Going Into the World!

Chapter 42

foam like a general

I unmasked myself at the Lotte Hotel in Euljiro as a guide from the front yard. The next day, I headed to Headquarters for the acquisition of Daewoo Group companies, because the schedule was impending. I’m riding in a car prepared by the boss to a group prison in front of Seoul Station, and it feels like I’m the president who followed the car back and forth.

Yes, because no one knows it yet, but I am the richest man in Korea. I was asked to do several interviews in Korea this year, but I didn’t want to do it because I was busy. I was afraid of the media before, but I didn’t have to force the press to notice because I had a certain amount of talent or power.

Some people are nice to know, but I’ve been avoiding the press for some inconvenience, and just because I was in the newspaper last year doesn’t mean people recognize me on the street. People don’t know unless they are celebrities.

Now that I have so much more than I used to have, I might have to take a bodyguard out of the house for no reason if it’s known. I wanted to live quietly for a while, but now that I’ve acquired the Daewoo affiliates, I think it’s going to be a big part of the media and what I’ve been doing so far may be a waste of time. Still, if you don’t make it big enough, you won’t recognize it when you’re out there. I hate discomfort.

“Chairman, come this way.” When I get to the headquarters, the boss will show me, and it looks like someone got out of the car in the front and back.

I got out of the car and I looked at the building, and it’s huge!

“Thank you. I’m fine. Let’s get on with it.” I was a little overwhelmed by the static, but I acted naturally with my eyes open.

I bring Kim and Lee Lee and other persons from securities considerations to the sides, including the boss, and people meet me in front of me.

“Chairman, welcome. I’m the Head of Resident Planning for Daewoo Group.” He’s in his late 40s, and he seems reasonable.

Since then, a few more people have greeted me, and all the presidents of companies I’m interested in including construction, telecommunications, and electronics are listed. Maybe it was all in the pre-coordination process for the orthodontist.

“Yes, nice to meet you. What are you doing out here?” Everyone was older than me and I was polite enough to say hello.

Afterwards, several people stand and greet each other. It seems like an awkward situation to not be able to give me an introduction.

“Big building, by the way? What floor is this? ”

I heard you’re more interested in Jetbab than in Sacrifices, but you’re more interested in buildings than in Daewoo Group. I asked the Chief of Staff a question.

Built across the plaza from Seoul Station, it looks like an aircraft carrier that is approximately the same length as the 20th floor at a glance.

“Yes, sir. This is 10,000 square feet of land, 23 stories underground, one of the most iconic buildings in Seoul until the ’80s. ”

As if treating the owner as if I were the chairman, Chairman Lee already knows where the information is and what’s going on. He was also the one who rolled in the planning room, so he seemed sensitive to the presence of power and smelled good.

The government was also burdened with the bankruptcy of Daewoo Group. When I showed my intention to acquire it, I rushed in. Besides, I’m bringing in the dollars to take over, so it’ll be a gold medal. The Chief Executive Officer said he didn’t even ask for help, but the government took off negotiating with Daewoo Group and helped him.

‘This guy’s quick to spot. One big building, by the way. ”

It felt old because there were some old brown outer tiles on the outside, but I had to admit it was only that big. Even if I pretend, more than a thousand people will enter the building. If we do this right this time, we’ll be the real commanders.

As I enter the building, I start with the guards and look at the temples that are surrounded by curiosity and worries. After the IMF exploded, he was about to recover, so the social atmosphere was still not restored.

At this time, the whole group was being drawn in because rumors were spreading that a new boss might come in while the group was falling backwards and the chairman was fleeing abroad.

When I get in the elevator, a few people swoop in, and then a few more try to board, and the yard stops me.

“Ah, it’s a little tight. Take the next one up. ”

Even though the seat was still a little empty, even though the static yard was just blocking it, the people who were trying to get on it withdrew.

When Chairman Jae Kwon led me from the door and explained this and that, I felt like the chairman stepped up and slightly restrained. He looks at the encounters from Daewoo group, including the head office, as if the wrong person was interfering with his position.

It’s on the floor where the chairman’s office is getting off the elevator. I didn’t ask you to show me somewhere.I can see this foreman.

As I slowly looked around and went inside, all the passing employees bowed down and greeted me, which was strange. It feels like the commander’s been scouting the troops.

The people who brought along the Chief Executive Officer Kim, Director Kim, and Director Kim, came on their shoulders like conquerors and followed me, saying, “You all know what you’re doing! ’form.

Executives line up, including Daewoo Group presidents and presidents. Moreover, when the president already treated me like the owner of the group if I didn’t know whether to acquire part of the group, I felt even better because everyone around me seemed to be holding on to the chairman.

‘Kaha . This is power. This is worth it. That’s why everyone’s doing it, Chairman. Huh-huh-huh.’ I couldn’t make it, so I swallowed a smile inside.

I led the people who were following me like a tide into the chairman’s office. It feels completely different than just having a few hundred people left.

Let’s go into the chairman’s office, and this will be at least five times what I used to have in the United States. Looking out the window, I can see the history of Seoul, and this is a great view.

“Sir, come sit over here.” I walk into the room, and I see a large conference room table on one side of the room. Lead me to the middle chair.

“Come on, everybody, sit down. Well, it doesn’t look like the meeting’s gonna end anytime soon, so I’ll get you a drink. ”

As I sit down, everyone sits on a long, luxurious wooden table. Those who are quick to notice already have a seat close to me.

“Sir, what can I get you to drink?” A woman in the secretarial office approaches me and asks me, When I look up at my face, I see a tense light. I looked at it quietly, and I could see tears coming from that big look in my eyes.

‘Huh! This is going to ring a child.’ I was just looking at Eva for a moment, but it’s funny to be restless because I think something’s wrong.

Come on, the whole team’s here right now, and they’re probably nervous. When I came in, I saw some of the beautiful employees who were secretaries in the chairman’s office. That’s why they’re so good at picking abilities. Hehe.

Always with blonde Eva making my coffee and taking care of me in Glamer, this assistant makes me feel like a little bit of a beauty. It felt a little fresh.

“Oh, I’ll give you black coffee. Let’s do something. ”

When I saw that I was relieved by my spell, I felt cute and smiled in relief so that I couldn’t fit in.

“As you all know, I am interested in the affiliates of Daewoo Group. And in particular, I think some companies have already been pre-tuned because they’re looking at it. Mr. Jung, please report the progress in the meantime. ”

Looking around, it seems that the President or Vice President was already present at the seven or eight companies I mentioned.

“Yes, first, you selected construction, communications, stocks, development, electronics and dynasty clubs, then contacted the president individually, including the added cars, and discussed the current situation, capital status, and necessary procedures and restructuring at the time of acquisition. And ..”

He was already president of Korea’s top three securities companies, so he seemed to have done a pretty good job.

“Hmm. I understand my will. Looks like you got your own dinner table. You know me very well. It will be quite useful in the future. ’

No matter how far away I am, I think I know my disposition because I’ve been on my side for two years. How did I know that I was a bit of an agnostic? I just figured it out and negotiated a pretty specific point.

Even if you acquire Daewoo Group affiliates, at least they are not false companies compared to those in the United States. I don’t know how many assets I have, but I don’t know how much profit I’ll make. That’s why we’re going to take all the good ones out separately.

“Yes, I heard you. Shall we start with the construction? I’ll read the report separately, but I’d like to briefly talk to you about the situation and the landscape. I can look at the scale of the funding, and what I’m interested in is how long it’s going to take to realize profits in the future, and what obstacles there are. We’ll hear more about it later in the day, so please be brief as you go around. ”

I reported on the construction that I was most interested in. When the President of Construction announced for the first time, everyone focused their eyes.

“Yes, I am the owner of the construction sector, Cheol-gu Lee. Since its founding in 76, it has been responsible for overseas plant construction and power generation facilities in Ecuador, Libya and Pakistan, as well as for the construction of domestic nuclear power plants and other government orders. Other than that, they were building their own apartments, until last year’s economy suddenly got worse. In the next two to three years, if we follow our efforts, we can realize our profits. ”

And when I heard this, I said, “Trust me. You can do it. ’Well, that’s what this is about.

Well, I didn’t expect much. This kind of place is like that. Chuck, it looks like it’s hard to keep it in the country right now. Maybe we should take him to a place less affected by the U.S. or the financial crisis. But I have a lot of personal use, so unless you have a special problem, pass this.

I told him to make it short, but it seems that the company’s direction is set, so one person says a lot longer, and there I ask a few questions, and two hours pass quickly. The chair is fluffy, but I’ve been sitting for a long time, and I feel sad because I can’t sleep much in the evening after a long flight.

“Yes, we all heard you. Then I will review the report first and schedule an interview one by one. Let me know if you have any questions. ”

I don’t know if I’ve been here long enough. I do not intend to manage the Korean workplace myself. Right now, the United States can’t be in Korea because of some urgent business initiatives, and I plan to see your delegation or manage it through the planning control room. Take out a smart guy and let him handle it. If you tighten it properly, you’ll do better than me.

I give them the opportunity to ask questions, but they don’t speak to each other, just looking at each other.

“Ah, one last time!” When I hang up, the eyes come together.

“Even if I acquire companies, I will give another chance to those who are not poor in performance. As you all know, since I have my place of business in the United States, I’m going to do a lot of things here in the future, so I’m going to ask for your active cooperation. The selection and acquisition of targets will be determined at least within a month. ”

I said, “If you cooperate well, I’ll let you all live.” ’Everyone’s eyes change because they have a nuance. Preserving your seat here would have been of particular interest to you. Everyone is sensitive to their own interests. If the company crashes and you can go back to being president, you don’t care about anything.

On the side, the canopy is quite inspiring. My shoulders shrug when I tell you that I work directly through the garden-variety.

I stood up and shouted to the next Head of Talent Leader to listen to everything around me.

“Good luck to you too, sir. I only trust you and the foreman. Haha.”

“Yes, I understand. Chairman,“ I said, “The dean emphasizes’ Sir ’again. What a sense of humor. You know exactly what I like to say. Heh heh.

The chairman looks at President Hee Clean and looks like he’s throwing a rebound.

Artwork Reviews

The Daewoo Building in front of Seoul Station has now been renamed “Seoul Square.” It covers 122,792 square feet per year.

For your information, the Korea Securities Building (the current Korean HP Building) is located in Yeouido, and there was an article that said HP sold and leased at around 200 billion last month. 23rd floor above ground, 7th floor below ground, covering only 43835.31 square feet per annum. It’s a big building.

Movie companies and other business schedules (by the author) will be specifically scheduled in the future, but Ildu is staying in Korea. I came to Korea like Mo, but I can’t leave right away, and I can’t squeeze out Jennifer, who’s getting a lot of support, and I’m going to kick her out of Korea in a minute or two, and I’m going to acquire the film company right away.

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