Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch56- Horyu Shall Know Pain!

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I have edited the Auxiliary Chapter. Added Avarage Stats for compression also Horyu's stats based on current chapter. 


Horyu then shook his head, dismissing the success of their current practice with a hint of dissatisfaction. "I am lacking experience," he declared bluntly.

His clone tilted its head, echoing Horyu's analytical demeanor. "What kind of experiences are you referring to?" it asked.

Horyu tapped his chin thoughtfully. "How does a sword cut feel? I've been grazed by kunai and shuriken, but not a sword." His voice carried a tone of contemplation, as if he were pondering a complex problem.

A chuckle escaped him, the sound rich with dark amusement. The clone looked at him quizzically. "What are you laughing at?" it inquired.

With a smirk playing on his lips, Horyu shared, "While shooting 'Lord of the Rings', the director asked Sir Christopher Lee to make more noise when he was stabbed in a scene. And Sir Lee said, 'Do you know how people sound when they're stabbed? Because I do.'" His chuckle deepened. "You see, Sir Lee was in the secret services, after all. So, imagine me using my half-assed Genjutsu on someone who's survived real wars. Wouldn't I embarrass myself like that director?"

The clone, mirroring Horyu's smirk, responded, "So, you're saying we need to understand real pain, real sensations, to make our Genjutsu more authentic."

"Exactly," Horyu affirmed. "It's about authenticity. We can't fool someone who's experienced the real thing with a poorly crafted illusion. Our Genjutsu needs to be as close to reality as possible. Otherwise, it's just child's play."

The clone nodded, processing this new directive. "Then how do we gain such experience? We can't just go around getting sliced by swords."

Horyu smirked, his eyes gleaming with a blend of mischief and anticipation. "Why not?" he mused aloud, enjoying the perplexed expression on his clone's face.

The clone took a step back, its voice tinged with caution. "Hey, calm down. You're not actually asking me to cut you, right?"

Horyu's grin widened, a dark humor evident in his tone. "Oh, my dear clone, why would I hurt myself?"

The clone sighed in relief, about to voice another question, but before it could finish, it looked down in shock. A sword, materializing from thin air, impaled its stomach. "Bas-tard," it managed to say before dissipating into a puff of smoke.

Horyu remained still for a moment, absorbing the sensations and memories passed on by the dismissed clone. "So this is how it feels," he whispered to himself, his grin still firmly in place.

With a flick of his wrist, he called out, "Kage Bunshin!" Instantly, several clones materialized around him, each shivering in apparent fear.

"Alright, listen up," Horyu began, his tone authoritative and devoid of any warmth. "We're here to learn, to experience. To make our Genjutsu unbeatable."

One clone, seemingly braver than the rest, spoke up. "But at what cost? You're talking about inflicting real pain, real fear..."

Horyu's eyes narrowed. "Exactly. Real pain, real fear. How can I create a convincing illusion of something I've never felt? If I want my Genjutsu to be effective against seasoned shinobi, I need to understand these sensations intimately."

Another clone interjected, its voice shaky. "But isn't this a bit... extreme?"

Horyu scoffed, his voice laced with sarcasm. "Extreme? This is the shinobi world, not a playground. We're not here to play nice. We're here to become the most formidable shinobi possible."

He paced in front of the clones, his gaze piercing. "You think our enemies will hold back? That they'll care about our comfort? No. They'll exploit every weakness, every lack of experience."

A clone on the edge of the group nervously asked, "But how far are we willing to go? Where do we draw the line?"

Horyu stopped and faced the clone, his expression cold. "The line is where our enemies draw it. We're not just learning techniques; we're preparing for war. Our enemies won't hesitate to use every dirty trick in the book. Why should we?"

He turned away, his voice hardening. "We'll start with basic pain tolerance. I want to know exactly how much we can endure."

The clones exchanged anxious glances, but none dared to question Horyu further. They knew the path they had embarked upon was not for the faint-hearted.

Horyu continued, his tone devoid of any empathy. "We'll take turns. One will experience the pain, the others will observe and learn. This way, we'll build a comprehensive understanding of physical sensations."

A clone, its voice laced with apprehension, asked, "And after pain tolerance?"

Horyu turned, his eyes reflecting a dark determination. "Fear. We need to understand fear in its rawest form. Only then can we truly manipulate it."

The clones looked at each other, a sense of dread settling over them. But they knew there was no turning back. Horyu's methods were harsh, but they were necessary for the path he had chosen.

As the night deepened, Horyu and his clones delved into their grueling training regime. They explored the limits of pain and fear, pushing boundaries further than they had ever imagined. Each clone's dismissal added another piece to the puzzle, another layer to Horyu's understanding.

Hours passed, and as dawn approached, only Horyu remained. He sat there, his breathing steady, a sense of profound knowledge reflecting in his eyes. He had delved into the depths of human sensation and emerged with a newfound understanding. But he was feeling like shit. The night's grueling training had pushed his limits, testing his pain threshold and his understanding of fear. As he sat there, muscles aching and mind reeling, he called out to his system interface. "System, show me how much I improved."

A translucent screen appeared in front of him, displaying his progress:

[System Message: Progress Update

Genjutsu Manipulation:

Basic Senses Mastery:

Sight Mastery: 8%

Hearing Mastery: 7%

Taste Mastery: 4%

Touch Mastery: 5%

Smell Mastery: 4%

Secondary Senses Mastery:

Balance and Acceleration: 3%

Pain: 10%

Temperature Awareness: 6%

Kinesthesia(The sense of muscle movement): 2%

Hunger and Thirst: 1%

Time Perception: 0%

Space Mastery: 0%

Emotions Mastery: 1%

Physical Response Mastery:

Arousal: 0%

Sexual Acts: 0%

Mist Servant Technique (Level 7)]

Checking his progress, Horyu felt a twinge of relief mixed with satisfaction. The pain was worth it. He stood up, his body protesting, and made his way to the bath. As hot water cascaded over him, washing away the physical and mental residue of the night, he couldn't help but smirk. "At least I know what dying feels like."

He chuckled darkly. Technically, he had died twice. Once in his past life, though he couldn't remember it, and as Horyu. The original owner of this body had died from a common cold. The absurdity of it always amused him.

After meditating for an hour, centering himself and aligning his thoughts, Horyu got ready for the day ahead. He donned his gear and walked towards Training Ground 8. Another day, another adventure.


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