Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 224: Bridge of Dream

"Prince, there's a bridge up ahead," Young Connington said, pointing to a partially collapsed stone bridge.

"There are people on that bridge! No, wait, there are even some lights on!" Regis exclaimed in surprise.

Emerging from the gray mist, the ruins of a once-magnificent bridge appeared before them. It was the legendary Bridge of Dream. Even more impressive than Volantis' Long Bridge, the Bridge of Dream was both longer and more grandiose. It soared at least 40 feet above the water, as tall as a three- or four-story building, allowing even large battleships to pass underneath with ease.

What astonished the group even more was the presence of lights on the bridge’s arch. As they approached, the lights grew clearer, revealing themselves as some kind of magical creation. No wonder it was said to be a marvel of the Rhoynar civilization.

The bridge was supported by pale stone arches, but the section nearest the harbor had collapsed, leaving debris scattered all around. The boat could not approach from that side, meaning Viserys and the others would need to land on the opposite end of the Bridge of Dream and cross it to reach the Palace of Sorrow. However, the bridge was swarming with hundreds of wandering 'stone men,' which meant a confrontation was likely.

"Everyone, check your weapons!" Viserys ordered. Knowing that a clash with the stone men was inevitable, he had prepared supplies, including fire cocktails—perfect for dealing with the slow-moving stone men if they dared to attack.

He instructed the old boatman to dock the boat at the far end of the bridge. But this side of the river wasn’t much easier to navigate; the other bank was a tangle of impassable rocks, while this side had a steep, hard riverbank. To make matters worse, the top of the bank was covered in moss, making it dangerously slippery and nearly impossible to climb.

The imposing ruins before them were a testament to the Rhoynar civilization in its prime. Young Connington's mind raced as he searched for a way up the steep riverbank, while Regis and the boatman were equally perplexed by the challenge.

Suddenly, an idea struck Young Connington. His eyes lit up as he pointed to a dead tree on the shore. "Prince, we can use a bow and arrow to shoot a rope up and then climb it."

"Go ahead and try," Viserys said, gesturing for him to proceed.

Encouraged by Viserys's approval, Young Connington eagerly took a length of hemp rope, tied one end to an arrow, and aimed at the dead tree. The weight of everyone's expectations added pressure, but he steadied his breath, drew back the bow, and released.

With a whoosh, the arrow shot upward, trailing the hemp rope behind it. For a moment, it seemed to fly true, but then, after barely ten meters, it lost momentum and fell short, dragging the rope down with it. The arrow made a faint mark on the riverbank before splashing into the water.

Young Connington’s face flushed with embarrassment as he silently retrieved the rope from the water. Meanwhile, the others began to think of alternative solutions.

"My lord, we could build a human ladder," suggested the captain of the Unsullied who had accompanied Viserys. His idea was for the Unsullied to stand on each other’s shoulders to form a makeshift 'human rope bridge.'

However, the captain hadn’t fully considered the challenge. The Bridge of Dream towered three or four stories above the river, and the sloping riverbank only added to the distance. With just twelve Unsullied, even if they managed to form a human ladder, it would only allow Viserys, Regis, and Young Connington to reach the top. After that, the exhausted Unsullied would likely collapse, tumbling into the river below.

Despite their newfound status as free men, the Unsullied were still conditioned to sacrifice themselves for their master or for victory. The captain’s suggestion wasn’t entirely without merit, but Viserys hesitated. His eyes drifted back to the dead tree. He wondered if it could bear the weight of a person. The tree was only about as thick as an adult’s calf and looked charred, as if it might snap at the slightest touch.

Just then, a group of stone men infected with greyscale appeared on the riverbank above them. A few patches of pale skin were still visible on their cheeks and necks, indicating they weren’t yet fully transformed. Their movements were surprisingly quick, suggesting they still retained a considerable degree of mobility.

The stone men seemed curious about Viserys and his group. But that wasn’t their true intent—they began spitting down at Viserys’s boat, aiming to spread their infection.

“Damn it! You sons of bitches!” Regis cursed, pulling his cloak over his head to shield himself.

It was clear these stone men were trying to infect them with greyscale.

"Prince, be careful," Young Connington shouted, rushing forward to protect Viserys. But Viserys, with a swift motion, pulled Young Connington back behind him.

"Give me the bow," Viserys ordered Young Connington.

He took the bow, bent it, and nocked three arrows at once. With a swift release, the arrows whistled through the air, each one finding its mark in the mouths of the stone men, silencing their attempts to spit. Yet, undeterred, the stone men retreated out of range and began hacking away at the dead tree with whatever tools they had.

Bang, bang, bang.

After just a few strikes, the already charred tree toppled over. A tree that should have been able to support the weight of an adult had crumbled with surprising ease, especially considering that the stone men were wearing armor.

Viserys paused, considering his next move. He then took a short spear from the captain of the Unsullied and positioned himself at the bow, ready to throw. The others looked on, puzzled—there were no stone men left in sight, so they couldn’t understand where he was aiming.

With all his strength, Viserys hurled the spear. The force was so immense that the spear’s front half embedded itself deep into the riverbank. The sheer power left everyone stunned. Whether it was Regis, Young Connington, the Unsullied, or the old boatman, they no longer saw Viserys as just an ordinary man. His abilities had clearly surpassed human limits, a testament to his 125 "Constitution".

Seeing this display, the remaining stone men, who had been watching from another angle, realized they had picked the wrong target and quickly scattered.

Viserys, however, noticed that the spears lodged in the bank weren’t stable enough or long enough to serve their purpose. He instructed the others to wrap strips of cloth around the spears in a spiral pattern. This adjustment would give the spears more stability and added penetrating power as they spun through the air.

He then threw about twenty more spears, each one driven into the riverbank from low to high, creating a series of handholds.

The group quickly understood Viserys’s intention—he was creating a makeshift ladder. With this fulcrum, everyone could climb the steep bank more easily.

Viserys took the lead, scaling the bank by using the spears embedded in the wall. The others followed his example without hesitation, leaving only one Unsullied and the old boatman behind to guard the small sailboat.

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