Going Into the World!

Chapter 84

For messing with you.

“You’d be surprised at this.” I took a picture out of my condo and showed it to Jennifer.

“Awesome! Is this Jeff and Caroline?” Jennifer recognizes it at a glance and is stunned, unable to keep her mouth shut. I was surprised, too. Hehe.

“Do you know what happened now? Jeff, this is all a setup. ”

I’ve already finished my spy work, so I explained my research. After Caroline took Jeff’s mistress and made it look like she bumped into me. From the government that made him take photos in advance, to his cousin Lachlan, who arranged to work with him to write a fake story, Jennifer says, “Oh my goodness.”

“That’s why Carolyn jumped in and crossed her arms and confused me into taking a picture. How am I supposed to get out of here? Did you do anything wrong to me? You didn’t suspect a thing?” I pushed Jennifer around pretending to be angry.

“Oh, no. I used to trust John. Heh heh. If I don’t believe you, who will? You weren’t too angry in the first place, were you? ”

Jennifer suddenly sweeps down my chest, relaxing and looking at my eyes. It looks like a cat. Haha.

“But I wouldn’t have any misunderstandings if I didn’t want you to clamp your arms. Isn’t that right?” I step back and say a few words.

“Phew! I don’t know what to say. I pushed him too hard. I would have filmed it again, told her I was abusing her, succeeded, and then told her I was ignoring people. You know that, don’t you? They don’t care if the kidnapped girl dies or not. What can’t these guys do? They do it like they eat illegal food. ”

Jennifer knows that the World News scandal is already known.

“Right? Okay. I was a little suspicious, but I’m sorry. Heehee!” Jennifer smiles with a smile, saying she’s not sorry at all. Tsk.

“This is all happening because of you. I don’t even know this Jeff guy. Tsk.”

“Okay. But you liked me, so you followed me around. I just said no, but… was that wrong, too?” Jennifer leans on me and gives me a gentle look and talks.

“Haha! Well, that’s not true. Well done.” I can think of no one who has done anything wrong. The villain rushed in, and it was just a difficult defeat.

It’s better to see it once than to hear it a hundred times, but one photo with Carolin and Jeff cleared the misunderstanding with Jennifer.

Jennifer says she learned from Sarah at the fitness center. I heard Sarah also worked as a massage therapist and seems to have given her proper guidance.

“By the way, the fitness center seems to be doing well. What do you think?” Fijik 57 has had a tremendous increase in membership, and the programs involved have also been reported to be booming.

In my view, the system was well organized, so I thought I could pay for a second number.

“Yeah, I don’t know, but I think Sarah’s running it pretty well. And Tanya, the instructor, is amazing to me. Members are always on standby.”

Now, there are only hundreds of teachers who come out regularly, but Tanya’s program is always 10,000 won, and when she comes in, she doesn’t leave, so she always says, ‘Waiting.’

By the way, this whole body is cool and feels good. Lying in bed, I climbed up behind me and felt Jennifer’s eager grip on my face, and suddenly I thought of something and asked.

“Jennifer, did you learn that Sarah used to teach you that?”

“Kick! Kick! That? I’ll do it later. Heehee!” What have you learned since you keep giggling?

“Hahaha! That guy looks funny. ”

On TV, Lachlan and Murdoch enter the hearing room, both of which look as grim as a rock. Especially Lachlan with the chewed up look on his face made me laugh. Yeah, why are you touching my butt? Ang?

[First of all, I’m really, really sorry. Especially for families affected by illegal eavesdropping. I’m very sorry about myself, my father, and my entire company, and this was not up to our standards, and it’s not what we want. And ]

Murdock and Lachlan sit at the interrogation table, and as the hearings begin, Lachlan begins with the words of forgiveness. But it’s a long story. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Who told you to do that? He speaks fluently.

[Wait! Before we move on, let me just say that today is the most humble and trivial day of my life.]

Rupert Murdock interrupts as Lachlan speaks and spits out his current heart.

The senators then asked questions and Lachlan and Murdoch answered.

[When I first heard this news, I was so surprised and ashamed. It felt stupid that I didn’t know this.]

[I never heard of it.]

[I don’t know. I don’t know.]

[I was appalled when I found out that the money had been paid to Detective Mulcare. I had no idea.]

Haha! I can’t wait to see the hearings. Starting with ‘sins,’ the answer is consistent with ‘Morse.’

You felt ashamed, shocked, and stupid for the first time? Ew! Who would believe a word you say? Are the people stupid?

Murdock says it’s a humble and insignificant day, and slaps his desk with his bare hands as he speaks.

Huff! If you argue with your desk because you are so insignificant, you are a little ‘less’ insignificant and will flip over your desk. Are you guys still out of your minds?

Some senators talk politely, but these guys probably got something from Murdock. That’s a funny question.

At the end of the two-hour Q&A, a congressman asked Rupert Murdock a question.

[So, do you feel you are responsible for this big controversial incident?]

I think, of course, it’s a process in which I have to take moral responsibility no matter what. ’I thought you’d say. But, um…


Rupert Murdock is not a reasonable man to ask as soon as the question ends. Hic! My words were blocked in a way that was unexpectedly resolute. Khh! Hmmm. I realized I was still underestimating them.

That evening, Rupert Murdock said to the Internet and newspapers, “This is the most humble and trivial day of my life.”

Poor day all over the place? A parody appeared, smashing up desks and props and saying, “Oh, I’m so peaceful!” Ugh, I only have bones “?” with pictures and funny words.

After a week of imprisonment and interrogation, the case grew. This is what a string looks like. A lot of people were called and articles came out every day.

In front of the headquarters of the World’s Newspapers, there was a year-round demonstration and even celebrities, including Will Young, began to denounce newspapers and Murdock.

Ms. Milli Dowler’s family suffered enormously during the investigation of the murder. When I first searched the country and appeared on the news and appealed to the kidnapper, I was fine. However, when the police concluded that the case was an escape, the media began to dig into their families.

In particular, Murdock’s newspapers, leading the world’s news, wrote a speculation about how much Ms. Doyle complained about the house and probably ran away to rebel against her parents.

In order to write an eye-catching article, I covered every family member closely and uncovered problems in the house, and I exaggerated the conflict between my parents and my sisters.

Families sued for damages because the investigation was delayed due to the behavior of these newspapers and the illegal conduct of the “World Newspaper”.

“My deepest apologies to my family. I understand the pain you may have suffered, and I promise you a full reward. And our newspaper promises to take advantage of this opportunity to recreate it. ”

In the end, the newspaper spokesman pledged a $3 million reward and pledged a renewal over and over again.

Even though the “World Newspaper” is a magazine that represents popularity, and the Murdocks seem exhausted even though they know the original public by ridicule. No matter how hard I tried in the past time, this case seemed like there was no way to fix it, and it was even more twisted.

Over time, the companies started withdrawing one or two advertisements, and eventually most of the major companies stepped down. Of course, I don’t see any ads that are the main revenue, which is strange if there are no problems.

World Newspaper Closure Decision

Murdock’s Decision

The outrage that initially appeared in the world newspapers began to spread to Murdock’s other companies over time. Murdock couldn’t have been any easier when the fire broke out until “The Sun,” a daily newspaper.

And as the gradual connection between the police and the political forces began to spread, so did Jung and the people in relationships. ’I did.

If everyone does this wrong, the anger of the people will spill to the wrong places and the pressure will start on Murdock.

One morning, I woke up and an article appeared saying that the newspaper was closed.

Competitive newspapers say, “Long live Korea Independence! ‘Everyone is spreading the news together, and we argue why we are doing so now.

Haha. Everyone’s excited. It’s strange that the first one collapses when the rest of them don’t like it. It’s normal for journalists to accept other people’s misfortunes as my joy.

I feel refreshed to watch this incredible drama, but there was one thing that was frustrating.

“Ahh! This is a terrible accusation, but no one understands. Ugh!”

If someone doesn’t compliment me when I receive an award, my joy is doubtful. I’d like to let you know that I’m the one who led this massive operation, but that’s not… Oh, should I do this or not? Huh? Huh?

The Murdock family seems to have a stronger connection than I thought, by the way. Newspapers release featured articles listing people with Murdock and strings, starting with the former British Prime Minister, down to the Chief of Police in Parliament. Moreover, it is not easy in the United States. The Democrats I sponsored must have worn out their strings diligently so far.

Is it because the sky knows that I’m impatient? No, all the intelligence teams went to London to poke around, but that’s weird if they don’t get their tails stomped. After some time, a phone call came.

“Ah, Mr. Barton, it’s been a long time. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to reach you.” Mr. Barton called me because he was busy and forgot.

“Haha. Not bad. I’m glad you’re busy. How’s it going?” Mr. Barton smiles and says hello.

I spent more time fighting Murdock than I expected during the last few months. Seeing the nerves going in that direction, I have a feeling something else is going on. We’ve only just finished filling the gaps in the organized tissues.

“John, by the way, did you make the world news like that? ”

“Four? What are you talking about?” I was surprised by Mr. Barton’s story? Where did you hear that?

“Oh, I have some information. I heard you talking to David. Murdock said he found out. Didn’t you know?”

Haha. That’s the first I’ve heard of it. We don’t know because they didn’t do anything.

“Don’t worry too much. In fact, I went to a meeting to ask you why you did what you did. I think the newspapers have done it a hundred times. Most meetings think Murdock was wrong. ”

Murdock’s best friend is a member of the Ross Child family, the head of the Jewish community, and it’s connected to the Jewish community where Mr. Barton and Mr. Lipton leave.

Oh my… The Jews help me, Mr. Barton, but the rest… I don’t care… If I get ten, these guys are nine-hearted.

“You just want to know why?” I wanted to know exactly what they wanted.

According to Barton, Murdock knows what’s going on. When I did my research, I found out that I had something to do with this matter in some way, but I didn’t know it at first.

Later on, I found out that my newspaper article was in World News, but I wasn’t sure if I’d spent this much money and manpower.

Hehe. These guys must be the ones who framed me for something like that. Hungry, so many things have exploded, and Murdock himself must have been looking for a young woman. Married three times, living a grumpy life, and it seemed nothing special.

“I’m not just mad at a knight. And one of the pictures in there is actually a noose. Lachlan and Jeff are trying to catch it on purpose. ”

I explained how a guy named Jeff had a grudge and sent Carolyn to take pictures, and I also told her that I had proof that Lachlan had instructed her to publish these targeted articles on the world news.

“How am I supposed to stand there when it comes out like this? I’m a man of my temper. Please tell them to keep an eye on them.”

When I was finished, Barton said he knew and would find out.

Less than a week after I spoke to Mr. Barton, a brief article came out that Lachlan had been pushed into the family and his brother James had ascended to the Crown Prince’s seat.

Lachlan’s performance has been lacking in the media, and more aggressive James has announced that he will lead the company.

Looking at the newspaper, I smiled faintly.

‘Huh-huh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-bye, Lachlan. You were never my opponent.’

Perhaps this one is no longer a successor forever. But you won’t be complaining because you left me something to eat.

By the way, Jeff, this guy’s a strappy kite now, isn’t he? Maybe he’s just beating the crap out of Lachlan? I can’t even look at my own hands… Do you want me to take a look? Should I?

Artwork Reviews

The World News newspaper ended up with 168 years of history behind it. For your reference, your artwork has the cover of your last published newspaper.

Rebecca Buruk, the world’s president of news, wondered: at the age of 31, and at the age of 41, I led a business in the U.K. with Murdock’s U.K. Holding Company News International.

When she got married later, I was hooked on one of the most influential women in the world, and I was hooked on the case.

In the meantime, Britain seems to be as deeply rooted in corruption as its history.

And in fact, according to Eagle’s settings, Lachlan was crowned Prince in the early 2000s. They kicked me out of business school, and James came in. After that, James is in charge. Unlike Lachlan, James says he looks exactly like Murdock.

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