Global God of Choice: I am the only one who chooses the Saiyan bloodline

Chapter 047

Looking at the familiar monster in the screen photo, Xu Heng immediately had confidence in his heart.


It’s another movie he is familiar with!

I just don’t know which one, after all, Godzilla is a series of movies.

“In this ruin, most of the monsters sleep in the underground world or deep in the glacier, so the people of that world are safe for the time being. ”

“However, a group of people, in order to study how to control these monsters, secretly hatched one. ”

Teacher Void Heaven’s introduction continued to sound.

And the discussion of the students below did not stop, “We can’t kill everything here, they actually dare to hatch by themselves, they dare not imagine.” ”

“This monster that was secretly hatched, named Mozilla, is its size, just like in the picture. ”

“Mozilla is inside the monster, the “queen of monsters” who symbolizes “motherhood”. It is “only” 15.8 meters tall, but its wingspan reaches 244.8 meters. The wings can emit an offensive blinding divine light, which gives it the super power to “tear the sky”. ”

The teacher changed a new photo, and after the students saw it, they said, “This Mozilla, it’s a butterfly, it looks quite beautiful, no wonder it’s called the queen of monsters.” ”

“This group of organizations that secretly hatch monsters is called the Imperial Organization. It is this organization that has developed a way to control monsters, that is, to use specific frequency of sound waves to simulate the cry of monsters, so that monsters think that you are the same kind. ”

Hearing that someone could control the monster, the students suddenly burst into amazement, “I really came up with a way to control the monster, and it’s really a group of ghosts! ”

“The Imperial Organization used a specific sonic transmitter to successfully control the hatched Mozilla. ”

“Originally, they must have been advancing according to the plan of the imperial organization, but suddenly a group of underground mercenaries appeared. As a result, the sonar instrument that the imperial organization had developed with great difficulty was robbed by this group of underground organizations. ”

Subsequently, this group of people from the underground organization, using the stolen sonar device, activated the monster all over the world. ”

“Eventually, they triggered, the monster explosion!!”

The teacher’s introduction caused a slight pause. And the students, taking advantage of this pause, began a lively discussion.

“You say, our real-world ferocious beasts can’t also be secretly made by people, right?”

“This imperial organization is really a group of crazy people, and they actually want to control monsters. Didn’t they expect to get out of control?”

“This group of people from the underground organization is really crazy. After getting the controller, they woke up the monsters of the world without hesitation, do they want to die with the whole world?”

At the back of the classroom, Xu Heng listened to the teacher’s introduction and looked at the photos projected on the teacher’s big screen.

Carefully recall the movie in my head.

“Mozilla, the Imperial Organization, and the underground mercenaries…”, according to the teacher’s introduction, Xu Heng recalled carefully, his expression was a little excited, “If I remember correctly, the ruins I went to this time are the movie “Godzilla 2 – King of Monsters”!!”

Xu Heng, who was sitting in the back row and listening carefully, finally determined the movie to which the relic belonged.

“The background of the ruins world is basically introduced. Let’s focus on a few specific monsters, and you must be careful after entering the ruins. ”

“The first monster to be introduced is called, Godzilla!”

“This monster is 119.8 meters tall and lizard-shaped. Its power is very powerful, comparable to a human lord-level master. It can be said that in our school, many teachers are not its opponents. ”

“Originally, it looked ordinary. However, the most special thing about this monster is that it will not harm humans!

The students below, who were listening to the teacher’s introduction, suddenly broke out into a heated discussion.

“Lying in the groove, it will actually protect humans, what kind of peerless treasure is this, the fierce beasts we have here, see that people are undead.” ”

“I suddenly want to raise two, if I can raise two Godzillas in my yard, I guess I don’t have to be afraid of ordinary fierce beasts.” ”

After introducing Godzilla, the teacher slowly introduced several other fierce beasts and monsters, and also released photos.

Ratton, Leviathan, King Kong, Dragon Monster who…………

Xu Heng at the back of the classroom, looking at the photos released one by one, he was all familiar with them.

More certainly, this is the movie he knows, Godzilla 2.

He remembers the whole story.

“Students, I will also introduce you to the last beast, which is comparable to the great lord of mankind, and everyone must stay away as much as possible when they see it, otherwise, it will be life-threatening.” ”

After speaking, on the big screen in front of him, a three-headed giant beast appeared.

The moment the photo appeared, Xu Heng recognized the name of the monster.



King of monsters, ferocious beasts from alien planets.

It has been frozen in Antarctica. With a height of 158.8 meters and a wingspan length of about 400 meters, Godzilla also looks much smaller in front of it. Its strength is so strong that it can not only spit gravitational rays in its mouth, but also has three heads and three brains, smart and treacherous, lightning and thunder everywhere it goes, and the ability to regenerate its head is even more “inexhaustible and endless”. Once crushed Godzilla, but later Godzilla advanced before successfully counterattacking.


Immediately afterwards, the teacher’s voice became slightly dignified.

“This monster, named Ghidorah, has a strength of up to the 5th level, even if it is me, it will take a lot of effort to deal with it. ”

“The monster I faced this time is a level stronger than the last dream ruin. Therefore, after everyone enters the ruins, they must not run around blindly. ”

“Dying in this relic is real death, not like in the last dream ruin, there is a chance to do it again. ”

“The monsters in this ruins are slightly gentler than the real world, as long as you don’t deliberately provoke it, there won’t be any big problems.” ”

“Don’t worry! It’s important to stay alive!! It’s really not possible, find a place to hide, after the mission time is over, complete a simple task at random, and you will automatically be teleported back. ”

Listening to the teacher’s introduction one by one, the students basically understood the background of the entire monster ruins.

Just after the teacher finished introducing the last monster, Xu Heng stood up and asked the teacher.

“Teacher, what is the details of the mission after we enter the ruins?”

“The ultimate goal, kill all the monsters in the ruins?”


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