Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch54- Finer Aspects of Genjutsu

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Horyu's expression hardened slightly, a reflection of his determination. "Then let's start with the basics. What's the first technique you'd recommend?"

Kurenai thought for a moment. "Let's begin with the 'Mist Servant Technique'. It's a Genjutsu that creates illusory duplicates of yourself, confusing the enemy. It's a good starting point for understanding visual manipulation."

As Kurenai demonstrated the technique, Horyu practiced intently, dissecting each movement and chakra flow. He struggled initially, the illusion flickering and unstable. But with persistent effort, he started getting the hang of it, the duplicates becoming more solid and convincing.

[System Message: New Quest - "Master of Illusions"

Description: Master the 'Mist Servant Technique' and use it effectively in a sparring session.


Learn and refine the 'Mist Servant Technique'.

Successfully employ it in a sparring session with a teammate.

Rewards: 500 exp, Basic Genjutsu Scroll(E-Rank)]

Horyu's eyes flickered with excitement at the new quest. "Challenge accepted," he muttered to himself, his usual cynical edge replaced with a determined focus.

Kurenai observed him closely, noting his quick adaptation. "You're catching on fast, Horyu. But remember, the key to a successful Genjutsu is not just in its casting but in how you integrate it into your overall strategy."

Horyu nodded. "It's not just about deceiving the eyes. It's about deceiving the mind."

"Correct," Kurenai said. "Now, let's integrate some auditory illusions into the technique. Add the sound of footsteps, or the rustling of clothes. Make the illusion as real as possible."

Horyu surprised Kurenai by sitting down on the ground and closing his eyes instead of immediately engaging in execution or further training. Kurenai, intrigued by his unexpected action, watched as Horyu's expression became pensive.

At that moment, Horyu realized something crucial. Kurenai's words had inadvertently provided him with a profound insight. He possessed the Flame Control Technique, which had taught him the significance of understanding the core principles of an art rather than merely learning specific techniques. Similar to how he had learned to manipulate fire itself instead of memorizing pre-existing Fire Jutsu, he now aimed to comprehend the fundamental essence of Genjutsu as an art form, rather than acquiring individual Genjutsu techniques.

Deep in thought, Horyu began to dissect the Mist Servant Technique, breaking it down to its most basic components. He analyzed the Genjutsu's foundation, pondering the intricacies of the sensory manipulation it entailed. He considered what senses were targeted by this particular Genjutsu and how it influenced the victim's perception. His mind worked meticulously, unraveling the technique's secrets layer by layer.

Horyu sat cross-legged on the ground, his eyes closed in deep concentration. He was unraveling the Mist Servant Technique, peeling back its layers with the precision of a surgeon. Kurenai, watching him, could barely contain her excitement. She recognized the signs of a true Genjutsu prodigy.

"The visual component is straightforward," Horyu murmured to himself, dissecting the technique in his mind. "It's about creating a believable image. But that's just the surface. There's more beneath."

Kurenai, unable to resist, interjected eagerly. "Yes, Horyu! It's not just about what the eyes see. It's about convincing the mind that what it sees is real. You're manipulating perception at a deeper level."

Horyu opened one eye and looked at her. "So, it's like convincing someone that the illusion is reality. Playing on their expectations and exploiting their assumptions."

"Exactly!" Kurenai responded, her voice tinged with enthusiasm. "And remember, each sense you manipulate adds another layer of complexity to the Genjutsu."

Horyu nodded, his expression serious. "So, for the Mist Servant Technique, it's not just about creating visual duplicates. I need to weave in auditory elements, maybe even tactile ones."

Kurenai was impressed. "Most Genin don't grasp these nuances so quickly. You're thinking on a whole other level."

Horyu smirked slightly. "I've always had a knack for understanding complex systems. Genjutsu is just another puzzle to solve."

Kurenai stepped closer, her tone becoming more instructive. "Now, let's break it down further. Start with the visual aspect. What are you trying to achieve with the illusion?"

Horyu closed his eyes again, focusing. "I'm creating duplicates of myself. They need to be convincing enough to draw the opponent's attention, to make them believe they're real."

"And how will you achieve that?" Kurenai prodded.

"By mimicking my own movements, but also introducing slight variations. Unpredictability adds to the illusion's effectiveness," Horyu explained, his mind already strategizing.

Kurenai nodded. "Good. Now, let's add the auditory layer. What sounds would your duplicates make?"

"Footsteps, the rustle of clothing, maybe even breathing," Horyu listed, his thought process detailed and methodical.

"Right. And each sound needs to be synchronized with the visual aspect. Timing is crucial," Kurenai added.

Horyu's expression turned thoughtful. "So, it's like orchestrating a symphony. Every element needs to be in harmony."

"Precisely," Kurenai confirmed. "Now, let's test it out. Create a few duplicates and let's see how well they hold up."

Horyu stood up, his chakra flowing as he executed the technique. Mist-like figures began to materialize around him, each moving independently yet in a coordinated manner. The sound of footsteps and the rustle of clothing filled the air, adding to the realism of the illusion.

Kurenai observed closely, trying to find flaws in the Genjutsu. To her amazement, the duplicates were almost indistinguishable from Horyu himself. She attempted to strike one, only to find her hand passing through mist.

"Very impressive, Horyu. Your control and execution are exceptional," Kurenai praised, her voice reflecting genuine admiration.

Horyu allowed the duplicates to dissipate, a faint smile on his lips. "It's a start. But I need to refine it further. Make it more complex, more deceptive."

Kurenai's eyes sparkled with excitement. "You have a natural talent for Genjutsu. With proper training, you could become one of the best."

Horyu's smirk widened, as he thought 'I plan to be more than just 'one of the best'. I aim to redefine what's possible with Genjutsu.'

As they resumed training, Horyu felt a new quest notification pop up in his system interface. He checked it mentally, a sense of anticipation building within him.

[System Message: New Quest - "Illusionary Maestro"

Description: Develop a new, unique Genjutsu technique that combines multiple sensory manipulations.


Conceptualize and create a new Genjutsu technique.

Test the technique in a controlled environment.

Refine the technique based on feedback and results.

Rewards: 1000 exp, Genjutsu Scroll(Same Rank as the Genjutsu you created)]

Horyu's mind was already racing with ideas, his creative gears turning. "Time to push the boundaries," he thought, his eyes gleaming with the thrill of the challenge ahead.

Hours later, under the shade of a tall oak, Horyu sat, panting from the rigorous training session. Kurenai, equally winded, sat across from him. They had spent the afternoon delving into the finer details of Genjutsu, both in theory and practice. As they took a moment to rest, Kurenai's expression turned slightly sheepish, a hint of a blush coloring her cheeks.

"Horyu, there's another aspect of Genjutsu I think you're ready to hear about," Kurenai began, her voice a mix of seriousness and slight embarrassment. "It's a more... delicate topic, but an important one, especially in the realm of information gathering and manipulation."

Horyu raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Go on, Sensei."

Kurenai cleared her throat. "Well, in the world of shinobi, especially for kunoichi, there are situations where... seduction and sexual manipulation become necessary tools. It's not about the physical act, but the psychological aspect. We can use Genjutsu to trigger certain... responses."

Horyu nodded, his face impassive but his mind actively processing the information. "You mean inducing arousal without physical contact, manipulating the senses to believe in a sexual encounter."

"Exactly," Kurenai confirmed. "It's a subtle art. We can create illusions that evoke responses in the target's body - responses like arousal. The brain is tricked into experiencing sexual stimulation without any actual physical interaction."

"So, it's like hacking into the deepest, most primal part of someone's mind," Horyu mused. "Triggering sexual responses purely through illusion."

Kurenai nodded, impressed by his straightforward approach to the topic. "Yes, and while it can be a powerful tool, it's also a dangerous one. It requires a deep understanding of human psychology and physiology."

Horyu's expression turned thoughtful. "This aspect of Genjutsu... it's more than just deception. It's about wielding control over the most intimate senses."

"Indeed," Kurenai agreed. "It's used sparingly and only when necessary. But understanding this technique will give you a significant edge, especially in espionage and intelligence missions."

Horyu leaned back against the tree, his eyes narrowing in contemplation. "It's a fine line between manipulation and violation. But in the shinobi world, such tools are essential."

Kurenai nodded solemnly. "Remember, with great power comes great despicability. This knowledge should be used judiciously."

Horyu's gaze drifted off, lost in thought. After a moment, he refocused on Kurenai. "I understand the weight of this technique. I'll approach it with the caution and respect it deserves."


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