Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V04 – Chapter 43 RM


--- Earth, United States, White House ---

June 19th, 2025


It is currently the middle of the night when President Emily Pots found out what happened in Sadera. She was one of the early supporters of the peace process when she found out about it.

Her goals were to prevent another dragged out war. After twenty years of endless wars throughout the Middle East and Africa, a global pandemic, the American people are tired. The nation is tired and most of the Western world is tired.

That does not include the current Cold War building up against the Chinese. With their colonization activities in Africa, the occupation of northern Afghanistan for their belt road initiative, it is taking everything the United States can to counter and contain their influence and protect our allies. After what happened with Hong Kong a few years ago, everyone is nervous in the Far East.

Most of our allies only sent a token force to the Special Region, to claim they are our alliance. However, the only real force has been the Canadians, the British, France and most surprising to everyone is the Japanese.

They all wanted to aid with their separate reason though. Canada close by relatively compare to other nations and feel a threaten whatever happens with the Gate could spill over to them. The English want to maintain our 'Special Relationship' and show the world that there, not a paper tiger after Brexit. Same with the French after the fall of the European Union, wanting to prove they still have a strong-arm force. Besides, the three want to be in the loop when any economic development happens in this strange new world.

The Japanese are a confusing one. They want to show the world that they are back, and that China cannot bully them. The emerging 'Special Relationship' between the United States and Japan as the Earth Geopolitical balances shift from Europe to Asia and they want to solidify it. They also have one of the most advances militaries on the planet however they are untested. A good way to train and test their toys for a war against Imperial China then fighting some barbarians.

The rest of the International Community, especially the United Nations are interested in having a role in exploring their new world. That cannot happen if the Empire remains a throne in the side of the United States. While inferior compare to even some of the weakest country on Earth, if they continue to wage war against us, they are tying up economic and military resources that are needed here on Earth.

After getting dress in a dark blue business suit and skirt, Potts enters her office and then sits down at her desk.

A lot of Presidents sat at this very desk, faced massive hurdles. Faced many challenges that seem impossible to tackle and somehow pushed through them.

She then picks up the phone that is on her desk. A line was set up so Stanford can quickly call her if there is an emergency. "Lieutenant General Stanford."

"Good morning Madam President," Stanford said, realizing how late it is. "I am sorry to request your presence at this hour however we have a situation here."

Potts rubs her face, forcing herself to wake up. She leans back in her chair. "My adviser updated me briefly. So, the Peace Process failed?"

"Yes, mam," Stanford responds.

"What happened?" she asked.

She begins to wonder if it was Willington. While he did great work in Eastern Africa, he was not the most liked in the State Department. They claimed he is to off the books for their liking. So, Secretary of State Bobby Gates said.

"There is no easy way to explain this but-," Stanford said.

"Just spit it out General," she said.

"There was a firefight at the capital throne room. No casualties on our end," Stanford said.

Potts jumps from her seat, eyes open looking straight ahead. "WHAT THE FUCK! Who was the idiot who decided to shoot up a royal palace during a meeting of peace?"

Stanford remains calm over the phone. He agreed with what Major Sharpe and Ambassador Willington had done. Maybe not in such extreme conduct however rescuing one of our own was worth the cost of peace.

Potts did two tours in Afghanistan and one in Iraq as a Major in the Army. She understands what happens when a war drags out with no end in sight.

"They better have a damn good reason for this. How the hell am I supposed to tell the American people about this," Potts said, beginning to think about the fallout. If she was not awake before, she is now.

"I believe there is Madam President,” Stanford said. “The Crown Prince of the Empire had one of our civilians as a sex-slave, a sixteen-year-old Japanese American girl(1). She and others were taken through the Gate during the Battle of Philadelphia(2)."

She looks down at her desk, not believing what she is hearing. "What…? A sex-slave? God Damnit."

She takes a deep breath, calming herself down. "Well, I guess that is a good reason. There is no way the Senate would ever approve a treaty when they are raping our people. Let alone the public."

"I fully agree, mam," Stanford said.

That is when the door opens and Secretary of State Bobby Gates walks in.

Potts holds up her hand, singling him to be quiet as he enters. She then points to a chair to sit down.

"Bobby just walked in. I am switching to speaker General," she said and then switches to the speaker.

"Hello, General. This is Bob. What the fuck happened?" Gates asked.

She looks to him. "I just asked that. They have some of our people as slaves."

"That is correct," Stanford confirms. "I do not have all the details yet; the team is almost back to base now. From what Major Sharpe reported to me, a teenage girl name Noriko Mochizuki was taken and was turned into the Crown Prince's slave. They freed her instantly when they saw. That lead to a confrontation with the Prince and his guards which spiraled into a firefight."

"Good god," Gates said, realizing the gravity of the situation. "Are there others?"

"Apparently," she said and looks to the speaker.

There is a short delay before Stanford spoke again, "The girl stated that they are two others alive within the city. One American and the other believe to be a Brazilian national. Both are not confirmed yet."

"Is that it? Two more?" Gates asked.

"I do not know but I doubt it." She responds. "For all, we know they could have hundreds of our people."

"She did mention that others were brought over but split early one. Mainly on gender grounds." Stanford added.

That is when both General Donald Grant and head of the Director of the CIA Brent Quintin.

"About time you two got here," Gates said, looking behind him.

"What happened," Grant asked, closing the door and walking in.

President Emily begins getting both men up to speed of the situation.

Potts notices both of their faces, a sign of disbelief of the situation. She does not blame them; she is having a hard time believing it herself.

Truth is that they all should have known they taken some of our people and enslaved them. The writing was on the wall. Hell, this was common through all cultures up until very recently. How the hell did no one think about this?

Probably because of the shock of this strange new world. Being attacked, monsters, beasts, elves, the fact there's even life out there. Gods and demi-gods. God knows what else we do not know. Everything hit so fast and so much we thought was real was tossed upside down. A simple but massive overlook.

"Lieutenant General Stanford, how come you didn't figure this out beforehand?" Gates asked him.

"Hold on, you can just blame him for this. What was he supposed to do, walk up to them and ask?" Grant said.

"He is the man on the ground. Didn't he have people in direct talks with the Princess?" Gates points out. He begins snapping his fingers. "What was her name, Pina. Princess Pina. Perfect opportunity to at least ask, gone."

"Wow," Quintin said, getting defensive. "There has been no evidence that they had our people. We only just got agents in some of the outer cities."

"Not like the CIA had anything useful," Grant said, glancing at him. He is implying that the CIA has been pretty much useless. Going through this history of botch operations throughout their history.

"What does that mean General Grant," Quintin asked.

"Want me to go down the list from this century or would you like me to start from the last century?" Grant said, looking directly at him. He is referencing all the screw up the CIA has under its belt.

Potts is standing there thinking, watching as the three starts arguing who should get the blame. Standard politics is to find someone to blame and move on quickly. She does not blame them, once the people find out, the Internet is going to blow up. It is not like the good old days were the government could just bride a cable network.

She then looks down at her desk and thought just appeared.

"The buck," Potts mumbles.

"I am sorry Madam President?" Gates asked her, hearing her say something. He is currently the closest to her.

She looks up and moves her burnet hair out of her face. She then stands fully up, adjusting her glasses. "The buck stops here."

A quote from President Harry S. Truman. Anytime something went wrong, it is the person who oversees fault. In this case, that is the President.

Before anyone said anything, she continues what is on her mind. "I am the one at fault here. I did not properly provide a strategy for this new world. I did not give clear enough instructions to our boys on the ground. Most importantly, I did not ask the right questions which allowed this situation to happen."

"Madam President, you cannot take the blame for this screwup. The independent media will eat you alive," Gates said. He has been her loyal friend for a long time. Sticking with her during good and bad times.

"Yes, I can, and I will. And let them, I can handle the Media," she said and then sits down in her chair. "Now unless you three want to continue fighting like schoolgirls, this is what we are going to do."

She then thinks very carefully about what she is going to say next. On the understanding that the policies she creates will have far-reaching consequences, good and bad.

"Lieutenant General Stanford. We cannot have peace if it is going to result in selling off our people. I am authorizing you to do what you need to get all our people back. Americans or other nationalities. After that, I want you to bring the Empire to their knees. Whatever you need, you get," she said with a newfound confident tone.

"Mam, there is no way the American people going to like a prolong war," Gates points out.

"They will be fine. As long as we do not make the same mistakes as last time," she said.

"And that is?" Quintin asked.

"Leaders caring more about their long-term political careers than the current task at hand. I will address the nation after General Stanford completes his rescue mission," she said as she looks to Grant. "Grant, work with Stanford. I want a plan on my desk ASAP. Give him what he needs."

She looks to Quintin. She personally does not like him. Apparently, he is good at his job and that is the problem. Secrets after secrets. A pure politician at heart. "Have your people find our citizens. Get that information as soon as possible."

Quintin seems frustrated. "Madam President, I don't think they will be able to get that information in time for the operation. Maybe if we have more time."

"Any more time our hostages will be nailed to a cross," Grant said to him.

"You had months to get your people in position. You either provide the information or I expect your resignation by the end of the week," she said, staring right at him.

Quintin about to say something but realize it was not worth putting his job at risk. He nods his head and agrees to get all the information he can.

She now sees everyone that everyone is on the same page. "Alright. If we cannot protect our people from barbarians. How are we supposed to stop the Chinese, the Russians? Help the revolutions in Hong Kong and Africa. Or even protect our pacific allies?"

"Our nation was founded on a set of principles. Those principles allowed us to grow and expand. Challenge the status quo that has been dominant throughout world history. They have been tested many times throughout history gentlemen, we are not going to toss them out because it is the easy option here. We are going to do what we should have done last year."



--- Fort Alnus, Uros (The planet Special Region Called) ---

June 22nd, 2025


Willington is currently walking to the Army hospital. He was only able to get a few hours’ sleep until one of his bosses, Secretary of State Bobby Gates wants some good news to give to the President for some upcoming speech. Since the peace process blew up in our faces, he did not blame his boss for wanting something.

For the last few months, Willington has been talking to their other prisoner of war, King Duran of the Elbe Fiefdom. Stanford wants Duran on the US side to help secure the southern flank.

He helped lead a coalition of vassal states against our forces in the Second Battle of Alnus Hill(3). Unlike the other nobles and kings who fought in that battle, he was the only one who seems to survive. We found him lying on the ground mortally wounded. Lost a leg, his right eye could not be saved and other issues.

It took months just to get him back on his feet. During that time, he has been saying at the Army Hospital. Currently, he is in the last stages of recovery.

During that time, he was recovering, some of our diplomatic staff has been working with him in ending hostilities. A cease-fire was agreed to, which he honestly did not have a choice since his army was annihilated.

When the opportunity to end the war came, everything else had to be put on hold. That means further discussions were placed on hold with King Duran, until now.

Willington walks into the hospital plaza. The plaza seems to be only half full today. From the reports he read about the early days of our invasion, this place was full of wounded from the attacks against Alnus Hill. Now, it is very peaceful with the remaining people that are still recovering from their wounds. Now, this facility mainly tends to refugees, any of our troops and the locals from the Alnus Community.

Willington walks through the plaza as he looks for Duran. The female elf assistant at the front office told him he should be here. It is interesting how fast the local Alnus population has integrated with the base.

That is when he hears someone yelling his occupation Ambassador.

He looks around and sees Duran, sitting in this armchair. Finally finding him, he walks over, adjusting the folders between his arms.

"Why hello Mister Ambassador. What can I do for you today? It has been a while since we last had our talk." Duran said as he puts down nutrition smoothie.

"Yes, it has. I see you are enjoying the benefits of Western civilization," he said as he takes a seat next to Duran. At first, he was against trying our food and drinks, believing we were just trying to bribe him.

"Western?" Duran asked, not fully understand the context of the direction.

He lightly shakes his head, having his hands not to worry about it, "will explain later."

Duran chuckles and crosses his arms. He is an old man; his manner tells a story that he has seen much in his life and that he had endured much. Even with all that, his attitude also shows that life has not pushed him down. "So, I hear your special trip with the Empire went well Ambassador."

If he already heard what happen, that pretty much means everyone has. "So, you have heard," she said, still forcing himself to wake up.

"I could have told you this before, that your talks with the Empire would have failed," Duran said, speaking with experience.

This would upset Willington somewhat. "If you knew this was going to fail, why didn't you say that? If I recall, you seemed supportive once I told you I am meeting with Princess Pina."

Duran nods his head, knowing he was supportive of the talks. "Pina is young but naïve. Good intentions however she wants to prove herself and has no idea how to achieve that. She is still influence by her family culture. Trusting her was doomed to start. But not for the reasons you are thinking. She never was ready to handle a task like this. Not if her family still influences her. The rest of them would never agree to any terms that makes them weak."

“And besides,” Duran said after another drink. “If you didn’t run into that sex slave girl now, you would have found out before and that would have broken the treaty then. If not, it would have been something.”

"Again, then why didn't you say anything. All this could have been avoided. Maybe we could have rescued our people from the Empire earlier. If you knew they had our people, you should have told me," he said in an angry but controlled tone.

"I did not know about the girl or was involved with any others that were taken," Duran said and then looks to the Ambassador. "I quickly learned that your people are far stronger than anyone on this land. However, I also learned you are very naïve people."

"You do not understand the day-to-day life here. If you cannot understand our world, you will fail. Your advance weapons and tasty smoothies will not endure here." Duran said, trying to share wisdom with the Ambassador. He then holds up one figure from his current good arm. "Dealing with the Empire results in nothing good. If it were not the girl, it would be something else sooner or later. It is better now you learn from failure now then later, when the cost would be far higher."

He was going to protest what Duran said but notice he was making a point. He could not disagree with what he is saying, not in a debate. It still did not settle well though. "We have a saying for that. If you give a man a fish he eats for a day, if you teach a man how to fish, he eats for a lifetime."

Duran nods his head, resting his arm. "That is a particularly good saying. Our is more related to a sword but still wise."

"Still," he said, now wanting to make his point. "That lesson did not have to involve an innocent girl. You should have told me, so we went in prepared."

"The world isn't going to conform to you because you wish it. You must see it to understand it. You fight far away, never seeing your enemy in the eyes. You use words and ideas to counter your enemy. That might be enough in your world but not here." Duran leans back and then takes a sip from his smoothie. He then puts it down relaxing. "If you genuinely want peace, you must learn and earn it. Only then this world will conform to your will."

Willington sits there, really annoyed. It is true, he thought he would compete for his mission from his desk, talking to the royal family. His ignorance prevented him from seeing the truth.

Duran, seeing that the American accept his point. "Now next time you won't make this mistake again. Now you won't forget to think about your people." He then looks and sees a folder in his arms. "I take it this wasn't a social visit?"

"No, I came to finish our last discussions. Officially ending the war between our two States and begin trade," he said. He takes the folders and places it on the small stand between them both.

"I see. Last time we told you said your people were interested in minerals," Duran said, recalling their past conversation. "However, I want more."

"More?" he said confused. They have not had much time to talk about details. The big problem he has faced so far in this world is the information and resources we take for granted they have yet to discover. So much must be explained and taught.

"I have been reading up on some of your people's history and economics. You are an Empire; you can name it whatever you like but this is a fact of life. Your Empire is based on… what is that word? It’s another word for trade."

"Commerce?" he said, assuming that is what he is talking about.

"Yes. Interestingly, you created an Empire based around commerce and not continue expansion. Excluding the early parts of your history," Duran said and then smirks. "Interesting thought, it seems all great powers were built on expansion on others in some manner."

"You can't change the past but only learn and improve so you don't make the same mistake in the future. That is what we value," he said, feeling defensive. That is probably because of how little sleep he has gotten. That and Washington is breathing down his neck for results.

"Don't take it personally. I fully agree. And that is why I want more than a trade agreement for our food and resources." Said Duran.

"Wait, what?" he said and then thinks. We have a large NATO presence here. He has probably talked to them and gain another perspective on how we maintain our hegemony on Earth. "You want our security guarantees."

"Yes. My army was destroyed by your forces. That was not your fault but the Empire tricking me to fight an already lost battle. I want nothing to do with the Empire anymore." Said Duran. He has thought about what he wanted. "You need an ally in this world that understand these lands and understand the world. It is fine that you have those people in that Alnus town, but their diplomatic and economic usefulness is limited right now."

Willington nods in agreement to what he is saying. Honestly, he was going to bring something like this up down the road. After more trust was built and a better understanding of how the nations of their world work. He is pleased there talking about a treaty with real subtense however he can tell he wanted to start this topic, so he controlled the narrative of the negotiations.

"I believe the Senate will agree to provide security guarantees but there are strings attached that we need to clear up," he replied.

He can tell from his face that Duran was expecting this. "We're going to need to establish a NATO facility there for our aircraft and troops. We act independently and move in and out without needed prior permission. On top of that, we will not aid in any internal dispute your Kingdom might have. This guarantee only applies to external threats like the Empire."

Duran was surprised by that part, not aiding during civil disputes. Usually when an ally kingdom station troops, they help during a civil crisis.

"If we are attacked, you will aid us?" Duran asked, just making sure he understands.

"Yes," he replied. "In addition, your people are responsible for our people safe. That includes citizens from Alnus Community. We can't have a trade if our traders are under attack."

"hmm. I understand. I demand the same treatment though," Duran said. He sees the Ambassador nod his head in the mutual agreement. Already getting what he wanted from the Americans, he nods his head agreeing to the terms.

"How about economics," Duran happily said. Since being here he has seen so many things he never could have imagined. Even in their picture booklets, more amazing items like tools and nonflammable light. That is not even including the tasty food.

"It is always about the money," he smirks after saying that.

"Yes, it is. Last time we talked it was related to agriculture. Since then, I have noticed all your supplies come through the Gate. Is that still true?" Duran asked, already knowing what the Ambassador going to say.

Already seeing where this is going, he nods his head yes. "Of course. When the Gate opened, it became a third boarder for our nation."

"Supplying this many troops and those civilians must be taxing on your supply wagons." Duran points out. "The Gate is still like a bridge; you can only bring in so much at a time."

"We have managed however we are a nation of business. One of our primary goals for this world is to establish trade relations. Resources and knowledge," he already knows where this is going.

Duran sees were the winds are blowing and wants to capitalize on all of it. If he can, the Kingdom of Elbe could become a very wealthy country. This can also help justify the cost for the next stage of Alnus expansion down the road.

Duran continues, wanting to say what he wants to say first. "Selling your foodstuff will require more work for my people. In exchange for food, I want technology and knowledge on how to better our yearly yield."

"That can work. Just a reminder, we cannot give our advance technology to you. It is not because we don't want to share it, you don't have the short-term logistics and infostructure to handle it," he said, wanting to make sure he understands they are not trying to screw him down the road.

Duran nods his head, already expecting something like that to be said. "I understand. As your saying went from before, I fully intended not to be a vassal again. My people need to learn how to use and master gifts. Only then we can be free."

Willington smirks. "Alright. I agree. Now for my side. If we had this conversation before the throne incident, the Senate might have agreed to a trade agreement. Now, they won't if the labor comes from slave labor. Anyone who sells to Alnus Hill must give some of their profits to their slaves, as compensation for their work. Your Kingdom will figure out how to do this but failed to enforce it will result in sanctions and fines."

Duran looks at him. He clearly miscalculated on that. A lot of his nobles will be upset sharing some of their wealth with slaves. However, this is not a hill worth dying on. What he said before about what happened in the Throne room was true but there was a second reason. He wanted to see how far these people are willing to go, and he got his answer. "It won't be easy, but it has my support."

Ending slavery has always been easier said than done. Even today there are areas in failed states that still conduct the practice. The US only ended the war against ISIS five years ago who was trying to reestablish the Islamic Slave Trade, it has deep roots. If the US can change the incentives of this world and make them compensate for their labor, that should end the institution in time, just like on Earth. Hopefully without a bloody civil war like we had.

"Since we are on the topic. If you have any of our people or find any of our people. You are responsible to provide safety and protection until we can come and get them. No harm can be given to any of our people. That includes the Alnus population," He said in a serious voice. Making it clear this is not up for negotiation. "Anyone who breaks your laws will be returned to Alnus for punishment. We are not going to accept this world version of punishment."

"How am I supposed to know they are from Alnus?" Duran asked quickly.

That question trumps Willington. That is a particularly good question, how do the US prevent anyone from claiming they are from here. That can lead to trouble down the road. "I am going to have to get back to you. We are still setting up Alnus."

"We can continue on that part later, but I think we will figure it out," Duran said, confident they will work it out.

Duran, seeing no way around that issue without displeasing the Americans. He nods again agreeing to the terms. "I think we have some understanding. Now, what about those minerals you were talking about last time?"

"Yes, we get exploration right on your territory. Anything we find that you can use we get with compensation. Anything we find that your people also want and need, we can work out a joint project to share the resource," he said, now wanting to take the narrative. "We are happy to employ people form your kingdom and provide technical training. Again though, slave and forced labor will be banned on all joint projects.

Duran wonders what kind of resources the Ambassador might be talking about. They have a far more understanding of science then this world does. That is the knowledge he wants to acquire.

Finally, Duran nods in agreement. "I believe we have a treaty, Ambassador Willington."

Willington stands up, happy to get this issue mostly off his to-do list. "Alright, once the treaty is signed, we are happy to establish an Embassy at your capital. All your soldiers will surrender without laying down arms for the case-fire and all hostilities between us will end. Any prisoners either side has will be returned."

Willington holds out his hand and then Duran grabs it.

"I do have one more thing," Duran said. Seeing the Ambassador confusion, he pulls out a picture from his clothes and shows him.

Willington takes the picture and smirks. The picture is a big red Ram Dodge truck.

"I would like one of those as part of the treaty," Duran said.

Willington hands him the picture and nods. "I will see what I can do."



--- Fort Alnus, Uros ---

June 22nd, 2025


It has been a few hours since Vanguard-7 arrived back to base. They had to do a short stop at Itálica to pick up the girls. When they arrived, the base was buzzing with activity, everyone getting ready for a big operation.

The girl Noriko was sent to the Army Hospital to give her proper treatment. What a tragedy for someone so young to have to go through something like that. However, though, anyone who went through that has a strong spirit. Hopefully, with some time she can pull out of it.

Sharpe ordered the team to get some rest, the drive to Sadera and back has been tiring. He wants everyone in good shape for the mission, whatever it will be. Afterward, to get ready to be deployed.

Sharpe is in the office with his commanding officer, Colonel John Yang. He is shorter than him, a thin black mustache.

Yang is sitting at his desk, reading the makeshift report that Sharpe wrote up. "No reason why you have Lieutenant Rose doing all your paperwork. Your spelling sucks, your grammar worse. I don't even know what that word is."

He is sitting in the chair across the desk. "I am sorry sir. I was in a rush to get it done in the vehicle. Information and speed are the key here."

"True to that," Yang said as he puts the file down.

"Is there a problem sir?" he asked, sensing something is off. This would not be the first time he been the other end of the official office.

"Honestly, no. You did your duty. The Lieutenant General and the President seems to agree with your handling with the situation. Not thrilled but you got one of our people back from that hell hole." Yang said, leaning back in his chair staring at Sharpe.

Sharpe sits there staring at him, saying nothing.

"You might have jumped the gun in the throne room but that's semantics. My issue is with tomorrow." Yang said.

Sharpe understands where he is going with this. This is not the first time he heard this topic.

"I can see that you know what I am going to say," Yang said, thinking what he wants to say. "Look, I was not thrilled how you were transferred into my unit. But you have proven yourself enough for me to let that go. I don't know what kind of bad luck you have but you seem to be in the right spot at the right time."

"I notice that to sir," he finally said something.

"Here is the thing." Yang then leans forward on his desk. "You are to involve. That girl, her name is Selina correct? Everyone likes her, even me. Don't take this the wrong way at all but can you do that five hundred times?"

Sharpe knows where Yang is going with this. He asked himself the same question before helping Selina from those slave traders(4). Standard policy is to not get involved because the mission comes first, and it might result in a soldier death. This is a new world, new rules, and he dose not know the situation to get involved. He can save one girl however he knows he cannot save a thousand, and it would not be fair to start picking and choosing who can and cannot be free.

However, Sharpe could not let Selina go. He could not let it happen. Every pulse in his body forced him to save her. He asked himself why he did cross space to come to a planet if he was not going to do something good. He can save

"I know I can't sir," he said. What he is talking about is the rule of five hundred. It is a business rule that explains that if you have an idea, multiply it by five hundred. If you cannot do it then do not do it. Find a different way. A person cannot do everything, the rule is meant to keep something from overstretching. "I understand, I can separate the meanings from the emotions."

"Maybe too well Major," Yang said. "Look, I am not trying to be a prick or put you on the spot. This is been a conversation I been needing to have for a while. I have a friend in SOCOM to, I know some of the classified stuff. I just need you to understand you need to have a line."

"I understand sir," Sharpe said.

"Do you? From my seat, it doesn't seem you do. You know but your actions always lean the other way." Colonel Yang said, trying to make a point to Sharpe. "If this were anyone else, I wouldn't be having this conversation. I just don't want a bunch of Rangers or innocent people dying for some moral crusade."

Sharpe takes a deep breath. He knows what the Colonel is saying is correct. He likes to keep things to the chest, does not like to lose anyone. If he can do it, he usually will. That is not the job of a leader. "I understand."

"I know you like movies so remember Saving Private Ryan? That scene where a US soldier who tried helping a kid and died because of that? That Captain, I forget his name said, ‘that is why we don’t help children’, because it cost lives. Helping people can lead your unit to their deaths." Yang said. "Like with the Flame Dragon. You got lucky that you had Rory and Lelei with you. If they didn't intervene when they did, a lot more people would have died, including your team."

Then Sharpe stands up, sensing the conversation is about to end.

"Sharpe. After everything that has been said, keep doing what you are doing. I want more allies like Rory and your magic friend Lelei. In that meeting when we first came here you were right(5), we need allies," Yang said as he stands up. He holds out his hand. "Just make sure you be responsible when your act. No moral crusades and you of all people know that only ends in blood."

He shakes his Colonel's hand. "Roger that sir."

After that Sharpe walks out of the Colonel's office and head outside of the building. That was a bit frustrating for him. Back at the Throne room he wanted to kill Pina for using him(6). But more strongly kill the Prince, whatever his name is.

Sharpe knows the Colonel had every right to talk to him like that, probably his Logistic Officer First Lieutenant Rose told him what she saw. He does not blame her; it is her duty, and it was the right thing to do. If she did not come back right when she did, he knows deep down inside he would have put two bullets in the Pina and Zorzal head.

After taking a deep breath he is heading to his team barracks. To give his team briefing and would need to hand it to Sarah. It is related to the upcoming attack on Sadera.

Normally he would do the briefing, like being hands-on as much as possible however he must go with Johnson, Randy, and the other officers and head NCOs to the main briefing. Ten Vanguard teams are going in and a Navy Seal team. When they still do not know.

It seems Stanford is not holding back. It seems he is fully intending to make an example out of this crisis.

When his team was on their way back from Italica, they saw an armored convoy heading to Sadera. Both American and Japanese. What was strange is they were transporting three Apache attack helicopters.

As he heads to his barracks, Rory appears right next to him. It was like she was waiting for him.

"Why hello boss," Rory said as she grabs his arm and then rubs her head against his arm.

He did not expect her to be there so that startled him.

"Wow, I scared you." She giggled.

"Yeah. Not an easy task." Sharpe said as he catches his breath. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be getting sleep?"

"Na, I don't need sleep. Well, I do but not that much. Only when I want to be around someone is when I get tired." Rory said, flirting with him a little.

Sharpe begins feeling a little awkward. Being flirted with by a nine-hundred-year-old girl within the body that is thirteen. There is no rule book on how to understand that. He jokily debates in his head witch side is the progressive answer, is it ok because she is older than him or bad because of the body. Now that he thinks about it, it might be the other way around, saying it is progressive because of her age and bad because how old she is. Then he realizes politics sucks and stops thinking about it.

As they both begin walking, Rory looks up at him.

"I heard what happen. I want to say I am sorry that I was not there," Rory said. "I promised I was going to help your people, but I was selfish."

"You have nothing to be sorry about Rory. It wasn't your fault," he said. "Besides, you were right. You said in Italica that we relied on you too much. I know you were joking but it is true."

Rory knew he would say that first part. It might be technically true, but that still did not make her feel it was true. She forgot that she said that was just poking fun at them.

"When you picked us up, I don't think I ever saw you that angry before," Rory said to him.

"You haven't seen anything Rory," he quickly said back to her, saying from experience. "You will know when I get angry."

Well, Emroy going to love you on that day," She said chuckling. "Still, I know your people hate that topic. I also know your people love your people. At least compared to nations of this world. But why did you take it so personally? Did you know the girl?"

Sharpe would not respond. He would take his cap off, not enjoying where the topic is going. He is stressed, there is a lot of work to do in preparing for the upcoming op. Trying to think of every situation that can happen when we attack and what he does not think of is what will probably happen.

He waves her off with his hand. Basically, warning her to knock it off.

"You can tell me, or I beat it out of you," Rory said to him, grabbing his shoulder again.

Sharpe thinks about her question. He already knows his answer. Well, he thinks he does.

"Major…?" Rory asked again, wanting him to open up his feminine side. She knows even a man needs to feel love and express himself, otherwise a man will fall to the dark side of his heart and become a monster. And only a woman’s heart can keep a man pure and strong.

"It’s because I fucked up Rory. I messed up big," he said to her.

Now Rory did not expect him to say that. Seeing that this was going to be a far bigger conversation, she stops him. "Let us just hang out here. It is a beautiful sunset. Flare is blessing us tonight."

He takes a deep breath and stops. He then leans against a building realizing that he could not say no to a woman. Especially one that can snap him in half like a twig. "I don't want to talk about its Rory. I have a lot of work to do."

Rory smiles at him and then leans her back against him. "Well fine then. I have something to say."

Sharpe feels a bit uncomfortable with her there. In combat he is ok being close to people because it is combat, there is context. Privately, he has grown to prefers to have personal space. Rory and everyone else know that but she seems to not care about that preference.

Rory glances up and gives him a wink. "We had fun in Italica. The three of us had an interesting conversation while we were walking through the market(7)."

Sharpe glances down at her wondering what this is going.

"We saw a slave auction happening. In all my time alive, all those hundreds of years. It was the first time I thought about it. I was disgusted by what I saw." Rory said, taking a breath. "Lelei said the same thing. I felt bad for the people I saw. I felt worse afterward because all the centuries I been alive, I only started thinking about how evil it is now. Towards the end of my physical form."

"Well… I am proud of you. All three of you," he said, not knowing what to say.

Rory then looks back up. "What I am saying is that I am glad you and everyone else came to this world. I don't know why the Gate was activated but I am really happy." She said in a soft warning voice.

He smiles and rubs her head. "Well, Rory. I am happy I meant you and the others. Honestly, you have been a massive help. You have earned a massive amount of respect with my people. From me. I'm glad you are on the team."

"I do need to get going. Big Op coming," he said and then tries to leave. To his confusion, Rory will not move. That normally wouldn't be a problem with a thirteen-year-old girl body, but this is Rory after all.

Rory is leaning against him, not wanting him to leave yet. She can sense a feeling within him. She always has felt this since they first meant but right now its presence is growing, feeding.

Rory first notices Palapon, the God of Revenge's influence within him when they first meant at that village. But the presence was the only minor. What attracted her to him is how strong Emroy presence within him. There are hundreds of reasons why Man fights wars but very few fights with love, the true darkness that births life in the world. Most do not understand that about the Emroy, most only see it as death and war. You cannot have either without love, good or bad.

Rory did not understand why there is that deep desire for revenge within Sharpe, but she has no intention of letting Palapon take him away from her.

After thinking about that, Rory looks back up to him. "Sharpe, why do you care so much."

He looks down wondering what is going on through her head. "Well, it's wrong. You can't put a-"

What an idiot Rory thinks. Always thinking with his head. "No, why did you care."

Rory knows he understands what she is referring to. The refugees from the village, helping Lelei and Selina. Italica and many others. However though, if he is that thick-headed, there is going to be a big red hard mark over his face.

There is a short pause as he thinks about his answer. He could have easily answered that question not too long ago.

"Because it could have been my sister. Could have been someone I knew," he said, still trying to avoid answering the question.

Taking a deep breather, he leans his head back against the wall. "I wasn't really popular when I was young. Pretty much as an outcast for most of it, just getting by."

Rory smiles seeing she is finally cracking that outer shell. Then she runs against him a bit getting cozy.

He lets her since Rory always does what she likes. "I got a lot of my morals from films and books. My personal favorite is We Were Soldiers. The film and book. He said, being more candid now. "Then Colonel Hal Moore. Read all his books. I do not know how true he was, but he was the one that made me think about how important character is. Cared about his men, did not care about outer differences. Always being prepared. He made me love the military when I was a kid."

There is another shot pause as Sharpe thinks. "I don't really know. There is a lot of people I looked up to growing up. Most of them came from everyday life and I respected that. They could have just accepted things, accepted the world the way it was but chose not to." Sharpe said, speaking more freely now.

Rory then giggles after hearing all that. "Aren't you forget someone? Your Optimus leader figure."

"He's not real," he said. "That is there just for fun."

Hearing that Rory rolls her eyes. "He is real to you. Why else do you have that figure? I see you staring at it when you're thinking." She is serious but in a joyful tone. Trying to keep the good mood going.

Realizing there is no point resisting since Rory still has him pinned, using her superior strength against him. "I have it because I highly respect him, the idea of him. It is there as a visual reminder when I face something I do not know how to tackle. He is a great leader, cares about his people. When he makes a mistake, he owns up to it. Most importantly, he does the right thing because it is the right thing. No BS behind it."

He thinks for a moment and takes a light breath. "I have it to remind me to keep my feet on the ground, what's important."

Right then he thinks. It can be crazy that something fictional can be an example. But there is plenty of that. Going from Star Wars, Star Trek, comics like DC and others.

"To answer your first question, Rory. I care because someone must. I care because it is the right thing. Always staying true to yourself," he mentions, thinking more deeply about why he first enlisted and pushed so hard.

"Because life is important, you never know who going to make a difference in the world. Like the people, I read in my books like Moore. While I think life is important and be great, there are people out there in the world. People who bully and do harm to others just because they can," he said, more convicted now

He then looks down and smiles. "The reason I do what I do, why I give a damn is because someone has. Because I can. It is not for wealth or glory. Not to be remembered in the history books but just because it is my duty. It's because I can do something, so I have to do something."

Rory looks up and him, smiling at him. She can see some purpose and life in his eyes. When a man goes into battle, it is important to know what god he is going to serve. IS he is going to fight because he is full of hate and revenge or because of war and love?

When they first meant, Rory assumed he was just the generic soldier who took orders and fought battles. But saving Selina and then helping the people showed the deep truth. Since meeting him, her belief in him has been proven stronger. She will not allow another god to take him, especially Palapon. Not again.

Feeling Emroy warmth get stronger and satisfied by her plan worked, she takes a step toward and turn around. That is when her arm forms a salute towards him. "I am ready to go to battle Major. Just tell me what to do."

Sharpe chuckles at her and gives her a salute back. He is always surprised by her and the others. Never a dull day in the Special Region. "First, I need to get to my office. Be ready to go when we are called. It can happen anytime in the next forty-eight hours."



--- Sadera, Akusho ---

June 24th, 2025


It has been three weeks since they arrived in Sadera. This part of Sadera is a dump, even by my standards. There is barely any sanitation in this part of the city, no security, or police. Mugged, kidnapped and rape daily, in full view of everyone. No one care, I am in pure shock that Akusho has not descended into pure anarchy.

That is probably because the only real form of governance is the crime lords. Five families who control this city.

Eight years in the Central Intelligence Agency as an undercover agent. Doing the dirty tasked so the Defense Department can look clean for the public.

"James Garcia. I have new orders from Fort Alnus," Sean said. He is one of two agents that came with me to this rat filled city.

"What, another situation report? We haven't had any orders to do anything of substance." James said with some frustration in his voice.

He talks over and takes the radio from Sean.

When they first arrived in this city, they had no idea where to even go. Back on Earth, they have information on every country, agents everywhere. US satellites and cyber division allowed the CIA to see and hear people from any corner on the world if needed.

For the first time in the agency history, they are completely clueless on what to do. They have no infrastructure, no data, no pre-intelligence on the enemy. Hell, they had more information on Afghanistan before the invasion in 2001 – the most isolated part on Earth.

Their job is the fix that, come here and gather as much information they can. How their society works, important culture, even the food they eat. Sounds easy but when we do not even know the people lingo, it is hard to fit in. Easier said than done.

There only been two good things that happen so far on this mission. One is that this Cat-People that the US called Neko allowed them to use her home as a safe house. James thought she wanted them as security, to prevent someone from breaking to do god knows what. Either way, she helped us get up to speed quickly.

The other is making connections with the Crime Lords.

In the five years he has worked in the Middle East, James had to work on a tribal level. Find what the tribe wants and provide it. In return, they help you. In a weird way, the CIA is like a utility company to some of those tribes. The only major difference is that if we screw up, there is a bullet in our head.

"Fort Alnus, this is team lead. What can I do for you?" he asked.

The conversation was far more serious than he expected. He heard about the shootout at the capital but did not have orders to come out of hiding. He asked command what happens, but no information was given, until now.

They informed him of the situation and gave a new order. As he listens, he snaps his fingers, telling the other two to come over.

"Roger that sir. We will get it done." James said over the radio.

Once he puts the radio down, he looks over to his team. "Listen up, it is worse than we thought. Apparently, the Ranger team found one of our civilians as a sex slave. They had to shoot their way out to save her."

"Really? They just found out? We could have told them that. Why did not they assume they had our people," Tycen Taylor said in a cocky no bullshit black southern tone. He is being a bit hyperbolic but still, the people in charged should have figured it out.

"No shit. I think our Director didn't want to get too involved in the fight," Sean responds.

"Agreed. But now it's on the front page, that is our mission. The girl that was rescued said they are at least two left in the city. Maybe more throughout the Empire." James said, explaining his new order. "Our job is to find their location so a strike team can liberate them."

"How the hell are we supposed to do that?" Sean asked, gathering some supplies.

"What is the time frame?" Tycen asked to.

"We have thirty-six hours," he answers.

They stop and look at him.

"Your fucking kidding me," Sean said, annoyed by the timeframe.

"We can go to crime lords. They might be able to buy some information," Tycen throws out an idea.

"At what price," James thinks about the idea. Not seeing a more efficient idea, they should ask two million people in Sadera.

That is when the neko walks in with some tea. Her name is Nelisia. She has short orange hair and has a high spirit of life. From what he knows, she has been alone for a long time.

She owns a business inside her home. She fixes clothing and another textile. Not a lot of money, however, it has kept a roof over her head.

"Be careful in dealing with the Crime Lords. They are only interested in expanding their power and wealth. Especially the Bessara family." Nelisia said to them, trying her best to help.

James sits down on this homemade wooden chair and thinks about her advice. "Thanks for the tip."

"What's the plan blondie?" Sean asked his boss.

Sean is referring to James has his darker blondish hair. That includes his beard. All three of them have beards in some way. All intended to blend in more.

That is when he snaps his fingers with an idea. "We play hardball."

"That a good idea sir? Our job is to be undercover. Not be the Army," Tycen said.

He nods his head as he listens. "Doesn't really matter. The minute we walk into the Crime Lords building, we will have a target on our back."

That is when they all hear Nelisia say something. "Everyone in Akusho already knows you're here. So, I wouldn't worry too much about that."

That would not be the first time she said something like that. However, though it is completely true. It is easy to tell they are not from around here. No one seems to care.

Since they first got here, they rarely have seen the Empire presence here. The only time they have seen an official soldier or politician is when there doing something shady or buying some prostitute. It has been interesting spying g on these elites on what they do in the shadows.

"Let us make a presence. Seal tells command we will need a need to establish a safe house here," he said.

Tycen raises a point. "Didn't we see some warehouse last week? The one with the drugs."

"That warehouse is owned by the Bessara family," Nelisia said, picking up the teacups.

James looks to Nelisia. "Thank you. We can take that from them if they don't want to work with us." He then looks to his team. "Alright, we're going in and see where the cards land. At least one of the families will work with us, under the table."

James then looks at Sean. "Tell command those Marines that are on standby, send them in. I need them to take the warehouse and everything inside. If they have any SFs they can spare, I will be happy to take them. We will go to the family and force their hand."

"Do we have an understanding?" James asked and looked around.

Everyone nods their head. He got the idea from the Dark Knight film. They are crime lords, they only care about one thing, money, and power. We quickly push them and back them into a corner. Give them a choice, give us what we want or die and lose everything. See who breaks and cooperate with us and then eliminate everyone else who does not.





(1)Chapter 40

(2)Chapter 1

(3)Chapter 3

(4)Chapter 5

(5)Chapter 7

(6)Chapter 40

(7)Chapter 42





Special Thanks to fresh_nigga_in_pants, Tomrishman, EmptyDesgin for helping me resolve, fix and explore some character and plot points.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.