Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch42- Preparation for the Blood Test

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A great shout-out to Earl GoldPeak, Howellsy, Zavien king, Tom, Geoffrey Abbott, Kevin Geyer, Jesse Melbourne, SloppyBludger1510, Joseph Bibb, Avacus, Surge1301, Mellomellen, Cooper Taylor, Skorno, Wildvoid, Kaleb Deeth, sebastian michaelis, Viswa Venkat Mounish Vadlapudi, Vochel, Dez, Edward Parsons, TJ Cruz, L4kritz, Edward, Tempest1618! I thank you all for supporting me! You help more than you realize! Much appreciated!


Amidst the conversation, Shikamaru chimed in with a question that shifted the focus of the gathering. "Can we talk about the Blood Test now?" His voice carried a hint of impatience.

Asuma, surprised by Shikamaru's knowledge, sharpened his gaze. "How do you know about that?" he asked, his tone laced with curiosity.

Shikamaru sighed, a typical expression of his often-exhausted demeanor. "People talk, you know," he replied, his voice tinged with the slightest hint of sarcasm.

The mention of the Blood Test piqued everyone's interest. Horyu, who had been silently observing the interactions, found himself drawn into the conversation. His mind was already considering the implications of this new information and how it might affect his and his team's journey.

Asuma, taking the lead in the conversation, addressed the group. "The Blood Test is a new requirement set by Hokage-sama Uchiha Shisui. It's designed to test your resolve, your skills, and your willingness to do what must be done as a shinobi."

Kurenai added, "It's more than just a test of skill. It's a test of character, of your ability to make hard decisions under pressure."

The room fell silent as the weight of their words sunk in. Horyu, leaning back slightly, crossed his arms as he contemplated the test's potential challenges. He understood that such tests were essential in the shinobi world, a reality he had come to accept in his path to power.

Ino, breaking the silence, looked around the table. "So, what exactly does this test involve?" she asked, her tone a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

Horyu, seizing the opportunity to steer the conversation, spoke up. He had to keep it vague for now, so he could prepare Hinata. If she knew what the was about, it would be harder to harden her resolve. "If it's a test of resolve and skill, we can expect it to be physically and mentally challenging. Perhaps even morally ambiguous," he suggested, his voice steady and analytical.

Shino, ever the observer, nodded in agreement. "It's likely to push us beyond our comfort zones, testing not just our abilities but also our decision-making under stress."

The discussion continued, with each member offering their perspectives. Horyu listened attentively, weighing each word, considering how these insights could aid in his own strategies. He knew the importance of understanding his peers' viewpoints, as it would help him anticipate their actions in the field.

Kiba, unable to stay quiet, burst out, "So when do we start this test? I'm ready to show what I'm made of."

Kurenai replied, Tomorrow."

As the conversation wound down, Horyu's system interface blinked with a new notification:

[New Quest: Preparation for the Blood Test

Description: Get ready for the upcoming Blood Test by ensuring your team is mentally prepared, ensuring both of your teammates participate in the test, and elevating your personal skills to their peak before the test begins.


Strengthen your team's mental readiness for the impending test.

Ensure that both of your teammates complete the Blood Test.

Enhance your personal skills and abilities to their highest potential before the test commences.

Rewards: 750 exp, Advanced Chakra Control Scroll, 1500 Ryo]

After a little more talk, the teams dispersed. Horyu walked Hinata to the Hyuga Clan. They would always train in her special field with Hanabi, and today was no exception. Horyu was particularly focused on preparing Hinata for the upcoming blood test, knowing well that it would challenge her gentle nature.

As they entered the Hyuga Clan compound, they saw Hanabi practicing diligently. Upon seeing them, Hanabi approached with a bright smile. "Horyu, you came again!" she exclaimed.

Horyu chuckled, patting her shoulder. "I see you're working hard as usual," he commended.

Hanabi, her cheeks slightly flushed, nodded eagerly. "What are you going to train us in today?" she asked with anticipation.

Horyu led them under a tree, creating a more serious atmosphere for the discussion he was about to initiate. He knew the importance of mentally preparing them for what was to come.

"Before we start training, there's something I want to discuss," Horyu began, his tone grave. Hinata and Hanabi focused on him, sensing the seriousness in his voice.

"The blood test tomorrow is not just about our physical skills. It's a test of our resolve, our morality," he explained. "I want to pose a question to you both." He paused, ensuring he had their full attention.

"If you were forced to kill someone to save an innocent child, would you do it?" Horyu asked. The question was loaded, designed to make them think about the harsh realities of the shinobi world.

Hinata frowned, her expression conflicted. "Kill someone?" she echoed softly, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Hanabi looked between Horyu and Hinata, her young face etched with confusion.

Horyu continued, "It's a hard question, I know. But consider this: in the world of shinobi, sometimes we must make difficult choices for the greater good." His eyes were steady, conveying the gravity of his words.

Hinata bit her lip, her mind racing with the implications. "But... what if the person is innocent?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"That's where it gets complicated," Horyu replied. "We have to weigh the consequences. Our duty as shinobi often puts us in these moral dilemmas."

Hanabi, looking up at Horyu with wide eyes, asked, "But Horyu, how do you decide? How do you know what's right?"

Horyu sighed, his gaze distant for a moment. "Sometimes, there's no clear right or wrong, Hanabi. We have to trust our judgment, our training, and our morals," he explained. "The decision to take a life should never be taken lightly. But remember, inaction can also have consequences."

Hinata's expression was pensive, her eyes reflecting a turmoil of emotions. "It's so hard," she murmured.

"Yes, it is," Horyu agreed. "But as shinobi, we must be prepared to face these challenges. Remember, our actions, whether to save or to take a life, affect others. It's about protecting the village, the innocent."

Hanabi nodded slowly, absorbing Horyu's words. "I understand, Horyu. It's a heavy responsibility."

Horyu pressed on with his philosophical quandary, "Let me pose the question differently. Imagine a train track..." He then stopped. Does this world have trains? Probably not. "Imagine a giant boulder is rolling down from a hill and there are two paths for the boulder to move. It cannot be destroyed, it cannot be stopped. In one path, there are five people and the boulder is moving there, and in another, there is only one. You have the ability to shift the boulder's course, would you do it to save 5 people and sacrifice one?"

Hinata and Hanabi pondered deeply. Hinata, with a conflicted expression, said, "It's terrible to think about, but I guess... saving five people is the right thing to do."

Hanabi, younger and more straightforward, quickly agreed, "Yes, saving more people seems right."

Horyu observed their reactions, "What if that one person is a baby?" he added, intensifying the dilemma.

Hinata's face paled. "A baby?" she repeated, her voice trembling. "That's... it's even harder to decide."

Hanabi looked distressed, "But... but the baby hasn't lived yet. The others might have families too."

"What if that one person is pregnant?" Horyu continued, altering the scenario.

Hinata's hands clenched, "That's... it's like two lives. But then, aren't all lives equal?"

Hanabi bit her lip, struggling with the decision, "I... I don't know. It's too hard."

Horyu nodded, understanding their turmoil. "What if that one person is a criminal?" he asked lastly.

This time, both Hinata and Hanabi seemed more resolute. Hinata spoke first, "If they're a criminal, then... then maybe it's more justifiable to save the five."

Hanabi nodded in agreement, "Yes, if they did bad things, then... it's different."

Horyu saw this as an opportunity. "This is what we face as shinobi. Sometimes, we need to weigh lives against each other. It's not pleasant, but it's necessary. Just like with bandits. They harm others. Stopping them, even if it means killing, can save innocent lives."

He continued, "If you were forced to kill someone to save an innocent child, would you do it? If that person was a known criminal, a bandit, would it change your answer?"

Hinata, her face a mask of concentration, nodded slowly, "If... if it's to save an innocent child, and the person is a criminal... I think I could do it."

Hanabi, looking up to Horyu, added, "I understand now. It's about protecting people, right?"

Horyu smiled, "Exactly. It's about making tough choices for the greater good. As shinobi, we must be prepared to make these decisions."

He then added, "In our line of business, we might be forced to play judge or god often. In the end, it boils down to one thing. Can you guess what?"

Hinata pondered and said, "Morality?" Her voice wavered, showing her inner conflict with such heavy decisions.

Hanabi added her insight, "Justice?" Her tone was more confident, but her eyes betrayed a hint of uncertainty.

Seeing Horyu not responding, Hinata added, "Greater good." Her expression was one of someone trying to convince herself.

Hanabi too said, "Doing the right thing." She looked to Horyu for confirmation.

Horyu shook his head, his voice carrying a weight of experience far beyond his years. "It is whether you can sleep after or not. We are selfish creatures. There is no need to sugar coat it. You have to gauge which option would make you sleep better. Kill a criminal and save an innocent, or not take any action and don't be responsible for anything, even if that innocent dies. Whatever makes you sleep better, is the right decision."

His words hung in the air, heavy with the gravity of real-life shinobi decisions. Hinata's and Hanabi's expressions changed as they absorbed the stark reality of his words.


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