Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V05 – Chapter 51 Out and About RM

“After the President speech, the 2nd Armored Division has fully been deployed to Fort Alnus to assist in the war effort. A Brigade from the 3rd Marine Division and the rest of the 10th Mountain Division will also finish its deployment later this month.

Up to this point the bulk of the fighting has come from the 1st Cavalry Division, 101st Air Assault Division, and from the 75ht Army Rangers Regiment. They have been able to secure many territories from the enemy now being called the Empire by government officials. With these reinforcements, Lieutenant General Stanford will be able to secure what they captured and prepare for the next stage of the war.

With the Alnus Airfield finally complete, both US Air Force and US Space Force will be deploying much needed air power to the war effort.

This will boost NATO forces to forty-four thousand soldiers with an additional ten thousand NATO personal. The bulk of allied forces have come from France, United Kingdom, Japan, Canada, and Italy. However, many smaller nations like Czech Republic, Demark, and Estonia have deployed much of their military support to assist in the war effort.

President Renato Matos Shinoda of Brazil personally thanked President Emily Potts for rescuing a Brazilian citizen from slavery and thanks the five dead and dozens of wounded Rangers during the raid. Currently there is a national debate within Brazil population about seeking justice.” - National Interest



--- Heading to Italica, Roma Highway (between Italica and Alnus) ---

July 13th, 2025


While Major Sharpe, First Lieutenant Sarah Rose, Rory Mercury, Lelei La Lalena and Selina are on Earth on the diplomatic mission. For the rest of Vanguard-7, it is business as usual. Their current mission is escorting a small convoy of military personal and some Alnus merchants.

In some of the army trucks, there are supplies for the new Italica diplomatic outpost, some food supplies to help recover the Italica economy. However, the biggest object they are transporting are ex-Italician prisoners, the ones who invaded Philadelphia. There are only a few dozen of them left, most were wiped out in the battle. On top of that, they are bringing back to the dead body of the leader of Italica. As a sign of growing trust and friendship.

The newest member of Private First-Class Harvey Frost is driving Sergeant Major Randy Dodson JLTV. They are currently upfront of the convey as the escort and scout. Private Second-Class Marvin Scott on the .50 caliber machine gun keeping an eye out for an enemy ambush.

So far it has been a quiet and cloudy day. There has been light rain here and there while on the highway, nothing major.

"Hey Sergeant Major, felt strange having the band back to normal?" Scott asked, bored to death while manning the turret.

"Knock it off Marvin. This is the Army, no difference here." Randy said to him. "It doesn't matter who is in command, we still operate as a unit."

“Don’t call me Marvin, call me Scott,” Scott said.

Frost glances over. "Wait what? Is there something I should know about the team?" He has heard some rumors of the team, that they and the Major did not like each other or something. Since he has been here though he has seen none of that.

"Ahh, nothing," Scott said. "If you haven't noticed, we're not a normal team."

"Really, I haven't notice Marvin," Frost said in a sarcastic voice. He knows he is referencing the magic girl and the crazy overpower demi goddess. And having this normal twelve-year-old girl that tags along sometimes. "I got stabbed by some crazy bitched remember(1)."

Frost then looks to Randy. "By the way, how is the girl?"

Randy looks over to Frost. "Last time I checked; she is doing fine. Tough kid. No kid should be forced to be that strong. I think that Arab woman is keeping an eye on her." He is referencing that no child should ever be treated in that manner. "How is it, sure you ok to drive?"

"I am fine. Just need not to get stab again," Frost replied.

"You should have stayed at the base," Randy said to him.

"Sorry, Sarge but I just got here. I don't want to lay on some hospital bed and miss the war," Frost responds. "Besides, we are three people down. You need everyone you can get."

"But you would be hanging out with all those hot nurses," Scott comments to the conversation.

"True to that," Frost responds chuckling. "I saw them hiring some Alnus natives as nurses. There are some cute ones."

"Think before you act Harvey. You don't want to end up with an unwanted surprise," Randy said, trying to give him some advice.

Frost thinks about what Randy is saying.

Right now, it is just all fun and games. An up-and-coming issue is bored soldiers intermingling with the local population in Alnus. A new question that is beginning to emerge is what happens if someone from Earth has a child with someone from this world, especially with a hybrid. Technically, Alnus Hill has recognized American territory from the Treaty of Italica. The US Senate has passed the treaty and by law, Alnus Hill and the surrounding thirty miles is now annexed US land(2). That possible could mean all children born at the hospital could end up with American citizenship.

"No issues sir. I am here to fight, not flirt." Frost said joking.

Then they can hear Scott laugh. "There's enough of that going on if you know what I mean."

"Hey, knock it off Scott," Randy yells. He knows what he is referencing. It is strange to watch Rory flirt with the Major. Yes, they understand she nearly a thousand years old but still, her body does not represent that. That does not even include Lelei, who likes to stay as close as possible to the man.

"Never thought I see you defending the Major," Scott said as he continues s to stay on watch. "He is one player though. Should write a book." He starts to think.

"Ok, what is up with this beef with the boss man?" Frost asked again. "Earlier it was Alicia asking the LT how it was to take command again." He is beginning to feel out of the loop about something.

Randy thinks about the question for a bit. He decides there are enough secrets within the team right now.

Randy looks to Frost. "I will tell you, but you keep it locked down. Got it."

First nods his head.

"It is like this. Lieutenant Johnson was the original leader of the team. Out of nowhere the Major just took command. He wasn't a true Ranger, it seemed like the brass just gave him the title." Randy said.

"Yeah, none of it made any sense. Moral dropped like a rock." Scott added. "Anytime we ask questions we got the whole classified argument from the brass."

"True to that. We did not see him for the first three weeks. Just stayed in his quarters." Randy continues. "Then slowly he started taking command. There was tension, it was clear he did not want to be with us. But in time we figured out how to work together."

Frost looks confused. His first major mission was the Raid of Sadera, so he never had a chance to see what happened before. "That sounds so different from how things are now."

"Yup. But don't worry about its man. I believe the team has grown stronger." Randy said, reflect on the recent months from Italica to now.

That is when they hear Scott start acting up.

"I have contact, Sarge. Eastside, within the trees." Scott yells.

Randy looks over and pulls out his scope. He begins looking around. "I see nothing."

"It was for a second. I swear I saw something," Scott said, trying to find what he saw.

"Scott, if your wrong you own me a beer," Randy said. He then picks up the radio and then contacts Johnson. After a short conversation, he gets approval to investigate the area.

"Just see if there's a direct threat to the convoy or Italica. The last thing we need is another siege. I'm a contact base for air support," Lieutenant Johnson finishes.

Randy orders his vehicle to detach from the slow convoy and head east to the sighting. The JLTV is bouncing around, going through what looks like tall wheat.

"Alright. We just look around. If engaged with a large force, we fall back to the JLTV. Let our air assists take care of them," Randy orders.

The three reach the tree line and then disembark.

Once they gather their gear they move into the forest. It will be some time as they sweep the area.

"Man, everything is quiet. No one here," Frost said, seeing nothing.

"Damn. I swear I saw something. Should have shot them," Scott responds, annoyed they have not found anything.

"Could have been a deer or something," Frost adds.

"So, they even have deer’s here?" Scott asked, thinking about it more.

"You know what I mean," Frost said back to him.

Randy agrees since they have not seen anything in the past half hour. As he grabs his radio to report in. Right then he notices something. He begins looking around.

They noticed his reaction. They prepare their rifles and follow his lead.

"What is up boss?" Scott asked.

"He is right. It is quiet," Randy said, pointing out they do not even hear birds.

The three Rangers start walking again. Being far more careful and alert.

Randy must admit, right now he misses Lelei and Rory. They have brought many advantages to the unit in a situation like this. You never really appreciate something until you do not have it.

After traveling for ten minutes, they see some smoke. The smoke is light, clearly coming from a campfire. As they begin moving closer, being careful they all hear this feminine scream.

Hearing that sound motivated them to get up the small hill. The forest leads to a small ditch in the ground.

Randy moves his hand, telling them to take cover at the edge by the trees and logs.

Just in front of them, there is this small camp.

"I think I see eight of them," Scott said, speaking quietly.

Randy confirms that that they only seeing eight. That is strange though, are they just scouts? Just lost or what? During the Elias Forest campaign, they ran into a supply convoy. This time, there are no wagons, so they are not transporting anything. The more he thinks about it, he only sees two horses. Must be used to carry supplies than for riding.

"It looks like they just arrived. Has to be a patrol or something," Randy responds.

Frost moves behind them, getting into a better position.

"Maybe they are just bandits? If so, lets leave," Scott suggests. "They're no threat to the convoy or the highway."

That surprised Randy, Scott usually not the one recommends leaving a fight. Especially when we have the element of surprise. He looks more closely at the men. There is something is occupying them.

"No, they are Imperials. Their uniforms look to professional to be some random band or gang. Also, look at their equipment, looks to high quality and standardized." Randy turns around to look at his two men. "You must always pay attention to the small details."

"Ok, you sold me. But what are they doing?" Frost asked, looking more closely at the camp. "Wait… there is someone else."

Both Scott and Randy look more closely now. A few of those soldiers form a circle, laughing and chuckling. A quiet feminine sound was heard, even though it was hard to hear over that laughter.

Right then Randy thinks he saw something in the middle of them all. Honestly, their job is recon, not getting involved in matters that they do not fully understand. However, their fearless leader has set the standard of intervening when people are in danger. For whatever deep-seated value or wanting to fix some pass wrong, the Major is trying to fix.

Either way, a standard has been set for Vanguard-7, regardless if Sharpe isn't here. A tradition. Maybe it is a bit idealistic but so far it has paid off greatly. They are soldiers that fight for freedom, they cannot standby just because it is the easy way. We help where we can because we can, that is the American way.

"They have someone. Maybe someone from Italica or Alnus? A trader maybe?" Frost asked, throwing random ideas out of load.

Randy looks to Frost and Scott. "Alright, here the plan. Frost, you are with me. We are flanking left. Scott, hold here and provide suppressing fire. We get in, get the girl and get out."

Randy and Frost move around to the left. Moving past form brush, they get into a good flanking angel. As they move through, they began to hear some horns in the distance.

"I guess they are scouts." Frost comments.

"Question is, how many," Randy replied as he analyzes the camp.

"Ok, you cover me, and I will swoop in," Randy said.

"Sarge, I think I should rush in," Frost said back to him.

Randy looks to Frost. "You might be cleared but you're still recovering."

"Exactly, your aim will be better right now. I can do this." Frost replied determine to be the one to go. Besides, if anything happens it would be better if he goes and not the Sergeant Major.

Randy thinks on it and nods in agreement.

They both get into position. Randy radios Scott, giving the order.

M240 rounds begin raining from Scott position. He kills one as everyone right off the bat. Everyone else breaks from their position and runs off, looking for any cover. Scott's job is not to just to mow then down because he might hit the enemy prisoner.

Randy begins firing at the Imperialists with his M4A1, intentionally trying to kill them with semi fire. "Go!"

Frost drops his rifle to save the weight and then rushes out of his cover. He pulls out his M17 Sig pistol, ready to use it if anyone tries to stop him.

Most of the Imperialist soldiers are just trying to get out of the way, scared of Scott's machine gun. One of them sees Frost and pulls out his sword, beginning to swing it at him. That is when a bullet hits that soldier, forcing him down to the ground. Randy rifle fire, covering him.

Frost rushes through the small camp and ends up where everyone was gathered. He stops and sees this wounded woman lying there on the wet ground, clearly out cold. Her clothes look somewhat like Rory, but all ripped apart from the soldiers. Looks like they were wanting to rape her.

To his surprise, she is not just any woman, but she has purple skin with strange thin pointy ears and this small tail. Most importantly these small wings on her back. She looks like some kind of hybrid batwoman, something he hasn't seen in Alnus yet. A demi-human or Dark Race

No time to think, he just picks her up and carries her out of the camp. To his surprise, she feels lighter than he expected. Probably because she might be able to fly and needs to weigh less, maybe.

When Frost gets back to Randy, he yells to fall back. He then picks up Frosts rifle and follows him.

While Frost was in the camp, they all could hear horns getting closer. They probably heard the gunfire and double-timed it.

They hear and then see about a hundred Imperialist soldiers rushing through the forest, charging at full speed on foot.

Randy and Frost begin running down the small hill. Scott meets up with them as they all run.

"How the hell did the Imperial Army sneaked around here?" Scott demands, shocked to see that many of them.

"No idea, just get back to the vehicle," Randy orders.

Randy was hoping that the enemy reinforcements would stop at the camp but that did not happen. About half of them continue to follow them down the small hill.

They see the farmlands and their JLTV. "Everyone gets inside!"

Randy rushes to the driver seat and hops in. Scott jumps on the hood and then up to the turret, jumping in. Frost gets in the back, bring the batgirl with him.

Randy notices that someone is talking on the radio. He grabs the handle and contacts Vanguard-Actual.

“This is Vanguard-Actual, we copy you over,” Brown said.

While Sarah is with Sharpe on Earth, Warrant Officer 3 Isabel Brown is covering her as team Logistic Officer.

"This is Vanguard-7 Alpha, we copy you. Requesting any assists in the area," Randy said over the net as he floors it. A few arrows just miss the JLTV and the sounds of Scott M2 Browning .50 caliber going off.

“Roger that Vanguard-Alpha,” Brown said. “I have a 101st Apache in the area on patrol. Redirecting them and connecting coms.

"This is Echo-7 Vangaurd-7, we are inbound. I see vehicles and a lot of targets on thermal. Didn't know who is down there."

"Roger that. All team members are on the JLTV. We have about forty enemy contacts in the tree line. You are clear to engage Over!" Randy said over the net. The vehicle is shaking all over the place as he is not trying to drive safely but get back to the road as fast as he can.




In the back, the batwoman suddenly wakes up as the vehicle tossing her all around. Everything is fuzzy at first but as her vision becomes clear. The first thing she sees is this strange, clothed man looking out the window forwards the forest. She then sees massive explosions hit the tree line and then this strange-looking flying beast flies pass trees.

"Ahh!" The bat women yell scared out of her mind. She backs up to the very back of the vehicle, trying to escape. She hits the hold metal surface of the back door.

"Calm her down back their Frost," One of the men that is upfront of this strange wagon tells him.

She sees that all three of them are wearing these strange clothes, nothing like the men who just had her as a prisoner. She looks down at herself, now remembering what just happen, those Empire scouts caught her fleeing and tried to rape and toy with her. Humans… a degenerate race.

She tries covering herself up with her arms after noticing her clothes are halfway ripped apart. She trying to stay as far away from the man in the back with her, fearing the worse.

He holds up his hands, looking like he is trying to be unthreatening. "Wow lady, it is ok. We mean you no harm."

Then that man that was called Frost grabs his right shoulder like he is in pain. It looks red like blood staining his clothes. "Fuck… tore my stitches."

"I told you, Frost… Scott, is anyone chasing us?" The man up front yells.

Then the man halfway up this metal wagon begins yelling something.

"Nope, just wheat Sarge." That man that was called name Scott yells back.

The bat women look back down to the man in front of her. That is when she notices that he is handing her a green blanket. The act completely confuses her, he is a Human. A race that brutalizes other races because they fear everything. Why is he being so nice, this must be a trick of some kind.

Not trusting his intent, she just tries to stay as far away as possible. "Get away from me Human."

"Wait… what?" The man she thinks is named Frost looks confused now. "We are United States Rangers. We mean you no harm. We are not the Empire."

"Humans are Humans. Just like all of your common races!" She yells at him.

What she said confuses Frost, making no sense. Probably some terminology differences in this world. "Mam… what is a common race?" he asked and then looks away from her half-naked body.

She glares at him and then finally takes the blanket, covering herself up. What kind of stupid question is that? "Are you the village idiot or something? Who are you, I have not seen your kind here before? What vassal do you hail from?" She asked with much force however that only drained what little energy she has.

The batwoman is trying to force herself to stay awake, her body is physically exhausted. Her body begins to fail and slowly her vision fades away.


--- 2 hours later, Italica, American Diplomatic Outpost-Alpha ---


The batwoman slowly begins to wake up. As her eyes become adjusts to the bright light in the room, she notices this bright light above her. Which is strange because she begins to see wooden walls all around her, meaning she is in a room of a building. Most likely a Human building based on the design. But how is there a sun above her while inside a building?

To her left, she sees this strange clear bag above her. There is this clear tube that leads into her arm. "Wha… what kind of torture is this…?"

She lifts her hand to pull the strange ropes out of her hand but sees this white bandage on her hand. She sits up and notices she is in new white cloths that cut into two pieces. A large bandage is on her chest.

Even though this is very strange, she rips out the two clear ropes that are in her arm out of her. She gets out of the bed and walks over to the door. Slowly cracking it open she closes it as these two Humans walk by.

They are wearing strange clothes just like the others she saw in the wagon, just with less armor. She has never seen a Human village before, always living in the south of Elies, the Goradas region. Growing up hearing stories of what the common races have. Those stories do not match up with what she is currently seeing.

Once she feels comfortable that no one else is around she opens the door and sneaks around, looking for an exit.

Everything she sees just baffles her, seeing this nice art, high-quality ideas all around the hallway. There are these wall torches, but they are not fire. These Humans seem to have magic that far outclasses the Dark Races. No wonder we have been their vassals for centuries.

She stops at a corner of the hallway and glances down the stairs. That is when the door by her side opens.

The two Humans suddenly stop their conversation, seeing her. "What are you doing up? Security!"

A deep fear falls deep inside her, scared about what might happen to her. Thinking like what happened in the forest is going to happen again. She rushes from her spot, heading down a hallway. She sees this window at the end of it and heads to it.

She begins flapping her small wings and then jumps, intending to fly out the window. The second she jumps up into the air, she falls right back down on the ground. She then notices that her right-wing is broken.

When she falls hard onto the floor, she rolls over to her side, now in pain. Right then three of their security guards catch up with her and tries to pick her up.

She tries to struggle and can use her two small fangs in her upper mouth and bit down on one of the men's arms.

"Ahh, damn!" One of the Human males' yells. Some blood starts to come out of his arm.

Even though she got one of these Humans, the other had ably pinned her down. The batwoman struggles and struggles, not wanting to surrender. If she is going to become their prisoner, then she plans not to make it easy for them.

Doing that though just wore herself out. Her body still has not recovered at all. After a few minutes if her struggle and fighting back against these evil creatures. She fights and fights until she finally passes out again from her wounds.


--- 37 minutes later ---


After an intense fight, the purple batgirl wakes up again in the same place as before. That strange clear rope is again in her arm and what seems like fresh bandages on her.

She is now really confused, why is she still alive and why are they tending to her wounds. Why haven't they used her yet? Do they have other plans for her?

This time though, she sees this man wearing these green color clothes standing there. The more she focuses on him the more she recognizes that he is that man from the metal wagon.

"You Human beast, so you're the one who plans to rape me first?" She said to him in a tired but defiant voice. "I promise I won't make it pleasant or easy."

She sees that man gives a strange look on his face like he is disgusted by the thought. "Wait… what." He struggles to respond to her statement.

Then she hears this voice coming from her right. She looks over and sees this man in green cloths. It looks like he has been treating her.

Now she is just flat out annoyed. If this is an act of some kind, then they are very committed to the act.

"No one here is going to rape you or do anything else like that. That is highly illegal and immoral mam. You have nothing to worry about." The doctor soldier said. "My name Specialist Jerry William."

What he said sounded so foreign. Humans with morals? "Ok… so why am I here? Human." She said in a negative tone, clearly not trusting them.

"You can blame him over there," Jerry said pointing to that other man.

She said nothing, just watching as this Jerry man pulls out this needle and string.

So, everything they just said was bullshit. Here comes the torture, their kindness was just an act. She prepares herself, not going to let them torture her without a fight.

What happens next just baffles her as the doctor soldier walks over to that Frost soldier.

"Frist, next time you rip your stitches I am hot gluing them shut," Jerry said to him. "I only carry a limited supply of this stuff."

"Not my fault. It is hers." Frost said as the team medic begins fixing his old knife wound.

Frost then looks to her. "Hey, we are not the bad guys here." But then he shows her his pistol. "However, if you try breaking out again and bit someone." He just implies not being hostile again.

"So, I am a prisoner." The batwoman said, glaring at him.

"Because you bit someone. In the arm mind you." Frost said. A little annoyed by her hostility. "We are enemies of the Empire, no one here is going to harm you."

She looks at him, not believing one word. "Where am I?"

"Italica, we have a diplomatic outpost here," William answers the question.

Frost sees her face and notices that she looks confused.

"What's Italica?" The batwoman asked them. "Wait… how far away am I from Goradas?"

Both Frost and William look at each other confused. They look back at her.

"What's Goradas?" Frost asked.

She gets annoyed by how little he knows about her people. "How do you not know of Goradas? Your people enslaved my people."

"Because we are not from here. We are from Earth." Frost said as Jerry finishes stitching him up.

"Yup, we are not from this world," William said. He walks back to his medical bag and cleans up. He then looks back at her. "Now you, please don't do anything active. Let your wounds heal. After that, you can go and live your life."

She looks at Jerry, tilting her head baffled with these people's manners.

Jerry then walks over to Frost. "I'm going to get Randy. Don't get bitten."

"Shut up," Frost said, chuckling as he rubs his shoulder form the pain.

He then looks over back to her. "So, where is Goradas?"

"Why are you still here?" She asked him.

Frost can tell she just does not trust him or anyone. Which makes complete sense after what she been through. "I am here to guard you. And I was the one who ran into the Imperialist camp to rescue you."

"Imperialist?" She asked him.

"Hmmm… That is what we call the Empire soldiers, we are at war with them. We ran into that scouting party that had captured you." Frost explains. "We brought you here to help heal you. Your safe."

She glares at him, looking directly at his eyes. She tries to move her body, feeling weak still.

Besides, her homeland is extremely far away, news from the Empire rarely reached her people, the dark races the Empire calls them. This war he is speaking of is news to her. Her kind is just forgotten unless needed. Surviving off scraps and any resources they can get.

More she thinks about it she does remember the Empire envoys come to her village and calling for a crusade to this new land. Thousands of the dark races were recruited, mostly Goblins and Orcs were called to serve.

"Wait… so you were the ones the Empire called for a crusade against?" The batwoman asked him, letting her guard down a little.

Frost nods his head. "Yup, the Empire invaded our world, and we kicked their ass. That is why we are here. Bring Freedom and justice baby."

"So why did you help me then?" She asked.

Frost looks to her, trying to find the proper words. "Why do I need to have a reason? You were in trouble and the Empire are bad people." He pauses for a second. "By the way, Randy and Scott helped out too."

She pauses and thinks. Nothing she has seen and heard so far makes sense. What kind of answer is that? After doing the math of what she has seen so far, and her intuition is telling her that these people are different. The question is are they different in a good or bad way.

The door suddenly open and this buff looking man walks through into the door. She remembers his face from the metal wagon, he was upfront driving the thing.

"How is our guest Frost?" Randy asked.

Frost stands up and gives him a salute. "All good sir, just building a dialogue."

Randy looks at him and back at her. He thinks about what our role in this world is and what we should be doing. Looking at her he comes to the realization, if we are going to have a long-term presence in this world, we need to make friends. Not just bomb the hell out of the Empire. That is what Sharpe been trying to do, that is what Randy needs to do.

"I am glad you’re alright ma’am. I am here to let you know that your free to do once you are healed up. Take your time, gain your strength. Now, you won't try to attack anyone again?" Randy asked her.

She stares at him, trying to judge him. She decides to nod her head, seeing she does not have a choice.

"Alright. Frost, you are with me. Let the lady have some peace."



--- Dumas Forest, the base of Dumas Mountain Ranger ---

July 13th, 2025


It is late in the evening; the weather has not been pleasant for the Rose Knights since leaving Alnus. It is like the gods themselves are raining with disappointment on Pina.

Since that conversation with Sharpe, Pina has barely said a word. She has never been more humiliated in her life. All her life she has been marching around, trying to be like the boys. Being a mighty warrior, to prove herself to her father. Wanting to be respected by her peers.

Her knights have set up camp and have gathered around.

Pina is just sitting on a log next to some fire, staring right at it. Staying away from everyone.

Hamilton walks over to her. She carries a plate with some wild animal meat that was captured and cooked. "Your highness, you need to eat. Please."

Pina ignores her, just looking into the fire.

Every time she looked at Hamilton, she feels worse. When he asked her how much she is worth, it was not the fact that she did not have a number in mind that is bothering her. It is that she did not have an answer at all.

The truth is, if the roles were reverse, she knows he would have had an answer. And she knows the answer he will say. The life she wanted to be a leader, a respectable leader. It is clear to her that she is not remotely close to that.

Sharpe does not blind himself of some distant glory or tries to appease people. He just does what he needs to do for his people. Everything is about his people.

Hamilton puts the plat down next to her princess and walks away.

"I cannot believe that you allowed the enemy to humiliate our leader like that," Jalin Tu Fendro tells Gray. He is one of the few males on the team. Since Norma Co Igloo died in the Siege of Italica, he has been trying to step up as his replacement. "You should have let us kill him. Then this pointless quest would have resulted in something good."

"Then we all would be dead," Grey said. He is sitting down on a log by another fireplace, drinking some water. "What is done is done."

Bozes Co Palesti walks over, finally annoyed enough. "Jalin is right. Why did you stop us, Grey? Since we first ran into these people you have been strangely supportive of them." She said in her frustrated voice. "Are you working for them? Can we trust you?"

Grey sits there and begins to eat his food, ignoring the youth.

"So, you have nothing to say to that?" Jalin said, backing up her superior Bozes. "Why were you in Italica? They are occupied by the enemy. What business could you possibly have there?"

"Everyone, please calm down." Beefeater E Caty said, trying to calm everyone down. "It has been a stressful few day. Let us just sit down and eat."

"No," Bozes said to Beefeater. "I'm getting sick of this. We are getting out asses kick in this war and all we have been doing is nothing. Our people are dying, our vassals are switching sides. What has the Rose Order have done during all of this? Are we even knight or just some fancy parade puppets?"

"Hey! Do not insult the Rose Order like that Bozes. You always let your temper get ahead of you!" Beefeater yells back at her. She is getting tired of this attitude her. Wanting to just ride into battle against these Other Worlders and just die, pointlessly.

Pina hears all the new argument going on. That is not the first time since Alnus an intense argument. She cannot blame them; they do not know what to do right now. Truth is, she does not know what to do right now either.

Going back to Sadera will only strengthen her brother Zozral faction. It will be another victory to his supporters. Her failed peace arrangement crippled the peace faction within the Senate. It is clear the war is going to continue. A war that her people have no chance in winning.

It is true, in time more and more of our vassals will either switch sides like Italica or try to regain independence. There is no way the Empire will ever be able to stop them.

To her surprise, Hamilton comes back to her and sits down next to her.

"Your highness. Can I get you anything?" Hamilton asked, in a cheerful voice.

Pina looks over to her. Even right now, when the world is falling apart. All Hamilton can think about is her wellbeing.

"Hamilton… I don't deserve you as a friend." Pina said to her, looking back to the fire.

Hamilton looks at her, shocked that she even said that. "What? How can you say that? I will follow you anywhere. To my death, if needed."

Pina looks back at her. "Why? All I am a fool. Who only believed that she could rise above her station."

Hamilton puts on a serious face. "You have always tried. Going out and making sure you were noticed. Always leading by example Princess."

"Your wrong," Pina said.

Hamilton looks at her, not understanding why she said that. "What…?"

"That man… he is a leader by example. When we first meant in Italica, I thought we were equals. In time I realized we never were." Pina said. She then looks to her friend. "Do you know what he asked me?"

Hamilton looks at her. "No…"

"How much are you worth," Pina said to her. She has bought and sold people before, never giving it a second thought. She has bought many slaves to help her in her daily duties. Even to help her take a bath. Never once considering who those people where and what lives they might have been.

Hamilton looks at here. She then smiles. "That is fine. You can do as you wish…"

Pina looks at her, angry at what she is saying. "No. I don't have the right to sell you. There is no cost high enough for me to depart you, Hamilton! You're my friend-."

Saying that made Pina cry. The words were not easy to say. The price of a person. That man, Sharpe would never sell someone. He and his people would die to protect a stranger. It did not matter if they did not know the person.

"I love you, Hamilton," Pina said in a nonromantic way. In all these years Hamilton has been the most loyal friend she has ever had. Her job is to be her servant but that is not true. They are friends. "I love all of you. I have failed you all as a leader."

Pina then looks away. But that is when the current argument starts to get intense. It sounds like swords can be unleashed.

This is what the Other Worlders have done to us. We are fighting each other for what? To maintain the current order? Why?

"We should go back to Alnus and find that man and this time kill him," Bozes yells. "And kill them all. The Other Worlders and those traitor in Alnus!"

"I agree." Jalin supports Bozes aggressiveness. "We don't have to tell them all. Take out their leader. What they did to Sadera cannot go unpunished. We are the best; we can slip in and assassinate him. Besides, we need to send an example. Show that we are not out of the fight and what happens to traitors."

Pina stands up and looks over. "Shut up all of you."

Everyone shut up and look to her, shocked that their leader said that.

"Why are you talking about attacking them. You all were there. They have weapons that we have not even seen in battle. They can fly pass our armies and attack anywhere they want. For everyone we kill them, they can kill a hundred thousand of us. The Empire is going to fall as long as we continue to fight." Pina yells at them.

"So, what!? Are you saying we should surrender to them? The things they will do to us." Bozes said back to her.

The only person who is not engaging in the current situation is Grey. He is still sitting down on the log eating. He is listening, however.

Pina takes a deep breath. "We can't win. But we cannot surrender either. There is only one option, finding a peaceful solution."

"But that didn't work," Jalin said, crossing his arms. "All they did was create a blood bath in the throne room and attack the capital city. How can we have peace with such dishonorable people?"

A few people in the crowd start agreeing with them. They all want payback against the enemy. To prove themselves in battle. Since the peace plan fell apart, no one can see how it can happen again. What other option is the now anyway?

"They only did that because they wanted their people back," Pina said back to him.

Jalin hears that and brushes it all. "I keep hearing that but that makes no sense-…"

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter now silence!" Pina yells, getting frustrated. "We… I made the mistake by applying our world rules to them. They are not from our world and do not have to follow our ways. And they have the power to back it up. Yet with that power, they saved Italica, saved their people over a peace process."

Pina pauses for a second, realizing that even though she is talking to her knights, she is speaking to herself more. Each word is self-realization. "We attacked them and stole their people. They see that as an offense. That is what they want, to protect their people. Because they care about their people."

Pina looks over to Hamilton. "If any of you were taken by the enemy, I would do everything I could to get you back." She then looks back to her people. Right then she figures out what she needs to do to fix all this. What she should have done in the first place.

"In the morning, I am ordering you all back to Sadera," Pina said.

"Wait… are you coming with us?" Beefeater asked her, realizing that Pina did not include herself.

"No. I believe in peace. We need peace. There is no other choice." Pina begins to think. That feeling in her gut she has had feels like it is going away, slightly. "We need this peace not to maintain the throne but to help the people of the Empire. This war will kill thousands, if not millions of our people if it is not stopped. That is why we need it more than ever."

"No, I won't allow you to sacrifice to find some slaves. If the enemy intentions were pure, they wouldn't have tossed your deal aside so easily." Bozes yells. She does not want her friend to die for some pointless noble quest.

Beefeater speaks up. "Wait, if you go back there. That man said he was going to kill you. We can't let you kill yourself like this."

Pina thinks about that. Sharpe did say he would kill her the next time he sees her. We are enemies after all. Any trust between him and her is now gone. All because she used his trust to advance her desires. "I know. If it ends the war, then it will be worth it. Now, do as I say and head home."

"No!" Hamilton said to Pina, standing right by her side. "I am coming with you. I have never left your side."

That is when Grey stood up. He is an old man who has seen many wars. When he does something, it is always with great purpose. He walks right up the Pina. "We leave in the morning, your highness."

"Wait, what are you planning on doing," Bozes asked.

Pina looks over to her and then everyone else. "What I should have done in the beginning."

Since the very beginning, she has been trying to play both sides. She did not mean to, just was looking after her best interest. She wanted the Empire to survive because it benefitted her, not her people. Now her people will suffer because of her arrogance. She wanted to have it all and then she thought she would have earned the respect she deeply wants.

Those Other Worlders, no. Those Americans freely gave back some of her people without any conditions. Right there she should have arranged the same but choose not to. And that is what she wants to fix.





(1)Chapter 46

(2)Chapter 20





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