Genshin Impact: Play as Kevin and your teammate Funina!

Chapter 104

Countless flaming pillars fell from the sky again!

【Doctor] Dotore dug out several technological creations to resist.

But since several of the powerful defensive items in his hand were damaged, [Doctor] Dotore had a very difficult time coping with it this time.

Even part of his arm was burned away by the flames!

Fortunately, [Servant] Arecino took action and saved [Doctor] Dotore from being completely burned by the flames.

And at this time.

The Fire Elemental Dragon King seemed to have lost the patience to continue with them.

Unexpectedly, he gathered a huge amount of fire elemental power and sprayed out a huge puff of breath towards everyone!.

Countless flames were like an ocean, instantly covering the entire area, making it difficult for everyone to dodge this attack!

【Girl] Columbia and [Captain] Capitano saw this and quickly took action to help everyone resist this breath.

【Girl】Columbia used a lot of fairy power to barely disperse the flames within the area.

Capitano, on the other hand, unleashed a powerful element of thunder and punched a gap in the sea of fire, allowing them to gain a foothold.

But after this time, the two of them were also hit by the flame breath"Zero One Zero" and suffered heavy injuries.

【Girl] Columbia opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood

【One of Captain Capitano's arms was also burned to charcoal.

【Servant Arachno and Prince Tartaglia had already consumed a lot of their physical strength just to deal with the aftermath of the flames.

Navia, Charlotte, and Sigwen had almost exhausted their elemental powers to protect everyone.

Finina saw all of this.

She became more and more panicked.

She knew that if she didn't take action at this time, people would definitely suspect her.

Finina herself wanted to help, but she really didn't want to watch others work hard to resist the attack of the Fire Elemental Dragon King, while she could only watch quietly behind everyone like a puppet.

This feeling was not pleasant, and Finina even felt a little guilty, but what could she do?!

At the same time, in the Guoyun live broadcast room, the audience who had previously urged to believe in Funina now showed doubtful eyes.

They were all puzzled as to why Funina still had no intention of taking action in such a desperate situation.

Didn't Funina know that if this continued, the entire Fontaine team would face death?!

"What on earth is the water god Fukalos doing?! If she is still standing by at this time, is she not worried at all?!"

"That's right, it's obvious that everyone else is working hard, but she still doesn't do anything."

"Could it be that she doesn't care about the life and death of her people at all, and is not prepared to take action even if a member of her team dies?!"

"If this is true, then Funina is really too cunning!"

"Is there another possibility that Fukalos chose not to take action because he couldn't withstand the attack of the Fire Dragon King?!"

"How is it possible? She is the water goddess! An existence with the divine power of water! Even if it's not the Fire Elemental Dragon King, it shouldn't be a problem to help everyone retreat, right?!"

"that is! How could a real god be so good! Even worse than the executive of the Fools!"

"Unless... Fukalos' identity as a god is fake! She is not a real water goddess at all!"

"Not to mention, this conjecture is really possible, otherwise it would be difficult to explain why Fukalos has never used the divine power of water!"

"Hiss, after you said that, I did find a lot of things wrong. When the Fontaine team was in danger before, Fukalos didn't seem to have the intention to help, but just kept watching."

"Yes, every time we have to wait for Xiao Shen to come for help, and wait for Xiao Shen to eliminate the powerful enemies alone. This doesn’t seem like something a god would do at all!"

"I watched the live broadcasts of other countries. Other teams also had gods participating in the competition, but the gods of other countries did not think of hiding their identities! They also helped the team!"

"So it’s certain, either Fukalos didn’t want to help the team on purpose! Either her identity is fake! She is not a water goddess at all! That’s why I couldn’t take action!"

People's doubts are like an infectious disease.

Once there is the first person who doubts, the second and third people will soon appear. When the rhythm is picked up, even if it is true, people will feel doubtful..

Besides, Funina is indeed a fake.’

Even some powerful people in some countries were surprised by Fu Nina's silence.

Diluk:"Why hasn't the Water God helped at this time?!"

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun:"If this continues, I'm afraid that the three executives will be seriously injured when they encounter an attack from the Fire Element Dragon King."

Grandma Ping:"If the Water God Fukalos doesn't help at that time, both teams will be wiped out."

Coral Palace Xinhai:"Water God Fukalos, what are you thinking about? What are you hesitating about?"

Falusan:"Is it true that Fukalos is a fake Water God as everyone speculates? He doesn't have the power of water?!"

Jiujo Sara:"If that's the case, then where is the real Water God? Who owns the power of water?"

【Puppet] Sandone:"Interesting, Fukalos, what secrets are you hiding, and how terrible are they? I really look forward to the moment when the truth is revealed."

【Rich man] Pantalone: "Hey, now is not the time to get excited. If Fukaros is really as everyone speculates, it will be a bad thing for our Winter Kingdom."

【Rooster] Puccinella:"Indeed, our team in the Winter Kingdom will also be wiped out by the fire element dragon king. This is very bad."

Navelle:"Funina, so this is you The truth that has always been hidden? No wonder it gave me such a strange feeling in the past, and I couldn't detect the existence of power. Is this the reason?……"

Except for Xiao Wen, an outsider.

There are two people closest to the truth, one of them is Navilette.....

Five hundred years of getting along with her had already made Villette aware of something suspicious about Funina.

It's just that I couldn't confirm it before.

But if Funina is still unable to use the power of water this time, then Villette can confirm her suspicion.

As for the other person, it is [Servant] Arecino who is currently on the battlefield.

When she was in Fontaine, she had tested Fonina.

The actions and behavior shown by Funina at that time were completely un-god-like.

Although Arecino had considered whether it was Fonina's deliberate disguise.

Just like a certain bard.

But at this moment, Arecino was sure of his thoughts - this Fonina was not the real water goddess.

Thinking of this, in order to confirm his guess, Arecino looked at Fonina and said:

"Ms. Funina, the power of the Fire Element Dragon King is too strong. I think [Girls] will have a hard time resisting the Fire Element Dragon King’s next attack."

"In order to prevent casualties between the two teams, I think it's time for you to take action. Use your hidden water god power to help deal with the upcoming fire element.���"

Hearing this, Fernina's expression froze.

She was already panicking, and now she was suddenly called by Alechino, so Fernina didn't know what to do for a moment.

"What should I do? What should I do now? How can I refuse Alecino?!"

"Say that you believe they can deal with the Fire Element Dragon King and resolve the current crisis? That's too stupid! No one will believe it, and we can't beat the Fire Element Dragon King."

"What about saying that I can't do it for some reason?! That doesn't make sense! Now is the moment of life and death for the two teams, what could be more important than this?!"

"It's over, it's completely dead this time! 3.3 Xiao Wen is still fighting the Rock Elemental Dragon King far away, and he will definitely not be able to get here in time."

"Without Xiao Wen’s help, I wouldn’t have thought of a solution at all QAQ!"

In desperation, the water god's eyes were filled with water elements again.

At this moment, a ray of fire covered everyone's location again.

Although this time [the girl] and others took action again, blocking the attack of the flames.

But after After this time, the three [Girls] were all exhausted and completely unable to stop the next attack.

Seeing this, Arecino couldn't help but urge:

"They can't hold on any longer. They can only rely on you, Ms. Fukaros."

"If you don't give an accurate answer now, I'm afraid we will all die here."

"Do you really want to watch us all fall here in order to hide your strength?!"

Funina heard the sound and finally said helplessly:

"Sorry, I don't want to see this happen either"

"If possible, I also want to fight with you"

"But... I really have no way to stop him, because I don't have the real power of the water god".

I just wanted to say: Kazuha

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