Game of Thrones: Paladin of Old Gods

Chapter 37: ' Brave Companions ' Part I

POV: Helman Tallhart;

Torrhen's Square.

Year 285, second day of the second moon ...

Helman was in his study after dinner. After three days of planning, many Lords and guests, began to leave Torrhen's Square to return to their respective lands. Currently, only the guests of House Reed, Bolton and Dustin, were present.

Now, the moment the Master of Torrhen's Square had been waiting for had finally arrived... To deal with Lord Roose Bolton in person.

The Lord of Dreadfort had just taken a seat in front of Helman.

"Lord Bolton. At last we have managed to find a moment for the two of us, to discuss this alone. I apologise, my Lord, for making you wait so long..." Said Helman in a sorry tone.

"I have been looking forward to this moment, Lord Helman. Do not worry, my lord...No doubt, the last few days, have been very busy and full of duties for you." Replied, in a gentle tone, Roose Bolton.

"Thank you for your understanding, my lord. I now understand from whom Domeric learned. That boy is lovely...he is kind, witty and very well behaved. It's all thanks to his father...Our two sons, they're really liking each other and I'm really glad." Helman.

"Even Domeric has only woven praise for your son Duncan, my Lord...I am proud of you both...after all, it is good that our two Houses, are forging lasting relationships in both the 'present' and the 'future'..." Roose Bolton replied with a sincere but nonetheless disturbing smile.

"Well said, my Lord...If our two sons, are working so hard...we can do no less. Do you agree with me, my Lord?" Helman asked, trying to give the warmest smile he could muster.

"Fully agree, Lord Helman." Roose.

"But where are my manners!...My lord, I did not offer you anything to drink...I beg your pardon...Would you like something? Wine? Beer? Or something stronger?" Helman said, showing a small table with three glass bottles filled with different liquids.

"No thank you, my Lord...I hardly ever drink actually...It dulls the senses." Bolton replied, scrutinising the three bottles for a moment.

"I see...A very wise choice, my lord. I am currently drinking a drink that aids in concentration, an invention of my son's...I now drink it instead of water ahahah! Would you like to try it?" Said Helman showing his almost empty jug on the table.

"...Sure, my lord..." Roose replied, scrutinising Helman's cup and jug for a moment.

"A mixture of water, honey, lemon and ginger. The original would also contain cinnamon...but personally I'm not crazy about it. Ahahaha...Nevertheless, it's good for the nerves." Said Helman, acting as cupbearer. Then he proposed a toast:

"To future prosperous collaborations between House Tallhart and House Bolton!" Helman sipped first.

"To peace and prosperity..." Roose carefully checked that the other party had 'actually' drunk from the goblet... After confirming, he took a small sip... and had to admit that the taste of the drink wasn't bad at all... but he preferred not to drink more than he had to.

"So, my Lord... shall we get down to business?" Helman proposed, smiling.

"Of course, my Lord." Roose.

"When is the shipment of iron and cast iron due to arrive, Lord Bolton?" Helman.

"Within a week or so, my lord. 560 tons of iron and 340 tons of pig iron." Roose.

"Sounds good to me...House Bolton, will you be able to supply us with that amount every month, my lord?" Helman asked.

"We are very confident that we will be able to maintain that burden...Lord Helman. I thank you and Torrhen's Square for the business opportunity you are providing us..." Said Roose in a slightly sad tone...

"My lord? Are you alright?...You look thoughtful and hesitant...If you have any doubts or concerns, please talk to me." Said Helman showing a slightly worried face.

"In truth...there is something. My lord, over the past few days. I couldn't help but notice that your relations with Lord Umber, Lord Karstark and Lord Manderly, were 'close'...Comparing myself to them, I discovered that you have agreed on several good 'business relations' between you...I wouldn't want to come across as 'ungrateful', my lord... You buy raw iron and cast iron from me, at a higher market value, and I am infinitely grateful...but the other arrangements...We can say with certainty that they are at least, ten times more remunerative...I would not like to see undisguised 'friction' between our two shall I put it...between us...Has my House in any way offended yours, my Lord?" Roose Bolton asked, in a tone that sounded 'sincerely contrite' and in some small way... offended.

"My lord, I assure you that it was not my intention to offend any way. Our relationship has never been too close. I have to admit that... but since 'The Battle of the Trident', I have felt nothing but great respect for you.

I mean, let's face it, my lord. If someone else had led our troops... we wouldn't have been able to prevail. You contributed 'greatly' to the allied victory. I would never have been able to execute a strategy as elaborate as yours, my lord. Five thousand of our troops prevailed against EIGHT THOUSAND, Lord Bolton... A commendable achievement." Said Helman, with as much sincerity and appreciation as he could muster within himself.

"I could have done more. I do not deserve your praise, Lord Helman.

Although we won, our losses were heavy..." Replied in a contrite tone, Roose Bolton.

'I'll make you pay for this, you bastard!' Thought the Torrhen's Square Master, with a neutral look.

Helman struggled with all his might to maintain control...His son Duncan had warned him that Roose Bolton would try to 'test the waters' as much as possible to try and extract as much information as possible...

"The losses...yes it's true. They have been great...but where would we be if we had not made such a sacrifice, my lord?...We, our men, our families...would have suffered the wrath of that madman Aerys...War, my lord, always demands a debt of blood...I am sure, you did all you could to prevent this terrible fate from befalling us all." Helman.

"I am heartened to hear that, my lord." Roose replied, making a small bow with his head.

"As for our business partnership, Lord Bolton. I assure you, this is only the beginning. We have not yet entered into 'more lucrative' arrangements, simply because we thought the time was not ripe. In fact, the reason I have asked for this meeting is that I would like to begin discussing such an arrangement with you." Helman.

"You have my full and sincere attention, Lord Helman..." Roose.

"We are still in negotiations with Lord Howland Reed...but in the future, after the winter has passed, to begin breeding plants and leeches that have innovative and more effective healing effects than our normal stockpiles...Therefore, my lord, soon after Maester Qyburn did the necessary research, and discovered, fortunately for us, that one 'of the greatest researchers' in that field, was and still is in your employ, we were looking forward to making arrangements with you. We hoped...well, most of all, Maester Qyburn hoped, to meet this infamous, 'Adoamros' in person but, we have been unlucky so far. In any case, my lord, we are convinced that if this deal goes through, our House, House Reed and House Bolton, could get their hands on a new monopoly of unprecedented medical supplies...and it will be very, VERY lucrative, my lord." Explained Helman putting much emphasis and expectation on the last part.

"I see...Out of curiosity, my lord. What 'sum' are we talking about more or less?" Roose Bolton asked, in a very interested tone.

"Well...if we were to divide the profits equally into three shares...we have estimated, at the very least, a profit of about 90,000 G.D. a year each, with a virtually certain increase of 300% over the next five years, my Lord." Helman could see that Roose Bolton's unchanging expression wrinkled slightly...

"A good profit, no doubt about it..." Roose admitted.

"However, my lord..." Helman.

"However?" Roose.

"Nevertheless, Maester slightly anxious about Adoamros. The research he needs is not yet complete, my lord. And if through our misfortune, something should 'happen' to him. Qyburn is convinced that 'the deal', will be delayed considerably...

Which is why we were hoping that you could...shall we say, 'Give him an eyeful', my lord. And if possible...just a second..." Helman, interrupted himself to fetch some paper documents. Roose Bolton, looked at those papers very carefully.

" Here they are. I apologise for the interruption, my lord. Yes, as I was saying...Qyburn hoped that Adoamros could answer these questions and issues thus anticipating and facilitating the work. If you agree, my lord, I think we should at least try to 'protect' our future interests in any way we can. These documents, if they are compiled, will help greatly to that end." Said Helman, handing two stacks of papers to Roose.

Roose tried to understand the nature of these questions...but, although he had an excellent knowledge of the nature of leeches, many aspects were obscure and incomprehensible to him.

"I understand...fear not, Lord Helman. I will ensure that, Adoamros, you get to work as soon as possible...I will guard to the best of my ability, the integrity and safety of that man and these papers. I promise you that, my lord." Roose said, nodding.

"That heartens me greatly, my lord. After all, we should all make sure to leave our coffers full to our heirs when the 'Old Gods' call us back! Ahahaha!" Said Helman in a jovial tone.

"...I agree, my Lord." Roose replied with a slight smile in amusement.

Ten minutes of formal talk later....

"I really hope, not to have caused Lord Leobald unnecessary difficulties during his speech." Roose.

"No, no, my lord. On the contrary, you helped us enormously!...Although they were full of smiles and laughter, at least half of the lords and ladies present at the banquet, harboured the same doubts as you. With your questions, you only helped us wash away the insecurities of everyone else...and for that, my lord, we thank you, on behalf of myself and my brother." Helman.

"You are welcome, my lord...Lord Helman...if I may ask..." Roose showed hesitation and need for help in those words.

"Ask away, my lord. By now I had hoped you would have no qualms about opening up to me Lord Bolton. Is there anything else I can do for you?" Helman asked, showing genuine curiosity.

"As a matter of fact there is, my lord...I was wondering...I was wondering, if it would be possible to apply to your house...a loan, my lord...a gold loan to be precise..." He tried to ask Roose, now that he thought the time was 'ripe'.

"A loan you say?...My lord, you need help, surely House Tallhart will not back down...but may I first know the amount we are talking about?...As you know, at present, our hands are quite full and we have to give out huge amounts of funding for the construction of the road..." Explained Helman in a calm and respectful tone.

"Of course, my lord. You deserve at least clarity...without any House is, at the moment, in a 'precarious' situation.

Countless small groups of bandits, infest my lands.

I would like this problem, to be solved as soon as possible. Especially now that 'winter is coming'... I would also like to try to 'safeguard' my people as much as possible.

Many villages are not prepared with sufficient supplies and provisions... Therefore, my lord... I was wondering if it would be possible for you to grant me a loan of 100,000 Golden Dragons...". As soon as Roose Bolton mentioned the number, Helman Tallhart discreetly moved a small wooden lever with his right foot. Some sort of mechanism was set in motion...

He remained silent for a few seconds, pretending to ponder carefully.

"I understand your concerns, my lord...I too, last autumn, had tried to get rid, as much as possible of this..." Helman, was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Knock Knock!", " My lord!" called the man on guard in his employ.

"Willard, this is not the time!" Helman replied in response, showing a face annoyed at the interruption.

"Knock knock!" " My lord! I'm afraid it's urgent!" After hearing those words, Helman rose from his chair.

"I beg your pardon, Lord Bolton, I will be with you as soon as possible." Roose nodded with a face that expressed: mild suspicion, disbelief and curiosity.

"What's so urgent?" He heard Roose say from about 15 feet away...but he couldn't hear the whisper of an answer.

"How long? Is Maester Qyburn there yet?" Helman.

"Yes, my lord, Lord Leobald and Lady Myra are also already on site." The soldier.

"I understand...tell them I'll be right there. Go, run!" Helman ordered.

"Lord Bolton...I ask you again to excuse me, my lord.

It seems that my son, is not feeling very well...

Might I ask you to continue our talk, tomorrow morning?" Helman asked, with a sorry face.

"...No problem, my Lord...I hope nothing serious has happened..." Roose replied, with a serious look.

"I'm just going to check it out, my lord. I certainly hope not....Edgar, would you please escort Lord Bolton to his quarters?" Helman asked his second guard.

"Of course, my lord. I am at your full service." Edgar.

"That won't be necessary, Lord Helman...

I can find my own way, I thank you for your trouble..." Said Roose as he rose from his chair and approached the exit. He had also collected the documents for Adoamros.

"As you wish, Lord Bolton. Thank you so much for your understanding and help, my lord..."

End POV.


POV: Qyburn;

Torrhen's Square.

About 30 minutes after Roose Bolton, left Helman's private study....

Qyburn, was listening intently to Lord Helman's account. He and the other three members of the 'Council of House Tallhart' were gathered in their meeting room. The safest place in the castle, to discuss matters of 'high importance and secrecy'.

"I was one step away from that 'leech' and for a moment, could think of nothing but the various ways in which I could tear him apart!...I'll be damned! How could I have failed to notice such a 'snake'! SBAMM!!!" Helman, concluded, slamming his palm angrily on the table.

"I am proud of you, father...Few men, could hold a candle to Roose Bolton. The man is a devious, emotionless calculator who wouldn't hesitate for a moment to cut off his own leg or arm if he thought that was the only way to achieve his goals... All this is nothing but a game to him..." Duncan said, placing a hand over his father's slightly injured one.

"It's true, brother. You've done really well to be able to maintain control all this time. Even our father would be proud of you." Leobald.

"Well done, my lord." Qyburn also joined in, making a small bow with his head.

"Thank you...but I don't deserve your praise...This is all thanks to all of you, who worked out the plan and prepared me properly...Now enough praise...Let's find a way to crush that 'slimy leech'!...Son...your advice on the correct course of action?" Helman asked, turning to the boy at his side.

"Mmmm...I have to admit, Roose Bolton's move is well planned and elaborate...He knows that we have exposed ourselves greatly on the road project...He wants to undermine our finances to weaken us and enrich himself in turn..." Duncan Tallhart reflected aloud.

Everyone gave the boy time to think and make his points.

After a minute or so, the silence broke.

"Maester Qyburn." Duncan called, addressing the most Azian person at the table.

"Yes, my Lord?" Qyburn.

"How much do the mercenary companies of the Brave Companions and the Storm Crows demand in wages? And do you happen to know how much their units currently amount to?" Duncan asked.

"Yes, my lord. Currently the 'Brave Companions', led by their leader Quorik and the second in command is one Vargo Hoat. They lead a militia of about 200 men and demand a salary of 5,000 golden dragons for each year of employment. The Storm Crows, are currently led by a certain, Prendahl na Ghezn. He leads 500 men-at-arms and requires a salary of 15,000 golden dragons for each year of service." He described Qyburn from memory.

"mmm...I have an idea...Thank you, Maester." Duncan.

"Always happy to be of service, my lord." Qyburn.

"Don't tell me you want to hire those mercenaries?" Leobald.

"No uncle...not us...but I think there will be a strong possibility that it will be Roose Bolton who will do it...and he will do it with the funding we provide him. That's how I would like to go about it..." The boy, took a sheet of paper and some wooden figurines. Then he began to explain.

"We will tell Roose Bolton, that unfortunately, we currently cannot afford to lend him such a sum...We will offer 70,000 golden dragons, instead of 100,000...This way we will also make the negotiation more credible and give him confirmation that: 'The Tallhart family is financially vulnerable'.... Trust me, he won't pass up this opportunity...not after sniffing the blood of a wounded prey. We'll also tell him that 'unfortunately', we couldn't even afford to release it in one go. We'll give him 5,000 golden dragons right away, as a sign of good faith. From there, we'll lend him 15,000 golden dragons...but not until two months later...That's when he'll strike, and I think he'll use the Brave Companions disguised as bandits to do it..." Duncan, paused and smirked, searching for his uncle's gaze. He wanted to see if Leobald, had managed to read the diagram.

"You believe, that Roose Bolton, will engage the 'Good Comrades' with the 5,000 we will provide him...Why? Why not use his own soldiers in disguise?...wait...


"That's right, uncle. He will almost certainly be looking for foreign men to do the job..." Duncan.

"What are you referring to?" Helman asked with a confused air. It was Qyburn who answered:

"My Lord, the Frost Blades unit reported to us just yesterday that Roose Bolton reported to Lord Eddard Stark the presence of 'fierce bandit groups' in his lands...But our spies, on those lands have found no such thing. No suspicious reports have been found since the last report..." Qyburn explained calmly.

"That can only mean one thing, Father...Roose Bolton, is preparing to strike. And he's already defending himself against 'any unfounded accusations'...He'll be forced to use outside men, because if just one of his 'men in disguise' is caught, and it can be linked to him, Ned Stark, he'll have enough motivation to cut off his head. But if he used a mercenary group instead... even if one of the men confessed that they were hired by him, he could still 'contest' the charges. I'm sure he'll make sure his hands stay clean when he acquits such individuals." Duncan.

"The man is a monster! Are you telling me, he would even attack one of his own villages...all to bolster his story?!" Helman asked indignantly.

"He ifs or buts. And I assure you, it won't disturb his sleep in the slightest." Duncan.

"Fuck hospitality! We'll have to go upstairs and slit his throat!" Said Leobald in a fit of rage.

"In that case, Lord Eddard, he'd cut off your head Uncle..." Duncan.

Leobald, cleared his thoughts quickly after those words and returned to a state of calm and rationality.

Duncan, picked up his pen and began to write speaking in a clear voice.

"Maester Qyburn. How long will it be before Adoamros completes his assignment?" Duncan continued writing as he asked.

"Not before three months, since Lord Bolton will return, my lord. The pathogen that Roose Bolton ingested just now, should show the first harmless symptom in about a week...I'm pretty sure Maester Wolkan, won't know how to treat the 'false disease'. From then on, Adoamros, will be 'free to act', my lord....Ah I almost forgot, Lord drink this, my lord. You shouldn't get any eye redness or itchy skin from drinking it." Qyburn handed a bottle to Helman, who accepted it without question and drank the contents, thanking him with a nod.

"Right...This is my plan:

1) We will try to infiltrate some men, in the ''Brave Companions'' and the ''Storm Crows'', before Roose Bolton contacts them. I don't think he'll hire the Crows before he gets his hands on those 15,000 Golden Dragons...but just in case, we'll put a couple of our Frost Blades in there too.

2) After two months, we'll send 'the bait'... the armed convoy that will transport the 15,000 g.d... I'm sure he won't attack us in his own lands. If he did, by law he would be held responsible for the is likely, that he will attack us in Starks' territory...That way he would hit us while lining his pockets at the same time...We know the 'WHO', the 'WHERE' and the 'WHEN'...I would say we will have quite an advantage...

3) We'll ask Roose Bolton, to let Domeric stay as a guest here with a hidden form of guarantee...I'm sure he won't refuse...That way, I'll have more time to be able to bond with him.

4) When Adoamros succeeds in his task, we will make Domeric Bolton, the new Lord of Dreadfort.

Qyburn, Helman and Leobald, stared at each other for a few seconds, then all three men nodded in response.

"Father...I would have two requests to deal with the 'Brave Companions'...and both will not please you." Said the boy, staring at his father.

Helman signalled for him to continue.

"1)- I need a man willing to sacrifice himself." Duncan.

Helman thought about it for a moment...then nodded, already having 'the ideal man' in mind.

"2)- I want to participate in the fight against the Brave Companions."

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