Grand Slam

Chapter 41

Bradenton Open # 2

“Practice is available on coat 10. ”

The middle-aged wife met marble and Jinhee at the reception.

I answered that marble and Jinhee knew and went to Court 10.

“You know, it’s… it’s pretty relaxed. ”

Jinhee mutters next to her.

As Jinhee said, the court was calm and relaxed.

Residents who had opened up their stalls and sold their food, and came to play as a family, smiled and had a picnic. I’d spread my mattress around and talk about it.

“It’s kind of like an event or a festival for locals. ”

Finally, the two of them arrived at Court 10.

The air suddenly became heavier, as if the city of Braidenton itself had been split in two, bounding the coat.

Nevertheless, they both made a simple stretch and got into their coats and started with the minigame.

Mini games are aimed at using only half of your coat to move lightly and unwind.

So I warmed up for about 5 minutes and retreated back to the baseline, giving and receiving the Forhand and Backhand rallies lightly, raising my condition. As Coach Choi Young-tae said, the exhausted body gradually revitalized and the timing began to accelerate.


The rally became fiercer as the race grew faster.

However, marble and Jinhee continued the rally for five minutes without any difficulty.

I did not focus on the course because it was not a match, so I did not have to rush.

Participants who were warming up in a similar way around you glanced at your coat 10 times.

It was because it was obvious that men often practice hybrids among men and women often.


I heard whistling somewhere.

No matter how practiced, someone was amazed by the constant rally.

Rally changed as the quartz lifted the ball.


When the marble lifted the robe, Jinhee lightly smashed the smash like catchball, and repeatedly floated the marble again. Jinhee put a smash like that 10 times and this time she floated a robe to the marble. The quartz also shrugged his shoulders.

“Phew… It’s almost time for the contest, so let’s stop. ”

The quartz grabs the ball and approaches the net and talks to Jinhee. Jinhee nods and circles the net to the coat of marble. Then they go to the bench, tidy up their bags, and watch the players closely.

“As expected… everyone’s doing well. Right?”

“I don’t think there’s anyone better than you. ”

He smiled and said that he was trying to boost Jinhee’s morale. I didn’t forget to stroke Jinhee’s head.

“Speak well…. ”

Jinhee replied, enjoying the touch of marble like a cat.

Players, please proceed to your assigned coats.

At that time, he announced the start of the match on the speaker, and Baek Seoin and Jinhee made eye contact and encouraged each other.

“Good luck.”


* * *

“Braidenton Open 1st Round, Match 3 Set. Quartz Lee and Jason Mayer start the match. ”

When the name of the rock is mentioned on the speaker, the rock rises to its senses after a brief glimpse of the sky. It was a light gesture that felt less burdensome.

“Quartz Fight!!! ”

The spectators stood around their coats cheering for the athletes because it was not a good facility such as a staircase seat. The quartz turns its head in the direction of hearing Mother’s voice. I can clearly see the facial muscles and cold sweat of my parents smiling at marble before the match. However, he smiled refreshingly and entered his coat as if trying to blow off the burden.

‘The contest is always thrilling… but I’m not freaking out today. ’

The poplitude was a little dull, and I felt a slight tingling of the urine. And when the sensation of the thighs felt dull, the rock patted the thighs with a racket. This level of tension is a positive signal.

I was scolded by Young-tae Choi, but after years of experience, marble already knows how to handle tension.

‘At that time, I was worried, not nervous…… ’

The rock shakes its head and stares at the other.

Although it is difficult to guess age as a Westerner, he may not be as experienced or as experienced as he is in Futures.

Jason Mayer? Never heard of it ’

He was a tennis player in his previous life, so he had memorized at least the top 50 players. There was no name for this fighter.

‘Well, except Roger Featheror Raphael Nadal, Novak Jokovich and Andy Murray, not many players remember. It’s useless to remember.’

Then four balls came through my coat. It’s a contest.

Quartz naturally sub-practiced twice in Duscot and twice in Adcot.

The opponent also naturally returns with a racket. It is an extension of the exercise with Jinhee by lightly relaxing before the match.

After practicing the quartz sub, the quartz handed over four balls lightly. Because the opponent has to serve.

‘Oh…! ’

When I saw the opponent receiving the ball as a racket, I was amazed at the marble.

It reminds me that I’ve been doing it since I was little. It can also be seen with the minor operation of handling rackets. For example, when the ball is received by a racket, like just now, the ball that is mounted on the racket rests still without any movement is proof that the ball touch sensation is good. It means that the racket is treated like the palm of your hand. It is said to have a high affinity for rackets and public relations. This is the sensation that you have to start tennis at least before you turn ten to get used to it. If you have this, you can wait for a short time to change your course or religion.

‘You didn’t come out as a foam either… ’

At the end of the opponent’s service, marble, opponent, and referee are gathered on the net.

Closer to home, Jason Mayer looks pretty young before and after he’s 20.

“Head or Tail? ”

The referee cut off the notion of marble and asked.

The quartz responded coldly.


The referee looks at the opponent. It is a question of whether to agree or not.

The opposing Pokémon nods and the referee flips a coin. The coin that fell on the ground was the front.

It meant the subdomain of marble.

The referee shook hands with the players and went up to the referee. The quartz and the opponent shake hands.

“Good luck.”


The matchmaker threw the match to the marble who had dropped back to the baseline after saying good-bye. That ball you gave me, that’s four. A stone bounced off the ground skillfully, picking out two balls and throwing them behind the coat. Place one of the two picks in your pocket. And I looked him in the eye. The referee nods and opens his mouth.

“Quartz Lee, Service Play. ”

* * *

‘This is the moment. ’

The serenity and silence of the orchestra’s conductor when the baton strikes to announce the beginning of the song, the stone that stands in the dusky court to serve the ball on the ground makes a smile satisfied with the grimace and joy of stabbing its spine.

Even the slightly looser crowd concentrates at this point. The moment when a player prepares a serve for the start of the game.


Simple sounds spread the wavelength of tension indefinitely.


Quartz tossed the ball high (the motion of throwing a handheld ball into the air to serve).

Now, even if you close your eyes and toss, you can always put the ball in the same position.

Flat, Slice, Topspin… Each sub has a different position of the toss, but can always be the same without one tooth error. Pina is the result of practice.

“Hehe!! ”

As the toasty ball reaches its optimal position, it squeezes the stone’s mouth and sounds like groaning.

As the energy drawn from the Achilles tendon of the hind paw (left foot) settles on the hips and waist past the calf and thigh, the rock twists and throws the raised head of the racket behind its back. Then, in a split second, he unwinds and swings his arm like a whip.


You hear a strange sound as air passes through the gurt in the racket. The sub-movement of quartz is slowly engraved into everyone’s eyes. The timing to unwind, the timing to swing the racket, and the ball are crushed by the racket. At the moment of impact, the internal rotation starting from the shoulders becomes increasingly large with the elbows and wrists.


At the same time as a massive thrust, the body of a rock that was floating in the air rushes towards the net like a shield.

There is no need to check the ball.


The opponent hasn’t been playing tennis with foam either.

The serving of marble is just about average. This is how I return it.


On the contrary, the return flew with a hunch of marble. However, these endless returns are easy prey for marble that has already reached the front of the net.


With a clean Balinese stab through the open space, Jason Mayer was unable to react.

“Fifteen Love (15: 0)! ”

The dry voice of the referee rings his coat and says, “Nice!! ’I am impressed. It is the voice of my parents that I have heard all my life.

‘Good start. ’

* * *

“Sounds good.”

Lee Hyun-woo and Hanminji talk in the audience. It is a good understanding of the process by which quartz takes a point.

Next to them, a wealthy couple in sunglasses was talking.

“Dad, Fifteen? What’s” love “? ”

A child who looks about five or six naturally asks.

The challenge to getting to know tennis for the first time is the score.

While it was the quickest way to learn how to score your own matches, his father kindly replied.

“Say one point is fifteen, 15, two points are thirty, 30, and three points are forty, 40, and the first one to get four points wins. ”

“15… 30……. Why 40 instead of 45? ”

“It’s hard to pronounce. Try 45: 30. ”

“Forty five! ”

The child said as if nothing was difficult.

“Come on, say 40: 30. ”

“Poti Certi. ”

“Easier, right? ”

“… I think so……. ”

The child did not fully understand, but once his father said so, he nodded.

“Love? Why not zero? ”

Lee Hyun-woo and Hanminji who were still listening flinched.

It’s because they have used it regularly and they don’t know exactly.

“Doesn’t zero look like an egg? ”

“Mmm-hmm. ”

“I ‘oeuf is an egg in France. That’s what changed to English and became” love. “”

The Hanminji and Lee Hyun-woo who were listening were surprised at the man’s consciousness, but not the child.

“Hard. It’s not funny. ”

The three adults smiled for the child’s reaction.

* * *

“Poti Surty (40: 30), set point. ”

Quartz recalled the score as he walked to the ad court.

5: 3, right? You lost three games. ’

Jason Mayer was not as good a fighter as he expected.

It was the level of players who always played at the academy, plain American tennis on the right hand.

‘One set didn’t have any aces. ’

For the advantages of being left-handed, sub and forehand, which had to be sacrificed a little bit, were elevated at the end of their efforts by the pina of quartz, but only to the average age of the player. Anyone who has played tennis for about the same amount of time can react.

‘But… this has never failed me today. ’


As the restraints were not great, an extremely high quartz flat sub was plugged in like a machine.

And the quartz rushed to the front of the net just as it had been so far.

In the eyes of such a marble, Jason Mayer’s furious face appeared. It is because nothing is as miserable as being constantly subjected to the same precepts.


This was the intense return of Jason Mayer’s handwriting.


The ball rushes towards the rushing marble body, and the marble spits out irritably.


If I had an incomprehensible touch ability like Jinhee, I couldn’t finish it with a single touch of marble. Barnstone’s Bali flies to Jason Mayer as he expected, and Jason Mayer crouches as if to repay his disgrace so far.

‘How hard can I hit you…. ’

The marble focused on its eyes.

I was not nervous because I believed that I would be caught in his eyes no matter how fast.


‘Lob’ ……! ’

In the lobe, there are defensive robes that strike deep and high to buy time while avoiding the opponent’s attack, and aggressive robes that plunge points or confuse the opponent by poking the opponent in front of the net. In the case of quartz, the Sub & Bali strategy did not enter Bali properly, and Jason Mayer’s crouched movements made him bluff as much as he expected intense strokes. Jason Mayer ran to Nate as soon as he floated the robe, calculating that the quartz might get the ball.

‘Clearly, it’s across the baseline. I’ve never used it before and now I’m using it… I don’t know anything else… ’

For a moment, he turned around and began to chase after the ball.

“My legs are the best legs. ’

As the marble leaps, elasticity pours out from the audience.

The marble stops breathing and hurls forward at an incredible rate. Later, the quartz locks the ball in front of his eyes and swings the racket between his crotch with his coat facing away.


The ball shot through the jaw of a marble with a light thrust killed Jason Meier twice.

It was Rob. Jason Mayer struggles to get to the front of the net, staring blankly at the ball rolling behind him.

“Yippee!! ”

“Come on!!!! ”

The whistling and clapping of the crowd, and the “Come on! () ‘At the sound, marble laughed.

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