Glitched Isekai

Chapter 49 – The First Sign of Things to Come

Melinda and Phoebe were walking through the city, down the shops district to learn more about the city and maybe pick up an impression or clue. 

Melinda talks to spirits, and sometimes a spirit may talk to her on its own account. On the other hand, Phoebe had the power of premonition and is able to sense the future and the past of objects or people she touched. 

As they walked and talked, Phoebe intentionally touched objects along the way and brushed by people to see if anything important pops up. 

"So no improvement huh?" Phoebe asked

"No. Every part of my body is completely numb. I don't feel anything since I absorbed the powers of that lich. The only one I can feel is Sam when he touches me. Otherwise, I feel nothing. Even the dildos that Alex conjures have less and less effect on me anymore and I keep asking for more and more ridiculously large dildos I fear I might not be tight anymore" Melinda answered. 

Phoebe remembered seeing Melinda playing with a humongous 12 inch dildo and shuddered. 

"Luckily Sam keeps casting his healing on you, so you don't have to worry about losing your tightness" Phoebe said. 

"That's also because we were testing my pain resistance. I felt nothing when I got Mindy to slice off my breast, or got Harley to stuff her bat up me. Nothing at all. It's making me so reliant on Sam's touch, the warmth of his hands, his body, his cock..." Melinda said. 

"I know, you're not the only one. It's just that he keeps summoning more and more of us... ah.... Avengers.... As it is, there's not enough hours in a day for everyone of us" Phoebe complained. 

"But Sabrina says this losing my senses is a blessing. A lich will have all their organs rot inside them although they are nigh immortal and it is excruciating painful." Melinda explained

"Are you rotting from within?" Phoebe asked.

"Not that I can tell. But I would hate to regain my senses only to feel pain all the time" Melinda explained.

Phoebe nodded.

"The only thing I miss are the rest of my senses like smell and taste. Luckily I don't get hungry and as Sam's familiars...ah.. Avengers, we don't really have to eat" Melinda said.

"But can you taste his ah.." Phoebe asked

"You mean his cum? Thankfully yes. Yum! It's all I crave for now" Melinda answered

"Me too" Phoebe agreed.

"Oh! Hi little girl! Why are you crying?" Melinda suddenly asked, facing an alley.

Phoebe looked at the alley, only to see no one there. Suddenly she understood and walked towards the alley with Melinda.

She opened the mind link with Melinda and could see a cute little girl crying in the alley. 

As Melinda approached the "little girl", Phoebe touched the alley walls and a vision suddenly struck her, causing her to gasp. 

In her vision, she could see a little girl crying as what looked like her parents were savagely attacked by semi-human creatures. It looked very dark, so she couldn't see what type of creatures they were. But they were like half human half animal. 

The girl screamed and one of the creatures struck her, killing her instantly. 

Then they dragged the dead bodies into the sewers. 

Phoebe opened her eyes, looking at Melinda who saw Phoebe's premonition through the mind link. 

As they followed the trail, they reported their findings to Sam through the mind link. 

The trail led to the docks, then to the opening of the sewer that released its contents to the sea. 

"Ugh" Phoebe said as she held her nose. 

Melinda lost her sense of smell, so she just smiled and said "After you"

Phoebe levitated into the open sewer, as the whole floor was covered in water. She could do this effortlessly as that was one of her powers that did not require casting spells. 

As for Melinda, she too levitated with a basic levitation spell. 

As they floated into the darkness of the sewers, they could hear loud scurrying noises coming from deep in the sewers. 

Phoebe cast a ball of floating light to lead the way. 

"What are those? Rats?" Phoebe asked. 

"No, I sense far larger life forces" Melinda answered. 

Suddenly, several large bodies flew through the air and attacked them in mid-air. 

One flew at Phoebe who instantly reacted, kicking the creature in the face, but not before it's claws ripped open her blouse and bra revealing her naked breasts. 

The second one jumped onto Melinda and immediately bit her in the neck. 

"Those are...wererats!" Phoebe said as she was jumped by two more wererats who were viciously attacking her. 

She was being scratched by their claws everywhere, ripping off her clothes and leaving claw marks all over her body. However, due to her superhuman strength, her skin was durable enough not to be pierced, so they only left red marks on her skin. 

Melinda levitated silently as she waved her hand. The wererat biting her turned into dust as her eyes turned menacingly black. 

She spread a death aura all around her, killing every creature with the exception of Phoebe as she continued levitating deeper into the sewers. 

Phoebe looked at her torn clothes that were already covered in sewer water and sighed as she took them off and levitated again after Melinda, nearly naked except for her panties. 

Melinda saw the ghost little girl again and followed her as she led the way in the sewers. Her death aura killed every creature within 15 feet of her as she easily followed the ghost. 

Finally they reached what seemed like a larger area in the sewers. There were signs of a whole community who lived here before the werewolves and in the middle, was the body of the dead girl. 

"Oh no" Phoebe said as both of them landed on the ground and looked at the girl. 

"She had been sacrificed" Melinda said grimly. 

The body was placed in a runic circle and her eyes and heart had been removed, leaving her body to rot. 

Phoebe touched the floor within the runes and she received a vision of what happened. 

The vision showed a cloaked figure standing in the runic circle, with many wererats bowing outside the circle. As the cloaked man held up the girl's heart, it suddenly became on fire and a portal started appearing.

A huge demonic looking creature walked out. It was muscular and looked humanoid, only with large horns on its head and large wings and a tail behind its back. It was completely covered in black hair, with red glowing eyes and sharp teeth. 

"Damn it. Another demon summoning!" Phoebe said and communicated to Sam through the Nexus. 

Sam understood everything through the mind link and in an instant, Hermione, Sabrina and Alex appeared in the sewers to help investigate with Trix, Cameron and Yuriko appearing as well to secure the site. 

However, after a while, they didn't find any other clues and had to just leave a report to Queen Serene through the mind link. 

Phoebe conjured a spell cremating the little girl's body but leaving the rest of the evidence in tact. They imagined that Merlin or some other magician would be appearing soon. 

"Ok, lets go. We've done all we could here" Phoebe said, looking around one last time as they disappeared into the Nexus.

"This is the second demon summoning so far in this dimension. Surely it can't be a common thing. It must be linked somehow" Sam said as the girls returned from the sewers, appearing in the Nexus directly into the showers. 

"Ugh, it really stunk in there" Alex said as she removed her clothes and threw it into a same pile as the rest. 

As everyone stood naked, she disintegrated the smelly clothes. 

"Want to join us in the shower?" Phoebe invited. 

"Uh.... maybe join me in bed after" Sam replied, holding his nose. 



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