God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 106: Sudden End and Return

Narrator POV  







Calm Eastertale has decided to go back to help her friends.  

Not long after doing so, she saw that Kazue and Rio were still fighting the enemy.  

She was relieved seeing Kazue and Rio alive, if something bad had happened, Calm would really blame herself for leaving them behind.  

She did not want that idea and thus she came back to help.   

She observed the situation.  



Calm saw the enemy covered with blood all over his body.  

It was clear that he was overwhelming Kazue and Rio.  

Meanwhile, Kazue and Rio were covered in dirt and bruises from blocking and dodging all of the man's attacks.  

"It seemed that I came at a perfect time." <Calm>  

She said as she saw the situation.  



"Calm! you should not be here, go now!" <Kazue>  

Kazue shouts at her while insisting that she should run now.  

"No!" <Calm>  

Like a kid refusing to be reprimanded, Calm screamed back to refuse Kazue's will.  

"Calm? You... Why?" <Kazue>  

Kazue was surprised to see Calm acting this way.  



"I don't want to go, I... I also want to fight... I can be of help too!" <Calm>  

"..." <Kazue>  

Kazue looked at Calm.  

Calm was having a pained look on her face.  

It seemed that she could not accept the fact that she could not do anything for them.  

Earlier when Kazue's wolves carried her away, she felt so helpless.  

She knew that Kazue and her so-called "classmates" were doing their best to protect her.  

They were getting hurt in her stead.  

They were getting in danger in her stead.  

She was feeling so helpless thinking about this.  

This is all happening because of her.  

She could not accept this, she wanted to be of help too.  



They are getting hurt, yet she has the power to heal their wounds.  

They are in danger, yet she also has some power to protect them.  

She has "that" kind of power.  

Why can't she just use her power to help them?  

Yes, why can't she help?  



[What is the point of having this power if I don't use it?]  

[Saint of Riles?] 

[What saint?] 

[What is a saint if it's just a worthless title that would not help anyone in times of need.]  

[Aren't saints the ones who should help people, especially when they need her?]  



It is as if she never changed from the time when she became the saint when their village was attacked by Ecclesia Inquisitor many years ago...  

It was as if she was still the same girl who was helpless and could not do anything.  

Calm thought of how worthless her saint title was.  

She refused to accept this.  

Calm chose to fight with them.  



Calm remembered the time when she was with Kazue roaming around the forest.  

She was able to help her a lot during their time together.  

She knew that she too could help them fight.  

She can heal their wounds  

[I can heal their wounds]  

She can use protective spells too.  

[I can protect them...]  

She can use buff spells that can boost their ability to make the fight easier.  

[I can support them...]  



"That's right! This time, I will do something to help!" <Calm>  

She raised her head with determination.  

She asked Kazue's familiars to take her back.  

And now...  

She's there...  

It's time for her to help them.  



Calm confirmed her resolve once again.  

She ignored Kazue's plead for her to run away.  

Instead, she cast a magic spell at Kazue, ignoring her words.  

Without waiting for anyone's words, she used a spell.  

"Heal." <Calm>  

She used the spell (Heal).  

The wounds and pain went away.  

The blood trickling from their wounds dissipated into light like it was never there.  

It did not end there, she also cast several buff spells at Kazue and Rio.  

Skills that boosted their fighting capabilities.  

(AGI Enhancement)  

(STR Enhancement)  

(Greater AGI Enhancement)  

(Greater STR Enhancement)  

This is also a way for Calm to declare to Kazue indirectly that she will not back down.  

Calm was determined to help her friends.  



"This is..." <Rio>  

Rio felt something, a surge of power from the buffs Calm just cast on both Kazue and herself.  

Calm and Kazue stared at each other.  

They both have a resolute gaze.  



Calm wanted to help her friends by all means possible.  

She refuses to leave them behind anymore.  

She would rather fight with all of them than run away alone.  

If she dies while doing so, so be it.  

She was that determined.  




Kazue is concerned about Calm's safety and is unsure if she should allow this.  

Thus she glared at Calm as if saying to her to leave.  

But... when the two locked eyes, Kazue saw Calm's determination.  

Kazue can tell.  

She would not leave.  



Looking at the determined look on Calm's face Kazue changed her mind.  


Kazue shook her head after a big sigh.  

She returned her gaze toward the enemy.  

"Isamu! Kaori, Hayate, protect her with your life!" <Kazue>  

In reply, all of Kazue's familiars howled.   


Kazue's familiars howled happily accepting this task from their mother.  



Calm realized that she got Kazue's approval to fight alongside her. 

By not asking the wolves to take her away, she allowed Calm to stay there and with them to help. 

With a wide smile, Calm called Kazue's name.  

"Kazue!" <Calm>  

With that Calm felt very happy as she saw that Kazue did not reject her resolve.  



The situation of the fight had changed. 

Reinforcement has unexpectedly come.  

Despite Kazue's concerns about Calm's safety, she allowed her to help.  

Calm being there is already a dangerous thing, yet Kazue also felt secure having Calm being there.  

In fact, Calm being there might be the deciding factor in whether they would be able to defeat the enemy or not.  



Kazue had been with Calm for a while now.  

Kazue knows about Calm's support abilities.  

Although Calm may not have "fighting" capabilities to fight by herself, her abilities can still be significant during battles.  

Kazue knows that Calm's buff and support-type skills are no joke.  



Out of nowhere a surge of confidence flowed within Kazue's psyche.  

Rio who was feeling the effect of Calm's buffs, also felt confident.  

"Alright, let's finish this shall we?" <Kazue>   

Kazue points his sword at Edmon who just recovered from getting blinded by Calm's magic skill.  

















Kazue thought of finishing this fight soon.  

She was willing to act more boldly if it meant ending this battle as soon as possible.  

She can't allow Calm to be exposed to more danger than this.  

She needs to capitalize on the momentum Calm brought to them.  

When she declared to Edmon that they should end this fight, she was serious.  

She was not intending to keep this fight longer.  

She also wanted to catch Edmon by surprise after receiving "Buffs" from Calm.  

Thus, she resolved herself.   

[Let's use that... It's now or never...]  



"Ah... a new prey is on sight... Well if you want to offer me the saint's blood as well, I will not refuse such a wonderful offer." <Edmon>  

"I don't know about that..." <Kazue>  

Kazue replied with a newfound confidence in her voice.  

She was eager to show Edmon that things would not work as he planned.  



"Isamu, use (Howl)" <Kazue>  


The large wolf Calm was riding, answered Kazue's command by using the skill (Howl).  

(Howl) is a buff skill that boosts the damage dealt by all allies.  

With this, all of Kazue's attacks will have a boosted effect.  

This also affected all of Kazue's familiars as well as Rio and Calm as they are considered "Allies".  



Kazue charged forward by using (Burst) in no time she was within striking distance.  

(Power Slash)  

He blocked Kazue's attack as usual.  

He was expecting the power behind Kazue's (Power Slash) to be the same as before.  

Edmon did not realize that Kazue was under the influence of Calm Eastertale's buff skills.  

The power behind her attack was not the same as before.  






"What!!!?" <Edmon>  

The power behind the slash was strong enough to blow away his sword momentarily.  

He almost lost his grip with his sword and his guard was blown away.  

"Tsk!" <Edmon>  

Not only the power, Kazue's speed was also increased.  

It was to the point that she managed to close the gap between their raw stats.  

Without the help of his skill (Blood Rage), he would not maintain the advantage that he has now.  

The fact that he was significantly faster and stronger than Kazue still remains.  




Standing near Calm, Rio felt that her body had been revitalized.  

Feeling that her Mana had recovered, all thanks to Calm's (Mana Fountain Aura).   

(Mana Fountain Aura) A skill that will allow the user to transfer his/her mana to allies within a certain radius around the user.  

It quickly filled Rio's mana reserves.  

She looked at Calm with amazed eyes.  

"With this... I can use "that" attack again..." <Rio>  



She was amazed seeing Calm's Buffs and heal skills.  

It was as if she was never injured in the first place.  

Her body was overflowing with Vigor.  

She marveled seeing that all the wounds and pain disappeared from her body.  

There was no trace that the wound was even there, it disappeared after Calm cast the (Heal) spell on her.  



"!!!" <Rio>  

Rio's eyes widen realizing something.  

"This..." <Rio>     

[This might work...]  



Rio came to Calm and whispered something into her ear.  

Calm has an expression of confusion upon hearing Rio's proposed plan.  

"I can do that... but are you sure?"  

Rio nods with a resolute expression.  

"Are you sure?" <Calm>  

"Yes." <Rio>  

"Really, sure?" <Calm>  

"Yep." <Rio>  

"But..." <Calm>  

"Trust me, I have a plan." <Rio>  

"... ugh... I will try." <Calm>  

"Thank you. I am depending on you Calm-sama." <Rio>  

"Okay... just don't blame me later..." <Calm>  



After that, Rio moved to help Kazue.  

She ran towards Edmon at incredible speed.  

Rio was surprised once again, with the help of Calm's buff her speed reached new heights.  

[This is amazing]  

That is the only thing Rio can say.  



The man sees Rio charging forward with newfound strength.  

Edmon felt real danger.  

His Vitality had already fallen down to its limit to utilize his (Blood Rage) to its fullest.  

His Vitality is already very low from all the blood and damage caused by the two girls earlier in the fight.  

Edmon can no longer take a clean hit from that attack from Rio.  

He felt that things were turning really bad.  

He prioritizes defending himself from Rio's upcoming attack.  

He knew what was coming.  

He was preparing himself to receive that attack again.  

(Fortify) (Parry) (Super Armor) (Mana Shroud)  

He used several protective skills to protect himself.  

He ignored Kazue as he knew that Rio was more dangerous at the moment...  



"Calm-sama, NOW!" <Rio>  

"Arghhh!!! whatever, Here it goes!" <Calm>  

Calm cast a spell. <Rio>  



"Heal!" <Calm>  

It was not directed at Rio.  

It was also not directed at Kazue either.  

The spell... 

The spell was cast on Edmon.  

At that very moment, Edmon was healed.  

It was enough to heal the wound on his body.  

The blood flowing from his wound disappeared like it was never there.  



Kazue saw this and was confused as to why Calm did this.  

[Did Calm miss cast her spell?]  

She thought at first.  

But, this was all according to Rio's plans.  

Like Kazue, Rio wanted to catch Edmon by surprise.  



Without delay, Rio unleashed her attack.  

(Power Stab) boosted with multiple skills enhancing its destructive power.  

Edmon used his sword as a shield.  

"Eat this you freak!" <Rio>  




(Fortify) fortified the defensive power of his sword used as a shield.  

(Parry) reduced the damage dealt by an attack.  

(Super Armor) resist all kinds of knockback effects from all incoming attacks.  

(Mana Shroud) further protected him from further damage.  

He used every defensive skill he could use to welcome this strike from Rio.  

"RAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" <Edmon>  

He was able to resist Rio's attack and remain in place like an unmoveable mountain. 

Despite the attack being stronger than the previous two because of Calm's buff on Rio. 

Edmon managed to gobble up that attack.  

He used all his defensive skills to face that attack head-on.  

He managed to succeed in tanking "that" attack and was not blown away thanks to the skill (Super Armor).  

However, Edmon still received a significant amount of damage.  

In anger, he retaliated.  

(Power Slash)  



Rio blocked it with her arm blade.  

Rio saw her hand literally broke from the impact of the attack.  

She was blown away, by the effect of the (Power Slash) knockback effect.  

Still, she completed her task.  


Rio screamed.  



Edmon focused all the skill and attention he had on Rio.  

He knew what was coming.  

It was "THAT" one strike from Rio that had caused him a lot of problems during this battle.  

Edmon knew that he could no longer afford to receive such damage anymore.  

If he did, he might not be able to stand up after getting hit by that attack again.  

He was too afraid that Rio's attack would hit him again.  

Because of that, his attention was shifted away from Kazue all that time.  

Edmon made a big mistake.  

He ignored Kazue.  





Kazue did not miss this misstep.  

When Edmon saw Kazue, she was in a unique stance right in front of him.  

Her sword was sheathed.  

Kazue was in an Iai stance to unleash her most powerful skill.  

Her Katana turned to pure white as it was filled with mana.  

Her eyes were focused on Edmon.  

Within that sheathed sword in its scabbard, a huge amount of mana was infused with the blade.  

Dodging was not an option.  

All of Edmon's danger sense screamed "danger" into his soul.  

He knew.  

[This skill is dangerous]  



[I need to finish her first before she uses that attack on me!]  

Sensing danger, he chose to attack Kazue before she could unleash this unknown skill.  

He swung his sword, (Power Slash)  

Kazue at the same time unleashed her attack, (Katana Skill: Iai)  

Both swung their blade at the same time.  



The end of the fight was sudden and decisive.  

Such as the nature of Kazue's skill (Katana Skill: Iai).  

In that one attack, Kazue infused all of her mana into one slash.  

Thanks to Rio's attack, Edmon could not use any skill to protect himself anymore.  

He had no choice but to face Kazue's attack heads on with his own.  

Otherwise, he will have to receive the full brunt of Kazue's skill's power.  

Thus he decided to use (Power Slash) to counter Kazue.  

Thanks to Calm's skill (Mana Fountain Aura) Kazue's Mana reserves were at their fullest.  

All of that mana is infused into that single move.  

On top of that, Kazue is boosted with several powerful buff skills.  

Kazue did not miss her chance she unleashed her most powerful skill at Edmon without hesitation.  




A flash...  

The wind blew out.  




Then a spray of blood.  

One of them fell to the ground.  



To be precise only half of the body fell.  

It was Edmond's.  

Edmon's body was cut in half horizontally just below his torso.  



"Eh?" <Kazue>  

Kazue saw the state of Edmon's body.  

He was literally cut in half.  

She saw the lower half of the body fall and made a thud.  

Realizing this, she looked away from the severed body of the enemy.  

The blood that was sprayed on her face made her feel sick again.  

Kazue quickly turned around to avoid looking at the corpse.  

A sudden feeling of exhaustion struck Kazue.  

Kazue fell on her knees as the skill drained every ounce of her mana.  



(Katana Skill: Iai)  

A skill that completely drains all of Kazue's mana focused into 1 single strike.  

Previously, Kazue avoided using this skill as it drains her mana completely.  

She did not want this to happen as she needed all of the skills she could use to stay in the fight.  

Skill such as, (Concentrate), (Aura Blade), (Mana Shroud).  

All use Mana.  

She could not use (Katana Skill: Iai).  

She avoided using the skill as she was unsure if using the skill was enough to defeat Edmon.  



She saw the perfect opportunity for her to use that skill.  

Kazue knew that Calm was there.  

Calm has a skill that could replenish her mana with the skill (Mana Fountain Aura).  

Kazue thought that even if she used (Katana Skill: Iai) there, it would be okay since Calm would eventually replenish the mana she would use upon using the skill.  

Thus she used the skill without second thoughts..  

The result was something that Kazue did not expect.  

She was even surprised by the result of that decisive slash.  



Earlier, Rio asked Calm to Heal Edmon.  

The (Heal) spell that Calm used on Edmon was not that strong.

It was only enough to restore a bit of his health, enough to completely heal his wounds.  

With the effect of (Heal) the blood covering his body also disappeared into a pretty sparkle of light.  

The reason behind as to why Rio wanted Calm to cast heal on Edmon was because of this.  

The (Heal) spell dissipated the blood over Edmon's body to nothing.  

The blood was causing his skill (Blood Rage) to increase his stats to unbelievable heights.  

With all the blood gone, the (Blood Rage) effect was neutralized.  

Rio knew this information after reading Edmon's mind when he activated the skill.  

Thus she thought that removing all the blood and wounds from his body would negate the effect of (Blood Rage)  

By the time, Calm healed Edmon, the effect of (Blood Rage) is nullified.  

Rio wanted to use that opportunity to strike.  

Thus he used her skill (Power Stab) boosted and stacked with all kinds of attack-boosting skills.  




Thanks to that, Edmon was forced to use all of his protection-related skills to keep himself from harm.  

He did manage to be able to gobble up Rio's finishing move but in exchange, he no longer has any skill to use for Kazue's next move.  

He could not even use (Mana Shroud) as all of his mana was drained by that attack from Rio.  

Add to that the buff that Calm placed on her.  

Add to that, the effect of Isamu's (Howl) that increases all damage she does to an enemy.  

Both increased her skill's raw power.  

The result...  

Her blade cleaved through the body of Edmon like she was cutting butter.  

She almost felt no resistance from cutting through his body.  



The battle ended.  









Capital City, Vestir.  

City Plaza.  



The adventurers and soldiers are working together to neutralize the threats in the city.  

Monsters, Assassins from the Assassin Order, and Ecclesia Inquisitors are all causing destruction and death within the city.  

Citizens gathered in the center of the city while being protected by adventurers.  

At the same time, citizens are also being rescued within the city by these adventurers.  

Luckily in the city, some adventurers's power is beyond one's imagination.  



For example...  

Inside "Scale Atelier" located in the center of the city.  



"Aa... what the hell happened." <Man>  

A sloppy-looking man walked out of some kind of teleport portal and said these words.  

He was scratching his hair out of his annoyance.  

It was as if he was having a bad day.  

"I just left the city for a few days and now it's all in shambles... Is this one of the things you warned us about miss?" <Man>  

With a friendly tone, Svencity talked to a lady walking a step behind him.  

Like him, she came out from the portal from which Svencity came through.  

A blonde lady wearing a blue full-plate knight's armor replied in a respectful tone.  

"Indeed..." <Lady>  



One of the two who came out of the portal was Alicia, an A-ranked adventurer and a noble who is a member of the prestigious noble house of the Azurearozi dukedom.  

The other person was Guild Master Svencity, the most powerful adventurer and arguably the most powerful being in this world aside from the Demon Lord.  



A few days ago, Alicia met in a private meeting with Svencity and went to the capital city of Artesia to discuss serious matters with certain individuals.  

Their topic was top secret.  

Up until now, they were attending this "top secret" meeting.  

"I guess we have no choice but to believe your words, am I right, Miss Alicia?" <Svencity>  

"Thank you for believing me, Svencity-sama." <Alicia>  



Alicia Cliffe Azurearozi is a lady known for her strong dignity and pride.  

As the only heir to the noble family of Azurearozi, Alicia must be treated with the highest regard and respect.  

On top of that, she is an A-rank adventurer thus making her one of the most powerful individuals on the continent.   

It was rare for her to act respectfully in front of a person.  

If not for the fact that this sloppy, undignified-looking dude was the most powerful and most accomplished adventurer in the world.  

Seeing Alicia bowing her head was something to be bothered about.  

Still, everyone understood why she was acting in such a way.  



"Stop acting so stiff Miss Alicia..." <Svencity>  

He said toward Alicia with a noticeable bothered look.  

Svencity said this to stop Alicia from acting like this toward him.  

He does not want people to treat him in such a manner.  

"Please don't mind me, Svencity-sama." <Alicia>  

Alicia replied while bowing her head.  




Svencity sighs in resignation.  

"These people... I wonder if they are doing this on purpose while knowing that I hate being treated like this." <Svencity>  

Svencity whispered at Alicia's attitude toward himself.  

Although Alicia really respects Svencity as a fellow adventurer, half of the reason why Alicia acts respectfully in front of Svencity is true with this intention.  

To her, it was nice to see that even the so-called "Strongest Adventurer" is still a person.  

People may see Svencity as invincible and all-powerful because of his abilities but in the end, he is still a person.  

It is nice that he is kind enough to show this side of himself willingly to others.  

If he really wanted to, he could force people to do what he wanted with all the power he possessed.  

But, thanks to this dislike of being treated respectfully, it makes it easier for people to get along with him.  

Such as Alicia is doing at the moment.  



As he would often do, Svencity let Alicia slide for acting like this in front of him.  

Instead, he asked for a report of what was happening in the city.  

"So tell me the situation." <Svencity>  

"Yes, sir!" <Atelier Workers>  

The workers inside the Scale Atelier moved and gathered all the information available for Svencity to look at.  

They immediately handed him a piece of paper containing summarized information about the current situation.  

He looked at the report.  

They also handed Alicia a copy of the report.  



In that report, it was stated.  



The city is under attack.  

This is all thanks to the Nobles who committed treason.  

These same nobles ordered the assassins to cause chaos in the city.  

They helped Ecclesia Inquisitors enter the city.  

They brought and released monsters to rampage in the city.  

These nobles escaped and joined with Ecclesia Empire forces marching toward the city to invade Vestir.  



The monsters rampaging in the city are being dealt with by the adventurers and a few soldiers in the city.  

An army combined force of Ecclesia Inquisitors and soldiers of the rebel nobles are all marching to Vestir.  

It seemed that this had long been planned by both the nobles and the invaders from the Ecclesia empire.  

If not, there is no way that the Rebel Nobles and Ecclesia Empire would be able to gather thousands of men in such a short time.  



At the moment, both General Kokkur and Guild Master Irkaroz are leading the military force of Vestir to confront the invading army.  



Svencity finished reading the report.  



"Hmnn~ I see..." <Svencity>  

Svencity said after seeing the report.  

"I guess, the most problematic thing at the moment is the army of Ecclesia marching toward the city, am I right?" <Svencity>  

Alicia nodded at Svencity's words.  

"-sigh- What should we do..." <Svencity>  

"You can leave the city to me." <Alicia>  

"Really, that would be a great help. I will deal with the army with the general then..." <Svencity>  

"Affirmative, well then, I will take my leave, Svencity-sama." <Alicia>  

"Got it." <Svencity>  

Alicia made a curtsy directed at Svencity then turned around.  

She is now going to deal with the problems within the city while Svencity will deal with the army marching to the city.  



Alicia left the Scale Atelier Building.  

She saw that people were already gathered in the plaza.  

She flew in the air and looked at the city from above.  



"Oii~ you there~" <Lady Adventurer>  

A sweet voice of a female called out Alicia from the ground.  

It was an adventurer wearing a witch-like attire.  

She waved her hands at Alicia to get her attention.  

Although it was the first time she saw this woman in person, Alicia knew who it was.  

She flew back down to where that adventurer stood.  



The adventurer wearing the witch-like outfit talked first as soon as Alicia landed on the ground.  

The adventurer spoke in a sweet and casual tone.  

"You are Alicia, right? The duke's daughter." <Lady Adventurer>  

"Yes, it's nice to finally meet you, Witch of the World Tree, Leira-sama." <Alicia>  

"Fufu~, My, you know me?" <Lady Adventurer/Leira>  

"Yes, It would be weird if I don't." <Alicia>  

"I see... fufu~ I heard you had a talk with Seven? How was it? Is he back too?" <Leira>  



Alicia knew at once.  


It seems that it is how Leira dubs the most powerful adventurer, Svencity.  

It was not a surprise for S-ranked adventurers to know each other well.  

Enough that Leira was even calling Svencity in a casual pet name.  

Alicia finds this interesting.  

"Ah...If it's Svencity-sama, Yes the meeting went well. I came back with Svencity-sama moments ago. Svencity-sama should still be inside the Scale Atelier as we talk." <Alicia>  

Alicia replied with a respectful voice.  



In normal circumstances, Alicia will act like a high and mighty person toward the people she meets.  

Just like when she met Kazue, she would let out her annoying high-pitched laughter, typical of the "Ojou-sama" that she is.  

Facing this person, she was not acting as such.  

Instead, she was showing them her "respects".  



"Oh~ I see... Thank you~" <Leira>  

Leira gestured to Alicia a wave to let her know her appreciation.  

"No problem Leira-san." <Alicia>  

Alicia talked in a stiff manner just like when he was talking with Svencity.  

Alicia is a person who will give people what they deserve.  

Leira, as one of the most powerful adventurers in the world deserved Alicia's respect.  

As such Alicia was speaking in a reserved tone with her.  



"Fufu~, what a cute child. I would love to talk to you more but it seems that you also have things to attend to. I hope we can have a nice chat later little miss Alicia." <Leira>  

Leira said.  

"I would really like that too. Well then... I shall take my leave Leira-san..." <Alicia>  

Alicia made a curtsy worthy of the typical noble lady at Leira.  

Leira nods in satisfaction seeing the graceful curtsy.  






Leira was impressed by the graceful ladies' actions.

She appreciates the fact that she, a noble, the duke's daughter is showing Alicia respect.

"Humu... Okay, I will not hinder you from doing your job, Miss Alicia." <Leira>  

"It would be an honor Leira-san." <Alicia>  

"Okay~ I'll go see Seven, for now, take care." <Leira>  

As if imitating Alicia, Leira also gave Alicia a curtsy.

Despite it being clumsy and amateurish to Alicia's standard, Alicia still appreciated the act Leira showed her.

I mean that Alicia had made a good impression on Leira with this first encounter.

Alicia smiled.

"You too Leira-san." <Alicia>  

Alicia again showed Leira her graceful lady curtsy to announce her intention to leave for the last time.  

"Take care~" <Leira>  

She waved Alicia goodbye.  

"Well then..." <Alicia>  

Leira skipped her way toward the Scale Atelier to talk to Svencity.  



At the same time.  

Alicia took off by flying through the air once again.  

She is heading to the Azurearozi Mansion.  

Before acting on the problem in the city, she wanted to see the situation in the mansion.  





Flying in the sky, Alicia let out a sigh of relief.  

"It's been a while since I acted like that in front of other people. I'm really exhausted..."  

She shook her head to keep her mind straight on her goal.  

"Let's see what is happening back at the mansion..."  

Alicia decided to visit the mansion.  














Author Note:




Hi there~

I was going to post this last Sunday but, it was X-mas.

I still have to edit some parts of this chapter thus decided to release this chapter today.

Anyway~ I might post the next chapter next Wednesday too, since it's almost New Year, I have to prepare stuff...

Anyway, ~ Merry x-mas and New Year to all the readers~

I hope we all have a nice time XD~

See you next year~



inanashi- Out


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