Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch44- Bunny

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As he emerged from the bath, Horyu felt a renewed sense of vigor. He glanced at the system messages, nodding in approval at his progress. "Good, but not enough. There's always room to grow," he muttered to himself, his voice echoing slightly in the quiet room.

He opted for meditation instead of sleep, knowing that his Meditation skill would rejuvenate him just as effectively. Settling into a comfortable position, he closed his eyes and slipped into a deep, restorative trance.

[System Message: Meditation Bonus Activated. Chakra Regeneration Rate increased by 40%. Mental Fatigue Reduced.]

In his meditative state, Horyu reflected on the upcoming Blood Test. 'A real challenge,' he thought. 'But challenges are just opportunities in disguise.'

He was roused from his meditation by the first light of dawn. Rising to his feet, he felt refreshed and alert, ready to face the day's trials.

[System Message: Meditation Complete. Chakra Fully Restored. Mental Acuity Enhanced.]

Remembering the Blood Test, Horyu sighed, his tone laced with cynicism. "Let's kill some cute bunnies, I guess." The idea struck him as twisted. While he held no qualms about killing in self-defense or for a mission, the idea of killing animals for the sake of a test seemed pointless. "Well, at least if we can cook and eat them, it won't be a total waste," he mused, always looking for practicality in every action.

As he prepared for the day, Horyu's mind was already strategizing. 'The first stage of the test,' he thought. 'It's more than just hunting rabbits. It's about assessing our resolve and adaptability.' He placed Chucky, his chakra sword on his back, before heading out to meet his team.

Meeting Hinata and Shino at the designated location, Horyu noted the determination in their eyes. "Ready for the test?" he asked, his voice carrying a hint of command.

Hinata nodded, her newfound confidence evident. "I am. Thanks to our training."

Shino, adjusting his glasses, simply replied, "Let's proceed."

They met with Kurenai, where Teams 10 and 7, led by Asuma and Itachi, respectively, were already waiting. The air was heavy with anticipation and a hint of underlying tension. When everyone had gathered, Kurenai, Asuma, and Itachi wished them luck and directed them to go inside the Academy, where they would receive further instructions for the Blood Test.

Horyu, flanked by Hinata and Shino, walked with a determined stride, his eyes scanning the surroundings with keen observation. Ino, leading her own team, moved ahead confidently, while Sasuke, with an air of arrogance, led his team, although Kiba couldn’t help but assert his desire to prove his dominance.

Upon entering, they were greeted by the sight of two Jounin instructors. The first was a tall, intimidating figure with a scar running down across his face, his eyes sharp and assessing. The other was a woman with a wild, almost predatory aura about her, her violet hair and mischievous smile adding to her enigmatic presence.

Horyu's lips curled into a slight, cynical smile. Ibiki Morino and Anko Mitarashi, he thought, recognizing the notorious interrogator and the infamous kunoichi. Their presence alone indicated the seriousness of the test.

The first instructor, with his piercing gaze, addressed the Genin. "I am your proctor for the first stage of the Blood Test," he stated, his voice devoid of warmth. "This test is designed to evaluate your resolve as a Shinobi."

The second instructor, with a sly grin, added, "And I'll be overseeing the second stage. Trust me, you'll find it... enlightening."

Ibiki Morino, the stern and intimidating figure, stepped forward, addressing the gathered Genin with a cold, calculating gaze. "I am Ibiki, and this is Anko," he said, gesturing towards the woman with the wild aura. "Follow me."

The group followed Ibiki to the garden, where a fence enclosed an area filled with dozens of bunnies of various colors. Ibiki pointed to the animals. "You are to pick a bunny," he instructed. "These are special bunnies, adept at smelling blood. They will be your companions in the upcoming task. Feed them, water them, and connect with them. If they don't like you, you will fall behind."

Horyu, internally cursing at the twisted nature of the test, remained outwardly calm. 'Bastards,' he thought. Thanks to his System, he knew the real nature of the first Blood Test – they would be ordered to kill these bunnies.

Ibiki was purposefully saying they needed to bond, then would order them to kill bunnies. This was cruel, even for someone like Ibiki. In this world, animals weren't just beasts, but also companions. It was a universal truth that every Shinobi and Kunoichi had a Summon Companion. These bonds were not to be taken lightly, for they were forged through trust, shared experiences, and unwavering loyalty.

Thus, the people of this world were inherently more empathic. The connection they shared with their animal companions ran deep, and the thought of taking an innocent creature's life was abhorrent to them. It was a reminder of the delicate balance between humanity and nature that they all respected.

This was twisted indeed. Ibiki's orders went against the very essence of their ninja code, where loyalty to one's comrades and respect for life, no matter how small, were sacrosanct principles.

Horyu scrutinized the bunnies through the lens of his 'Observe' skill, his expression unreadable as he calculated his next move. The System interface shimmered into view, revealing vital information about each bunny. He was specifically looking for those that were either sick or weak, to alleviate the guilt of what he suspected was to come.

[System Message:

Bunny #1: Healthy, Energetic.

Bunny #2: Slightly Weak, Lethargic.

Bunny #3: Sick, Low Vitality.

Bunny #4: Healthy, Aggressive.

Bunny #5: Healthy, Skittish.

Bunny #6: Sick, Low Vitality.

Bunny #7: Healthy, Docile.

Bunny #8: Weak, Mild Infection.

Bunny #9: Healthy, Playful.

Bunny #10: Sick, Low Vitality.]

Horyu's gaze lingered on Bunny #3, #6, and #8. These were the ones. He picked them for himself, Hinata, and Shino, ensuring that they wouldn't become too attached.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Ino approaching a bunny pure white. He leaned towards her, his voice low but firm, "Pick the one with brown spots."

Ino, initially blushing at Horyu's unexpected approach, quickly turned serious as she followed his suggestion. Choosing the bunny with brown spots, she didn't quite understand why she trusted Horyu's judgment, but something in his tone suggested he knew more than he let on. The chosen bunny, characterized by its anger issues, snapped at her and refused to cooperate, ensuring Ino wouldn't form a strong bond with it.

After everyone had selected a bunny, Ibiki turned to leave, his task completed. Walking away with Hinata and Shino, Horyu's teammates questioned his choice of bunnies. Horyu sighed deeply, his brow furrowed with concern. He couldn't help but think that this test was even more cruel than the tasks they would face when they would deal with bandits during the third quest. The bandits had been threats to villages, and their actions had endangered innocent lives. In contrast, these bunnies were harmless creatures, symbols of innocence and fragility. He hesitated, contemplating whether to reveal the truth. Deciding that the potential cruelty of the test outweighed the need for secrecy, he sighed and said, "I believe they will ask us to kill these bunnies."

Hinata gasped, her eyes widening in shock. "Kill... the bunnies? But why?"

Shino adjusted his glasses, his voice calm but with an undercurrent of disapproval. "That's a harsh test, even for shinobi."

Horyu's expression remained stoic, yet his tone carried a hint of cynicism. "It's a twisted way to test our resolve. They want to see if we can make tough decisions. Killing a harmless creature after bonding with them... it's designed to harden us."

Hinata's hands trembled slightly, clutching her bunny. "I... I don't know if I can do that."

Shino, observing his rabbit, added, "It's cruel, but I understand the reasoning. Still, it's a difficult task."


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