God’s Perspective

Chapter 2: Dawn Of The Divine Power

I made a decision.

As a being of pure energy, I no longer need a physical body. Instead, I could transform into a wisp of light, a radiant manifestation of my essence. This ethereal form would grant me twenty-five days of divine energy.

During this period, Paul dedicated himself entirely to meticulously crafting the system, channeling every ounce of his focus and creativity into his work.


In the remote village of Ravenshade, nestled beneath the imposing Whispering Mountains, life was harsh and unforgiving. The cobblestone streets, lined with thatched cottages, bore the scars of countless hardships. But as dusk settled over the village, it faced a challenge unlike any before.

The hunters, returning from a grueling expedition, staggered into town, their injuries bearing the marks of a ferocious beast. The village, already on edge, was thrown into despair. Little did they know, their cries for help had not gone unheard.

Paul, recently ascended to godhood, was acutely aware of their predicament. His divine power, though potent, required an energy to manifest—human prayers. Without these, his divinity would wane, and his existence would falter. To bridge this gap, Paul had created a unique system known as the Divine Interface, accessible only through true faith.

The Divine Interface was a mystical panel that appeared before a consecrated altar—a simple stone block that had lost its significance over time. To interact with this panel, mortals had to close their eyes in reverent contemplation. Only through sincere prayer could they access the divine aid Paul was ready to provide.

Paul had spent days preparing for this moment. As the village’s hunters were in a fatal situation, he knew it was time to reveal himself. Descending from the astral realm, he took the form of a radiant figure draped in shimmering stardust. The villagers, taken aback by his ethereal appearance, watched as he approached the altar.

With a voice that resonated with otherworldly authority, Paul addressed the gathered crowd. “People of Ravenshade, your pleas have reached the heavens. I am Andriel, God of Imagination, sent to guide you. I bring you the Divine Interface, a tool for divine intervention. To receive aid, you must connect with the divine.”

The villagers, their awe palpable, listened as Paul continued. “Stand before the altar, close your eyes, and open your hearts to the divine. Through your prayers, the Divine Interface will reveal itself.”

“O God of Imagination, who transcends time, you are the weaver of creation’s grand tapestry. You blend knowledge, magic, and dreams into a single vision. Bless our endeavors and inspire our journeys with your boundless creativity and favor.”

As Paul spoke, his aura radiated a warm, healing light. The villagers, still in shock, followed his instructions, closing their eyes and praying with earnest desperation. Their combined faith triggered the manifestation of the Divine Interface—a glowing, translucent panel filled with symbols and options he designed beforehand for divine aid.

Paul saw the options laid out before him and selected “Heal.” on the skill icon. A surge of soothing energy flowed from the altar, enveloping the wounded hunters. Their pain subsided as their injuries healed before the villagers' eyes, transforming their wounds into mere scars.

The village erupted in astonished gratitude. The elders, their faces awash with relief and reverence, approached Paul. “This is a miracle!” one elder cried, tears streaming down his face. “How can we ever repay you?”

Paul, sensing the shift in their faith, responded with a gentle smile, “Your prayers and faith are more than enough. The Divine Interface remains accessible to those who seek it with true hearts. Keep your faith alive, and you will always find the guidance you need."

With those words, Paul’s form began to dissolve into the dawn’s light, leaving behind a lingering aura of divinity. The villagers, now firm believers in the power of faith, would never forget this night. It had transformed their understanding of the divine and given them a glimmer of hope.

As Paul ascended back into the astral realm, he was instantly enveloped by an overwhelming sense of divine power. He could feel a torrent of raw, unfiltered energy coursing through him, suggesting boundless potential. His gained divine energy initially measured 2,252 units, though a considerable amount had been expended to heal the village hunters who had valiantly protected their home. Thus, he had 1,634 units remaining.

With the remaining divine energy, Paul envisioned a grand plan: transforming the villagers from mere survivors into formidable adventurers and spellcasters. His idea was ambitious yet straightforward: establish a versatile skill system with warrior and mage classes as the core. Instead of locking villagers into rigid class structures, he aimed to create a dynamic system where they could acquire and master various abilities through experience points (XP) that can be bought with tokens gained from defeating monsters.

Whenever a monster was defeated, its essence was automatically sacrificed to him. This collected essence was then converted into divine energy, which was subsequently transformed into tokens and of course, Paul will take a portion of converted tokens and the rest will then bestowed for his believers. This system ensured that each user's victory directly contributed to their growth and power through their own efforts, without requiring additional divine energy expenditure.

They can also earn tokens through devotion. Each devotee generates divine energy, with one prayer equating to 10 quarks.

With earned tokens, users can purchase items from the store, access restricted books, and acquire skills and buffs. However, despite tokens versatility, Paul has restricted the transfer of assets between users to prevent malicious activities like forcing individuals to offer their tokens to them.

The power system Paul developed allows progression through 10 realms, each with 10 levels. However, due to Paul’s current divine energy, the initial cap is limited to the 2nd realm, comprising a total of 20 levels. This restriction was a practical compromise, enabling villagers to start using their new skills without draining Paul’s divine resources too quickly. To manage his energy, Paul decided to anchor his divine terminal to the village’s central altar. Villagers would need to pray at the altar to access the system, though Paul planned to refine it for remote access in the future, allowing villagers to connect from anywhere.

As he told to the masses he is the god of imagination, Paul felt his divinity has been tethered to the said concept. His control over imagination had risen to 25 percent, covering creation, information, magic, healing, light, and beauty, which are inherently chaotic. Lacking a solid concept to grasp, I must continue to refine my authority to align it more closely with my divine nature.

To ascend to the second level of embryonic deity, Paul needed to absorb 1,500 units of divine energy. This critical step would solidify his ethereal form and deepen his standing to divinity, making him increasingly reliant on this sacred energy.

Paul began the absorption process with unwavering focus. Divine energy flowed through him in a cascade of radiant light, transforming his very essence. As the energy filled him, he felt his previous, fragile state dissolving, like walls expanding to grant him more freedom.

Each surge of energy brought an exhilarating sense of strengthening. His form grew more substantial, his previously ethereal essence now more solid and enduring. The divine energy wove itself into his being, reshaping him into something more robust. Paul felt a thrilling liberation, as though invisible chains were falling away.

As the divine energy integrated with him, he sensed a profound shift in his nature. It settled into his core, deepening his divine connection and reinforcing his newfound, grounded state. Paul reveled in the transformation, feeling more vibrant and potent than ever, his existence resonating with a newfound depth and permanence.

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