Glitched Isekai

Chapter 34 – Running the Gauntlet

In the midst of the army of orcs, 13 naked females suddenly appeared and started a massacre around them as they started running down the road towards Stronghold. 

The orcs and goblins were caught by surprise as sudden loud noises from weapons of the like they have never seen before spat tiny metal objects at them that cut through their flesh and broke their bones. 

As their objective was not to stand and kill, rather to rush as fast as they could forward, the girls started to spread out as they rushed forwards, with the faster ones ahead and the slower ones trailing behind. 

Within only 5 minutes, Sam realized that they were spreading out too thinly and would get in trouble, so he started giving commands from within the Nexus while trying his best to monitor everybody. 

"Everyone, you're all starting to spread out too much and may get in trouble. Start cooperating in small groups, don't leave anyone by herself! If anyone is in trouble, call out and I will get you into the Nexus!" he said. 

The girls responded nearly at the same time and they started grouping according to whoever they saw nearby. 

Selene, Tauriel, Alice and Annabeth were the furthest ahead with their supernatural speed and agility, so they teamed up together to form the group furthest in front and were already far out of sight from the others. 

The second group in the middle were a bigger group with Mindy, Natasha, Buffy, Faith and Lara running at a peak human pace, with Hermione apparating and Phoebe orbing to keep up with their pace. 

Further behind, but within sight of the second group was Sabrina and Alex trailing behind. 

"I... can't... believe... I volunteered.. to run..." Alex gasped as she stopped to rest, her wand still shooting various bolts of elemental energies or turning orcs and goblins into inanimate objects. 

"I know. Running isn't my thing too" Sabrina said, although she was not out of breath. She didn't really run either and rather had hopped and skipped along. 

"Sabrina! Alex! Do you want me to bring you into the Nexus? Then you can join the front team again rather than lag so far behind" Sam asked in the mind link. 

"No... thanks.... we'll.. catch up.." Alex gasped stubbornly and started jogging again. 

Just then, the first group ran into a group of 5 trolls! This caught Sam's attention as he watched anxiously. 

Without stopping, Tauriel jumped onto a troll and fired multiple arrows directly down into it's skull. However, that wasn't enough to kill it as it trashed about wildly.

Alice had alot of experience fighting Tyrants, so she fearlessly charged, firing nonstop into a troll's face and eyes. But she had to dodge as the blinded troll also started attacking blindly.

Selene followed Alice's lead, shooting bullets in another troll's eyes and then stabbing it in its neck with her silver lined sword. But she too had to bail, leaving her sword stuck in her troll's neck.

Annabeth was struggling as she only used her knife. Although it was made with celestial bronze and was specialized in killing monsters, she could easily slice the flesh of the troll, but she could not cause enough damage to kill it. 

Then Annabeth had an idea. "Go for the legs" Annabeth said as she dodged her troll, rolling between it's legs and slicing the ligaments at the back of both her troll's knees, causing it to fall on its knees. 

The other 3 girls watched and followed suit while Annabeth attacked the 5th troll. One by one all the trolls had the ligaments at the back of the knees cut by them.

"Pull back!" Annabeth yelled as the last troll fell on it's knees. All 5 trolls were still alive but unable to stand on their legs after their ligaments were cut. 

"Let's do this" she said, taking out the Master Bold. 

She threw the bolt at the nearest troll and suddenly a huge bolt of lightning fell from the sky crashing into the trolls with a loud bang. 

The 4 girls had to cover their eyes due to the brightness of the lightning strike. By the time they reopened their eyes, there was only smoldering charcoal the shape of the trolls that were breaking off into pieces of ash. 

Alice, Tauriel and Selene nodded at Annabeth who smiled back and kept the Master Bolt, then they charged on. 

Sam watched from the Nexus, impressed at how powerful the weapon was. 

"What was that?" Hermione asked as they saw a huge bolt from far away

"That was Annabeth using the Master Bolt" Sam replied. 

"Oh!" Hermione said, regretting that she didn't get to see it. 

Suddenly Sam heard shouts for help in the mind link. 

"Help... we're surrounded. Sabrina's been shot. I'm hurt" Alex said

Sam immediately shifted his view to where Alex and Sabrina was. 

To his shock, he saw from Alex's eyes, Sabrina several feet away with her naked body pierced through by several arrows with a pool of blood growing beneath her.

Alex herself had summoned a shield to protect her as orcs and goblins surrounded her and attacked her shield. She was also injured, with an arrow piercing right through her thigh, but she was too busy holding up her shield to help herself. 

Just as Sam was about to bring Alex into the Nexus and re-summon Sabrina when he looked at Sabrina who had suddenly levitated into the air. 

Her eyes turned white as both her hands were on fire. She looked around and lifted her hands as all the orcs and goblins around her and Alex suddenly burst into flames. 

Within seconds all the foul creatures had turned to ash as Sabrina landed on the ground and walked to Alex, who had just removed the arrow from her thigh and healed herself. 

"Are you alright?" she asked Alex, arrows still sticking out of her body. 

"I'm fine... are you?" Alex said, pointing at the arrows. 

"Yes...fine. Sam! Nexus please" Sabrina said in a soft voice.

Sam brought both Sabrina and Alex in the Nexus. 

"Sabrina! Are you alright?" he asked

She smiled and nodded, then fell to the floor as Sam quickly caught her. 

He quickly removed the arrows from her body and cast [Heal] on her. 

Sabrina's head was on his lap when she suddenly turned her head and started sucking him. 

Sam was shocked, realizing that she tricked him. But he got hard anyway. 

"Hey! No fair pretending to be hurt!" Alex pouted. 

Sam looked down on Sabrina's face as she happily suckled his cock. 

After watching her incinerate her enemies, he realized why this version of Sabrina was summoned rather than the older Melissa Joan Hart one.

This one was way scarier. 


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