
Vol.3 Ch.5 – A Birthday Party And A Very Special Afterparty

Chapter 5: A Birthday Party And A Very Special Afterparty

By the time the sun went down the party was in full swing. My women and I had all gone to the bathhouse and then gotten dressed in nicer clothes once we were all nice and clean.

Alisha wore the ever-so-slightly transparent white dress she'd worn when Selene's village had celebrated her victorious return, though unfortunately it was so dark outside that it wasn't nearly as titillating as it had been last time. That said, I'd always had a weakness for pretty women in white sundresses and the sight was certainly one to remember, with a gorgeous woman – my gorgeous woman – wearing a gorgeous knee-length dress.

Selene, by stark contrast did not wear the dress they'd crammed her into during that same celebration, the one she'd looked so uncomfortable in. Instead she wore the nicest pair of pants she owned and, to my embarrassment, the blue and silver tunic I'd fixed up for her after she tore it fighting a cockatrice. Even more embarrassing, mom asked her where she got such a nice tunic and instead of telling her that it was given to her by the goddess Freya and I had added the silver trim to hide the rough fix I'd given it, Selene told her that I'd made it for her, which made my mother the master tailor prouder than she really should have been.

Yume wore one of the three kimonos I'd made for her. After hers had gotten a little too shredded up I had done my best to fix it up, but once I'd become a bit more familiar with the garment I'd made her a few more since no stores we'd found so far had sold any. It was, after all, an exotic garment from the southern realm. Of course, with just a couple days to work with I didn't really have time to make her more than three.

The one she currently wore was one I'd made to her specifications. It was a very light pink, almost white, with a floral pattern and it was held closed by a ribbon in a much more vibrant shade of pink. As the tailor who had made it I could see the dozens of little imperfections in the cut and the stitching but Yume clearly loved it and paraded it around as though it wasn't the work of an amateur. I had also tried to convince her to wear regular sandals instead of the bizarre wooden ones she had brought with her, but she insisted on keeping them because of the extra two inches of height they gave her. They didn't make much of a difference but at least they allowed her to stand taller than most of the children at the party.

As for me, I wore a black tunic with white piping and black pants. It was one of the nicer outfits I owned and it was definitely not self-made.

In this part of the kingdom it was normal to celebrate birthdays with just family and the closest of friends, but for his wives and himself Martin splurged on large events where he invited most of the village. It was just one of dozens of little ways he ingratiated himself to the people of Aphrodite's Orchard. He had to, since he practically had a monopoly on the wares they could buy and if the people ever became truly upset with him they might really cause him trouble. So on top of owning half the village in one way or another he also did a lot of little things to make the people like him, like throwing big parties or outfitting the guard with better gear than most provincial guards boasted.

It should have been nostalgic to be in this village but really I held little affection for the place. Not to say I hated it but the town I'd grown up in would always be Athena's Grove. I'd only spent three short years in Aphrodite's Orchard and most of the people here were strangers to me, most of the people I had known in my youth had died along with my hometown.

A lot of villagers at the party tried to get me and my women to solve their petty little problems since adventurers were rare in this place but we turned them all down. Small town problems didn't pay well. Of course, almost nothing paid as well as slaying Dark Lords but killing barghests because a master jeweler in the capital desperately needed the fangs was far more lucrative than killing barghests because a small town shepherd was scared for his sheep.

Of course we didn't really want to put it that bluntly so we excused ourselves and told them we wouldn't be in town long enough to help.

Finally, when everyone had had something to eat, it was time for those my mother actually cared about to hand her presents. A lot of the villagers either sidled away or immediately went home. It wasn't really expected of them to give her anything but a few still felt awkward taking the food without giving anything in return.

As always I had put together a little box of souvenirs and mementos but this time my women had added their own little touches.

Mom had been a little disappointed that I hadn't wanted to become a tailor like her but she was nonetheless proud whenever I told her of some of my exploits, so the souvenirs still excited her.

So after Martin, Michelle, Amelia and some of mom's friends had given her their presents, my women and I placed a big box with a ribbon on top on the table in front of her.

“Happy birthday”, we told her in unison and mom looked giddy as she unwrapped her present.

The first thing she pulled out of the box was a ring. Just a thin band of polished steel, quite plain to be honest, but...

“I can feel that it's enchanted”, mom said, “but what does it do?”

I grinned. “It increases dexterity and eyesight by quite a bit”, I said. “It's called the Sharpshooter's Band, but it also helps a lot while stitching. I thought you might like that.”

“This sounds like something an adventurer could make better use of”, she said. We'd had the 'you need this more than I do' discussion more than once, so I preempted her.

“None of us have any use for it, but I know for a fact that it makes tailoring easier.” I didn't point out that I'd worn it while making Yume's clothes because that might have been detrimental to my point.

“Well then, thank you very much”, she said, putting it onto her right middle finger. Her two ring fingers held both my dad's wedding ring and Martin's wedding ring.

The next thing she pulled out of the box was a tiny little paper bag. She shook it and peered inside to see that it held flower seeds.

“They're phantom lilies”, Alisha explained. “They're a special kind of lily my clan grows. They're gorgeous and can grow practically anywhere and once they've wilted you can harvest the leaves and brew tea out of them.”

Mom smiled at the gorgeous elf. “Thank you”, mom said. “I'll take good care of them.”

Next she pulled out a half of a crown that had been crudely chopped in half. It was less a souvenir and more of a trophy and I smiled as Selene turned away.

“What's this?”, mom asked.

Selene blushed and stayed silent so I explained: “This is one half of a crown. The wearer of that crown was the first Dark Lord Selene has slain, the one she had been chosen to slay. The other half she gave to her parents but this one she wanted you to have.”

Mom paused for a moment as she stared between the item and Selene. “Selene dear, come here for a second”, mom said.

Selene hesitated for a moment, then came to stand right beside mom, who pulled her down into a crushing hug.

“Thank you”, mom said. “I know how much this means and I'll take good care of it.”

The next thing she pulled out of the box was a piece of metal warped beyond recognition. It was clearly burnt copper but that was just about all that could be gleaned.

“When we first met, your son saved me from a very bad man”, Yume explained as mom tried to make sense of what she was holding. “This is the piece of metal I tore out of that man's breastplate after Felix freed me. It is proof of my gratitude and my love for him, so I want you to keep it.” Of course Yume didn't say what she'd done after she'd literally ripped that piece out of his breastplate with her bare hand to expose a hole right over his heart, but it was pretty clear to everyone that the man was no longer alive.

“Thank you”, mom said. “I'll keep it safe.”

And finally she pulled the last items out of the box, two pots of a silvery substance.

“Silver honey?”, mom asked, shocked. “I know how expensive this stuff is. You shouldn't have.”

I chuckled. “Don't worry, mom”, I said. “We were in a village where this stuff is produced and they ask a fraction of the normal price for it. This isn't some luxury good I bought you, it's a souvenir from our travels.”

“Well, in that case I have no choice but to accept it, do I?”, she asked. “Thank you all very much for the wonderful gifts, they all mean a lot.”

And then she got up and pulled first Yume into a hug and then all four of us.

Apparently mom getting up had been some kind of cue because a small group of musicians began playing at that moment and immediately people started dancing.

Alisha and Yume shared a look and then ran off hand in hand.

“What's that about?”, mom asked.

“They've got something planned”, I explained. “They thought they would do something really impressive for the occasion.”

“They've been impressing me since I've opened the door”, she said, then looked over at Selene, who was standing next to me. “You, too.”

Selene blushed and buried her face in my shoulder and just then swathes of magic started emanating from Alisha and Yume.

They'd practiced quite a bit for this. Both to get the steps right and to get their magics working together.

Alisha's gray-green magic wrapped around her, her aura settling into the shape of butterfly wings on her back, while Yume's aura was light blue and held close to her body except around her tails, where it fanned out between them. They clasped hands and began dancing as though they'd done it all their lives. As they danced their magics intertwined and combined into a bright turquoise mist that brightened up the area considerably.

And then they started casting as they danced. Alisha created winds that coursed through the meadow we were celebrating on while Yume cast illusory streaks of white that made the wind sparkle and swirl. With each step of their dance the pattern of their combined spell grew more complex until they were surrounded by a canvas of glowing lights that danced as they did. Alisha's wings beat and Yume's tails danced around behind her and soon enough Alisha had saturated the area with so much air magic that the two of them were floating two inches off the ground, their feet sinking into a membrane of springy air with each step as if they were dancing on clouds. At the same time Yume used her magic so that every step they placed on the air created ripples that pulsed outward, making it look as though they were dancing on water instead.

The musicians were clearly inspired by the display and kept the upbeat song going for another few minutes, just to accompany the two beautiful women's performance a little longer.

I glanced next to me and saw Selene swaying to the music as she stared at the two, mesmerized. Mom seemed to have noticed as well because she asked:

“Would you like to dance as well, dear?”

Selene was shocked out of her swaying and then stammered: “N-no, absolutely not. I-I-I can't. I have two left feet.”

Mom looked at me indignantly, as if this was somehow my fault.

“She didn't ask if you could dance, she just asked if you wanted to”, I said.

“I... do?”, Selene replied and finally mom smiled.

And thus, once Alisha and Yume were winding down, slowly dispersing the illusions and returning to the ground, I dragged Selene out into the open space.

As a man, if you're even halfway good at dancing, you can carry a woman along for the ride. It works best when the woman isn't a powerful warrior but even then it works so long as she doesn't actively resist you. And, true to her word, Selene didn't resist. She wanted to dance, she just didn't know how.

“Put your right hand on my shoulder and hold my hand with your left”, I muttered into her ear, “then just let me carry you and enjoy yourself, just like our first kiss.”

She blushed a little but did as I asked and soon we were off. She seemed terrified of tripping and embarrassing herself but as she realized that that wasn't something she needed to worry about she got more into it. As I started whirling her across the meadow she began really enjoying herself and I heard Alisha, the little hypocrite, yell at me:


“So”, I asked Selene as if I hadn't heard the elf who apparently really wanted a spanking, “are you having fun?”

“Yes”, Selene said. “I didn't think it would be like this. But it feels like everyone's staring at us.”

“That's probably because you're so gorgeous”, I told her and she blushed, but didn't look away.


After I had demonstrated that I could dance Alisha and Yume both insisted that I dance with them as well, which I did without hesitation. I mean, if a gorgeous woman you love told you to dance with her you'd do it, right? Right.

“This is strange”, Yume told me as I whirled her through the night. “This is nothing like the dances I know.”

“What are your dances like?”, I asked.

“They're more coordinated, they're like group events”, she explained.

“Oh we have those as well”, I said. “Probably not the same, but we have group dances, especially during the spring and fall equinox. Would you like to go to one of those?”

She shook her head. “No”, she said. “I only want to dance with you, Alisha and Selene, not with strangers who might cop a feel.”

I smiled. “Good”, I said, “since you're my little fox.”

“Exactly”, she said and leaned up so I could kiss her.

Of course, there was no way for her to keep her rhythm while leaning up to kiss me so I lifted her up and spun her around, her feet off the ground.

When I broke the kiss and placed her back down to the ground her face was flush and she was breathing hard.

“Are you alright?”, I asked.

“Uh-huh”, Yume breathed. “I...”, she began, then paused and leaned into me. “I want you to make love to me”, she said.

I was about to tell her that there was no way I'd get the sheets in our guest room dirty but her tone had been so adorable I was powerless against it.

“I'm pretty sure I just saw your mom and her sister wives leave with Martin”, she said and I winced.

Then I looked around and saw that, somewhere along the way, the field had emptied out. There were a few of Martin's workers cleaning up but aside from them it was only Alisha, Selene and the two of us on the field.

“Did you mean just you and me or do you want Alisha and Selene along?”

“I'm not selfish enough to want you all to myself”, Yume said with a smile.

“Alright then”, I said and we left.


The first thing I did as I entered the room was to check under the bed. Empty. Next I opened the closet and peered inside. Empty. Then I checked the small bathroom. Also empty. And then, from back in the main building, I heard a very loud moan. Not a sound I needed to hear but at least it was pretty clearly the reason why nobody was in here watching us.

By the time I had finished being a paranoid bastard Yume had already laid out a towel on top of the bed and had loosened her kimono, showing me that she wasn't wearing any smallclothes underneath the odd garment. She laid there spread out for me, a finger to her lips, and it was hard to think of anything sexier. And then I felt a tug on my pants.

I looked down and saw Selene kneeling in front of me, pulling my pants down. Once she had them all the way down I stepped out of them and she ran her hands over my stomach, pushing my tunic up enough to expose my abs before she began kissing them. She was just a little obsessed with my muscles and kissed them any time she could but soon enough she dipped lower, leaving a trail of kisses until she reached my cock. Between the sight of Yume displaying herself for me and Selene lavishing attention on me I was already rock-hard and the blond paladin took me in her mouth.

As she watched us, Yume began sliding two fingers into her mouth as if she were imagining what it would feel like and the sight was almost more than I could bear. Soon enough Selene had warmed up enough that she began taking me deeper and deeper, bobbing her head to fuck her mouth on me, her throat squeezing me as if trying to milk me and in response Yume's stuck out her tongue and forced her fingers a little deeper.

I was beginning to think this couldn't get any better but then I felt Alisha's delicate hands on my ass. If I hadn't overheard her talking to Amelia then what happened next would have shocked the life out of me. As it was, I was just glad I'd washed myself so thoroughly in the bathhouse. I felt Alisha kissing my ass cheeks several times before she spread my cheeks apart and then I felt her tongue sliding between them, going deeper and deeper until she found my asshole and began lapping at it without even a hint of hesitation.

“Oh fuck”, I rasped as I felt myself getting worked from two sides.

Yume had graduated to fingering her pussy while still sucking on the fingers of her other hand and she looked beyond amazing like that.

I knew I should have found my position humiliating but with two of my women on their knees and servicing me I really couldn't muster up even a hint of embarrassment. I felt Alisha's tongue slip in deeper and reflexively thrust forward, away from her, but the motion buried me deep in Selene's throat.

“Mmmmm”, the paladin moaned as I suddenly shoved myself inside her and I saw that her right hand was between her thighs and rubbing tight circles.

She loved it when I used her mouth but she couldn't keep me down her throat like that for more than thirty seconds before it became uncomfortable for her, so after counting to twenty-nine I pulled back, right onto Alisha who kept her tongue rigid enough that it pushed inside me as I did.

Yume was getting slightly frantic as she watched us, rolling her hips against the fingers she had buried inside herself, the motions lifting her butt off the bed with every thrust.

When I couldn't bear Alisha's tongue anymore I thrust forward into Selene's waiting mouth but soon had to withdraw from her again, creating a back-and-forth of pure, unbearable pleasure, and I began to swear under my breath, certain I was going to cum down Selene's throat or else my knees would give out.

And then my two women took the choice away from me. Selene grabbed my hips and pulled me close, down her throat, and began to swallow, making her throat massage the seed out of me. At the same time Alisha leaned forward as well, making sure there was no escaping them as her warm tongue kept playing with me. Trapped and with nowhere to go I gave up trying to hold back and pumped my sticky seed down Selene's throat, leaving her no choice but to swallow every drop.

When I had nothing more to give I pulled out of Selene very slowly. She'd once admitted to me, red-faced and eyes glossy from sheer embarrassment, that the feeling of me pulling out of her slowly after cumming down her throat was her favorite, that the feeling of me slowly leaving her but leaving behind all the fluids I'd stirred up drove her wild. I could certainly tell she was rubbing her clit frantically as I slowly pulled out of her and then made sure to smear my dick all over her face, spreading our juices around, covering her beautiful face in our filth. By the time her whole face was messy she came with a loud groan and a shudder.

As soon as I felt steady on my feet again I pulled both of my women up and threw them onto the bed, making sure that Selene landed on her back and didn't hit the bed with her messy, beautiful face first.

“Athena's bush, you two were amazing”, I told them before I leaned down and kissed Alisha. Thankfully I couldn't taste anything out of the ordinary.

“I wasn't sure if you'd like it”, Alisha admitted. “Gods below, I wasn't even sure if you'd let me.” If I hadn't overheard her talking to Amelia about it and getting worryingly excited about it, I probably wouldn't have. It had felt amazing, but good gods was it embarrassing. “Has any woman ever done that for you?”, Alisha asked.

I glanced over at Yume. She had done that to me, in a dream she'd spun for me using her illusion magic. She gave me a sly smile.

“Only in a dream”, I told Alisha as I smiled at my little fox.

Selene was still shivering with the aftershocks of her orgasm and I stroked her cheek, heedless of the filth covering her.

“And you were amazing as well”, I told her and the corners of her mouth rose as she shivered a bit harder.

Then I glanced at Yume, who was still presenting herself, though she'd stopped fingering her mouth and pussy.

“And what would you like to do to me?”, she asked seductively and I considered. Then I smirked.

“Remember what we talked about in your dreamscape?”, I asked and she bit her lip.

She'd told me that even though the Chosen One had had a collar that had forced her to do whatever he told her to, he hadn't actually had sex with her. He had ordered her not to resist him but she'd glared at him until he wilted. I had remarked that her angry glare would probably be beyond sexy and that I'd toss her around a little if it meant I could earn a look like that.

So that's what I did. I leaned over and grabbed her roughly by the back of the head, tightly curling my fingers into her luscious red hair and pulled her towards me until we were practically nose to nose.

“Just sitting back and watching while these two did their best to please me”, I said. “And yet you expect me to service you before I pay them back. You're a greedy little bitch in heat, aren't you?” Then I spat in her face before I tossed her onto the mattress. She kicked out at me and I grabbed her by the ankles, then pulled her towards me until she was close enough for me to grab her by the throat. I applied just a little bit of pressure and then saw her glaring at me.

The expression was everything I'd hoped for and then a little more. Her eyes were narrowed, her teeth bared with her long canines on full display. Her cheeks were flushed and if I couldn't feel the warmth and smell the scent of her arousal I would have believed that she was truly angry, but thanks to the scent of sweet plums and cinnamon and the slightly glazed look in her eyes I knew she was hopelessly aroused.

“You love this, don't you, you little bitch in heat?”, I asked as I squeezed a little harder.

“Um, Felix, are you sure she...” Alisha began and then she started to realize that we were only fooling around.

I let go of Yume's throat and grabbed her thighs near the backs of her knees and pushed them back as far as they would go, raising her ass up in the air, her tails flailing wildly. I sat down on the backs of her thighs, pressing my weight down on her as I buried my already recovered cock inside her soaking wet pussy. As I started pumping I grabbed her wrists and pressed them into the mattress. Her glare never wavered, though she did seem to have trouble keeping it up as my thrusts started to make her breathing heavier.

“Yeah, keep looking at me like that as I violate you”, I told her and went even deeper.

As I understood, this position was called the mating press because it left the woman unable to do anything but take the cock she was given and because it was apparently very effective to get the woman pregnant. For Yume the latter was no concern because kitsune could only get pregnant when they were in heat, which only happened twice a year and for her wasn't due to happen for another few months. So, for now, this was only an amazingly humiliating position for such a strong warrior to find herself in. And from the way her glare kept gradually shifting into a mask of pleasure she clearly loved it. Then I saw her lips move soundlessly as she told me:

“Choke me again.”

I let go of her wrists and moved my hands back down to her slender throat and gently squeezed with both hands.

“Harder”, she mouthed and I obliged her, knowing full well that if Yume wanted me to stop she'd damn well be able to make me stop.

A throaty hum made me look to the side where I saw Alisha staring intently at us, eyes glazed over and drool leaking out of the corner of her mouth, clearly imagining herself in Yume's place, pinned down and helpless to do anything but take it and love it. And from the wet sounds behind Alisha I had a pretty good idea what Selene was up to as well. Well, if Alisha was having this much fun just watching us...

I picked up the pace and fucked Yume even harder, my hips slapping against her thighs on every thrust, my hands still on her throat and told her:

“I'm going to cum soon and you know where it's gonna go, don't you?”

Yume nodded as best she could with my hands around her neck and Alisha let out a needy whimper as she watched us. I loosened my hands a little, just to give Yume enough breath to reply.

“Yes”, she hissed. “Fill me up. Breed me.”

“Good girl”, I said, then squeezed again and began fucking her as hard as I could.

She was squeezing down on me so hard it felt like a series of angry fists trying to wring the seed out of me and her eyes fluttered as she let out a series of guttural choking sounds that might have been whines or whimpers if she'd had the breath for them. Seeing her like that I let go and pressed down on her with no concern for her comfort before filling her up with all I had to give. I kept her pinned down with my weight but released my hold on her throat and she used her newly regained breath to scream out her ecstasy as Alisha shrieked in pleasure next to us.

When I had regained a semblance of balance I pulled my cock out of her. I pushed against the backs of her knees a little more and tipped her over until she was resting on nothing but her shoulders and the back of her head. Her pussy wasn't just full, it was overflowing and some of it spilled out of her and dripped down on her face, where she eagerly licked up everything she could reach.

At the same time I felt a warm, wet mouth licking the filth from my cock. I wondered briefly whether it was Alisha or Selene doing it but then I noticed Alisha lying next to us, staring at us with glazed eyes and shivering with the aftershocks of an orgasm.

When I was cleaned up again Selene stopped and flopped onto the bed next to us and, along with Alisha, began cleaning up Yume's face while I placed the fox girl's body back onto the bed in such a way that the laid out towel was underneath her and then laid down on the bed myself.

When Yume's face was no longer stained with my seed Alisha and Selene looked at me expectantly and I smiled at them.

Who to pick first?

I apologize for the slightly late upload. I was a little bit busy with... well, it's not quite a secret but I'm not entirely sure how much I want to say just now. I don't want to jinx anything. I'll be telling all of you more about it in due time but for now suffice to say that I made a big leap as an aspiring author and I'm really excited to see how many of you will join me with what's to come.

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