Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 469: Descend to the Red Keep

Chapter 469 Arriving at the Red Castle

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! The gate of the Red Castle has fallen! Monsters have come in!"

The envoy stumbled into the throne room, and the panicked voice made every noble face turn pale instantly.

"Master Sterling, please send troops to support!"

"Where can I get reinforcements?" Queen Mother Cersei sat lazily on a chair, her voice indifferent, as if the matter had nothing to do with her.

"Where is Caesar? Doesn't he have an army of more than 100,000?" A lady asked.

"They are still fighting outside the city. There are too many monsters, and we can't contact them at all. We don't know what's going on outside..."

"Close Maegor's Tower and go up to the drawbridge." Cersei ordered calmly.

Maegor Tower, as the core of the Red Keep, is a castle within a castle, guarded by a separate city wall and a dry moat covered with iron thorns.

Of course, no one knows how long such a castle can last in the face of endless ghouls.

The envoy Na Na asked, "What about the defenders outside..."

"What can they do?" Cersei asked back, "Of course it is to fulfill her oath and fight to the death."

"Your Majesty," someone questioned again, "but there are still many noble lords and wives who have gone to the church to pray. If Maegor's Tower is closed, what will they do?"

"The gods will protect them." Cersei said lightly, "Close the door!"

"It can't be closed!" A valley woman blushed, pointed at Cersei and said angrily, "You are no longer the Queen Mother of the Seven Kingdoms, what right do you have to give orders!"

These words were like stabbing a hornet's nest, and immediately one after another the northern gentlemen and ladies vented their inner fear and anger. They cursed, roared, and cried, as if the Lannister family was the one who source of disaster.

Cersei was surprisingly calm in the face of such accusations and questioning.

"Okay, okay, okay." She laughed suddenly, "Caesar hasn't entered the Red Castle yet, so you can't wait. Okay, I don't care."

After finishing speaking, she flicked her long sleeves and strode out of the throne room.

This hall is even more chaotic.

Some people ran out after him, some were praying, some were crying helplessly, and some asked the waiter for more wine, preparing to have a good drink before dying...

Sansa Stark looked at this scene, but there was surprisingly little fear in her heart.

"Don't be afraid!" She stood up and said loudly, "This is a test given to us by the gods, and we should face it bravely!"

Sansa felt that the way she spoke was very much like her father:

"The warriors of the Seven Kingdoms are still fighting the monsters to the death outside, and the battle is still going on. They fought bravely, and we can't give up hope. Everyone, let us pray to the gods for them!"

"Let's pray!" People responded one after another.

Some order was finally restored in the throne room, but Sansa could still smell fear and despair.

After praying, the crying sounded again.

Sansa asked the waiter to bring more wine, and walked out of the hall by herself.

The sound of brutal fighting and the strong smell of blood hit her face, almost making her unable to stand still.

Sansa just wants to know where her sister Arya has gone. She asked the guard next to her, but the guard shook his head and said he didn't know.

She had to find it herself.

As soon as she came to the stairs, she was hit by a soldier.

Jingle Dangdang—

The jeweled goblet and pair of silver candlesticks fell from the soldier's arms and tumbled down the stairs.

When he was sure that Sansa was not robbing him of the loot, he ignored her and went to pick up his treasure in a hurry.

Sansa did not dare to stop her, and continued to move forward.

The sky was dark, but there seemed to be a faint light in the east.

Is the storm finally over?

Sansa prayed to herself.

At this moment, a rough voice suddenly sounded from behind:

"Little Stark girl, are you lost?"

Sansa was taken aback, and when she turned around, she saw a blood-soaked white-robed knight sitting in a corner. The blood on his face was as dark as pitch, and his eyes shone with reddish light.

"Ser Sandor..."

"Sir Shit!" Sandor Clegane spat thickly, "I'm not a knight! I'm a Hound!"

"But you are wearing a white robe..." Sansa knew that this loyal hound of the Lannister family was canonized as a white knight by King Tommen and is now a member of the Kingsguard.

"So what." Sandor laughed, "Knights are useless! I only kill knights!"

Sansa forced herself to calm down:

"You should kill the monster outside..."

"The monsters can't be killed." Sandor said dejectedly, "This city is over. Little wolf girl, if you still want to live, come with me, and I can **** you away."

Frozen blood covered the scariest scar on Sandor's face, but the corners of his mouth were still twitching.

Sansa can smell the fear radiating from him:

"You're scared."

"Fart!" Sandor suddenly became excited, "Am I afraid?"

"If you want to escape, you can escape by yourself." Sansa said, "I won't go."

"You will die." Sandor stood up suddenly, his tall figure completely enveloped the girl, "Follow me! I will protect you! I swear!"

"You are not even a knight, how can I trust your oath."

Thornton was taken aback by these words.

But the next moment, he became furious and grabbed the girl's hand violently.

Sansa only felt that her right hand was about to be twisted off by the other party.

The other party was too strong, and she knew that she couldn't resist, so she could only close her eyes and pray that everything would pass quickly.

But the next moment, Sandor suddenly let go of the girl, and sat back in the corner dejectedly.

Sansa opened her eyes, but saw Sandor buried his head between his arms, motionless, as if he had become a sculpture.

"Sing me a song." He said suddenly.

Sansa wanted to refuse, but she still agreed to the request of the down-and-out white knight:

"Mother of tenderness, source of mercy, bless your son through the fierce battle.

Stop Ruya, resist the sword, let them see a better tomorrow..."

The brisk singing echoed in the dark corridor, as if covering up the sound of the brutal fighting outside.

After an unknown amount of time, the light suddenly tore through the heavy darkness and sprinkled beams of light on the castle.

The storm also subsided.

The bells of the Red Castle rang one after another, the bells of the Great Sept of Baelor also rang, and the bells of the entire King's Landing City rang together.

It reminds Sansa of the bells ringing for Robert Baratheon's death, but this time it's different.

This is not a death knell of sorrow, but a movement of victory.

She heard bursts of cheers coming from outside.

"Victory! We are victorious!"

Sansa heard shouts from the walls of the Red Keep.

She leaned on the railing and looked into the distance. Although the ghouls have not been completely cleaned up, they have been washed away and submerged by the torrent of the human army.

She saw countless waving banners coming towards the Red Keep from all directions, the golden rose of House Tyrell, the striding hunters of House Tarly, the oak leaves of House Oakheart... and of course the double-headed eagle of House Caesar !

The iron forest composed of countless swords, guns, swords and halberds is stepping over the mountain of corpses and the sea of ??blood, rushing up to Aegon High Hill!

"We're saved!" Sansa cheered, tears welling up in her eyes.


She heard a dragon roar, and when she looked up, she saw a white dragon piercing through the clouds and hovering over the Red Castle.

"Caesar! Caesar's dragon is coming! We are saved!"

Sansa turned her head and shared her joy with the white knight in the corner.

Sandor raised his head, but there was no surprise on his face.

"Really, little wolf girl? You thought you were saved?"

Sansa froze for a moment, and just about to speak, she heard Sandor say again:

"Do you know what's in the basement of Maegor's Tower?"

"have what?"

"Wildfire." Sandor twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a ferocious smile, "Cersei filled the wildfire below, and she is going to burn Maegor Tower."

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