Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 78 Jillian’s Son

"Taking us prisoners, Salladhor's ship set off from the Summer Sea and sailed towards King's Landing. Unexpectedly, when passing through the Stepstone Islands, we were attacked by another group of pirates. There were seven ships on the opposite side. , and even if Salado’s side includes our Laughing Lion, there are only four ships, and they will be outnumbered.”

As Ian told the story, the pirates' hearts lifted.

"At this time, Salado suddenly told us that the other party was an ironborn, and he asked us if we could take up arms and fight.

As we all know, the Ironborn and the Westerlands are mortal enemies and feuds, so my father and his sailors agreed to Salladhor's request without hesitation. After my father swore an oath to the Seven Gods in the honor of the family, Uncle Salladhor Weapons were assigned to us and we were all returned to the deck of the Laughing Lion. ” Ian quickly made up his story.

"Soon, the battle started. The ironmen blew the horn of attack and let out a terrible howl. Their longships relied on their flexibility to penetrate into the middle of our fleet and divide our ships. surrounded.

Because they approached too quickly, the ballistas on our ship basically became decorations. Soon, the ironmen threw their hooks and began to board the ship to fight. "

"I" Ian paused for a moment and found that the story was a bit difficult to write because he was still relatively unfamiliar with naval battles in this era. Although he had planned another game about naval battles in his previous life, it was in the era of sailing battleships. , where you play naval gunfire.

But now that Ian has been organized here, he can only continue to bite the bullet and continue: "I was only 12 years old at the time, and I don't remember the entire battle process clearly. I only remember that I was assigned a hand crossbow. , hiding in the pile of groceries at the stern of the ship.

At that time, an ironman threw the hook line to the side of the ship not far in front of me, so I aimed there and waited for him to board the ship.

Soon, he showed his head.

Many ironmen don't know how to wear helmets, but this guy is different. He wears an iron horn helmet. He is probably a captain, so I waited for a second and waited for his head to pop out completely. , and then with a precise arrow, the steel crossbow bolt was driven into his eye. "

"Okay!" As soon as Ian finished speaking, the surrounding sailors clapped their hands and cheered, as if they were the ones who killed the iron captain in the naval battle.

"Immediately, several iron types at the stern of the ship fell into chaos and were knocked down one by one by our brave sailors. But the scary thing is that one guy found me hiding behind and shooting secret arrows. He threw an ax at me. Throw it over.

I quickly lowered my head to avoid it, but unexpectedly the flying ax hit the box behind me. Those boxes piled up in a mess suddenly lost their balance and buried me underneath. I was unable to participate in the subsequent battle.

Later, Uncle Salado's sailors opened the box and rescued me. It was only then that I knew we had won. In that battle, we were outnumbered and beat up those dirty iron types, sending them fleeing and leaving behind four ships and more than half of the sailors. "

"Okay!" The sailors cheered again.

"My father fulfilled his oath, and Uncle Salladhor also waived our ransom and released us on the spot. After that, we gave up our plan to go to King's Landing. Uncle Salladhor escorted us all the way. The road returned to the Sea of ​​Smoke, and it was during that journey that he and my father became brothers."

"May I ask, who is your father?"

"Jillian Lannister, the younger brother of Lord Tywin Lannister." Ian replied, "I am his son Lucian Lannister. Seven years ago, I boarded the Laughing Lion and my father Let’s go to sea together.”

When Ian first gave himself the name Lucian, he wanted to pretend to be the son of Sir Damian, but fortunately Jillian and Damian were not of the same generation, so his new identity was also called Lucian. Makes perfect sense.

When did Sir Gillian get married? Sir Grantham, the young man sitting next to Ian, subconsciously wanted to ask, but before he could say anything, he suddenly came to his senses.

I work for Ser Lucian for his money, not for the surname of Lannister or Hisham, so what difference does it make to me whether my employer is Ser Gillian's illegitimate son or his legitimate son?

After thinking about this, Sir Grantham looked to the other side and wisely remained silent.

"Jillian Lannister? Is he the man who went to the ruins of Valyria to find the Lannister family sword 'Light Howl'?" A sailor under Bollis asked. He had heard of this. The story is that when Jillian set out, he was so high-profile that he became a joke among the sailors after there was no news about him. "But, I heard that he wasn't already"

"Do you believe me in real life, or do you believe the rumors spread by people who don't even know what Jillian Lannister looks like?" Ian asked.

"Of course it is you, lord, we have absolutely no intention of questioning the honor of a great nobleman," Burris quickly replied with a smile, then slapped the sailor on the forehead and cursed, "Sir, What reason does he have to lie to us? Just one word from him will make our heads move!"

"It's normal for you to have doubts," Ian helped the sailor out, and then shrugged helplessly, "After all, there has been no news from us for many years. We did go to a very dangerous place, but no matter what, we are back."

We are back. This short sentence seemed to contain infinite magic, making all the sailors present excited.

In this era when one has to risk one's life every time one goes to sea, in the hearts of these sailors, almost all of whom have faced the danger of near-death, such a short sentence as "I'm back" already represents all their hopes. It contains all their courage and tells all their stories.

"Cheers to Prince Narrow Sea and Lord Jillian!" A sailor finally couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart. He raised his glass high and said loudly.

Jillian does not have the title of lord, but for these sailors, it is always right for all members of the Lannister family to be called lord.

"Cheers to the sea and its brave sailors!" Ian raised his glass and responded to the sailors.

He knew that he had gained the trust of these people, so next, he wanted to include these people in his plan.

Later, he only needs to ask for proof that there are no new sailors on the ship to rule out the possibility of other players on board.

And these sailors he recruited under the name of the son of Salladhor Saan's good brother will intuitively strengthen his command's combat effectiveness and intelligence capabilities in the port.

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