God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 78: Escape Plan and the Blue Rose Duchess

Kazue POV 





I've come back to the city after a few days in the field. 

I finished all the quests I took in the guild a few days ago. 



At the moment, I have a few things in mind. 

I have to buy new clothes for Calm, I will need her to disguise herself later. 

I will try to come in contact with Aaron-san as he was the only person Calm trusts. 

I could not simply ask for random people's help. 

The guild won't do 

The guards won't do. 

The nobles won't do. 

The church won't do. 

I need people I could really trust. 

As such there are people who crossed my mind who could be helpful in such a time. 

My main goal right now is to find those "people". 



So, who am I looking for? 

I am looking for a gorgeous female with sky-blue eyes, with weird-looking blonde hair. 

[Hmnn come to think of it,... I wonder if I have some weird fate to meet influential blonde girls. ] 

I thought as I recall the person I was looking for. 

The person I was looking for was... 



"Miss Alicia???" <Kazue> 

When I entered the city, I was thinking about where should I start looking for Miss Alicia. 

And as if Fate was being nice to me, I saw the person I was going to find soon as I entered the gate. 

She was walking by the gates with her lackeys who were also my former classmates from the other world. 

From the looks of it, they must have been shopping. 

"Oh Lucky..." <Kazue> 

I raised my hand and called out for her name. 

"Miss Alicia!" <Kazue> 

I yelled. 

She was with her usual company. 

A company of three boys. 



Alicia Cliffe Azurearosi. 

The noble lady I've met on my way here. 

I am 90% sure that she is a person I could trust from the way I've interacted with her. 

Just to be sure, I could not trust her completely but I could still ask her for help. 

I can't completely trust her as I still have the slightest doubt about the fact that miss Alicia is a mysterious person. 

At least... for now... I may have changed my mind later if things get really bad. 

After all, it's hard to predict what she'll do in the future just for the fact that she's a mysterious lady. 



Lady Alicia is one of the most influential people in this land as the daughter of the Arch Duke. 

I've seen her fighting ability firsthand and miss Alicia is strong.... really... STRONG. 

She is a legitimate A-rank adventurer. 

Having Miss Alicia on my side would be a very reliable ally. 

She might have odd quirks of being egoistic but I still consider her a good person in general. 



Miss Alicia noticed me and she nods in my direction recognizing my presence. 

I jogged toward her and her companion and greeted them. 

For some reason when I am with her, I can't help but keep my action calculated so that I would not upset her. 

[Well... I don't think she would be upset even if I act a little bit vulgar to some extent. But, that is not something I would like to test.] 

"Ara, Kazue-san... It's been a while. How are you doing?" <Alicia> 

"Yes, I'm fine... miss Alicia." <Kazue> 

"I'm glad to hear that... Hmnn?" <Alicia> 

Without even talking, Miss Alicia noticed that I was up for something. 

I suppose my expression told her enough that she was able to notice that I was looking for her. 

"From the looks of it, it seems that you're looking for me?" <Alicia> 

"Actually... I am." <Kazue> 

"As I guess... Since I've already told you before that if you needed something you can just come to me." <Alicia> 

"Yes... That is why I'm here... I'm sorry but I will have to bother you after all." <Kazue> 

"Ohohohoho~ So? what help do you need?" <Alicia> 

Said Miss Alicia in her usual proud voice with her high-pitched laughter that did not suit her cute face. 



When we parted ways a few days ago. 

Miss Alicia said to me that I should ask her for assistance if I ever ran into trouble. 

I knew that she only said those words as parting words before we separated a few days ago. 

Who could have thought that I would have to ask her for help with something big? 

I felt bad. 

And maybe a bit ashamed. 

To be honest, I was not planning to ask for Miss Alicia's help.  

After some thought, I knew that she was the only person who could help me right now.  

That is why I am bowing my head for her assistance. 

I do need miss Alicia's help with something. 

But this does not mean that I have to spill all of the information to her. 

I can only be too careful, but what is at stake here is the life of the saint, I can't just act impulsively. 

I only need a bit of help that only miss Alicia could help me with. 

Sorry, Let me correct that... I need lots of help from Miss Alicia. 

With her authority and background, I think she's the only one I know who could help me sneak Calm into the city without anyone noticing. 

If possible I would also like to ask lady Alicia for a safe place to hide, a place where I could hide the saint without anyone noticing. 

I need her influence to contact Aaron-san, I don't think that as a D-rank Adventurer, I would be able to ask for a secret private meeting with a person like Aaron-san. 

[Well... I don't have to do everything right now. I need to move one step at a time.] 



"Before that... can I ask to talk to you in private, miss Alicia... I don't think this place is a good place for me to say what I need." <Kazue> 

My word sounded normal but I tried my best to imply that what I was about to ask was something serious by looking at miss Alicia with a serious glare. 

As she was looking straight at my eyes, she closed her eyes with a smile. 

I think she was able to understand what I was trying to say. 

[We need to speak in a more private place. I can't say what I need now as there may be someone listening. That is what I wanted to say.] 

"Got it... follow me." <Alicia> 

Miss Alicia signaled the boys to follow the two of us. 

As we were walking. 

"By the way... I don't see your pets..." <Alicia> 

"Ah... That's because ... something came up..." <Kazue> 

"Is it related to what you're going to ask?" <Alicia> 

"... In a way..." <Kazue> 

"Hmnnn...." <Alicia> 

I could not help but think that this lady was starting to deduce what I wanted to ask. 

I was a bit taken aback as she managed to ask the right questions. 

Although she might not have any idea as to what I was after. 

I believe that given some information and time she will be able to deduce what I'm doing. 

[Uwah... I knew that Miss Alicia is sharp but I did not expect her to be this perceptive... As I thought miss Alicia is something else... I hope I can clear her from doubt right away so I could ask for her help in a more direct way. She would be a reliable ally if I manage to get her to our side.] 

In all actuality, I am tempted to just straight up ask her "PLEASE PROTECT CALM FOR ME." 

But as expected I could not simply ask that... at the very least not now. 

I want to try my best to lie low. 

Asking Miss Alicia might attract more attention. 

Plus I'm still not 100% sure if I could fully trust miss Alicia. 

I need to confirm that Miss Alicia has no reason to harm the saint. 

And... I may trust miss Alicia but Calm herself does not. 

Calm trust me, I can't just pass her to a person whom she doesn't even know. 

I just hope that miss Alicia is not one of those people who wanted the saint dead. 

That is something I would not know without knowing a thing about what the situation is right now. 

I need to gather more info, I'm moving in the dark right now. 

I'm pretty confident that Lady Alicia is not such a person but... 

I need to be sure. 



I followed miss Alicia, we entered a part of the city where a lot of nice houses. 

From the looks of it, it seems that this area is where rich and influential people are living. 

Soon enough, we arrive at a nice secluded house located at the edge of the city. 

A butler old man and several gorgeous maids welcomed us as we entered. 



"This place is..." <Kazue> 

"This place is a property of our family. Since Riles is located far from the Empire we barely come to this house. Unfortunately, our family needs to attend the noble's summit from time to time you see... and that summit will be held in a few days..." <Alicia> 

"Ah, maybe the reason why you came here to Riles is to attend the summit?" <Kazue> 

I probed Miss Alicia. 

"Hmnn... You can say that... but that is not the real reason why I came here in Riles." <Alicia> 

"Hmnn...." <Kazue> 

[Uwah.... what to do... miss Alicia came here to Riles because she needs to attend the "Noble's summit". Maybe... just a possibility... She might be connected to the people who are after Calm's life. I know that it's too far-fetched. I know, but at the moment I can't gamble. I need to be sure that I could trust Miss Alicia. Alright... let's ask for more...] 



"And your main reason for coming here in Riles is...?" <Kazue> 

"I'm looking for someone." <Alicia> 

With those words, I froze... 

[Is it possible that she's looking for Calm?] 

I gulped. 

"Meet someone... And that someone is...?" <Kazue> 

I did not notice but I have that "serious" look on my face. 

"Don't worry this person is probably someone you don't know.... well since you're curious I would still tell you since I like you. I am looking for a guy wearing an ugly mask." <Alicia> 

"Guy wearing an ugly mask???" <Kazue> 

[Mask... mask... it doesn't ring a bell....] 



As I was thinking about such a person, a maid entered and brought teapots, teacups, and snacks to our table. 

"You've been asking me a lot of things.... don't you think it's about time for me to hear what you want?" <Alicia> 

Miss Alicia said in a relaxed tone while sipping tea. 

"Ughh..." <Kazue> 



[Ah, It seems that is the limit of what I could ask from Miss Alicia... I'm still not 100% sure that she's not after Calm... mumumu... It can't be helped. ARGG WHATEVER LET'S JUST ASK HER!] 

"Miss Alicia... I need you to help me to secretly sneak a person into the city without anyone noticing." <Kazue> 

[AH! CRAP! I PANICKED! This information itself would probably expose what I've been doing!!!] 

I checked Miss Alicia's reaction. 

There seems to be nothing wrong. 

"Oh... what an odd thing to ask... I was expecting something more... Just in case... can I ask who might that person be?" <Alicia> 

"...Sorry... miss Alicia... I can't tell you ..." <Kazue> 

"... I see..." <Alicia> 


Miss Alicia giggled and then smiled. 

"I see..." <Alicia> 



Miss Alicia







"Okay... Condrad!!!" <Alicia> 

"yes, milady." <Butler> 

At one call from miss Alicia, a butler-like fellow entered the room. 

"Give me a seal." <Alicia> 

"Right away Mi' Lady..." <Butler> 

The butler bowed at Alicia and me. 

He then elegantly walked out of the room. 



"For now let's have some tea." <Alicia> 

"Akay..." <Kazue> 

I waited patiently and drank some tea with Miss Alicia. 

Normally when the two of us are drinking tea during our travels we spend the time in silence. 

Normally I would not feel awkward about this but this time around I somehow felt awkward. 

Miss Alicia noticed this and said. 

"Relax..." <Alicia> 

"Ah... sorry..." <Kazue> 

"From the looks of it, you seemed to have been caught in something complicated..." <Alicia> 

"Ughh... that..." <Kazue> 

"It seems that you can't trust just anyone with your troubles. That's the right thing to do. I won't ask for you to trust me either. Do as you must... I will give you the help you need for now. Don't worry I won't pry on your matters..." <Alicia> 

She said lazily, sipping her tea. 

"Thank you, Miss Alicia... I appreciate it. But, when things get clear I might ask for your help again. I know that I am asking much but I don't know where to turn and you're the only person I know who could help." <Kazue> 

"Sure, if I have time that is... ohohohoho~" <Alicia> 



[Did she discover what I'm doing? Probably... Maybe? I DON'T KNOW!] 

I feel bad. 

I feel that miss Alicia helped me a lot this time around. 

I have never done anything for her, and I don't understand why she was willing to help me as much as this. 

Even though I'm not the type of person who's fine to just ask others for help. 

I need to repay her somehow... 

In the first place, why is she willing to help me anyway? 

Is it because... 

Is it because she's fond of me? 

Just because of that? 

Is that all? 

Maybe, she manage to deduce that I was protecting the saint and wanted me to protect her. 

Maybe she wanted me to bring the saint to her so she could kill Calm, herself. 

Or is she simply testing me? 





"Uhmn... Miss Alicia..." <Kazue> 

"Hmnn???" <Alicia> 

"I've been wondering. Why are you willing to help me to this extent?" <Kazue> 

I ended up asking her after all. 

"Hmnn... I wonder why... Hmnn, Maybe you remind me of a person." <Alicia> 

"I remind you of a person...huh...." <Kazue> 

"I owe that person big-time you see... I just thought I might do something for you as well since you remind me of her." <Alicia> 

"I-i-i-see." <Kazue> 

[Person who she's been indebted to before? Ah... this might be those "cliche" dead people's backstories, give me a break with that please...] 

I did not even ask about who the person was as I did not want to trigger some flags. 



Right after that, the butler entered and handed Alicia a jewel. 

It was a blue jewel that resembles miss Alicia's eye color. 

Within the jewel, you could see an image of a rose. 

The symbol of the "Azurearosi". 

"This is...." <Kazue> 

"It's the Azurearosi emblem. You can just show that at the gate and they will let you pass without questions." <Alicia> 

"Heh... Amazing." <Kazue> 

"You can also buy the things you need with that thing. Shops in the city will prioritize you and treat you as a Very Important Guess." <Alicia> 

"Oh..." <Kazue> 

"Use it well... I trust that you won't use that thing nonchalantly. Remember, that thing is the symbol of my trust..." <Alicia> 

"Ughh..." <Kazue> 

I looked at the thing that Miss Alicia gave me. 

[That only makes me feel worse. I feel a bit pressured.] 

"Ohohoho..." <Alicia> 

She laughed, but then... 

A cold chill froze the air making me unable to breathe. 

The pressure was coming from miss Alicia. 

"Make sure that you do what you must do. If you fail to accomplish what you need after I help you this much I won't forgive you. Just drill into your mind that I don't tolerate failures." <Alicia> 

"Uh... Kay..." <Kazue> 

Those words sounded like an order. 

The pressure lifted and miss Alicia continued to drink her tea. 

"... I'll do my best." <Kazue> 

I could only reply with dry laughter and drank from the cup of tea to wet my dry mouth. 

"Good girl." <Alicia> 

She complimented me like I was a child. 

"I'll repay this debt later..." <Kazue> 

"Sure you will..." <Alicia> 

-sips tea- 



"In that case... I might as well ask for more favors..." <Kazue> 

I said. 

Miss Alicia looked at me with round eyes. 

But rather than being annoyed, she seemed amused. 

"Ohohohoho... you sure are greedy... I like honest girls like you... ask away" <Alicia> 

"I would like a safe place to hide someone." <Kazue> 

"Done... anything else..." <Alicia> 

"Then...." <Kazue> 




I asked miss Alicia what I think I would need to keep Calm safe. 

With this, I will have a higher chance to keep the saint safe. 

I only need to keep her safe for 15 days. 

With all the help I got from miss Alicia, I hope that it would be enough to keep Calm away from harm. 

[... if I managed to keep her safe after all this I will have the church pay for all the troubles I've caused Miss Alicia.] 



I left the place holding the jewel miss Alicia gave me in my hands. 

"Alright... this one is a huge success." <Kazue> 

I felt a bit more confident. 

For some reason, getting encouragement and help from miss Alicia gave me that confidence. 

With this, I feel that I could manage to keep Calm safe for a while. 

I left the place in a great mood. 

"I get off the feeling that miss Alicia is testing me..." <Kazue> 

[Oh well...] 



[For now... I'm going to gather some information about the saint in the guild and in the church.] 

I was a bit far from the plaza where the church and the guild were located. 

I walked toward the main road. 

I saw that there were lots of carriages entering and leaving the noble's housing area. 

I recalled the conversation I had with the guard earlier today. 

[There really are a lot of nobles who came here to this city. The meeting of those nobles would be informative if I want to know about the current situation. From what miss Alicia had said during our talks, I can use this jewel to get myself into the noble summit.] 

Lost in thoughts I continued to walk on the road while thinking of the things I must do. 



Then, out of nowhere. 

"Huh?! Kazue-san?" <Girl> 

A voice called my name out of nowhere. 

"???" <Kazue> 

I looked around and followed the voice. 

A girl wearing a green spaghetti shirt and simple short pants ran towards me. 

The last time I saw this girl was 5 months ago. 

This girl's appearance reminded me of the time when we worked together in one group with our other classmates back in Altus. 

"Oh, my! It is Kazue-san!" <Girl> 

It was Uesaka Shino. 



It was a person who she would not expect to meet in such a place. 

"Ah... Uesaka-san" <Kazue> 

"hahaha come on Kazue-san, Just call me Shino... Haven't we become friends back in Altus?" <Shino> 

"Ah... sorry... Shino-san what are you doing here?" <Kazue> 

"That is what I wanted to ask you! I was not expecting a classmate to be here in Riles." <Shino> 

"Ah, there's something I have to do here. How about you?" <Kazue> 

"Hmnn? ah, me I just finished an escort quest. I joined a traveling party of a viscount so he could attend a meeting that would be held here in Riles tomorrow." 

"Oh... I see that makes sense." <Kazue> 

"And? What about you? What are you doing walking alone in the streets?" <Shino> 

"Ah, nothing. I was just looking for a good place to browse some battle equipment and stuff." <Kazue> 

"Oh, Nice! I just received my pay yesterday and I'm going to the Scale Atelier right now, wanna tag along?" <Shino> 

I thought for a bit. 

[I guess, being with other adventurers makes me a bit less suspicious...] 

"Hnnn, sure... Let's go." <Kazue> 

"Nice! Let's go!" <Shino> 

I ended up walking side by side with a former acquaintance. 



So you might be thinking... "Why not ask Shino to join me to protect the saint?". 

She's a former classmate and she has no real reason to target the saint. 

She might have been commissioned by a noble to go to this place and it was for the sake of "Escorting" the noble. 

I somewhat know Shino-san and there's little to no chance that such a person would even try to kill another person. 

After all, we both came from a world where Killing is one of the mortal sins a person can commit. 

But then again, I must be sure. 



The reason I did not ask Shino to join me was simple. 

Shino, at best must be on the level of a D-rank adventurer. 

Unlike miss Alicia, Shino isn't that strong. 

I am not looking down at her but I knew how strong Shino was, based on what I saw in Altus. 

I don't think she would be much of a help. 

Plus, this is a problem between Oracles and Gods. 

If possible I don't want others to know about me being connected to one, much less discover that I am a candidate to become an Oracle myself. 

And again, if I have no choice but to ask for her help, I will ask for her help... but now is not the time for that. 

I did not want to involve her in my problem. 



The two of us were matched to Scale Atelier. 

Shino-san started a conversation with me to fill some voids moments. 

"So? Kazue-san, how are you? It's been a month since we last saw each other?" <Shino> 

"Hmnn... Let's see... I've been busy earning money. All I remember during these past months is me, working on quests with a handsome amount of pay as I travel here to Riles. You see, I have trouble with money... " <Kazue> 

"EH! YOU TOO? To be honest I too have serious troubles with money. The reason why I accepted the quest requested by the Viscount was exactly because of that reason." <Shino> 

"Heee~~~ that's a bit unexpected. I did not expect Shino-san to be a spendthrift. Well... it's not for me to preach...huh?" <Kazue> 

"Aaa~ I had to spend some money... I needed to buy expensive stuff for me to survive in this world. It's been hard you see... Before I knew it I already spend all of the gold coins the old man gave me when I left the castle. HAHAHAHA." <Shino> 

Shino said jokingly but the way she grimaced only showed how hard things had been in this world. 

"Ah... I understand... so I won't ask for details..." <Kazue> 

"Yes... I appreciate it if you don't." <Shino> 



Flashbacks came flashing into my mind. 

The memories of this past month flowed into my head. 

This conversation reminded me of my experiences in this world. 

Especially the one when I was under Lavi-Oneesama's T-t-t-tutelage?... 

I shook my head as some sort of "Vietnam flashbacks" flowed in my mind. 

It seems that the same thing is happening with Shino. 

Seeing her face twisted weirdly. 

At the same time, Shino did the same. 

And we laughed at each other. 

No, we were laughing at ourselves. 

"Life's hard..." <Shino> 

"It is...." <Kazue> 

Tears almost fell from both of our eyes. 

We both sighed. 



[Well... it's not as if it's all bad... I can't deny the fact that I enjoyed most of my time here in this world.] 

And before we knew it, we are in front of the Scale Atelier. 

Since both I and Shino were looking for pieces of equipment, we visited the Weapon and Armor shop inside the Atelier. 

[I wonder if Shaina and the girls are here again...] 

Both I and Shino entered the Atelier and looked for the weapon and armor shop. 

"Ah..." <Kazue> 

Out of curiosity, I checked the stall where Shaina and the girls were and as perplexing as it may be, the room was completely different than before. 

[Ah... as expected they already left after all.] 

In place of where Shaina's shop was a few days ago, a different shop was there. 

I felt odd seeing that it was a completely different shop 



Shino entered the shop and I follow suit. 

Lots of weapons, armor, battle clothes, accessories, and battle tools were displayed in this shop. 

Unlike in Shaina's shop, most of the things here are being sold in an amount ranging from 100K to 5M DAL. 

[Wait... does Shai's Store sells overpriced stuff or something. I'm sure that my sword alone was worth a Million back when I bought it in her shop.] 

[No, no maybe the quality of her goods was just that better than the ones being sold here?] 

[... nope, I can't trust that woman after all.] 



I bought some equipment for Calm to wear. 

I plan to disguise her as an adventurer later on. 

I decided to buy a full set of equipment for a "thief". 

The battle clothes I bought resemble the ones that Shino wears. 

A simple shirt, shorts, a dagger, a simple shield, running boots, a hair tie, and some accessories. 

I plan to try and boldly enter through the main gate with Calm later. 

I already made some preparation  

We might try and go through there first. 

If it fails, as a last resort I will have to use the jewel miss Alicia lend me. 

Shino on the other hand bought new battle clothes and asked the blacksmith to repair her weapon. 



I talked with Shino for a while. 

We talked about the things we experience during our travels. 

Truth be told, even back in Altus I wasn't able to talk with Shino-san that much. 

Well, it's not as if the two of us were close. 

Shino-san is the type of person who does not have much presence in class. 

She's one of those people who gets forgotten by her other classmates after graduating. 

She neither excels nor sucks in class. 


Is a perfect word to describe her. 

But Like me, She also changed a lot after getting transported into this world. 

Being transported into this world became the trigger for her to "Bloom" in a philosophical sense. 

Despite her complaints, she still has a nice-looking smile on her face. 

[I see, so this is what they mean when my old acquaintance saw me before. I might have changed a lot but I can see that they too had changed in one way or another.] 



Time flew by... 

When Shino received her repaired dagger back we went in separate ways. 

Shino went to the field, while I visited the church. 

My purpose is to see the current situation there. 

"Alright let's investigate!" 

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