Global Fog Survival

Chapter 129: The Seventh Miracle, The Pain Bearer

【This world is slowly being dragged into the dreamscape of ‘Night.’ You know that when that moment comes, nothing can be undone…】

【Current fusion progress: 47%…】

【You realize that some special lord-level mutants are beginning to be affected, and they are starting to leave their ‘domains’…】


Colin let out a sigh and opened his eyes wearily. He looked exhausted, as if he had expended a great deal of energy. At this moment, he felt emotionally drained; his eyes swept over his surroundings without emotion, and in an instant, he grasped many reasons behind it all.

【You know that the resurrection of the aberrations is due to the Seventh Miracle, ‘The Pain Bearer,’ but it does not have the capability to influence the entire world…】

【Perhaps all of this is related to some third-party influence; all that is needed is to sever the connection between them…】

So it’s not the “Undying” but the “Pain Bearer”? It seems that this is its true name… To bear…

Colin’s mind raced at an unprecedented speed, and he quickly devised a plan—an almost insane plan! Currently, his fusion with “Light” was less than halfway complete.


As the whole world was being pulled deeper into the “dreamscape” by “Night,” the influence of the “dreamscape” was causing lord-level aberrations to enter the fray. Now, he had no choice but to end the fusion early…

Colin reached out and grasped, forming a ball of light in his hand. After a brief hesitation, he pressed it into his chest. His entire body stiffened.


Colin’s face twisted uncontrollably in pain. The sudden and accelerated fusion made him feel like he was about to explode, stretched to his limits by the overwhelming power. Colin’s skin at that moment resembled a beautiful but cracked porcelain.

Without hesitation, he used a recovery card, but… The effect was not great. The restored body almost immediately began cracking again, but it at least stabilized his condition.

After using another recovery card, he could barely endure the powerful force and start to move. Then, without using more recovery cards, he knew he had reached his limit.

Next, Colin took out a corroded shield and aimed at a mutant, pulling them close without a word.

Ropes, fate coins, and various other items were used…

Colin then lit the “Dream Candle” aimed at the mutant He intended to enter the “Nightmare of Night” through the mutant’s dream, reaching the “Root,” and directly severing the terrifying influences!

The next second, as green flames ignited, he found himself plunged into darkness.

【You discover that the dream of the “Dream Candle” has forcibly equated dream and reality!】

【If you die here, you will truly die.】

This was the expected result!

Colin didn’t dwell on it, quickly utilizing the “The Shield of the Justice Knight” to find the weakest passive trait, and instantly, from the infinite, writhing darkness, he identified the weakest presence.

The Seventh Miracle, “The Pain Bearer”!

It was being forcibly expanded by the “Night,” granting all mutants immortality! At this moment, Colin realized that all it would take was one complete, unreserved burst of “Light” in that direction to end this…

However, just as Colin was about to raise his head, his “Knot” exploded, and his luck points dropped to zero. In a fleeting moment, with a loud “crack,” darkness consumed the area.

In the dream, everything seemed to revert to its original “calm,” with only the endlessly writhing darkness remaining.


In the ruins of High Court, Sannaa and the others were the first to sense something was wrong as the light in their vision suddenly dimmed. They turned around and saw a figure seated on the gray stone throne, shrouded in faint light, but it was impossible to see his expression. He seemed lifeless, as if engulfed in deathly stillness.

“B-Boss, he…” Li Chou’s eyes widened, a chill ran through his body, and a ridiculous thought entered his mind.

“He’s still alive, trying his best. Let’s not give up…” Sanna lied for the first time.

“Y-Yeah, the Boss will be fine…” Li Chou turned his head, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “I’ve just been fighting for too long; my head’s a bit foggy.”

“Another wave of monsters is coming,” Russell said.

As they turned back to face the battle, crimson blood suddenly flowed from the stone throne, spreading in all directions, trickling down the steps. The amount of blood seemed to reach the limit a human body could expel. If it all came from one person, then without a doubt, that person would become nothing more than a dried corpse.

Above them, the sky grew darker.

At this moment… Everything seemed to be moving toward the most dangerous, irreversible direction.

From just a few mutants at the beginning to dozens, it had now escalated to a point where almost every human outpost faced tens of thousands of mutants. Even with level four territories and numerous servants, it was difficult but not impossible. But what truly drove people to collapse and despair was the increasing number of lord-level mutants leaving their “domains.”

At this moment, the battle, already endless, became exceptionally grueling…


An hour, two hours… now, over a dozen hours…

The fight grew increasingly hopeless. In the endless battle, one by one, the flames representing human life flickered out, and the world dimmed further. With a deafening crash, another level-four domain was breached; several lord-level aberrations tore through the defenses, and many people died in a short time.

A city that had stood alone in the darkness for over a dozen hours finally fell.

Within the city, a man clung to a blood-stained battle flag, on which simple drawings of suns were depicted.

Brilliant light emanated from the flag, forming a strong light shield about thirty square meters in size. Inside the shield, besides the man struggling to hold on, were several survivors gritting their teeth in desperation, along with a few remaining servants.

When multiple terrifying lord-level mutants approached, they all felt overwhelming pressure and intense despair.

“We’re finished…” someone croaked.

The man holding the blood-stained, white-glowing flag spoke. Three lord-level mutants—this flag’s protection was nowhere near enough to withstand such a battle.

As his words fell, some survivors under the light wept bitterly, utterly broken, while others swung their weapons in numb defiance, as if they hadn’t heard anything.

But with a cracking sound, the light barrier shattered, and a black arrow pierced through it, shooting straight at the man. A servant leaped to block it, but his body exploded into a shower of blood in an instant. The arrow didn’t stop, piercing the man’s neck and severing his head from his body.

In an instant, the place dimmed. With a thud, the man’s severed head fell to the ground and rolled a few times. The flag fell into the blood, soaking up more blood and dimming. But perhaps due to some “luck,” the man’s rolling head stopped on an open parchment scroll.

A scroll that was now completely useless.

“No, not entirely useless…”

At that moment, he seemed to remember something very important.

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