Grand Admiral

Chapter 37: Chapter 35 - With Friends Like These...

Chapter 35. With Friends Like These...

Here's another huge chunk of translated letters for you folks. Enjoy reading)

Nine years, five months, and thirty-third day after the Battle of Yavin...

Or the forty-fourth year, five months and thirty-third day after the Great Resynchronization.

I wonder if anyone needs a bed and furniture that was created specifically for Palpatine? I would give it away - for a small price.

Because sleeping on this semblance of an airy, absolutely soft, in every sense pliable bed is simply... Horrible.

I woke up with pain and aches all over my body, as if I had fallen asleep sitting up. I can't imagine how a normal person can get enough sleep. However, I had no intention of using Palpatine's quarters in Mount Tantiss anymore.

Too luxurious. Too... pampered, or something. On board the Chimaera I enjoyed the barracks hospitality familiar from my past life and more... customary, or something.

One way or another, the incident in the Throne Room of the complex only proved the fact that I had defined for myself as a taboo almost immediately: cloning Force-sensitive sentient beings does not lead to anything good. I was forced to create a clone of Luke Skywalker - to test the theory that only the murder of a man with the face of Darth Vader's son would save Mara Jade from Palpatine's last order. This technique worked in the events of the «Thrawn Trilogy» known to me, so I simply had to test its functionality in my reality. I need Mara Jade without - cockroaches in her head. - And this fact should have tied her to me even more strongly, making her if not completely loyal, then certainly not hostile or neutral.

As the old proverb goes, which my sergeant liked to repeat back when he was doing his military service in the valiant Soviet Navy: - There is no worse enemy than an ally with too much initiative. - Colonel Selid surpassed himself in the latter part, almost ruining everything that had been created with such difficulty.

The clone of Luke Skywalker was not supposed to be given any knowledge at all - in the events I know, this clone, known as Luuk, was created on the orders of Joruus C'baoth. And at the same time, he did not remove any mind matrix from the real Skywalker... I think...

But what worried me most was another question.

The clone was supposed to be created only today. And apparently, its production was either not completed, or, what is even more dangerous, it began to be created before my order. The question arises: How so? And after it, two more, eternal Russian ones, designated by the great classics: Who is to blame? and What is to be done? Oh, thank you for them, Alexander Ivanovich Herzen and Nikolai Gavrilovich Cherneshevsky. It is curious that these works appeared in exactly this order: first, - Who is to blame? - came from the pen of Herzen, and then - What is to be done? - by Chernyshevsky. And since then, the Slavic brothers have been sorting out problems in exactly this order of actions. First, they look for the culprit, and only then they think about how to solve the problem.

In my plans, Rukh was not supposed to cross paths with Luke Skywalker's clone. In the famous events of the Thrawn Trilogy , the beginning of the end of Thrawn's cooperation with the Noghri clans occurred precisely because of a clash between one of the Noghri and Leia Organa Solo. By her scent, he identified her as the daughter of Darth Vader, who had once been the ruler of the Noghri - before Vader handed them over to Thrawn... me.

Now, Rukh had not only met a copy of the real Skywalker, but had been in close contact with him. Was that enough time a few seconds to smell another sentient being? Yes, quite enough. Did that mean I was in trouble? Yes, that was probably it.

I didn't believe in coincidences in my past life, and I won't believe in them now. You have to think something about the current situation. And think quickly. And as effectively as possible. Otherwise, there is every chance of experiencing all the delights of cold steel entering the back of my chair and piercing my organs. I am sure that this is not the most pleasant end to life.

But it is also impossible to remove Rukh so simply. Even if he simply disappears, questions will arise. Not from everyone, but from some for sure. The history of this galaxy shows that the more reasonable claims there are to individuals in this universe, the shorter the life cycle of the latter. And my metabolism is already fast.

Anyway, my bodyguard is currently in the medical bay of Mount Tantiss. In a medically induced coma, ensuring enhanced recovery. And he will remain there until it becomes clear what to do with him. At this point, I have only one solution - to accelerate the implementation of the plan to find a planet for the Noghri and implement the plan to win their loyalty once and for all. But the more the situation unfolds, the more often thoughts dawn on me: they will have to tell the truth. If we continue to use the Noghri clans in the dark , nothing good will come of it. For me - certainly.

But flying to Honoghr and telling them everything I know - about Darth Vader's children and about the Empire's deception in restoring the planet's ecology (again, started by their master, Darth Vader) - is at the moment not much better than shooting myself in the foot.

Unconsidered actions lead to serious consequences. Sooner or later, the truth will come out. The only question now is how to present it in order to minimize the unfavorable consequences for me and my undertaking.

I still didn't dare to use the Throne Room as a place for my henchmen to gather to get information on areas of activity. Too pretentious, I suppose. Although I don't argue, the chair there is really luxurious. It seems to be the same as in the throne room on Tangren and in hundreds of other places whose owners tried to copy the manner and style of Emperor Palpatine. And yet, after what happened there, it still somehow... Uncomfortable, I suppose. For the first time in my time in this universe, I felt on my own skin what death is like, which does not breathe down your neck, but looks you straight in the face. And I would have experienced first-hand what electric trauma from lightning is - the favorite weapon of the Sith - if not for the cage with the ysalamiri and blaster thrown by Mara Jade in time. An unpleasant feeling. I hadn't been so scared even on the bridge of an Imperial Star Destroyer, jutting out from the ship's armored, thick-skinned hull, a place that could be reduced to dust if one individual in a fighter or bomber managed to break through the flak or successfully launch a proton torpedo or concussion missile.

And I clearly understand that I cannot tell anyone about this fear, this simple human fear. Neither tell, nor share, nor get drunk out of grief... Simply because it is impossible - it would destroy the aura of the Grand Admiral's invincibility. The aura that I inherited and which I must maintain in order to survive. No, this is not the cowardice of a man who in a past life sat at headquarters and worked with information on various media, while his comrades in military duty carried out the combat missions assigned to them with weapons in hand.

It's just a belated understanding of such a simple fact that even after the appearance of this universe, in this body, I am not immortal. And if I give in now - everything will collapse like a house of cards. And I am too old (not physically, mentally) to start all over again.

And so, I have to overcome myself and my own excitement and sit in Palpatine's chair with an indifferent face, watching as Captain Pellaeon, the first of all those called to report, enters the Throne Room.

The commander of the Chimaera, my permanent flagship, looked dashing, without any posturing or false modesty at the same time.

It looks like he has good news.

— Grand Admiral, — the Chimaera's commander saluted. — The attack on the rebel battle group was successful. The commanders of the Relentless and the Storm Hawk destroyed one Republican Mark-I strike frigate, captured the Immobilizer 418-class interdictor Black Asp, another strike frigate of the same type, and the Mon Calamari star cruiser MS80. The ships and almost four thousand captives from the crew and pilots, picked up after ejection, were delivered to the Dark Army's base. There were no losses in ships or cargo, and insignificant losses in people and small aircraft. Repairs to the heavy cruisers continue and they will soon be moved to Tangren, Rendili, Brentaal IV...

Well, that's good news indeed.

- Inform the escort commanders that the ships will not be sent to Rendili, - I said. Gilad nodded silently, but his expression was already clear: he was wary of the change in plans.

I am also concerned that the New Republic has spread its nets throughout the major hyperspace routes they control in an attempt to catch my fleet.

- Move the fleet to Brentaal IV? - the Chimaera's commander asked curiously, trying to guess my train of thought.

- No, - I objected, fully understanding that the motivation for my decisions was completely different from what I would tell Gilad. - All ships are sent to Tangrene via circuitous regional routes. Thanks to the impatience of the government on Coruscant and the desire of a single Bothan to know every step of now Generals Solo and Calrissian again, we know exactly where the ambushes are. Our ships will break through them and arrive at the base. Repairs and upgrades will be carried out on Tangrene. As soon as they are all safe, we will turn to the Ord Trasi and Bilbringi shipyards, perhaps they will help us. Neither Rendili with their immature loyalty policy, nor, unfortunately, Brentaal IV, surrounded by New Republic territories and fleets and deprived of proper orbital protection, are suitable for us. Very soon the New Republic will find out who is behind the attacks on them and will strike back. By gathering all our forces into one fist, we have more chances to fight back than to scatter them across the galaxy.

- I understand, sir, - Pellaeon said.

— Did the exercises on the Chimaera go according to plan? — I asked. Well, regulations are written in blood. And a good soldier is only made when he has long and painstakingly perfected his military skills. This applies to the crews of spaceships as well. After the battle with Captain Yonka's Freedom, I understood this better than ever. And so I ordered an increase in the number of personnel training sessions. On any ship under my command. Even those who performed the duties of a guard, patrol or station-keeper — even they had to continuously improve their skills, both in the practical and theoretical fields.

- Yes, sir, - Pellaeon confirmed. - The results, of course, do not allow us to claim personal primacy in the fleet among the crews of Star Destroyers, but progress is being made. After a series of victories under your command, even the beardless youth does not grumble much about ten combat alerts per day.

- There is no limit to perfection, captain, - I remarked. - How is loading going?

- The art and valuables have been loaded aboard the Chimaera, - Gilad reported. - We are currently loading the solar ionization reactor components into the Star Destroyer's maintenance holds. Sir, I would like to discuss with you the possibility of transporting some of the transports currently at the Mount Tantiss facility to the Chimaera for transport to Tangrene.

— Are you talking about the Sentinel-type landing shuttles and the T4a Lambda-type shuttles? — I clarified. There were quite a few of these, almost typical representatives of the imperial military machine and transport, in the mountain. Up to a hundred of each type, including the Emperor's own shuttle (and here I am sure that it is just one of many similar ones), distinguished by greater protection and improved communication systems, weapons, encryption and modified engines. A good machine for the head of state. No wonder that I ordered it to be checked and prepared for my needs. Yes, transport vehicles... When they discovered the hangar's parking area, there was no limit to the joy — the fleet needs such ships. Because we have no receipts of this type of starships, and none were expected. But there was a loss. And if there is an opportunity to reduce it, if not completely eliminate it through expropriation, then why not? All this is unnecessary savings for the budget, which, unfortunately, has a huge expenditure side and a low, and not particularly regular, income side.

Having learned of the presence of this type of ship here, I thought I had found the answer to the question of how Palpatine's agents could have arrived and departed from here, but... every single starship assigned to Mount Tantiss was here. Even the serial numbers matched. So, a blunder. I have to figure out the situation further.

- Exactly, sir, - Pellaeon said. - The Chimaera can take a certain amount even after her holds are fully loaded. In fact, we can ferry a significant number of the ships under our own power, having them ready for takeoff and our pilots at the controls.

- I don't mind, Captain, - I said. - We really do need the equipment. Contact the Nemesis — as soon as they're on their way, have them overload two squadrons of disassembled TIE fighters from among those Baron D'asta gave us as 'spare parts' — and even if we only have four squadrons of those, at least it's something. We must continue to protect this facility until it's evacuated. And the only Victory I in orbit with its air wing of twenty-four fighters isn't the greatest cover. As long as Weyland remains unknown to the Empire and the Republic, everything is fine. Everything is just fine. But we can't relax either. Losing vigilance is a guarantee of defeat. Their pilots will be made here... from among the clones. Also contact General Covell. His training with voluntary reinforcements to our regular army is coming to an end. - I appoint him commandant of the Mount Tantiss facility.

Here I need an iron hand, a cold mind and unquestioning obedience. General Covell possessed such qualities. And also, in addition, I need a genetic template and receiving from it a personality matrix to create infantry commanders. Not for the Stormtrooper Corps subordinate to me, but for the regular army, which we also have. But there are not so many commanders suitable for commanding it. Considering the little desire on the part of the Imperial Remnants to cooperate, we have to use what we have. If there were more money, time and resources, I would probably build factories for the production of Separatist droids. But here's the problem - according to data on the first fifteen years of the Galactic Empire, the military machine under the command of Darth Vader and an endless number of admirals, generals and moffs, walked with fire and sword through the territories of the former Separatists and their sympathizers. Palpatine was well aware of how much trouble the new droid army could cause, so his military razed everything they could find and get their hands on. And that was a large part of the galaxy. In parallel with this process, the HoloNet was cleared of data on the creation of battle droids, the equipment of conveyor belts for their production, and so on. The Emperor and Vader did everything to ensure that no one, not even the most courageous and brave fool, could lay his - paw - on the legacy of the Clone Wars, reprogram the droids and turn them against the authorities on Coruscant.

So, the preservation of the Hypori conveyor is just an exception that proves the rule. Especially in that part, according to the Imperial reports of the local Moff, this plant, which first Tyber Zann, and now I, have noticed, was destroyed. But it seems that someone paid well to make it look that way. Which gives a small chance that other reports contain errors or outright lies, and that there are still a couple of such plants in the galaxy.

It's not that I absolutely need B-1 droids as - cannon fodder - on the battlefield. After all, at the moment my campaign is primarily space battles and the emphasis is on replenishing the fleet and its crew members. The time for ground operations will come - but later. And by that time the army will be ready. And whether it will consist of droids or clone stormtroopers - only time will tell. At the moment, having Spaarti cloning cylinders at my disposal, I do not need to spend billions on building a conveyor belt for the production of battle droids, their programming, armament, acquisition or capture of resources for the production of droids and their components. All this, but oriented towards the production of clones, I already have. Right away, for free and for everyone.

In addition, we should not forget about the psychological factor. This galaxy has already experienced a war with the droid army in the past, and now the military machines are considered by the population exclusively as occupiers and invaders. While stormtroopers and clones are sometimes considered as something closer to the populations of the worlds, animated. Our own, native.

One way or another, the issue with droids should be resolved after I have the appropriate technology for their production in my hands. Right now, it is much more profitable not to waste funds on purchasing metals and electronics for droids, but to continue producing clones, compensating for the lack of crews and technical personnel.

Yes, on the one hand, the number of volunteers arriving on Tangren is growing - but not quickly. Moff Ferrus reports tens of thousands of Imperial and other citizens who are willing to contribute to the war with the New Republic in one way or another. After sifting through the small sieve of Lieutenant Colonel Astarion's ISB, those who can be allowed to work directly with equipment or weapons... are somewhat fewer. But their loyalty must also be ensured - that is why they are being reassigned to wolf packs. I have no desire to let those I am not sure of onto the deck of Star Destroyers or other ships of the fleet. Yes, the ISB cannot solve all the problems at once, simply because there are incredibly few of them. However, talking about a small number of personnel, having only sixteen thousand working cloning cylinders, twice a month is not a problem. It is only a matter of time.

- Sir, - Pellaeon interrupted my train of thought. - Forgive me for what is likely none of my business, but... Do you think that refusing to deal with Rendili and Brentaal IV will result in those planets coming under New Republic control?

- I'm sure of it, - I said. As sad as it is to state, it's a fact. For these two planets, orders to work with the Katana Fleet are a way to earn a considerable amount of credits doing their core work. - But planets behind enemy lines are practically guaranteed to be dissidents. Sooner or later, they will betray us, refuse to obey. If this happens during the period when our ships are there for repairs, the blow will be irreparable. Ultimately, they will betray the Empire, not us. As in the case of Carida, which refused to help us, these planets have chosen their own path. All they are interested in is constant cash infusions, and in huge quantities. We do not have such resources. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to what we already have. At the Rendili Shipyards, Moff Ferrus and Chief Engineer Reyes ordered all the necessary spare parts, excluding hyperdrives for the ships. The equipment is on its way and will arrive at the outpost in the Pakuuni system shortly. From there, the Moff will escort the parts to the Tangren warehouses.

- Yes, sir, I wanted to ask about that as well. Why continue to use the outpost in the Pakuuni system? After all, our base is on Tangren and Lainuri.

- It's simple, Captain – we're drawing the attack away from the real bases. While my return and the location of the base of operations may be no secret to many of the Imperial military leaders, most of the galaxy has never laid eyes on the man who's been inflicting losses on the New Republic. According to Colonel Astarion, none of the volunteers, other than the spies we've sent, know who's commanding the fleet on Tangren or the true capabilities of our forces. The longer we can maintain the veil of secrecy, the more panic we can cause within the New Republic. Once they learn of the dealings in the Pakuuni system, they'll risk sending a fleet there to destroy the outpost or, at most, set a trap for our ships.

- Then what? - Pellaeon asked curiously.

- As always, - I shrugged. - The victim and the hunter will change places. And it will be interesting again.


Sporting a fine bearing, Major Grodin Tiers entered the Throne Room. He walked with a measured stride, covering part of the distance between us, then stood still, waiting for me to turn my attention to him.

Just now Lieutenant Colonel Astarion, the head of counterintelligence, which we both still called ISB out of habit, left me. He provided information on his line, after which, together with his subordinates, he went to the cloning labs - it was time to increase the number of operatives at our disposal. Even if in such a non-trivial way.

- Report, Major, - I ordered, placing the deck with the - security officer's - report next to me.

- I've been researching some basic data on the GeNod program, - he announced, while also reminding me what mission he'd been assigned. As if I could forget that.

- There's no point in intrigue, - I said. - I need information.

- As you suspected, it is a technology capable of modulating the personality matrix data obtained from donors in the Spaarti cloning program, - the adjutant said. - Developed during the final year of the Clone Wars and used for the next seven years until the Uprising on Kamino.

That very episode in Imperial history when the Kaminoan clonedels suddenly pulled out of storage some of the mass of Jango Fett clones they had hidden, deciding that they could resist Palpatine, who suspected him of nationalizing the entire niche of cloning services. It was very reasonable for him to do so. Leaving those who had experience in creating a huge army without control was, at the very least, unwise.

- What is its essence? - Even though Colonel Selid gave a short story, it is still better to have the full information.

— It is a development of the Spaarti program, — which means that the technology for creating spaarti clones is not an exclusive mechanic, but only a generalized name for a number of programs that are similar to each other. — In the case of the latter, full-fledged personalities of donors are transferred into the bodies of clones. At the same time, defects were identified, including a critical flaw called "clonic madness" — precocious units went crazy, they were diagnosed with schizophrenia — interrupting the story with the phrase: - Yes, I know, let's tell you something new - is simply unreasonable. Firstly, - repetition is the mother of learning - , and secondly, the adjutant very painstakingly studied everything related to cloning technologies at the Mount Tantiss facility. And he may know much more than I do. And information is half the victory. — A number of scientists have put forward a theory that this happens because clones of the same person, with the same personality matrix, enter into some kind of resonance due to the peculiarities of the rapid growth of the organism and the formation of the brain. According to the statements of Arkanian cloning specialists, to create a clone resistant to madness, a minimum of three to five years are needed. A year is too short a period for full maturation. However, I ordered technicians to take samples from those clones that we have at our disposal from the first and second batches, conduct a comparative analysis with the originals and data from the archives of Imperial intelligence on cloning programs. Probably these little animals, ysalamiri, with their effect of reflecting the Force, somehow neutralize the adverse effects. Thus, a selective analysis showed that the - spaarti-clones - made using your technology are no different from the originals. There are no mental disorders, higher nervous activity or other symptoms that the - spaarti clones - had in the past. Congratulations, Grand Admiral, you have solved the problem that cost trillions of Imperial credits to research.

Really? I'd like to have those trillions.

— The Imperial clonedels did not know about the secret of ysalamiri, so they proceeded from the theory of resonance of multiple copies of one intelligent being, — continued Grodin Tiers. — As an experimental one, the program GeNod was created. With the help of imprit-machines of Sparti technology, the consciousnesses obtained from donors were fragmented, leaving only useful skills. After that, the personality matrix was changed. Fictional data about the subject was placed in it, which made it possible to create thousands of other copies of consciousness from one matrix, and different from each other. The program showed itself on the positive side — the cloned intelligent beings came to their senses, albeit external copies of each other, but still had no mental problems and considered themselves and the other with their faces to be simply different people. The project was considered successful and it was used until the famous events on the planet Kamino. After that, Palpatine ordered to shut down all cloning programs without exception and begin recruiting stormtroopers from ordinary people who underwent appropriate training.

- Was Joruus K'baoth created using this program? - I asked.

- As far as I've studied the original matrix, it was obtained exclusively from other people's memories associated with the real K'baoth, - the major replied. There's no need to argue here - it's already clear who served as the donor. Emperor Palpatine probably added something of his own. - The clone of Luke Skywalker was created using the same matrix. Judging by the logs of his cloning chamber, the genetic sample was placed in autoclaves after receiving your order to do so.

- Which doesn't change the fact that it was created a day earlier than expected, - I said.

- This happened because of the introduction of a matrix obtained through the GeNod program, - the major explained. - For some reason, this helped reduce the production rate of - spaarti clones - from one to two days.

- That is, now we can create them not in fifteen days, but in thirteen, a little more than two and a half standard weeks, - I noted. This is, in general, good. - Does this program have any other advantages over "spaarti" ? Except for the already known information about reducing the production time and creating various personalities.

- In fact, the latter is its main advantage, - said Major Tiers. - With a consciousness created by editing, we can avoid unnecessary questions that clones will inevitably ask each other. We can use stormtroopers and create naval specialists from their bodies, who will not have to be hidden under helmets so as not to recognize each other.

- Can we change the donors' DNA, making them stronger, faster than their originals? - I asked. - The Kaminoans could do that.

- Perhaps, sir, - the major did not deny the obvious fact. - But here, at the Mount Tantiss facility, it is not genetic scientists who work, but ordinary doctors from the ship's crews. They know how to operate cloning cylinders, maintain them, obtain matrices and integrate them into bodies nascent in incubators. But to operate with DNA…

- They were able to create the consciousness of THX-0297, - I noted.

- By trial and error, sir, - Grodin said. - He has that number for a reason. Out of three hundred individuals, he's the first one that turned out to be relatively 'normal.' But he still has a lot of unnecessary information mixed in. However, neutralizing him won't be a problem - he's in solitary confinement and certainly won't go anywhere.

- Don't touch the clone, - I ordered. - We'll observe. Did I understand correctly that our medical staff at the base learned to create consciousness for clones through experience?

- Almost so, sir, - said Grodin. - They partially changed the matrix of Colonel Selid, but in order for him to be a full-fledged stormtrooper who does not remember his past, as I understand it, it takes more time and work to depersonalize the matrix before generating a new personality to clean the original matrix of unnecessary memories. With stormtroopers it is simple - they do not need to invent names and biographies. Just letters and a serial number. But the key point in this program, in addition to creating an artificial personality, I also find that along with creating a new personality, we can also lay absolute loyalty and obedience to orders in the new consciousness. Whoever this clone is, the execution of orders of his commander, you, will be a priority for him. I talked to this clone, THX-0297. He is a completely adequate person, to the extent of his development, of course. Executive, competent. He will sacrifice himself without hesitation if it is the only chance to save his commander or complete the combat mission assigned to him. No reservations, no assumptions, no doubts, no sabotage. An ideal performer who considers it his duty to serve the commander. But at the same time, he considers himself a full-fledged person. And he does not ask any questions. Considering the circumstances - a critical problem with personnel, as well as the upcoming hypothetical confrontation with the imperial military leaders, in my opinion, this is an ideal way to solve the problem of a lack of personnel.

- Let's suppose, - I said. - An interesting dilemma. Command an army that obeys you for ideological reasons, or because it was programmed that way and doesn't know about it? And what if the clones are told about this 'little trick'? Or if they are programmed to obey someone else? No, to blindly trust a program that almost finished me off because of the initiative of one p... forgive my sinful soul, a colonel?! No, that's all well and good, but we need to thoroughly understand what's going on. If everything were that simple, it would certainly be used everywhere. - - At the moment, this is a good scenario, Major, you're right. However, we will begin to implement it only when we receive confirmation of the program's effectiveness not from the example of one clone out of three hundred random attempts, but as a result of a targeted study of the program by competent specialists. The temptation is great, I don't argue. And the advantages are more than worth it. - But for some reason, the program was not implemented - this is taking into account the possibility of absolute fidelity. So there is a mistake somewhere that we do not know about. As dangerous as it was when the Kaminoan clones were created - one order, and they will turn against us. This is unacceptable. After studying all the risks, with a careful approach to this program GeNod , will we be able to create new intelligent beings with old bodies? Thousands of people with the same face, but with different personalities?

- Yes, sir, - Tiers confirmed once again, not buying the control question. - Both ordinary intelligent beings, not just humans, and Force-sensitives.

- As for the latter, my decision will never change, - I said sharply. - No experiments with the DNA of the gifted. That's an order.

- Roger that, sir, - Grodin replied. - Shall I order the removal of Joruus C'baoth's matrix?

An intriguing proposition. Do I need a copy of the patchwork personality of a despotic Jedi whose mad clone is involved in my plans to destroy the reputation of the New Republic?

On the one hand, we need to get rid of it as soon as possible. If it were the matrix of a real K'baoth, that would be fine. But a madman who was created only because Palpatine «remembered» him and decided to get a pocket pet that would store his favorite warehouse of antiquities... That's different. It's a dangerous and highly unpredictable action that could have far-reaching consequences. Who can guarantee that using the Force won't overpower the existing program in the mind of a sentient being? What if this incomprehensible magic of the Star Wars universe can break all programs, and then another - grandfather Joruus - will appear who intends to build his own empire. And he has excellent skills in subjugating the minds of sentient beings, weaving them into a single organism that is as effective as seasoned professionals? I pulled this trick twice with a fleet that was seventy percent recruits and former cadets who had never smelled tibanna. What will happen if such a «Jedi» takes control of ship crews with professional skills and battle-hardened?

On the other hand, remove personal memories from her, create a fake personality and that's it, make yourself pocket Jedi. And each of them can shoot lightning, and even use Combat Meditation... And if you can also write loyalty, then this is something completely unrealistic.

And then the third option emerges from the darkness...

Remove all the extra from the mad matrix, placing the existing knowledge of the Force into the body of a non-Force-sensitive sentient being who will serve only as a living teacher for all those Jedi and Jensaarai who will side with me? Curious. It seems to be the least problematic of the proposed options. But it can only exist because there are no problems with the program. And there is only one way to check this.

- Order to transfer stormtrooper THX-0297 to your command, Major, - I said. - Do not use him as a donor of material or consciousness until further notice. Establish covert surveillance over him. Anything that deviates from the stormtrooper's usual behavior must be reported to me immediately. Remove the K'baoth matrix from the labs, place it on a separate data chip, and provide it to me. The same applies to the GeNod technology. This matrix and program must never be used without my direct order and participation. No research on cloning programs must be conducted at the facility without my permission. All technologies for this process that are not related to the spaarti program must be removed immediately and transferred to the Chimaera. The same applies to the Kaminoan technology.

- It will be done, Grand Admiral, - Tiers said without a trace of a smile. But he is not always a joker. However, he should be kept an eye on.

- Have you already taken part in the extraction of genetic material and the creation of a personal matrix, Major? - I inquired.

- Immediately after the report, I will head to the laboratories, give orders regarding the data and equipment closure, and also supervise the work, - the adjutant reported on his plans for the future. - My fighters are currently undergoing the procedure, following Mr. Reyes' engineers and Lieutenant Colonel Astarion's operatives.

Well, actually, that's good...

Stop. Three hundred attempts at the GeNod program. THX-0297 is only two hundred and ninety-seventh out of three hundred. What about the other two hundred and ninety-six clones?

This is exactly the question I asked Tiers.

- Destroyed, sir, - he said, his right cheek twitching nervously. - Lieutenant Colonel Astarion is currently examining the remains in the labyrinth - Colonel Selid used the failed clones to test the death traps on the lower levels.

- Oh, indeed, - I said. If even an Imperial Guardsman couldn't help but show a negative reaction, then how did the colonel manage to keep regular stormtroopers from killing him? - Tell the lieutenant colonel to conduct an inquiry into the garrison and maintenance personnel of the facility to determine the reasons for their lack of reaction to Colonel Selid's actions. Mount Tantiss is too important to us to allow anyone who might betray us to remain here.

- It will be done, sir, - Tiers said with a stony face, but gratitude was visible in his eyes. - Almost three hundred clones. Experiments on people, albeit copies of real people, but still! That's half a battalion, that's the crew of a small starship... And three hundred clones in one of the batches are downtime!

Lost in thought, I didn't even immediately realize that Chief Engineer Reyes was standing next to the major. And when did I even manage to enter the Throne Room?

- Sir, I wanted to say...

Then why hasn't anyone found the shortage? This is the armed forces, not a tavern in the Wild West! There is strict reporting and movement of troops, logistics, after all! We don't have so many ships that they come in half empty!

- Major, - I said to the adjutant, who had just listened tensely to something from the engineer. - We need to find out how Colonel Selid managed to bypass official documents and provide us with at least three hundred clones less than the required number.

- Grand Admiral, sir, - Grodin sighed. - This is exactly the news I wanted to tell you. About the personnel, their lack of reaction and the clones. Colonel Selid informed the staff that it was your order to conduct cloning experiments. He also ordered the copy of Luke Skywalker to be removed from the cloning cylinder one day before final maturation - this was established by the autopsy and confirmed by the testimony of the lab technicians. And the last thing... About the number of clones. I double-checked the deliveries. Exactly sixteen thousand clones from the first batch arrived on Tangren and... a similar number from the second.

This can't be. How? There's another cloning lab here?!

- He made up for the shortage of clones by giving us some of the stormtroopers from the base garrison? - I suggested the most obvious version of what happened.

- No, sir, - said the chief engineer. - The cloning cylinders that weren't functioning… They were repaired a little over three weeks ago. That's all. Colonel Selid didn't create three hundred clones. He created four thousand clones under the GeNod program. But he only took three hundred out of the incubators, an equal number each week. He tested them, and then, finding the results unsatisfactory, he sent them into the labyrinth. It was because of these sacrifices that he was able to explore this area so quickly.

- That means we have three thousand seven hundred and one problems with Colonel Selid's face, - I summed up, feeling myself starting to boil inside.

- No, sir, - the chief engineer flashed his eye implant. - They all have different faces. But with one implant program - stormtroopers, in which the knowledge of Colonel Selid is implanted. And all of them are already fully matured.

And I thought yesterday was a hard day.

- Take it out, - I said wearily. - We'll deal with what we have. Maybe it's not all that bad.

Although, who am I kidding?


- You obviously won't be surprised by what I have to say, - Mara Jade said, rising to her feet. The girl dropped to her right knee every time it was time for an audience. The funny thing is that I didn't demand it. And yet, the girl continued this strange ritual, in my opinion, hammered into her subconscious by her previous master. Something is happening to her, because today, despite the fact that she tries to look cheerful, something is happening to her. Forced smiles, routine caustic answers... There is no use asking questions - she is not the type of woman to fall head first on her chest and cry into a shoulder.

Maybe she's just tired?

- Most of what was missing from Palpatine's personal stores was not taken by Colonel Selid, - I said, studying the data from the deck. Lieutenant Colonel Astarion and his subordinates were conducting a parallel investigation. Considering that there were simply more of them than the lone red-haired beast, it was no wonder that they completed the investigation earlier. They even found some of the stolen goods. In the colonel's room. Small trinkets and precious stones.

- I think so, - the girl said. I looked up from reading the document.

- It wasn't a question or a suggestion, Mara Jade.

- I understand, lord, - her voice trembled slightly. - I apologize for the mistake.

- You don't have to call me that, - I said. Frankly, all these lords, masters, overlords, and other pretentious titles make me feel sick. They've brought the Middle Ages into the enlightened space age. - I have a title, I have a position. I have no crazy ambitions. Remember that.

- I remember, Grand Admiral, - the girl said in an unwavering voice.

- There are no catalogues of what is in the Upper Repositories, - I said. - Can you tell me what was there?

- Trophies, - said the red-haired Hand. - Jedi and Sith relics. Holocrons. Lightsabers, crystals for them. Training droids. Artifacts. Ancient scrolls and manuscripts. In short, everything Palpatine had or acquired after the destruction of the Jedi and the Great Purge. Almost all of it is gone.

- I doubt that, - I said. - Considering the destruction and editing of the data in the base's computer, the cloning labs, the most obvious fact is that Palpatine's servants arrived here after his body died over the forest moon of Endor. They cleaned the base so that no one who reached the planet would have reliable knowledge of the Galactic Empire's war machine. They took the cloning information to use it to recreate the Emperor's body. And they took with them his personal collection of valuables related to his religious teachings. It is quite possible that the Reborn Emperor needed new Force-sensitive servants, and they need to be trained somehow, to gain knowledge from somewhere. They left only what is of little value.

— I wouldn't say so, — with the release of the mental pressure of Palpatine's last order, the need for Mara Jade as my adjutant disappeared. She no longer needed to be near the ysalamiri, and I no longer needed to somehow justify her presence nearby. Therefore, her naval uniform was replaced by a traditional black battle suit. Reinforced with elements of light armor. And at the moment, the red-haired agent unfastened a cylindrical object from her belt. — This is the lightsaber that the mad clone had. I was able to cut off the emitter and the weapon became useless — so in the midst of the battle, he stopped using it. I examined the design — this is a very ancient technology, many of the parts have long been discontinued, and others are used only in collectible archaic droids. From which we can conclude that at least this lightsaber was created several decades, or maybe even centuries ago. The design, although ancient, is durable. A weapon like this could be given to one of his followers, rather than left on the shelf.

- We don't know the reasons why every single object wasn't removed from the Mountain, - I reminded him. - The only one who can enlighten us on this matter is Master K'baoth. But he's not the best conversationalist, to put it mildly.

- To put it mildly, - the girl could not hide her disgust at the mention of the dark Jedi. Well, one can understand her. No one liked this madman except himself. But at the moment I need him - until I can enlist the support of the Jensaarai, whose leader is currently visiting Moff Ferrus's residence on Tangren, awaiting my return.

- What do you think about this lightsaber? - I took a small cylindrical handle in my hands, devoid of any buttons and regulators, typical for a Jedi weapon. The girl came up, took the handle in her hands. She examined it, frowning.

- Something... strange, - she said after a few seconds. - I feel a focusing crystal inside, imbued with the Force, the Light Side of it. It's dim, but it's still there. But... There's no activation key, and the entire body is made of a metal called electrum. But how do I activate it? A defect in creation? - She looked at me expectantly.

- Have you ever heard of a Jedi Master named Mace Windu? - I asked. The girl's face showed a brief thought process.

- One of the four Jedi Masters who orchestrated the assassination attempt on then-Supreme Chancellor Palpatine shortly before the end of the Clone Wars, - she said.

— If we believe the point of view that Palpatine himself held, then yes, — I clarified. — According to my information, the Jedi tried to arrest the Chancellor because of his affiliation with the Sith Order — the ancient religious and philosophical enemies of the Jedi. The Jedi Order made its move — it sent four Masters to arrest the Supreme Chancellor. And they lost. Mace Windu was the initiator of the arrest attempt. And he really intended to destroy Palpatine, believing that the arrest would not correspond to the goals and objectives of justice due to the large number of Palpatine's supporters in all structures and hierarchies of power. In the end, they decided to kill the Supreme Chancellor. The assassination attempt was prevented by Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. In the near future, the galaxy came to know him by another name — Darth Vader.

Mara Jade remained silent, digesting the information that had fallen on her red head. And I waited patiently, building one line of defense after another that I would need in case of additional questions that she would undoubtedly ask. She couldn't help but ask, since she had no additional source of information - only my words. And now was an extremely acute moment of testing - would she trust me at my word, or would she continue to treat me with suspicion.

- Take this lightsaber, - I said. - It once belonged to the aforementioned Mace Windu. Its fate is unknown, but there is no doubt that the Jedi will no longer need it. Lieutenant Colonel Astarion found this weapon among the collection of precious stones in the room of the late Colonel Selid. Apparently the latter was tempted by the rarity of the weapon and thought to sell it for a lot of money.

- But how do you activate it? - Mara Jade said in confusion, curiously examining the weapon's handle.

- You tell me, - I suggested. - This still falls within the scope of your knowledge.

The girl frowned and took a couple of steps back. She studied the weapon for a few minutes, inspected it, froze, closing her eyes. Probably the only thing she didn't do was try the weapon with her teeth.

I was about to open my mouth to demand the trinket back when a dim purple beam of light about a meter long appeared in Mara Jade's hands.

- Closing contacts with the Force... - the girl whispered. - How... simple, and at the same time brilliant. -

- As far as I remember, you had a lightsaber of the same color, - I said. Mara Jade looked at me with curiosity and confusion of anticipation. - Take it, it's yours.

- Really? - the girl was surprised.

- I am not used to joking, - I had to remind her. - You are my ally. The only one I can trust with such artifacts of the past. Wield them if it will be useful to you. During your sparring with the Skywalker clone, I noticed that the hilt of the lightsaber I gave you earlier was too wide for your palm. This one will be narrower and should fit just right. -

- Thank you, my s... - Jade leaned over, trailing off. - Grand Admiral.

A Freudian slip? I wanted to smile and joke about it. But... the circumstances were different.

It's funny, but I haven't heard about the fate of this weapon in the Star Wars events known to me after the crippled Jedi was thrown out of his office window by Palpatine's lightning before the execution of Emergency Order Sixty-Six. But it has an interesting story. Based on fragmentary data gleaned from the ISB and Imperial Intelligence databases available to me so far, Mace Windu's lightsaber, about a year after the proclamation of the New Order, was part of the personal collection of one of Palpatine's confidants and was even put on public display in the office of this very dignitary. Subsequently, the bureaucrat was transferred to another position, effectively demoted both in the hierarchy of the Empire and in the eyes of the Emperor's entourage. Apparently, the weapon was also confiscated from him and became part of Palpatine's own collection.

Why is it here and not taken, for example, to Byss? It's hard to say. Perhaps so as not to be an eyesore to the Reborn Emperor? Or was it simply forgotten here?

- Can I change something about it? - Mara Jade asked quietly.

- Now it's your thing, - I reminded. - Its further fate is beyond my control and depends only on you. So, you still haven't managed to discover anything related to the Force? - I clarified.

If so, then we'll have to look elsewhere for knowledge to win the Jensaarai over to our side. Where? It's not clear yet, but the most obvious location is Darth Vader's fortress. There should definitely be something suitable there. Probably. If Palpatine's marauders haven't plundered it either.

The girl, having already hung the third lightsaber on her belt, looked at me with a sly look.

- I didn't say that, - she said slyly. - There was a secret compartment in the wall of one of the vaults. Quite extravagantly done, with biometric locks set to Palpatine himself. If you didn't know it was there, you wouldn't find it at all.

- Really? - I was surprised. A secret within a secret? Although, what's surprising about that, this is the lair of the Sith. On the contrary, it would be sad if something like this had not been discovered. - And how did you know about its location?

- I was his confidant, - the red-haired beauty shrugged. - I know some of his tricks. But those who came here before us, most likely, do not. I found the Book of Sith in the hiding place.

Oh, my God, through the pipe with a small boatswain's bend with three ends across the cheeks!? And stretch under the keel four times naked and with crayfish on the body!

Everything inside me sank. I don't know how I managed to maintain my composure, but most likely, let's be honest, I was simply dumbfounded, shocked by what I heard.

- The Book of Sith - is a work by Darth Sidious, in which he accumulated a considerable amount of historical Sith data that he received during his formation as Darth Vader's teacher or took from the Jedi Archives after the destruction of the Order on Coruscant. This is a manual on universal evil, containing the darkest. The most disgusting, the dirtiest and most monstrous Sith secrets of the last thousands of years. And she smiles so nervously at this?! At this?! Because she has already gleaned these very Sith secrets and the Dark Side has turned her head?

Hutt, I just gave her another lightsaber. What would it cost her to finish me off here and declare herself Empress? How many times has this happened in the history of this universe?!

Hutt, how stupid... Why wasn't the book found earlier?!

As far as I remember, this book was distributed by the holders of the Star Wars franchise, but I was no longer at the age to pursue my teenage passions. So I did not know the details of its contents, limited only to short indirect references found somewhere in the literature of the universe.

But... How did this book end up here on Wayland?! Could Palpatine's servants really forget THIS?! No, I won't believe it. I won't believe it! This is a factual guide for any Force-sensitive sentient being on how to become the sole ruler of the galaxy!

If it was stored here, it should have been evacuated first! Such evidence of one's criminal nature is... It's practically a confession, a confession! If Weyland really isn't Palpatine's main stash, then... WHY IS IT HERE!?

- You have no idea how vile and vile this man was, Grand Admiral, - the girl's voice suddenly filled with rage, and her face twisted in pain. - I served him for years! I believed everything he said! About how he fought for the well-being of the galaxy, about how he had to take power into his own hands to save the Republic from falling apart during the Separatist Crisis?! Oh, how many lectures I listened to about the betrayal of the Jedi...

In a lightning-fast move that I couldn't have avoided even if I'd wanted to, the girl reached behind her and snatched a small backpack from her shoulders that I hadn't seen her with before. Throwing it on the floor, she opened it, revealing... a book.

This is actually a book!

A rather thick tome, with a hard red cover, covered with symbols and geometric patterns. The thin sheets of flimpsy paper with the familiar rustle of pages were turned by the girl until she reached a certain place where there was a bookmark. Now I have no doubts - the girl studied this work.

But... I'm still alive... Does that mean she doesn't intend to kill me?!

— «Unlimited power», she snorted. — The entire «Book of Sith» literally reeks of the Dark Side — it's impossible not to feel it. But this sixth part... When I first entered the vault, I thought he was standing behind this very wall that sealed the passage to the cache. And then I realized that it wasn't the radiation of a living being... I made a passage for myself and found... his work. He couldn't resist including his own thoughts and reasoning about how he rose through the ranks of power. How he manipulated senators, bankers, scientists, Jedi, military personnel, Separatists, the leader of the CIS, Count Dooku. He orchestrated the Clone Wars to destroy the Jedi and seize power! He pointed out how he manipulated them to lure Skywalker to his side. How he subtly used the edited audio of a failed arrest attempt to pass it off as an attempt on his life and slander the Jedi... He had been working towards this for most of his life, and the rest of us seemed to have suddenly lost our brains and blindly obeyed, doing what he wanted. But the worst thing is something else, - the girl sobbed, handing me the Sith's work. Slowly taking it on the indicated page, I saw the title.

- Mara Jade. - Handwritten in a sweeping, confident and definitely masculine handwriting. Neat letters of the highest galactic language, painfully reminiscent of Earth English, written in an almost calligraphic handwriting. For some reason, I remembered that this language is no longer popular in the galaxy and is used only in the official names of large companies, and in high aristocratic circles, which is actually synonymous with snobbery, ambition and arrogance. Symbolic...

- He wrote it all down here, - she said bitterly. - How he found me, how he trained me, how he worked on me, my successes and failures. Oh, he even gave me a profile. 'A mindless doll, whose purpose is to hear my voice and carry my will to the Empire. My personal courier, with an inflated opinion of her own importance in the Empire and at my side. Useful as long as her faith continues to be supported by legends. Weak and incompetent as an acolyte or a Sith. Her destiny is to deliver and voice orders, to carry out my will. And to believe that she is the only Hand I have.

- But the worst part is, - the girl said. - He really was looking for immortality. And I'm sure he found it in case of unforeseen circumstances. As you predicted, his secret laboratory for cloning and his own revival is on the planet Byss. You were right about his plan. To die, to go into the shadows, to pit his enemies against each other until he gathers enough forces under his command to conquer the galaxy anew!

- Have you read everything? - I asked.

- Only what Palpatine himself wrote, - the girl said. - The last, sixth part of the book. «Unlimited Power». That was enough for me to understand what kind of person he really is. No, - she shook her red waterfall of hair. - Not a person. A monster. To lie so skillfully to everyone, from the first to the last person...

The girl fell silent, biting her lower lip.

I looked at her without stopping.

And I realized something simple.

Psychology is a subtle science. It is not for nothing that they say - to play on the strings of the soul. - And the fear of any guitarist is not to disgrace himself on stage during a performance, but to cut his throat with a piece of a string that broke from overstretching.

And so it is here. She is at the limit. The girl probably did not assume that everything, absolutely everything, I said was true. She allowed some justifications for Palpatine's actions towards her, she was torn between the choices of betrayal and loyalty. But what she discovered here... This is the point of no return. The boiling point.

And a sign, as if given from above.

Never and under no circumstances will I reveal the secret of my origin in this galaxy. Maybe I will have to carry this secret with me for the rest of my life, maybe I will reveal it to someone someday, but...

This will definitely not be Mara Jade.

She was already betrayed once.

Anyone who does this a second time will have their head chopped off. Or worse.

- This must be destroyed, - I said hoarsely, closing the book.

- There's a chapter about you, Mitth'raw'nuruodo, - the girl said quietly. - 'Excellent performer.' 'The most competent of the sycophants around me.' 'Threat.' 'Rescue.' His thoughts and assessments of your abilities changed every time you either carried out his orders or disobeyed and didn't drive the personnel to the slaughter... He respected you and... He was afraid of you... There's no direct mention, but...

- Do you believe me now? - I asked, looking her straight in the eye. The girl nodded. I don't know what she read about herself in that book, but it clearly knocked her off balance. - This monster must be stopped. And all his efforts must be consigned to the flames. None of the secret knowledge he collected and used to achieve his goals must ever see the light of day.

With these words, I stood up and walked to the central part of the throne room. There, where after the collapse of a complex of computer panels on the stormtrooper's head, a dent half the depth of a human skull was formed. I threw a book with a red cover into the man-made pit. I turned to look at the girl standing silently behind me. Our eyes met. I extended my hand forward:

- Incendiary ammunition, please, - Mara Jade meekly unhooked a small disk from her belt. An incendiary detonator, designed to ignite. A rare thing, but sometimes useful. If there were such in the past of my home planet in the city of Salem, or in the Catholic Inquisition, heretics would burn much faster.

Leaning over, he connected the device to the title page. The cover might not catch fire right away, but would be burned through, but the pages would ignite instantly.

- We could study it, - Mara Jade said suddenly. - It's sure to contain some of his secrets that could give us a clue as to how to combat this monster.

- We already have an answer, - my heart beat faster. My temples pounded. What if she finishes me off now, breaking down before the desire to get «Absolute Power» into her own hands? To learn the secrets of the Sith... - We will destroy him and his Evil Empire the way we planned.

- But we ourselves could become stronger, - her voice whispered, and her breath seemed to burn her ear. - An invincible armada. My Power and your genius... We will bring the galaxy to its knees...

All I have to do is press the detonator button. All she has to do is grab a lightsaber and cut me down. She won't fight me hand to hand. She'll finish me off right here and now. She'll take the Book of Sith and... Everything I feared.

However, is there any point in trying to avoid this fate? With the Force as an ally, she is faster, more agile and more deadly. And if she managed to read at least some of the terrible secrets from the book... There is no worse enemy than a deceived woman. And this particular one will not particularly care whether she was deceived by the one who rules this or that part of the galaxy. She will sweep away everyone who stands in her way...

Just when I thought the Luke Skywalker clone crisis was over, here comes a new disaster....

- Mara, - I said, looking at the girl. - No power is an easy path to greatness. It is hard labor, the value of which you understand only when you achieve your goal through long and hard work. This is not a reward - it is a duty. To yourself and to those who trusted you. To become a monster and a butcher in order to destroy the same? He who defeats a monster by its rules becomes a monster himself. We do not need the Book of Sith to win. We will do it, but on our own terms. Without losing who we truly are. We will not become monsters.

With these words, looking straight into the girl's eyes, I pressed the detonator. Until the very last seconds, until the work of several thousand years of the greatest Siths burns away. Until the last page. Mara Jade looked at the handful of ashes that remained in place of the «Book of Sith». Then, she looked at me.

- Palpatine was wrong about you, Grand Admiral, - Mara Jade said, unexpectedly firm, confident, devoid of pretense and seductive tones. - Even though you are different from humans, even though emotions and compassion are alien to you, and logic, calculation, and the study of the culture of other races give you an undeniable advantage over the enemy, even though you have a different skin tone and are a completely different species, you have humanity and compassion. Much more than individual humans. This secret will die with me, Supreme Commander.

With these words she dropped to one knee in front of me:

- What will be my mission, Grand Admiral? - she asked without looking up.

How many times today has my world turned upside down?

While I was making plans and checking up on my subordinates, the red-haired beast checked me up. And gave me a lifelong credit of trust. If only I knew at what percentage

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