Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch80- The World Shall Forget Pain

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Returning to the night of the legendary battle between Namikaze Minato & Uzumaki Kushina vs Uchiha Fugaku & Kyubi...

In the aftermath of the catastrophic clash that shook the very foundations of Konoha, the world of the shinobi was forever altered. Away from the chaos, a pivotal moment unfolded in the shadows, unbeknownst to many. Madara Uchiha, the enigmatic and feared figure of legend, lay on his deathbed. His body, once a vessel of unparalleled power, was now succumbing to the ravages of time and relentless warfare.

In these final hours, Madara's mind was consumed not with regrets but with a singular, burning purpose: to pass on his legacy. His keen eyes, which had seen through countless deceptions and battles, had found the ideal successor - a young Uzumaki boy, Hirato, no older than ten. The child, bearing the potential of both the Uzumaki and Namikaze bloodlines, held untapped potential that Madara yearned to mold.

Zetsu, ever the faithful servant, had discovered Hirato in the aftermath of the titanic battle and presented him to Madara. The boy's latent capabilities, coupled with his Uzumaki heritage, presented an opportunity too significant for Madara to ignore. In Hirato, he saw a vessel capable of harboring his grand designs and a spirit resilient enough to endure the path that lay ahead.

Madara wasted no time. His teachings were not mere techniques or skills; they were the distilled essence of a lifetime spent in pursuit of power and understanding. He imparted to Hirato the intricacies of ninjutsu, the subtleties of strategy, and, most crucially, his ideology. Madara's vision was of a world reshaped, a reality where peace could be achieved by isolating everyone into individual dream-states, where everyone could acquire what they desired most. He sought to instill in Hirato a burning ambition to rise against Konoha and the Uchiha clan, to become an instrument of his unfulfilled aspirations.

In a gesture symbolizing the significance of his decision, Madara entrusted Hirato with his Rinnegan - eyes that had become synonymous with extraordinary power. This act was not just a mere transfer of ability but a connection of destinies. The Rinnegan, with its immense power, would serve as the key to unlocking Hirato's destiny as Madara had envisioned.

The melding of Uzumaki vitality with the profound power of the Rinnegan was further augmented by a daring intervention - the infusion of Hashirama's cells into Hirato's body. This action, carefully orchestrated by Madara and executed by Zetsu, represented a risk taken to amplify Hirato's capabilities significantly. Madara believed that this fusion of bloodlines would play a crucial role in realizing his grand plan.

Yet, Madara's instruction extended beyond the physical and technical aspects of being a ninja. He carefully manipulated the boy's mind, employing psychological techniques and emotional conditioning to ensure unwavering loyalty to his cause. The Uzumaki was molded into a devoted instrument, ready to carry out any act to fulfill their shared goals.

Madara passed away with a sense of satisfaction, knowing that his legacy would continue through the boy. He had found the ideal successor to bear his mantle, confident that the Hirato would be a formidable force, armed with the Rinnegan and the might of Hashirama's genes.

Upon Madara's passing, the boy was overcome with grief. In their brief time together, Madara had become a mentor, imparting a wealth of knowledge. He had shown him the ways of the ninja, warfare, and strategy, leaving the Hirato deeply indebted.

After preserving Madara's body, the boy, accompanied by Zetsu, embarked on a journey across the world to hone his skills. He longed to reunite with his siblings, uncertain of their fate. However, Zetsu, the master spy, skillfully prevented any potential encounters, following Madara's plans.

As they traveled, the boy couldn't help but think about Madara. He missed his wise advice, his gentle smile, and his warm embrace. He had so many questions that he wanted to ask Madara, so many things he wanted to learn from him. But now, he was gone, and the Uzumaki felt like a part of him was missing.

Despite the challenges, the Uzumaki pushed himself to become stronger and more skilled. He trained harder than ever before, using the lessons that Madara had taught him to become a formidable ninja. He honed his skills and improved his abilities, determined to become the best ninja he could be.

As a year passed, the boy grew stronger and more skilled, but he never forgot about his siblings. The pain of their loss was always with him, and he would often dream of the day when he could be reunited with them.

The boy had always struggled with the power of the Rinnegan, which he had acquired after Madara's death. He was one of the few people in the world who had the ability to use it, but he never felt comfortable with its immense power. However, as he continued to train and hone his abilities, he discovered that he could do something that was thought to be impossible. He could turn his eyes back to their normal appearance, something that was never possible for someone who had transplanted eyes.

As he continued to train, Hirato discovered that he could even change his eyes to the Sharingan and Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. He was amazed by this development and knew that he had to train even harder to master these new abilities. Zetsu, despite being equally shocked, took it upon himself to train young Hirato. During their training sessions, Zetsu showed the Uzumaki the Mangekyou Sharingan had unique abilities. The boy was amazed at the power he could wield with this new ability and was eager to learn more.

Zetsu taught the Uzumaki how to use the Mangekyou Sharingan to control the minds of his enemies that worked better than normal Sharingan abilities, allowing him to manipulate them to his will.

Despite all this, the boy remained focused on his training and on the plan that Madara and Zetsu had set for him. He knew that it was important and that he had to be strong enough to carry it out. And so, he continued his journey, determined to become the ninja that Madara had envisioned.

As Hirato and Zetsu continued their journey, the world beyond the boundaries of Konoha unfolded before Hirato's eyes in all its stark reality. With each village, each encounter, Hirato's understanding of the world deepened, and so did his conviction in Madara's teachings. The more he saw, the more he realized the truth in Madara's words: the world was indeed an ugly place, marred by endless cycles of war, hatred, and suffering.

They traversed through war-torn lands where the air was thick with despair, through towns where the shadows of starvation and poverty stretched long and unyielding. Hirato witnessed the raw, unfiltered nature of humanity - jealousy that turned brother against brother, hatred that fueled endless conflicts, and atrocities committed in the name of power and fear. The screams of the oppressed and the silence of the defeated echoed in his ears, painting a grim picture of the world.

In every corner, there were stories of suffering and injustice. Hirato saw how power corrupted, how fear twisted hearts, and how desperation led to unspeakable acts. This was a world where kindness was a rarity, and cruelty was the currency of survival. The more he observed, the more he understood that this cycle of pain and retribution seemed endless, a perpetual engine driving the world towards its own demise.

Zetsu, ever the architect of shadows, carefully guided Hirato through these experiences. Each event, each revelation, was meticulously planned to further push Hirato towards the darkness. In Hirato's mind, the world was beyond salvation, a cruel stage where the worst of humanity was on constant display. The only path that seemed to offer a semblance of order, of justice, was the one laid out by Madara. In this chaotic world, Madara's vision appeared as the only beacon of light, the only solution to the world's inherent flaws.

The darkness of the world seeped into Hirato, coloring his thoughts and reinforcing his belief in Madara's ideology. He began to see himself not just as a student of Madara but as a harbinger of his will, destined to bring about the change that the world so desperately needed, yet so vehemently resisted. The atrocities he witnessed solidified his resolve; the cries of despair became the fuel for his journey.

As they traveled from one land to another, Hirato's skills grew, as did his cynicism. He became more adept at reading the undercurrents of human nature, understanding the complexities and the dualities that governed it. This journey was not just about physical training; it was an education in the harsh realities of life, a lesson in the darkness that resided in the heart of the world.

In Hirato's heart, a resolve took root, firm and unshakeable. He would be the agent of change, the hand that would reshape the world. He would carry Madara's legacy, not just as a mantle but as a crusade against the chaos and depravity he had witnessed. The world needed a new order, a new vision, and Hirato was ready to be the vanguard of that revolution.

With each passing day, the young Uzumaki, once a boy lost in the shadows of his lineage, grew into a figure ready to cast his own shadow across the world. His journey with Zetsu was more than a path of training; it was a descent into the depths of reality, where the only way out was to embrace the darkness and become its master.

As Hirato stood amidst the ruins of a once vibrant village, now a silent testament to the cruelty of the world, a profound realization dawned upon him. The air was heavy with the echoes of lost dreams and unfulfilled promises, and it was here, in this desolate place, that he found the words to articulate the truth that had been growing within him:

"Pain. There is only pain in this world. Everywhere I look, I see it - in the eyes of the children orphaned by war, in the despair of families torn apart, in the hearts of those betrayed by their own kin. It's as if pain is the only common language that all people understand, the only emotion we all share. But it's ugly, it's corrupting. It seeps into the soul and leaves nothing but scars and bitterness.

"Everywhere I go, I see the same story repeating itself – people either suffer or inflict suffering upon others. It's a cycle, endless and cruel. Yet, it's the only truth that seems to resonate with every soul, a language spoken without words, understood without explanation.

"But let me then... Let me embrace this common tongue. Let me become the embodiment of pain. If pain is what unites us, then I shall take it upon myself. I will bear the agony, the anguish, the torment. I will be the vessel of this world's suffering. In doing so, maybe I can save this world from it. Maybe in understanding pain in its purest form, I can find a way to break this cycle, to offer a path that leads away from this darkness.

"Let me suffer for all of you. Let me be the one who endures the pain so that others might find peace. In my suffering, I will seek the salvation of this world. This is the path I choose, the burden I accept. Through pain, I will find the strength to change this world, to bring about the vision that Madara saw. Through pain, I will forge a new destiny, not just for myself, but for all those who are lost in this cycle of suffering.

"This is my vow, my purpose. I am Hirato Namikaze, and I will become the embodiment of pain to save this world from its own agony. The world shall forget pain."

In that moment, Hirato's voice was more than just a declaration of his resolve; it was a clarion call to a new era, an era where he would rise as a beacon in the darkness, guiding the world towards a future where pain was no longer the language of the human heart but echo of hope, a universal chorus that bound all of humanity together in the pursuit of a brighter tomorrow.


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