, finding herself face-to-face with a person of notable presence.

The newcomer possessed a regal aura, with blue eyes that held a depth of wisdom and green hair that cascaded gracefully, longer on one side. Her attire, a harmonious blend of dark blue, black, and white, was adorned with intricate gold decorations, accentuating the balanced design. A hat, adorned with a gold symbol on the front and a red and white bow on the back, completed her ensemble. In her hand, she held a rod of judgment, a symbol of her role.

Kusa's voice was barely a whisper as she murmured the name that resonated through the air. "The Yama..."

Eiki Shiki, the embodiment of cosmic judgment, acknowledged the recognition with a nod and drew closer to Kusa. Her words held a certain weight, carrying an air of profound observation and insight. "How to describe it... Your existence is like the sun and the world," Eiki began, her voice measured and contemplative. "You shine upon everything without discrimination, casting your light upon all. And you bear the weight of everything without questioning."

Kusa's features tightened as Eiki's words seemed to penetrate through her very being, as if laying bare the core of her nature. The silent exchange continued, and Kusa found herself entranced by Eiki's presence.

Eiki's discerning gaze seemed to unravel Kusa's essence further. "You are inherently selfless," she continued, her tone unwavering. "You follow a path you believe to be right, without concern for personal gain or recognition."

Kusa remained silent, absorbing the evaluation she was receiving. Eiki's perception cut through her layers, revealing the truths that lay hidden beneath her actions.

"But," Eiki's voice shifted, and Kusa sensed a deeper resonance in her words. "At the same time, you distance yourself from others. You prioritize their well-being, often at the expense of your own."

"The souls of the beings you've encountered, you've guided them to me, haven't you?" Eiki's voice held a somber note, acknowledging the weight of Kusa's actions. "You've become accustomed to the toll, yet your compassion has endured, compelling you to do what you deem right."

Eiki's words carried a heavy truth, delving into the darkness that Kusa had faced, the battles she had fought, and the toll it had taken on her psyche. She spoke of the potential descent into darkness, the shadows that might have engulfed her after enduring such trials. The concept of a fractured mind and a nihilistic perspective loomed over their conversation.

"Yet, you've chosen to contain those emotions, to shield yourself from the abyss," Eiki continued, her voice conveying a sense of empathy. "You've walked the edge, skirting the precipice of despair, and you've devoted yourself to aiding others more than you realize."

Kusa's gaze remained fixed on Eiki, her emotions swirling as she absorbed Eiki's words. The depths of her experiences and the choices she had made were being laid bare before her.

"Remember, it's okay to shed tears," Eiki's voice softened, offering a gentle reassurance. "You've borne the weight of karma upon your shoulders for so long, and you've surpassed what could reasonably be expected."

Kusa's composure finally wavered as tears welled up, tracing down her cheeks. The emotional release she had withheld for so long finally found its release.

In an unexpected gesture, Eiki drew Kusa into a comforting embrace, enfolding her in a sense of solace and comprehension. Kusa's tears flowed freely as she leaned into the embrace, granting herself permission to express the pent-up emotions that had long been suppressed.


Sometimes you just need a hug and a nod for your life achievements...

Kusa's usual prank aftermath: a bunch of fruits. Surprisingly helpful, right?

Kusa's impact is real – most folks she meets end up changed in some way.

Kusa's view: maybe I'm in the grey zone, but look, I unintentionally made things better.

Fixing homes, reinforcing human village, you know, just casual plant activities.

Oh, and she's the reason Hakurei Shrine is suddenly trending. Also, cherry blossom wines, anyone?

Just Kusa doing Kusa things.

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