Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V02 – Chapter 25 World Order RM


--- Washington D.C., White House --- 

May 12th, 2025


President Emily Potts is sitting in the Oval Office, just finishing the latest reports coming from the Special Region. It has only been a year in her administration and this situation had to drop on her. Since the Gate opened in Philadelphia, it has been a political nightmare, both domestically and internationally. Finding the balance has been near impossible, all her political capital has been used just to maintain some stability.

Sometimes with Americans, you need remind them there are one hundred and ninety-two other nations on the planet, excluding Canada and Mexico. World politics are usually a second though, a topic for podcasts or online channels but an afterthought for the average person.

However, if one day they were attacked, all hell breaks loose. Pearl Harbor, September eleventh, now the Gate attack. The people want results, they want to know they are winning, they want to know if they are safe again. All they want to know is if it is ok to go back to normal. Usual things like thinking the other political party is evil, watching football, and being bored online.

Internationally, that has been even worse. Everyone fears the Gate. It would be more normal if an alien ship came from the sky or the CIA tells the world that Area 51 hosts aliens. No one knows what it is and how it works. Most importantly, it appeared in our country, which many did not like.

The only reason why she allowed NATO to trigger Article Five of the NATO Charter(1). One of the reasons is to show an international response, giving her the ability to sideline the United Nations and other nations she does not want involved. That the United States is not going to withhold the greatest event in Mans history all to itself. Most of the leading countries in the world want to be involved in some matter. Many want the United Nations to take control of the situation, which the American people would never accept.

The Russians, the only reason they have not nuked Philadelphia is behind the scenes guarantees her administration had to do. While most nations want access to the Gate, the Russians want it gone. Probably because they have been invaded many times throughout their history and know the issues of it. Just nuke the problem and move on, ignoring the part that would start World War Three.

Thanks to the US-Soviet Cold War(2), both nations-built ways to communicate with each other to prevent a crisis like the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1961. That has paid off more than anyone wants to know over the years, especially now. We can deal with them, guaranteeing there will not be a second attack from the Gate, allow their scientist and all known knowledge, public and private knowledge to be shared with them, and cash.

The real problem has the Chinese or otherwise known today as the Chinese Empire. Thanks to the War on Terror, the Chinese were able to colonize a small portion of the world without anyone knowing through Debt Trap policy. Besides doing it the European way and occupying the land, they just offered a good deal on loans and then hiked the interest, forcing the nation to surrender their Infrastructure and other things, basically becoming a puppet state.

What finally triggered the new Cold War(3) with China is when it was discovered that the Chinese were funding many of the Cartels in Latin American to destabilize Latin America and the United States and then lying to the world and exploiting the events of the Chinese Coronavirus. It nearly worked and since then, the US has been aggressively trying to push back. Only reason why the US is not in a worse situation as it is because of the amazing allies in the pacific. One of the few regions where we did a lot of good and it is paying off now.

“I like this Emily. I think we have a good situation here,” Secretary of State Bobby Gates said, the head of the State Department.

“What do you mean, all I see is a crisis. Refugees, the United Nations will eat us alive. And what happened in that city, what is the name?” She asked.

“I think Italica,” Gates said.

“Yes, how is this a good situation? We are not fighting for our enemies? Why are we protecting them? The online Media go nuts when this comes out.” She replied as she reads the report.

For the past four months she has been worried of another 2020 civil unrest within the United States. She is also worried of the US looking weak to NATO and other international allies. Right now, the US Army is winning however progressive has been slow. Any show of weakness and everything could explode.

That is when her head military adviser walks in, General Donald Grant. “Hello madam President, hello Bobby. Did you get the latest reports?”

Both looked at him, but she spoke first. “About the attack? Yes.”

“What about the treaty?” Grant asked.

They sit up from their seats. “No, I did not get that report yet. Why not?”

“I don’t know, probably communication delay. We are still working on solving the interference that the Gate produces,” Grant said.

“What is this Treaty?” Bobby said.

Grant sits down next to them. “Nothing special, but we can establish a diplomatic post in Italica, thanks to our involvement. Free trade between our base and that city too. Still too early to tell but it seems like the locals are happy we saved their city.”

“How are we going to close this war? General, what is being accomplished there?” Bobby asked. “The world will flip out. The UN will demand a post there and to be more involved. They just gave them the door they were looking for.” He takes a breath for a second. “And those refugees, this is a crisis in the making.”

She hates the United Nations. For decades, the United States built and funded that organization up for it to betray the US. Just like the World Health Organization, China took over the leadership positions where it counts and how it has a major influence in the organization. They supported communist and anarchist elements within the US in 2020.

She knows if the UN gets a say in the Special Region, they can install Chinese influence and policy while weakening the US position. THe US gains no major benefits for allowing non-western controlled organizations into the Special Region. 

She thinks on what Grant said. He served from the very beginning of the War on Terror(4), so she has a mutual respect with him.

She thinks about the situation and sees a golden opportunity. During her military career she wished the military brass gave junior officers more freedom on the frontlines. To do what needs to be done to win the war.

They formed alliances with villages through Iraq and Afghanistan. The key to winning the wars and defeating the enemy was to show the local population that they are not there to destroy their way of life, burn their homes to the ground but there to help.

“No,” She said as she leans back in her chair. “This is an opportunity. Who did this?”

Grant and Bobby look confused. “What do you mean by who?”

“Correct me if I am wrong but wasn’t it the same soldier who helped those refugees and at Italica?” She asked. “I noticed this name in past reports.”

Grant looks at his report on his tablet. “Major Jackson Sharpe of the 75th Rangers, recently assigned to the Rangers two month before the war. He led the evacuation effort and stopped a ‘Flame Dragon’ from killing a bunch of villagers. He made an alliance with a magic user and Rory Mercury, a demigoddess. They are helping us in the war. He was the only at Italica who helped save the treaty and forged a treaty with the city.”

“Tell me about him,” She orders and then looks down at her tablet, pulling up his information.

Grant looks through his file. “Very interesting. Enlisted in the Army right after high school and went to West Point. Average grades but General Holland took interest in him and placed him under his wing. Graduated in 2016.” He read a little before continuing. “Skip two years and then he went to 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment, Delta. Under General Holland sponsorship.”

“He does not sound special there General,” Bobby said, not impressed. “Why would he pick someone like that?”

“Grades are not everything Bobby,” She replied. “I had Cs all throughout high school and now I am President.”

“You should be, he is highly recommended by Major General Holland, head of SOCOM(5). “He was part of the unit that saved the North Korean leader right before the peace process in 2020. Both of his commanding officers were taken out, he took command and mission accomplished.” Grant finished.

“Let me read the report again,” she said as she grabs her tablet. Grant sends her the 2020 North Korea mission report.

Kim Jong-un and his loyalists felt that China was encroaching onto their sovereignty. China through its One Belt Initiative and String of Pearls Initiative has had them encroached or flat out invade countries sovereignty.

The North Korea Peace Process, a six year ago tensions between our nations ended. North Korea almost entered a civil war as different factions tried to claim power in 2020 during the global pandemic.

While Kim Jong-un is an evil man, he was trying to restore some relations with South Korea and the United States to prevent China from threatening his rule. The normalizations of relations were very controversial at the times, many saying the US should not ally with an evil country like North Korea. However, the US has a long history working with evil and morally objectionable nations to maintain global stability and to maintain American hegemony.

When the pandemic hit in 2020 Kim Jong-un got infected and went into a coma putting all peace processes in doubt. His sister Kim Yo Jong tried to take control of the government and reverse all gains that were made. When her brother entered a coma, she started a quick purge in the country to gain power and ask her puppet master China help.

The Chinese sent in a Jiaolong Assault Team Special Force unit to assassinate their leader, to prevent the North from going into the United States sphere of influence. They would support his sister and place her on the throne and blame the United States for his death.

The only reason why the US has an informal peace with North Korea is because thirty-three of Delta Force troops, and thirty-one South Korean Black Berets died in protecting that bastard. The moment Pacific Command learned of what was going on they sent in Delta Force to protect the lead. It was a suicide mission however it was that or possible war.

Almost all of the Delta and Black Berets died in that operation however the mission was a success. It was a slaughter on both sides however they were able to protect Kim Jong-un. Loyal North Korean Special Forces came and saved the survivors.

At the time Captain Sharpe led the remaining US, ROK-SWC(5) and KPASOF(6) Special Forces to kill Kim Yo Jong. She refused to surrender and if she escaped to China, which would spark a Hot War. Sharpe killed her which he nearly lost his life.

Thank god it was not for nothing. Relations are still rocky with North Korea but better than the historical average. The missiles are not pointed to the US and Japan now and that is all that matters.

Because of the Chinese Covid-19 both the US and China were able to use to explain Kim Yo Jong death and prevent a war and the world population never learned how close they were to World War Three.

Because Sharpe was forced to take command when all his superiors were killed and killed Kim Yo Jong, he was promoted to Major and given his own Delta command. From there he led missions all-over South-East Asia.

“That is enough, he knows what is going on. He seems to have his head to the ground,” She said as pondering on that information.

“For the record madam President, he does not have a clean record. There have been some mixed situations in his record. Take everything with a grain of salt.” Grant said. “I just want to give you both sides of him.”

“No,” she replied, now leaning over her desk. “I think I get the picture. Geopolitics is not a theory to him in a classroom, he lives it every day. He understands how to ready the facts on the ground and see the big picture. He provided us an opportunity; we need to take it. What is happening at Alnus Hill with the refugees?”

They look at their paperwork. Usually White House staff already know what is going on and have answers for their President. Everything with the Gate is unknown territory, there is no rule book here so were all just making it up as we go. We have a manual if gray or green aliens just land in the farmer front lawn but nothing like this.

“To help relieve resources of the base, Lieutenant General Stanford allowed them to build a small community close to the base,” Bobby said. “But I have issues with this, now we must protect them, provide resources to them. They are the enemy, why are we…”

He was cut off by her. “No, only if we say that. We need to control the message here. We are not at war with everyone in that world. We can have peace, dialogue with them. This is great, we can allow the UN to establish a culture center there.”

“With our supervision correct?” Bobby asked.

She nods in agreement. “That should hold them off for now. That also showed that we are not going there to conquer them and steal their resources. That should be good for PR(7) and deflect statements that this is another American Imperialism act.”

Everyone agrees, now seeing the opportunity.

Grant then thinks and puts down his tablet. “What about the nations who want access?”

“No, we have full control of the Gate. Period. We will only allow troops from NATO and our other allies,” she states. “However, everyone will be allowed to bring items that they believe will represent their nation's culture at the center. That should confuse the Chinese for a while until we get a better handle on the situation.”

“I will get the details ready for you.” Bobby said, writing down notes.

“Speaking of other countries, I do have a list of nations who want to get involved,” Grant brings up.

Like always, the US is doing most of the heavy lifting, while we complain about that, we prefer that. We do not want our allies to be strong or too weak. Currently the US has Canada, Japan, France, Italy, Australia, and the United Kingdom through the Gate. The Other NATO Nations are mobilizing for war, these make up the major players who will be fighting at this stage of the war.

What surprised them all, Japan was the first to offer military assistance to the United States, catching NATO off guard. There are many theories why they did but mainly because a new ‘Special Relation’ is being formed between us and them. Others also think that this is a show of force that Japan is no longer this isolated tiger and willing to take a role in the world.

This shacked both the UK and France. The English feel threatened by this new relationship and want to show they are still kicking. And France, they will not want to be left out.

“I have Czech Republic, Poland, the Baltic States on the line,” Grant said. “Only a small force but they want to help provide security.”

“Approve,” she said. “It will still piss off the Russians and Chinese off however allowing our smaller NATO allies will help keep the international pressure off us.”

“Alright Gentlemen, I think this is good for tonight,” she said. “Now I need to talk to Prime Minister Narayana Chetti about the recent border clashes.”

Narayana Chetti, the Prime Minister of India. While western media is focused on the South Pacific China over the past few decades have been aggressively encroaching into territory on their western borders. They are currently occupying territory from India, Nepal, Afghanistan, and others.





(1)Article Five - “The principle of collective defence is at the very heart of NATO’s founding treaty. It remains a unique and enduring principle that binds its members together, committing them to protect each other and setting a spirit of solidarity within the Alliance.”

(2)US-Soviet Cold War. 1947- 1991 between NATO and the Warsaw Pact

(3)Sino-US Cold War 2020-Present (Still under debate on what year it started. Common year is 2020 while others because it started back in 1997)

(3)SOCOM = United States Special Operations Command

(4)War of Terror started 2001-present

(5)ROK-SWC = Republic of Korea Army Special Warfare Command

(6) KPASOF = Korean People's Army Special Operation Force

(7)PR = Public Relations


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