Grass Story

Chapter 10: The Afterlife.

Within the confines of the Hakurei Shrine, a cozy scene unfolded. Marisa and Reimu sat beneath the kotatsu, seeking refuge from the cold winter chill. Meanwhile, Kusa perched atop the table, sipping on a warm cup of tea. The camaraderie between them was palpable, a shared understanding of the season's prolonged presence.

Marisa's voice broke the comfortable silence as she voiced the sentiment on everyone's mind, "Why does winter take so long to fade?"

Reimu's response held a tinge of resignation, "I don't know why, but it seems like another incident has taken hold."

A knock at the door disrupted their conversation, and Reimu invited the visitor in. Sakuya, the silver-haired maid, entered with a sense of urgency in her demeanor.

Kusa's perceptive gaze fell upon Sakuya as she spoke the maid's name, her curiosity piqued by this unexpected visit. Sakuya's explanation followed, revealing that her mistress, Remilia Scarlet, had fallen ill due to the harsh cold. The cause of her ailment seemed to be related to the excessive time spent playing in the snow with her younger sister.

Sakuya's gaze shifted toward Marisa and Reimu, and she revealed her request for assistance. Marisa's energy surged as she sprang up from her seat, a newfound enthusiasm igniting within her. "Count me in! I've had my fair share of trouble due to the snow."

Reimu, though initially reluctant to leave the warmth of the kotatsu, resolved to fulfill her role as a shrine maiden. "As a shrine maiden, I naturally need to help."

Sakuya's expression conveyed her gratitude for their willingness to aid her. With a sense of purpose and unity, the trio prepared to venture into the cold to address the incident that had plagued Remilia. Marisa's eagerness was palpable as she rallied them all, "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Marisa seized Kusa and her broom, taking to the skies with a swift flight. The cold air rushed around them as they soared through the wintry landscape. In their wake, Sakuya and Reimu exchanged glances, sharing a mutual understanding before they too launched into flight, determined to catch up to Marisa.

Together, they navigated the aerial path leading toward the opening of the netherworld, their goal looming before them. However, their journey was briefly halted by an unexpected interruption. A small ice bullet materialized in their path, halting their progress.

The sprite known as Cirno emerged, her presence both surprising and oddly serene. Her voice carried a hint of lightheartedness as she addressed them, "I just want to say hello. You can continue on your way now."

Kusa, intrigued by this atypical encounter, voiced her thoughts, "Hmm? That's quite rare..."

Cirno's explanation followed, shedding light on her decision. The bitter cold had affected everyone, leaving Cirno's pranks without their usual impact. With a belief that Kusa and her companions would be able to resolve the issue at hand, Cirno granted them passage without conflict.

Reimu's response was one of cautious acceptance, "Okay?"

With the momentary detour behind them, they pressed forward, Cirno's words echoing in their thoughts. The journey continued, but a question lingered in the air. Kusa, ever the curious spirit, couldn't resist asking, "Do you know where the source of this disturbance is?"

Silence settled around them, a void of knowledge that remained unfilled. Kusa's disappointment was palpable as she remarked, "So you don't know... figures."

Marisa's voice chimed in, her pragmatism evident, "Isn't that what we're here to investigate, after all? Finding the source without any leads?"

Kusa's frustration was evident in her reply, "A very useless investigation, then."

Reimu's voice carried a note of reassurance, "Don't worry, we might just bump into the perpetrator."

Kusa's response was tinged with a touch of hope, "I hope so..."

Their flight carried them through the frosty expanse, the wintry landscape spread out beneath them. Suddenly, a swift and unexpected projectile whizzed past, narrowly missing Reimu.

Startled, Reimu's voice carried a tone of suspicion, "Who's there?"

Emerging from the snowy surroundings, a girl revealed herself. Lavender eyes gazed intently, framed by curly lavender hair. Her attire consisted of a blue and white dress adorned with a golden lapel resembling the alchemical symbol for silver. A white cap crowned her head, and a nearly transparent cape trailed behind her. Her lips bore a shade of white lipstick.

Kusa identified her without hesitation, "Letty Whiterock, a Yuki-onna."

Letty's voice was charged with accusation, "Kusa!!! Do you think I'll forget what happened last winter?!!"

Marisa interjected with concern, "What did you do to her?"

Kusa's explanation was candid and unapologetic, "She entered my trap, and I forcibly fed her some chili. I was curious to see if she'd melt."

Reimu's suspicion deepened as she connected the dots, "Maybe she's the perpetrator behind the incident!"

Sakuya's response was more direct, her knives materializing in her hands as a subtle threat, "I see... then make the winter fade, or else."

The tension in the air was palpable as Letty was seemingly cornered, her protestation quick to follow, "Wait!!! I'm not the one responsible for this incident!"

Kusa's pragmatic suggestion broke through the confrontation, her words tinged with mischief, "I think you guys should subdue her, just in case."

Letty's voice surged with a mix of anger and frustration, her accusation aimed squarely at Kusa, "KUSA!!! You'll pay for this!!!"



Reimu's gaze narrowed thoughtfully as she observed Letty's demeanor, "It seems she isn't the perpetrator..."

Kusa, with a knowing grin, chimed in, "Surprisingly, she isn't."

Marisa, finding amusement in Kusa's mischievous response, reached out to ruffle Kusa's hair affectionately


The group found themselves enveloped in a thick fog, their surroundings obscured and unfamiliar.

"Where are we?" Reimu questioned, her brows furrowed in confusion.

Marisa's voice carried a sense of curiosity, "This seems rare..."

Sakuya's analytical tone offered some insight, "It appears we are on the edge of the Barrier."

Kusa's sharp observation broke through the mist, her voice holding a hint of excitement, "There's a village over there!"

Marisa's attention shifted, her eyes narrowing as she took in the sight before them, "And is that a girl?"

The figure in question emerged from the haze, revealing dark orange eyes and brown hair. She sported a distinctive green mob cap and possessed cat ears, with an intriguing pair of tails. Her attire, a blend of red and light pink adorned with gold trimming, added to her unique appearance. Notably, her long red fingernails caught their attention.

Reimu's knowledge came to the forefront, "Isn't that the shikigami of Ran?"

Sakuya's assessment provided further context, "It seems we've intruded upon their territory."

Without warning, the atmosphere shifted as Chen, the shikigami, initiated an attack. However, Kusa's swift response utilized her control over the plants, effortlessly immobilizing Chen with entangling roots.

Chen's voice carried a hint of frustration, "Ugh... I can't move..."

Kusa offered an apology, her urgency evident, "Sorry about that, but we're in a hurry. We didn't mean to intrude."

With their purpose clear, the group departed, leaving Chen ensnared by the persistent roots.

Chen's plea echoed after them, "Don't leave me here!!!"


As the group continued their journey through the enigmatic landscape, they unexpectedly encountered Alice.

Alice's voice carried a mixture of surprise and curiosity, "Oh... where are you guys heading to?"

Marisa's response held a tinge of uncertainty, "To tell you the truth... we don't know."

A moment of silence followed, and then Alice's tone shifted, her disbelief evident, "Is that a joke?"

Sakuya's response was straightforward, "Unfortunately no..."

Alice's frustration became apparent as she facepalmed in exasperation.

"Seriously?!" Alice's incredulous voice rang out.

She quickly composed herself and offered a potential solution, "I heard ghosts can be seen appearing in the location over there, so I hope it will help you guys..."

Marisa's gratitude was sincere, her words carrying a sense of relief, "Thank you very much, Alice..."

Alice's demeanor shifted once more as she expressed an unexpected desire, "I want to fight you, Reimu..."

Reimu's response was a mix of surprise and skepticism, "Eh?! Why?"

Alice's reason remained enigmatic, "I just want to."

After a moment's consideration, Reimu conceded, her voice tinged with resignation, "Fine..."

As they continued on their way following Alice's hint, Marisa noticed Kusa peacefully sleeping.

"Kusa?" Marisa called out softly, a smile forming on her lips. She gently poked Kusa's face, finding amusement in her peaceful slumber.

Reimu's voice broke the momentary silence, "Marisa... Do you like Kusa?"

Sakuya's presence added to the teasing, "Even I had the same question."

Marisa's reaction was immediate and defensive, her flustered response accompanied by a raised voice, "Me?! N- Not at all!"

Reimu's playful skepticism was evident, "Sure... someone will believe you."

Marisa's denial grew more emphatic, her voice tinged with frustration, "I don't!!!"

Sakuya's deadpan observation only fueled the banter, "Very convincing."

Marisa's exasperation was palpable as she repeated herself, "As I said, I don't!!!"


Amid their flight, a sudden barrage of dense flower bullets materialized in their path, forcing the group to deftly maneuver and dodge the incoming projectiles. The onslaught ceased as quickly as it had begun, and the mysterious assailant vanished without a word.

Reimu's voice broke the momentary silence, her confusion evident, "What just happened?"

Marisa echoed the sentiment, "I don't know..."

Sakuya, ever analytical, added, "I'm not sure either."

Kusa, who had just awakened from her slumber, chimed in with a casual tone, "She's Lily White, the herald of spring."

Kusa continued, explaining, "She likes to throw bullets as a way to announce the arrival of spring."

Reimu's curiosity was piqued, "But why does she do that?"

Kusa's admission was candid, "I don't know the exact reason..."

Marisa couldn't resist a playful jab, "Just like Reimu."

Reimu protested, slightly flustered, "Huh?! I'm not that unreasonable!"

Sakuya's observation added to the amusement, "Now that you've mentioned it, it's quite true..."

Reimu's frustration was palpable, "Shut up!"


Sakuya's sharp observation didn't go unnoticed as she identified the entrance to their destination. A sudden ripple in the air revealed the presence of a ghostly apparition, but Reimu swiftly intervened, dispelling the specter with a decisive attack.

"Let's not linger here, it's freezing," Reimu urged, prompting the group to hasten their pace and enter the invisible ripple.

Emerging on the other side, they found themselves surrounded by the vibrant sights of spring, with cherry blossoms adorning every corner. Marisa's deduction seemed confirmed – they had indeed reached the heart of the unnatural winter.

Sakuya's determination remained unwavering, "Let's not waste any more time. We must head straight for the source."

Reimu concurred, her resolve matching Sakuya's, "Agreed."

Their path led them to a trio of girls, each wielding a distinct musical instrument – a trumpet, a keyboard, and a violin.

Lyrica, the trumpet player, addressed the intruders with a hint of defiance, "It seems they're here to halt our concert."

Merlin, the keyboardist, inquired further, "What business do you have here?"

Reimu's response was direct, "We're here to retrieve what was stolen from us."

Merlin's voice remained firm, "I'm afraid we can't comply. The concert is set to proceed as planned, per the requester's wishes."

Lunasa, the violinist, chimed in with a sense of inevitability, "It seems we'll need to remove you from the premises."

Sakuya swiftly took charge of the situation, assigning roles to her companions in the heat of the moment. Her instructions were clear: Reimu was to engage the girl in the red dress, while Marisa would confront the one in black.

"Reimu, you take the red-dressed one, and Marisa, you handle the black-dressed one," Sakuya directed with a tone of authority.

Reimu and Marisa responded in unison, their determination evident in their voices, "Yes!"

Meanwhile, amidst the urgency of the impending battle, Kusa found herself momentarily overwhelmed. The influx of information and the complexities of the situation required her to close her eyes, seeking solace in a moment of introspection. The details swirled within her mind, demanding time to process and strategize before she fully committed herself to the forthcoming encounter. As her eyes shut, she focused inwardly, gathering her thoughts and harnessing her innate connection with the natural world.


As the group soared through the air, their recent victory over the Prismriver sisters still fresh in their minds, they encountered yet another intriguing figure. This time, it was a girl with an air of grace and an aura of determination. Her dark blue eyes held a firm gaze as she stood before them, her silver hair catching the glint of light. Adorned with a katana bearing a delicate cherry blossom insignia and a wakizashi at her side, her attire blended the elegance of tradition with a touch of modernity. The dark green and white dress she wore featured ghostly insignias that adorned the edges and pockets, and her ensemble was completed by white stockings and black Mary Jane shoes.

"Stop!" she commanded, her voice carrying a sense of authority.

Sakuya, ever the composed and capable one, took charge of the situation. She made a swift decision, instructing her companions to proceed while she dealt with this new challenger.

"You two go ahead... I'll take care of her," she declared.

Reimu and Marisa shared a glance, acknowledging Sakuya's directive. Without hesitation, they nodded in agreement and resumed their journey, leaving Sakuya to confront the silver-haired girl.

However, the interaction took an unexpected turn as the girl attempted to draw her katana, only to be thwarted by an unseen force. A knife materialized in her path, forcing her to parry the unexpected attack. This allowed Reimu and Marisa to continue onward while Sakuya remained engaged in a unique battle of her own.

"I hope Mistress won't lecture me for this," the silver-haired girl muttered, a mixture of apprehension and resolve in her voice.

"Don't worry about it, Youmu. Just tell her I battled you," Sakuya replied calmly.

Despite the situation, Youmu's frustration was evident. She voiced her reluctance, finding the situation less than ideal.

"Battling you isn't easy at all!!" she exclaimed, her irritation apparent.

Sakuya, undeterred, continued to face her with unwavering determination. She conjured six knives between her fingers, each blade reflecting her expertise and confidence.

"You can't say no until you've reached the end," Sakuya responded with a sense of conviction.

"That makes no sense at all!!" Youmu retorted, exasperated by the enigmatic exchange.


As Marisa and Reimu arrived at the site of the giant tree, they were met with a mesmerizing sight. Standing before them was a girl with maroon eyes and short wavy pink hair. She was surrounded by several small, formless ghosts, one of which carried a cherry blossom twig. Her attire consisted of a light blue and white kimono with dark blue trim, and a blue mob cap adorned her head, featuring a hitaikakushi adorned with a red ghost insignia.

Reimu wasted no time in getting to the point, addressing the girl directly.

"Can you give the spring essence back?" she inquired, her voice resolute.

Yuyuko, the girl before them, responded with an air of nonchalance.

"Later, until I've used it," she replied casually, a hint of mystery in her tone.

Marisa, however, couldn't help but notice something amiss. Her attention was drawn to Kusa, who was situated on the ground near the tree, seemingly engrossed in her activities.

"Kusa, what are you doing?!" Marisa exclaimed, her curiosity piqued.

Kusa's response was simple yet enigmatic.

"Nothing... this tree just challenged me to a duel, so I will give it one," she stated calmly.

Before anyone could react, Kusa vanished from sight, her presence melding with the natural surroundings. As if responding to her actions, vines began to creep out from the earth, snaking their way toward the giant tree that stood before them.

With surprising force and determination, the vines wrapped themselves around the tree, their tight grip accompanied by audible cracks as the wood creaked under pressure. Every inch of the tree's surface became adorned with vibrant shades of green as the vines enveloped it.

The display left Yuyuko, Reimu, and Marisa in a state of awe and disbelief. Yuyuko, in particular, was taken aback by the ease with which Kusa had managed to overcome the supposedly powerful tree.

"The tree is supposed to be powerful, even in its sealed state. Yet she easily destroyed it," Yuyuko mused, her astonishment evident.

Just as quickly as it had begun, the spectacle came to an end. Kusa reappeared, causing the vines to retreat beneath the earth. The tree, now severely damaged, bore the scars of the recent encounter.

Kusa approached the tree once more, her presence seemingly having a transformative effect. As she drew near, a sense of vitality emanated from her, and the tree responded in kind. In a breathtaking display of nature's magic, the tree began to rejuvenate before their eyes. Blossoms burst forth, their delicate petals unfurling to reveal a stunning array of colors.

The once-damaged tree now stood in full bloom, radiating an aura of vitality and life. Kusa's connection to the natural world facilitated a wondrous transformation, turning the scene from one of destruction to one of renewal.

"It's a yokai, but I beat it up so badly that it became very docile," Kusa explained, her voice carrying a sense of triumph. "I gave it a second chance, and now it's become my subordinate."

Yuyuko's gaze shifted between Kusa and the tree, a mix of surprise and curiosity evident on her face. Kusa's ability to not only defeat the powerful yokai but also transform it into a loyal follower spoke volumes about her unique connection to the natural world.

With a sense of accomplishment, Kusa announced, "I've collected all the spring essence. Let's go home now."

Her attention turned towards Yuyuko, a serious look in her eyes. "I won't tell you what's under it; you can ask your friend."

With her mission accomplished and the essence reclaimed, Kusa wasted no time in making her intentions clear.

"Let's go home," she declared, leaping gracefully onto Marisa's lap.

Marisa's response reflected the whirlwind of events that had transpired. "This happened so fast that it's confusing..."

Reimu, ever pragmatic, embraced the situation with a sense of determination.

"I guess it can't be helped. Let's go!" she declared, her resolve unwavering.

However, Yuyuko's voice cut through the excitement, bringing forth a crucial piece of information.

"Wait, Reimu," Yuyuko interjected, causing Reimu to pause. "Hmm?"

Yuyuko continued, revealing her connection to the boundary between life and death.

"The boundary between life and death is loosened by Yukari because I requested it. You can tell her that you want to fix it," she offered, her words carrying a sense of responsibility.

Reimu acknowledged the information, a nod of gratitude exchanged between them.

"Okay," Reimu agreed, her tone reflecting her understanding of the task at hand.

Just then, Sakuya appeared, her timely arrival marking a fitting conclusion to their journey.

"It's finished?" Sakuya inquired about her presence a testament to her efficiency.

Marisa chimed in with appreciation, giving credit where credit was due.

"Marisa: Yup! It's all thanks to Kusa," Marisa acknowledged, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Reimu, however, brought them back to the pressing matter at hand, reminding them of the task that still lay ahead.

"Reimu: But we need to convince Yukari to fix the boundary..." Reimu's voice held a mixture of determination and resignation, a sentiment shared by all.

A collective sigh swept through the group, a moment of shared understanding and acceptance.

Kusa's voice broke the silence, offering a practical suggestion for their next step.

"I think you can go towards where the cat Yokai we fought earlier. That seems to be where her house is," Kusa suggested, her tone thoughtful.

Marisa questioned Kusa's absence from their continued journey.

"You're not coming with us, Kusa?" Marisa's curiosity was evident, a genuine concern for her friend's well-being.

Kusa's response was calm and straightforward, her desire for solitude palpable.

"Nope, I just want to rest and process the things that happened," she explained, her voice carrying a sense of introspection.

Accepting Kusa's decision, Marisa nodded in agreement.

"Okay... You should just come down when we exit the nether," Marisa suggested, understanding and supportive.

Kusa's affirmation was met with a nod, signaling her agreement.

"Fine by me," Kusa replied, her tone indicating her contentment with the arrangement.

As the group prepared to depart, Yuyuko bid them farewell with a cheerful wave.

"Bye-bye!" Yuyuko's voice carried warmth as she watched the four figures fade into the distance.

Left alone, Yuyuko turned her attention to another presence that had joined her.

"I'm back," Youmu's voice held a note of exhaustion as she rejoined her mistress.

Yuyuko noticed Youmu's struggle to stand, a hint of concern in her tone.

"Welcome back... Why are you struggling to stand up?" Yuyuko's gaze narrowed in worry.

Youmu's response revealed the source of her discomfort, prompting a mix of surprise and amusement.

"Sakuya is very harsh..." Youmu's words were tinged with both exasperation and a hint of admiration.

Yuyuko's attempt to complete Youmu's sentence was cut short by the appearance of a knife, embedding itself in her fan.

Yuyuko's response was a mixture of amusement and resignation.

"Did you tell her that she is fl—" Yuyuko tried to joke but she stopped as she felt something is amiss.

The unspoken word hung in the air, the tension broken by the sound of the knife striking its target.

A moment of silence passed, punctuated only by the presence of the knife.

"Yes..." Youmu's confession was followed by a soft sigh.

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