Giants From All Walks of Life Vie For Uncle Xi To Be Uncle

Chapter 105

Chapter 101 Time and Space Crack

It takes ten hours to fly from London to North City. Because it is a daytime flight, everyone is not sleepy. Most of them chat or watch movies.

Su Tian and Mr. He Sen continued the topic that was not finished last time.

Su Tian was originally interested in chemistry, and she should have some talent. Once she opened up her thoughts in this area, she seemed to open the door to a new world for herself. It was easy to sink into it, and she couldn’t bear to stop without studying and understanding.

He Sen has taken a lot of students, but it is the first time to teach with a pen hand in hand.

Most of the doctoral students he led were usually arranged for the topic, letting them study on their own. At most, he would mention a few words when the students encountered a bottleneck.

The students who can make him a PhD supervisor are also among the best, and his concise and concise points are enough to make the students feel awkward.

But Su Tian is different. Although she is far smarter than children of the same age, she has never skipped grades. She has a perfect score for the basic knowledge of high school, but she is basically in a blank state for other knowledge, so he wants to explain to her Questions require extra patience, which is equivalent to giving lectures to better undergraduates.

Although Konno was silent and didn’t interrupt, he couldn’t help but observe in secret and couldn’t turn a blind eye.

He watched Professor He explain to Su Tian some problems that were too basic in his eyes, and a few crows flew by in his heart.

Is this really his Professor He?

After being laughed at by others in the assistant group that day, Konno also seriously reflected on himself.

Reflecting on myself, I might have misunderstood Professor He.

In the international academic circle, who doesn’t know that He Sen has no interest in all human emotions?

He Sen was very fond of two young male doctors at first, and he gave them special points. Under his advice, many papers of those two male doctors were published in authoritative journals within two years. There were rumors in the academic circle at that time. He Sen likes boys, and speculates that he is 1 based on his various personal preferences.

But shortly afterwards, those two young male doctors were hired as tenured professors by two top universities in country M, and they had a lifelong iron job.

At that time, He Sen traveled to various countries for academic research, and the two boys could not continue to be He Sen’s assistants if they wanted to stay in M ​​country to teach.

Many people think that He Sen will definitely be reluctant to give up, and will even disagree with them to accept the post.

Even the two boys faltered, ran to him and said: Professor He, you are our teacher. Without your advice, we would not have achieved what we are today. If you need us to continue to follow you, we He refused the invitation from the university.

He Sen was stunned after hearing this: “What’s the joke? The university that hired you is optimistic about your research direction. When you are a tenured professor at the university, you will have a lot of research funding. How can you refuse such a good opportunity? The overall strength has reached the point where you can be alone, you should focus on your own research, and don’t waste time with me.”

After this incident, everyone felt that he had misunderstood the giant He Sen. He should be heterosexual, but he admired the two students more.

Later, He Sen had a glamorous and extremely smart female doctor. She had been with He Sen for more than a year, and when she was busy with a research project, she even ate and lived with him.

Many people have speculated that He Sen has already been dating this Dr. Meiyan, but because of work, it has not been made public.

However, a year later, a certain paper by Dr. Meiyan was valued by the high-level officials of the M army.. Fang, and she was hired with a high salary to work for the army.. Fang to study top-secret projects.

The female doctor refused the invitation for He Sen and said to He Sen: “Professor, you once said that when we study physics, we must maintain world peace. You will never work for the army… Their research results are used by them.”

He Sen praised her, but the female doctor suddenly knelt on one knee and pulled out a diamond ring.

“But the more important reason is that I love you. Professor He, you have taken care of me for more than a year, and we have cooperated very well. You should also have a good impression of me. It is better to get married immediately and do it in the future. A scientific research couple, advance and retreat together.”

He Sen was shocked. He habitually pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, shaking his hands, knocking the glasses off and dropping them to the ground—

It took him a long time to squeeze out a sentence: “You misunderstood. I have always regarded you as a student or colleague. I have absolutely no other ideas.”

That female doctor can be said to be a rare stunner in the world. She has a beautiful chest, a big waist and a small waist, and an IQ of 150. She shook her head in disbelief: “No idea? How is it possible? There is nothing in this world except me. Your woman is worthy of you!”

He Sen leaned over and picked up his glasses, and smiled helplessly: “I’m really not interested in you, and your words scared me. There is a common saying in the Mandarin of Country A called stunned. This is how I reacted just now. ”

The female doctor was heartbroken, put the ring away and stood up, blushing: “You are not normal! Unless you don’t like women at all!”

He Sen didn’t want to hurt her, but at the same time he knew that she must not be left with illusions.

He did not deny: “Perhaps.”

The beautiful female doctor ran out of his office crying, and a “good story” came out from then on.

The giant Hesen not only dislikes handsome boys, but also dislikes beautiful women.

What does this show, it can only show that he is asexual.

But at this moment Konano couldn’t help but glance to the right.

He couldn’t help but doubt his guess last time.

Asexuality turns into heterosexuality under a certain chemical reaction…It’s not completely impossible, right?

In the middle, Su Tian, ​​when writing the calculation process, should have made a mistake, so that the subsequent results are not correct for the hypothesis.

She felt strange and murmured a few words.

He Sen took her calculation paper, scanned it for a second, and smiled and circled her wrong calculation steps: “It’s wrong here, and the decimal point is missing.”

Su Tian suddenly realized: “Oh my God, I made such a low-level mistake, I rarely do this…”

Su Tian is very ashamed. She has always been very cautious when doing questions. There will be no careless problems.

I don’t know what happened today, but I made a mistake in front of He Sen… such a powerful scientist! She hates herself to death, it’s so embarrassing!

Su Tian showed an annoyed expression and reached out and slapped her forehead: “I made you laugh, I…I am really not like this normally!”

He Sen’s eyes are soft and his smile is extraordinarily gentle, and even relieved her: “It’s normal, no matter how clever people are, they will make mistakes. It’s just a clerical error. Even I can’t avoid it. This is human nature.”

Konno: …hehe.

It is indeed natural for people to make low-level mistakes in the calculation process because of carelessness, but Professor He did not say the same about similar situations from the front.

There was a time when a few students who had just passed the Ph.D. program wanted to find He Sen as a PhD supervisor. He Sen took at most two students in the same period and gave them the test in person.

Among them, there is a girl with the most outstanding professional performance and excellent comprehensive abilities. It was because of a small error in the calculation process that the result was calculated incorrectly.

At that time Konno was already He Sen’s assistant, and he also looked at the calculation paper. In fact, the whole idea of ​​solving the problem was correct. It was really a decimal point wrong, which led to the wrong result. He Sen was still mercilessly pass.

Afterwards, he also chatted with Professor He about this matter. He Sen said: The calculation errors cannot be eliminated, but as long as they are carefully checked, low-level errors will definitely be discovered. She handed in the paper one hour in advance within the limited time because of overconfidence. I will not choose such a student if I lose the opportunity. In addition to being far more intelligent than ordinary people, my students must also have careful introspection thinking.

Su Tian recalculated from the wrong place, and this time calculated the correct result.

He Sen smiled and praised: “It’s amazing. You are so young and you have been confined to a high school campus. You have not received system training. It is very worthy of recognition that you can have this kind of calculation speed and thinking ability.”

Su Tian was embarrassed to the extreme. She made a mistake once and was praised by the boss, so embarrassed.

When He Sen went to the bathroom on the way, Su Tian took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Konno.

“Dr. Konno, Professor He is really patient! And also very gentle! You are his personal assistant, who usually assists him in his research, you should feel very good, and working with such a leader should be in a good mood at work? ”

“…” Konno is a typical J countryman who is rigid and serious. Under normal circumstances, he never makes a joke.

He was also very serious when facing Su Tian: “Professor He is very strict. Before I became his assistant, I was also a doctoral student brought out by him. My doctoral thesis was rejected by him more than 30 times.”

Su Tian’s eyes widened in horror, feeling like she had heard a ghost story.

Although she has never read a PhD, she also knows that doctoral dissertations usually have a base of 100,000 characters…

Dismissed more than thirty times? It is estimated that the paper can be changed to schizophrenia, right? ? ?

She looked at Konno’s serious face and smiled in a jealous manner: “It should be because Professor He admires you so much that she treats you strictly.”

Konno didn’t say a word, his heart: Oh.

In fact, He Sen is the same strict to everyone.

Although he seems to be gentle and gentle, he will not severely reprimand a student for weakness or mistakes.

But his handling method is very arrogant and indifferent, which is much more painful than reprimand, and it is the kind of taste of life without self-confidence.

There is no such thing as a top scientist who has no temper, it’s just that Professor He’s temper is not exposed.

Konno stared at Su Tian with complicated eyes for a long while.

It’s impossible for ordinary people to be seen by Professor He. Is it possible that this girl from Country A, who doesn’t have much scientific research skills except for her beauty, is really extraordinary that he can’t see?

Yes, it must be so.

His professor may have a preference for a younger generation because of his superiority.

But you will never value a person because of appearance.

Even if the girl Su Tian… really looks very comfortable, her brows and eyes are crooked when she smiles, her eyes are gleaming softly, and the two small pears at the corners of her lips are terribly sweet.

The more Kanano looks at it, the more it feels wrong…No, no, impossible, his professor is definitely not such a superficial person!

Before the plane landed, He Sen personally said to Su Tian: “I will work in Beicheng for a long time. If you have any academic questions, you can talk to me and send it directly. I will reply when I see it. If you need a face-to-face interview, you can also make an appointment to come to me, go to the research institute or my residence.”

He Sen also sent her his address in Beicheng.

Su Tian was ecstatic, and she only felt that the biggest gain she had gained from this trip to London might not have been the glory and fame.

The biggest receipt is Professor He, the treasure boy! !

He started her interest in academics, and he obviously appreciated her very much, and he was willing to spend private time instructing him. Isn’t this a pie in the sky? ? ?

Shang Yu personally came to meet her at the airport and stuffed her suitcase into the trunk: “I was going to come and pick you up with your Uncle Pei, but he may not be completely healed, and he is easily tired. He is lying at home.”

When Su Tian heard this, she couldn’t believe that Pei Huan really didn’t come to pick her up because she was unwell.

She also sent Pei Huan to WeChat two days ago, but he didn’t reply at all. He felt like he was deliberately angry with her.

Just because of her and Bo Jingmo…it seems to have to be coaxed personally.

Su Tian got in the car and sent him a voice message: “Uncle Pei, I heard that Uncle Shang said that you have a broad brain and are uncomfortable. This is okay? When we get off the airport expressway, we will immediately go to your house to see you, and be at your house tonight. Eat hot pot?”

After she sent it out, she waited for a while, but Pei Huan didn’t reply.

Shang Yu felt a little weird, so he asked, “Are you and Pei Huan… awkward? Why do I think he is weird?”

He just said that lying at home is easy to be tired, in fact, he said so casually because he was afraid that Su Tian felt that Pei Huan didn’t care about her.

As early as the day Su Tian left for London, he and Pei Huan had agreed to go to the airport together to greet her triumphantly.

As a result, he called Pei Huan yesterday to confirm the departure time, Pei Huanyun said, “If you don’t go, whoever wants to go, I will have to sleep tomorrow.”

Shang Yu thought he was tired from work yesterday and didn’t sleep enough, so he was so irritable, so he didn’t delve into it.

Before I went to pick up Su Tian today, I sent him another WeChat and asked him if he would like to have dinner together. Pei Huan returned NO.

Shang Yu felt weird at the time, and wondered if what he said was wrong in the past few days, which made this stupid brother angry.

But he thought about it again, and he had barely spoken to Pei Huan in the past few days.

Otherwise…Tiantian will only be unhappy with him.

Su Tian knew what was going on, but she could only pretend to be stupid.

“How come? Uncle Pei and I haven’t seen each other for a few days.”

“Yes, I don’t know what his emotions are.” Shang Yu muttered and didn’t delve into it anymore.

Su Tian called Qi Yue on the way, explaining that she would take the signed book with her when she went to school, and also talked about the academic discussion with He Sen.

Qi Yue was also very excited at first. I heard that He Sen was so gentle and patient, so that Su Tian could ask him anytime if he had any questions. This was a gentle brother at the fairy level! !

Su Tian also said: “Yes, I am also very surprised, it seems that you really did not follow the wrong person this time! The giant He Sen is perfect, next time I specifically find a question, I will take you to ask him for advice. So you can rub the giants yourself, isn’t it very happy?”

Of course Qi Yue was very happy, and seeing He Sen was one of her ten goals in life.

She originally wanted to make unremitting efforts to get a place in the academic world before she could be qualified to touch He Sen’s clothes in the scientific world.

Unexpectedly, there will be a chance now!

But she listened, and the more she listened, the more things went wrong.

“Wait, sweet girl, He Sen is easy to approach, gentle gentleman, I believe it, I also think he is such a person! But he actually sent you his temporary address in Beicheng? Is this too exaggerated? Is that a bit? Does Mr. He Sen…interesting to you?”

Su Tian was happy when she heard it: “I think you are crazy, right? Isn’t He Sen your super idol? Why do I look at you like a fake fan? The academic circles recognize that he is asexual and has no intention of living in love at all. Kind of.”

When Qi Yue thought about it, that was true.

She has been a fan of He Sen silently for so many years, and she will never let go of any clues about him on the Internet.

He Sen has never heard of a girlfriend, even a boyfriend.

“Maybe I’m really crazy. I just listened to your description and couldn’t help thinking like that. However, I also watched foreign media reports. He Sen publicly praised you at the environmental conference, and probably really appreciates you. I will take extra care, and I can’t look at scientists with ordinary people’s thinking…”

Su Tian ended the call, and Shang Yu asked curiously: “The scientist you talked to Qi Yue met at the meeting?”

Su Tiantian nodded: “Yes, during the intermission of the meeting, He Senpai assistant asked me to come over to discuss the problem. He might think that the research on my speech was done by myself? Later I told him that this is our country’s great After the research conducted by an environmentalist in China, he later told me his hypothesis and said that I have academic talents and can consider doing this in the future.”

Shang Yu didn’t think much about it. He had met many big figures in academia when he was studying. He didn’t think that kind of people would have any superficial thoughts about his little niece.

Tiantian is so good and has won a lot of prizes at international conferences, and it is inevitable to be appreciated by scientific researchers.

He just listened to Su Tian’s description, and was just a little curious about that Mr. He Sen.

When he arrived at Pei Huan’s house, Pei Huan did not sleep, but slumped in the game room to play games.

Seeing that Shang Yu had gone to the kitchen to prepare hot pot ingredients, Su Tian carefully closed the door of the game room and sat down beside Pei Huan with a small face.

“Good uncle, are you angry with me?”

Pei Huanbai glanced at her: “Don’t dare, the genius school girl who is praised by the whole country is still winning glory for the country, how can I dare to be angry with you?”

Su Tian listened to his sour words and couldn’t help but want to laugh. She squeezed Pei Huan’s arm and shook it twice: “Uncle, don’t you miss me? Haven’t seen me for a few days, so stop playing games.” , Let’s have a chat, let me tell you about what happened in country Y? You know, I met a big researcher whose Chinese name is translated as He Sen. He is a super powerful almighty scientist. Nominated for Nobel Prize, only 28 years old this year…”

Pei Huan interrupted her with a stern face: “If you don’t want to listen, go and talk to Shang Yu. I just want to play the game quietly by myself.”

Su Tian found out that he really had a bargain with himself, and if he couldn’t coax him this time, she might leave a knot in her heart.

She simply grabbed his gamepad, and when he turned his head and glared, she showed a nice and soft smile, and nuzzled his arm coquettishly: “Good uncle, me and Bo Jingmo…not officially yet. As for communication, you really worry too much, and I am not stupid. I know what I should and should not do.”

Pei Huan didn’t know if she could believe her.

Emotionally, he was willing to believe that Su Tian did not lie to him.

But intellectually, he knew well that a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, after falling in love with a man…how many irrational and reckless things would be done for that man.

He said in a low voice: “I have said everything that should be said. You will be an adult in a few days. No one can restrict your personal freedom. I hope you can do it yourself. Finally, I will give you a piece of advice-no man in the world is good. thing!”

Su Tian chuckled: “Are you all men? Are you sure??”

Pei Huan’s face is stern, and it’s rare to be unsmiling, “Of course, for you, apart from Shang Yu and me, we are your uncle and will never hurt you. Other than that, other men… love you. At that time, sweet talks of course will say that for men who pass the EQ, those **** will come with zero difficulty. You are good in all subjects, and the Chinese is not bad, right? You should remember that there is a sentence in the “Book of Songs” that is the reason for scholars. You can take it off, and you can’t take it off if you are a woman. Do you know what that means?”

Pei Huan didn’t think Bo Jingmo must be a bad person.

It is not surprising that he likes Su Tian.

Tian Bao is so cute, clever and beautiful, if he is not Tian Bao’s uncle… If you face such a fairy daughter day and night, you will inevitably not give birth to reveries.

It’s just that I have the instinct of blood relatives to her, and I couldn’t help but regard her as a junior from the beginning.

Perhaps what Bo Jingmo likes is from his sincerity, but it can be done later.

In the future, he will change his heart, or have any other possibility… Tian Bao is so simple, so easy to fall into it, can she still get out of it unscathed.

These are all worries that make Pei Huan awake all night.

Su Tian nodded seriously: “Uncle, I understand that as long as we are sincere, there is a risk of injury, but we can’t worry about the future, for some things that have not happened yet, or may never happen, never dare Don’t you dare to give your heart?”

Su Tian just had a reminder to think about Pei Huan.

The verse means that men can be liberated when they fall into feelings, and once women fall into feelings, they cannot be liberated.

This has something to do with the nature of men and women, and even the physiological structure, and it does have a certain truth.

If one day Bo Jingmo doesn’t like her anymore and doesn’t treat her like this, she will really be hurt.

But Su Tian had a stubbornness in her heart, she believed in her own judgment.

Bo Jingmo can’t.

This kind of trust seems to have arisen spontaneously, and it happened naturally not long after she knew him. Even she herself can’t tell what’s going on, but it’s all about believing.

Su Tian and Pei Huan were sitting side by side on the carpet. She tilted her head and leaned her head on his shoulder.

“Uncle, he is really good.”

“Of course it’s good now. If you don’t, how can you trick you into it.”

Su Tian’s voice is very low and thin, but she is faintly determined: “His goodness is not based on the possession of a woman he likes. He is very restrained… I think, in fact, the personalities of Bo Jingmo and Uncle Shang are really true. It’s a bit like, if Uncle Shang meets a girl she likes in the future, she should treat that girl like Bo Jingmo.”

The more time he spent with Bo Jingmo, the more Su Tian felt that he and Uncle Shang Yu were both very smart, very good, and very boring men.

She wondered more and more about how these two men who competed with each other were born.

The time is still immature. After a while, when the relationship between her and Bo Jingmo develops, she will ask directly.

Pei Huan didn’t have any anger: “You’re just a kid, what do you know about restraint?”

Su Tian rolled her eyes: “Why don’t I understand? Actually, on the day you called me, Bo Jingmo took me to visit several film schools in London. He arranged in advance, and someone who is most familiar with the school will explain to me…”

Pei Huan interrupted her anxiously: “What are you talking about? He is asking you to take the college entrance examination to country Y? Su Tian, ​​if you dare to go, Shang Yu and I will love you for nothing!”

Su Tian suddenly felt that Pei Huan’s frying hair really looked like a stupid husky, even his expression was extremely similar.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry,” she stretched out her hand and slapped her stupid uncle’s newly raised board. “Listen to me first. Those universities are really great. After visiting, he asked me which I like. One, I told him at the time that I wanted to stay in Beicheng, not only for my career in Beicheng, but also to accompany you and Uncle Shang…”

Pei Huan frowned: “What then, what did he say?”

The little girl smiled sweetly and her tone was very arrogant: “Of course I agree, my tone was a little tangled at the time… He seemed to be distressed, so I just said that I didn’t like it immediately, so I can stay in Beicheng. He also said…I have to discuss everything about my relationship with him. If I can’t accept it, he will compromise. Uncle, you are also a man. You said, if a man doesn’t really love me, would he say something like this? ?”

Pei Huan was also slightly surprised.

Probably because he didn’t understand Bo Jingmo, he couldn’t think of how he got along with Su Tian like this.

He thought that Su Tian would hold the old man very much, but he didn’t expect that it was the old man who coaxed her to coax her.

It was a little different from his imagination.

But he didn’t compromise on his lips: “It sounds nice, I can’t say that. But I’m not a scumbag. Who knows if a scumbag can talk to a madman with just one mouth.”

Su Tian could see that although his mouth was hard, his expression had already loosened a lot.

She smiled and squeezed Pei Huan’s shoulder, “Put your heart in your stomach, I will protect myself.”

On the weekend, Su Tian brought academic questions and visited Professor He with Qi Yue.

She made an appointment with He Sen in advance, and He Sen said that it would be okay to come over at any time on weekends.

Su Tian took Qi Yue with him.

When Qi Yue saw a real idol, she was so excited that she couldn’t say anything.

Su Tian imagined that Qi Yue would scream and even hug it.

In the end, Qi Yue was shy, like a flower whose buds were closed because of shyness… quietly did not dare to speak rashly.

Su Tian couldn’t help but compare Qi Yue’s astonishing state in his head at school. Emma, ​​is this really a person?

By noon, they had almost finished answering their questions for advice.

Su Tian and Qi Yue both got up to leave.

He Sen said that it was better to stay and have lunch before leaving.

Qi Yue was so nervous that her legs were soft, and she pulled Su Tian especially wanting to withdraw.

Su Tian was puzzled, and walked to the hallway with her and asked her in a low voice: “Why are you walking in such a hurry? It’s hard to see idols. You don’t want such a good opportunity to eat together?

Qi Yue’s face was red, and she really couldn’t stand it anymore, and she was afraid that her adrenal glands would continue to soar as long as she stayed.

“No, no, I definitely can’t eat with idols! I don’t eat well. I have never trained in table manners, absolutely not. I withdrew.”

Su Tian has nothing to do with her, so let’s say goodbye if she thinks about it.

But He Sen came out of the kitchen carrying the salad, and said with a smile: “Are you really not going to keep something to eat?”

Su Tian suddenly felt very guilty, the boss was ready so soon, I am afraid that she prepared in advance when she learned that they were coming.

It’s too shameless to leave at this time and leave him alone for lunch.

Su Tian let Qi Yue go, and stayed for lunch with the boss.

He Sen was still busy with his apron: “You have some salad or bread first, and I will fry a steak, it will be ready soon.”

Su Tian had lunch with the giants. At lunch, somehow, he talked about the chemistry related to environmental protection and the hypothesis papers about space-time cracks and parallel space-time that he had just written in the past two days.

Su Tian was very interested when she heard it, and couldn’t stop talking.

He Sen also showed her the first draft of the printed paper generously.

Su Tian watched for half an hour and was amazed.

According to He Sen’s hypothesis, it is very likely that her situation was due to some reason, falling out of the cracks in time and space, and then falling into the present world.

Or, she and the original owner are in two parallel worlds, but they are actually the same person. For some reason, she and the original owner exchanged parallel time and space. She came to the world where the original owner lived, and the original owner went to the world where she lived. .

Su Tian was quite happy when she thought of this possibility.

She didn’t know where the original owner had gone before, and was very distressed. She only felt that her depression was so serious, could it be that she had committed suicide?

If the original owner comes to the world where she lives, he will naturally live with her grandma, and will take her offer to go to National Tsing Hua University… The love of grandma and grandpa should gradually heal the psychological trauma of Pingyuan Master.

Su Tian didn’t dare to tell her opportunity directly, she could only ask half-concealedly: “Professor He, I’ve seen one before, probably about a girl, after she passed the college entrance examination, she suddenly came to another world. Everyone is strange to her, but her identity has become another girl in this world who has the same name and surname as her, and looks basically the same.

The two girls, except for their names and looks exactly the same, have completely different personalities, friends, and family. Could this be two identical people in different time and space? Although it is science fiction, after reading this paper of yours, I can’t help but wonder if this situation is really possible. ”

He Sen absorbed the story she told, thoughtfully: “It is possible. Many physicists believe in the existence of parallel space-time. If there are really countless parallel space-times, then we are now in different space-times, They will also lead completely different lives because of different life experiences. Unfortunately, the current scientific research technology is not enough to make clear experiments and can only make assumptions.”

Su Tian asked: “Then Professor He, do you think…If they are real, are these two girls essentially the same person?”

He Sen thought for a while, and hesitated: “This… feels like a philosophical proposition, which is difficult to define.”

Su Tian frowned, lost in thought.

He Sen looked at her so seriously and laughed: “I didn’t expect that you would like to watch science fiction. I will recommend a few good-looking books next time.”

At three o’clock in the afternoon, Su Tian was about to take a taxi home.

He Sen said that he happened to have something to go out, so he drove her along the way.

Su Tian was disrespectful, so she ran into the boss’s car.

It took about half an hour to reach the door of Shang Yu’s house.

Su Tian thanked her for getting off the bus.

He Sen looked at the luxurious castle-like appearance of this villa, and asked thoughtfully: “You seem to say that you live with your uncle?”

Su Tiantou: “Yes.”

After getting off the bus, Su Tian walked to the door, and in the distance heard someone calling her name.

Su Tian turned her head suspiciously, but she didn’t see a figure.


“Girl, girl!!”

The voice was a bit familiar, Su Tian frowned, and she caught Su Zhiqiang’s face off guard in the next second.

The original owner’s scumbag…

She didn’t know how long it had been since she had seen it.

It seems that I haven’t seen each other again since I saw you the day I first walked through it?

Su Tian didn’t want to talk to him, but this person came to Uncle Shang’s house specially.

Even if she ignores it, he shouldn’t stop.

Su Tian simply walked over and saw Su Zhiqiang shrank and hid in a shadow on the corner of the fence, as if she was afraid that she would be caught by the security guard near the entrance of the villa.

“Baby girl!” Su Zhiqiang saw her coming over with an extremely flattering smile, “I haven’t seen her for so long, you are brighter and brighter, like a fairy daughter, Dad can’t recognize it anymore!”

Su Tian’s tone was cold: “Is there anything wrong with Mr. Su?”

Su Zhiqiang laughed: “You are a big star, time is precious, I know I know! Then I will make a long story short, yes, last month… I owed someone a small amount of money and still can’t make it, you know, your sister is not mixed up now Well, there is no decent job. It’s not bad to earn one hundred and eighty thousand a month…”

Su Tian knew he was here to ask for money.

She curled her lips and sneered: “How much did you lose again?”

Su Zhiqiang touched his head: “Not too much, so I lost more than 200. Those vampires, rejoicing, want me to pay five hundred, or break my legs! Girl, you are all big stars, again There are two such rich uncles, Shang Yu and Pei Huan, you won’t be reluctant to bear this little money, right?”

Su Tian snorted: “Do you really think that inflation is so serious. Five million is a small amount of money? Mr. Su, I have already drawn a line with you. You must either quit gambling as soon as possible or ask Su Wan for money. , I can’t give you a dime.”

Su Zhiqiang originally wanted to speak up, it is the most cost-effective to make money for a long time.

Seeing her being so stingy, he suddenly changed his face, threw out a piece of paper and threw it on her, “Don’t pretend, my daughter Su Tian is absolutely impossible to be as cruel and cruel as you, even the life and death of my father You are not my daughter, you are fake! My daughter committed suicide a long time ago!”

Su Tian leaned over and picked up the piece of paper, and when she took a closer look, her face turned pale, this turned out to be… the suicide note of the original owner?

The original owner really committed suicide? !

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