Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch38- Flame Control Technique

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Horyu rose to his feet, a sense of urgency propelling him as the System's countdown echoed in his mind. His eyes scanned the dimly lit chamber of the Uchiha Dungeon, searching for the hidden chest that often held the most valuable rewards.

"Three minutes," he muttered to himself, his movements swift and silent. "Plenty of time."

His 'Ghost Mirage' skill still active, he moved through the shadows like a wraith, his keen eyes catching the faint outline of a concealed door. Approaching it, he pressed against a barely visible panel, revealing a small, hidden alcove.

Inside lay the chest, its ancient design a stark contrast to the modern trappings of the dungeon. Horyu approached it, his hand resting on the lid. "Let's see what you've got for me," he said, flipping open the chest.

[System Notification:

Loot Acquired from Dungeon Chest:

Secret Uchiha Scroll: "Flame Control Technique"

Chakra Enhancing Elixir: A rare potion that temporarily boosts chakra capacity by 20%.

Stealth Boots: Footwear designed to muffle sound and increase stealth capabilities.

Fire Resistance Amulet: An amulet that provides moderate resistance to fire-based attacks.

500 Ryo: Currency of the ninja world.]

Whistling softly to himself, Horyu exited the Uchiha Dungeon, his System's loot notifications lighting up his mental vision. He was careful to be discreet, aware that the items he had acquired were not only valuable but could also raise unwanted questions. Noir, still in bracelet form, rested comfortably on his wrist, the only visible sign of his recent excursion.

As he walked home under the cover of night, Horyu mentally listed the items he had acquired, his mind analyzing their potential uses and benefits. The System chimed in with the details:

[System Notification:

Dungeon Loot Summary:

Secret Uchiha Scroll: "Flame Control Technique"

Chakra Enhancing Elixir (Rare)

Stealth Boots

Fire Resistance Amulet

500 Ryo

Loot from Uchiha Academy Students: 700 Ryo, Basic Healing Salves, Shuriken Packs

Loot from Uchiha Genin: 150 Ryo, Basic Ninjutsu Scroll(E-Rank), Intermediate Ninjutsu Scroll(D-Rank)

Additional Items: Basic Ninja Tools, Assorted Healing Items]

"Not bad for a night's work," Horyu mused, his tone laced with satisfaction. "Especially that Secret Uchiha Scroll and the Chakra Enhancing Elixir."

He paused for a moment, considering the Stealth Boots and Fire Resistance Amulet. "These could come in handy for missions requiring stealth or facing fire-style users."

As he continued his walk, Horyu reflected on the potential of the Flame Control Technique. "An Uchiha-specific jutsu. It could be a significant addition to my arsenal, especially with when I unlock Sharingan."

His thoughts then turned to the Chakra Enhancing Elixir. "A 20% increase in chakra capacity could be the edge I need in a tough battle."

He grinned at the thought of using the new tools and techniques he had acquired. "The Intermediate  Ninjutsu Scroll and those higher damage kunai will definitely see some use. And the extra Ryo... that's always welcome."

Reaching his home, Horyu walked into the garden, the moon casting long shadows on the ground. He sat down, taking a moment to relax and gather his thoughts.

"Noir, transform back," he said softly. The bracelet shimmered, and Noir reappeared in her feline form, curling up beside him.

Horyu's mind was already on the next steps. "I need to study that Flame Control Technique. And test out these new boots and the amulet."

"But first," Horyu said, holding the Chakra Enhancing Elixir in his hand, observing the liquid inside swirl gently. "This thing is amazing. If I use it now, the effect will be limited. But if I use it later, a 20% boost will be much more significant." He contemplated the rarity of the elixir, its potential in critical situations. "It says rare, I wonder how rare it is."

He set the elixir down, a determined look in his eyes. "I need to create a new skill that increases my Chakra. It's too low for my taste." Horyu sat cross-legged, closing his eyes to meditate. He focused on the concept of Chakra, made up of physical and spiritual energies. Could he create something to increase it?

"Chakra isn't just energy; it's a reflection of one's will and strength," Horyu muttered to himself. "If I can harness that, maybe I can enhance my reserves."

Will and Strength in his thoughts were tangible form of Spiritual and Physical Energy that made Chakra. Horyu thought if he managed create a skill that could increase his Chakra through manifesting his Will, as Spirituality was not something he can harness, and add that strength, Physicality, he should be able to create a skill.

He began the process of meditation, delving deep into his consciousness. "Chakra is a balance... a harmony of body and spirit," he continued, his voice soft yet focused. "If I can tap into that balance, maybe I can find a way to amplify it."

Hours passed, Horyu immersed in his thoughts and the flow of his Chakra. Ideas and theories swirled in his mind, each one examined and tested through the lens of his heightened intelligence and strategic thinking.

"I need a method... a technique that can draw out more energy from both my body and spirit," he thought aloud. "Something that can push my limits safely."

He stood up, stretching his limbs. "Physical exertion combined with mental focus... maybe that's the key." He began a series of physical exercises, each movement paired with deep, focused breathing.

As he trained, his mind was a whirlwind of activity. "Physical energy comes from the body's stamina and vitality. Spiritual energy... that's trickier. It's about willpower, emotion, and mental strength."

He paused, considering the role of emotions in Chakra control. "Emotions can be a source of power, but they need to be channeled correctly. Too much emotion can be chaotic... but the right amount can be empowering."

Horyu resumed his training, his movements becoming more fluid and powerful. "Balance... that's what I need. A skill that balances and amplifies my physical and spiritual energies."

He pushed himself harder, feeling his Chakra flow intensify with each movement. "This is it... I'm on the right track."

[System Notification:

New Skill Concept Detected: "Chakra Amplification Technique" (Level 1)

Description: This technique aims to balance and amplify the user's physical and spiritual energies, enhancing overall Chakra capacity and flow.]

Horyu smiled, a sense of accomplishment washing over him. "Chakra Amplification Technique... that's a good name." He felt the initial effects of the skill, a subtle yet noticeable increase in his Chakra flow.

"Let's level this up," he said, resuming his training with renewed vigor.

As the night progressed, the System kept updating him on his progress:

[System Notification: "Chakra Amplification Technique" has leveled up to Level 2. Overall Chakra capacity increased by 2%.]

Horyu didn't stop; he kept going, his body and mind synchronized in the effort to enhance his Chakra. He felt the technique growing stronger, more efficient.

[System Notification: "Chakra Amplification Technique" has leveled up to Level 3. Overall Chakra capacity increased by 3%.]

Exhausted yet exhilarated, Horyu sat down, his breathing heavy but controlled. "Level 3... not bad for a start," he said to himself, feeling a significant boost in his Chakra reserves.


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