God-level Base

Chapter 74

Chapter 74 Divinity life form

Inside a hotel on Beiling Street.

“Master, this is the spirit gun I found!”

Camilla handed a magic gun to Shu Feng.

“This one should be a magic spear, right? A magic spear forged for imaginary demons!”

As soon as Shu Feng held the magic spear, he vaguely felt a trace of weird and incomparable power permeating the magic spear, his eyes narrowed slightly.

In this world, there are many secret treasure refining masters who can use various extraordinary materials to refine all kinds of secret treasures with extraordinary powers.

Those secret treasure refining masters have righteousness and evil, and some secret treasure masters have fallen to rely on the false demons for various reasons such as life, beauty, power, money, and strength, to refine the magic spear for the false demons that uses the power of the virtual magic as the power source.

Psionic people can also use magic spears, but they are easily contaminated by the power of phantom magic contained in that magic spear, and fall into a demon.

The more powerful the magic spear, the easier it is to contaminate its users.

“Destroying a door of a virtual demon, my task has been completed. Next, it is time to improve my strength!”

With a thought to Shu Feng, he took Camilla and the magic gun directly into the mysterious space.

“The genes, 100 source power, fifty soul power, 500,000 phantom energy, and 1 divine nature unit have been discovered for a high-level virtual demon. Will the magic spear be completely decomposed and its power absorbed?”

A line of beeping sounds directly.

“This magic gun, as long as you have investigated it, you know that it was taken by Camilla. Without hurting its appearance, let’s draw its power!”

Shu Feng threw the mysterious magic spear directly to the ground.

The snake-like gene harvester ejected at once, and opened his mouth to bite the mysterious magic spear fiercely.

“Shut up, mortal!! I am the master of secret treasure, Gongsunyang, who spent ten years on the magic spear refined from the corpse of a phantom lord-level great demon!! I have the potential to evolve into the seven holy spears. As long as you and I sign a contract and become my slave, and I will give you boundless power to make people a master, rich and beautiful, rich and rich to enjoy inexhaustibly!!”

“With my help, even a powerful spirit sect can’t stop you from shooting!”

On the magic spear, an eyeball rumblingly rolled, opening a black enchantment, and tempted in a seductive tone.

The powerhouses of the spirit sect are all real big shots in the Qianyuan Republic. Can serve as the governor of a province, can also become the foundation of a wealthy family.

If Shu Feng is an advanced spirit sect, even in the entire guardian flame, he can also become a middle and high level.

Shu Feng smiled coldly and said: “Let me be your slave? How is it possible? The power that cannot be controlled by me, no matter how strong it is, it is useless! Do it!”

The snake-like gene collector bit on the barrier of the magic spear, crushed the barrier of the magic spear, and took a bite on it.

The magic gun shouted with fear: “No! Mortal! Let me go, I can sign a master-slave contract with you and make you my master!! I will serve you wholeheartedly! I can tell my real name you!!”

Shu Feng smiled coldly and said nothing.

From the energy dissolving pool, four transparent tentacles were ejected at once, and they pierced fiercely into the body of the magic gun, madly extracting the power of the magic gun.

“Do not!!”

The magic spear screamed and stopped abruptly, lost its spirituality, and turned into an ordinary magic spear.

“One-eyed Void Lord (full body), strength 1250, agility 845, defense 1300, intelligence 270, spirit 900, physique 1800. It is necessary to eat 1,000 kilograms of flesh and blood every day to maintain full combat power. Spirit-level combat creatures.”

“Special abilities: Invisible Void, Legendary Extraordinary Regeneration, Legendary Extraordinary Defense, Legendary Extraordinary Strength, Epic Extraordinary Speed, Legendary Extraordinary Resistance, Upper Extraordinary Void Pollution Field, Epic Extraordinary Void Demon membrane.”

“Synthesis needs to consume 50 million ghost energy, 10 holy soul units, 1 million source energy, 1 unit of power and divinity, 10,000 kilograms of flesh and blood, salt…, ten tons of steel.”

“One-eyed Void Lord (complete body), synthesis time, 24 hours.”

A new class of troops suddenly appeared in Shu Feng’s mind.

Shu Feng looked at the resources needed to synthesize the one-eyed Void Lord, and suddenly felt a little speechless: “One-eyed Void Lord! Spirit Saint-level combat creatures, the resources needed are really an astronomical number!! Holy soul, what the **** is that? I have never heard of it!”

Shu Feng asked the central analyzer: “What’s the use of divinity?”

“Divinity is the manifestation of a world law. The more divinity you master, the stronger your analysis of the law. The implantation of 1 unit of divinity allows the host to exert 150% of the power and is practicing each When using a secret method to increase the power attribute, the effort will be doubled and increased even higher.”

“In addition, divinity can also improve the host’s cultivation aptitude and increase various abnormal resistances.”

“The divine 01 that the current host can contain, does it consume 400 source power to implant the divine?”

“Of course it is! How could I miss such a good thing as divinity? Of course I have to use it myself!”

Shu Feng strode towards the direction of the source energy evolution tower, only the source energy evolution tower can implant the mysterious divinity into his body.

As soon as he entered the Source Energy Evolution Tower, countless mucus spewed out and sank into Shu Feng’s body, wrapping him up and forming an egg.

A little golden light gushes out from a pipe, sinking into Shu Feng’s eyebrows.

Shu Feng’s body trembled, and bursts of pain came out of his body, his face twisted in pain.

Divinity, that is the realm that saints, demigods, and gods can set foot in. Shu Feng is just a small figure of the spiritualist rank. Even if he gains divine nature, he can’t bear it. He will only burst into death.

The mysterious and unpredictable source power poured into Shu Feng’s body, causing his body to tremble, and he began to evolve wildly.

Eight hours later.

With a creak, Shu Feng walked directly out of the egg.

“Shu Feng.”

“Occupation, villager. Growth rate 1.”

“Divine life body. Power divinity 11.”

“Divine characteristics: fixed increase in strength by 50%, resistance to various spells +1, immunity to low-level lethal spells!”

“Level 10. It has reached its limit.”

“Skills, none.”

“Strength 68, Dexterity 48, Defense 57, Constitution 57, Intelligence 58, Spirit 60, Magic 0.”

“Charm 25, spiritual power 1543, soul power 146.”

“Free points are 0.”

“There are 500 source powers left, how should I use it? This source power can be used to open up spiritual veins, can also be used for cultivation, and can also be used to plant skill seeds and build spell models.”

“The fastest way to improve your strength is to choose a skill and use it to strengthen it. This can quickly form combat power.”

“If you choose a skill, then it’s best to awaken to become a hero or a brave, and you are born with hero skills or brave skills. That kind of skill is definitely the strongest.”

“In that case, awaken and become a brave man!”

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