Game of Thrones: Battle Royale Game

Chapter 56 Abandoned Fishing Village

"And you actually found it?" Ian asked.

"No, none of the people we sent to operate near White Wall City gained anything," Wilder shook his head, "On the contrary, my son Roger had an unexpected surprise.

That happened about ten days ago, when he returned from the Silent Island with four of his men. He went to the island to repent." Sir Wilder paused and did not continue to talk about the issue of repentance.

Ian knows about this silent island. It is said that a saint visited this island two thousand years ago and created many holy miracles after living on it. Therefore, people often visit this island specifically to repent or pray.

“In short,” Sir Wilder continued, “Roger rowed back from the Silent Island and came to the abandoned fishing village. After landing, he met a group of people in the fishing village, the leader of which was a knight.

Roger passed them by without any interaction, but the moment Roger passed by the knight, he discovered that the knight's right hand had no forearm. "

"I remember that the time you fought with the Ghost Rider of White Wall City, you cut off the opponent's right forearm, right?" Ian immediately remembered this incident.

"That's right! Uh, wait, when did I tell you about this?" Wilder said in surprise.

"It's not important," Ian shook his head and urged, "keep talking, keep talking."

“Roger was suspicious at the time, but he didn’t dare to act rashly because he was not wearing armor at the time, and there were seven players in the opponent’s hand. He thought he had no chance of winning.

After Roger left the abandoned fishing village, he left two of his men to guard the area, and he rushed to Weili's manor as soon as possible. As I said before, the abandoned fishing village was only 6 leagues away from here. I was here at the time, After hearing the news about Roger, we immediately gathered more than 10 people and rushed to the fishing village with Roger.

However, before we arrived, we met one of the two people left by Roger on the road. He hurriedly ran to us and reported that a caravan of more than 20 people had entered the abandoned fishing village. , and the people inside will be together. "

"How could a normal caravan go to the abandoned fishing village?" Ian began to believe Sir Wilder's judgment.

"Yes, at that time I judged that it was the ghost team of White Wall City, and they were transferring the Black Fire treasure to that fishing village." Sir Wilder nodded, "This is an excellent opportunity, and we However, we did not have enough troops to attack the opponent. We did not dare to continue to advance towards the fishing village in a large scale because we were worried that we would alert the enemy.

So I simply asked Sir Willy to wait where he was with the guards, and let Roger take me to the vicinity of the abandoned fishing village alone. We found a secluded location to observe the people in the fishing village, hoping to find some ways to break the situation. "After Wilder finished speaking, he looked at Ian.

"What are you looking at me for? Keep going." Ian said strangely.

"Oh, Sir Lucien, I just thought you would have some unique insights." After Wilder finished speaking, he also smiled.

"Go on, my friend, go on."

"In the fishing village, there are more than 30 people under the knight and the caravan. If we fight directly, we have no chance of winning. And since they are there, it means that there will be at least one ship to pick them up. Our chances of winning are even slimmer.

I was almost in despair at that time.

However, just when I thought we had just missed the treasure, the caravan actually came out again! They left the abandoned fishing village and headed west, towards the direction of King's Road. "

"They didn't manage to transport the treasure all at once?" This was Ian's first reaction.

"Yes, my judgment is exactly the same as yours."

"You said it was a caravan of more than 20 people. How many trucks did they have?"

"Seven? Or eight? Anyway, that's a pretty big team."

"Then the question is, what we call the Blackfire Treasure is not left by Damon Blackfire, but only by Ambrose Battery, Earl of Whitewall City. How much money can he leave behind? A 100,000 gold dragon only weighs over 1,600 pounds, and can be easily transported in two and a half boxes."

"Seven gods, how could the Earl of White Wall City find so much gold so easily? Most of the treasures he left behind should be silver deer, right?" Sir Wilder rolled his eyes, Marder! As expected of a member of the Lannister family who can make gold out of shit, have you never seen silver in your life?

Also, 100,000 gold dragons? How dare you think! If there is a treasure worth 20,000 to 30,000 gold dragons, it will be blessed by the Seven Gods. As for 100,000? Why don't you go home and let Lord Tywin pull you? !

"Um" Ian held his forehead in embarrassment. It was all because the system sent him 3,000 gold dragons at once, which made him subconsciously regard gold dragons as ordinary currency.

Well, if the treasure is a silver deer or even a copper coin, such a caravan will indeed need to be divided several times to complete the transfer of the treasure. After all, the exchange ratio of gold dragons and silver deer in this world has reached an astonishing 1:210.

But why do I still feel like something is wrong? Ian asked himself in his mind, but after thinking for a while, he couldn't find a clue, so he gave up again, "Go on, Sir."

"Did you just think of something?" Sir Wilder noticed Ian's expression. He now attaches great importance to Ian's opinion, just as he always attached great importance to the opinions of 'Black Falcon' and Sir Simon before.

Generally speaking, if you have a good brain, you should listen to what people with good brains say. This is the experience he has gained from living for most of his life.

"No," Ian shook his head, "I just think something is wrong, but I haven't figured it out yet. Don't worry, if I think of something, I will tell you as soon as possible."

"Go on, Sir Wilder, finish your story first." Ian urged again.

"Okay, okay," Wilder nodded. "When I realized that the other party failed to transfer the treasure at once, I had two ideas. One was to immediately attack the abandoned fishing village and snatch the treasure that had been taken away. Once the treasure is delivered, the second step is to send people to follow the caravan and find the location where they hide the treasure.”

"But you didn't choose any of them." Ian responded. If you had chosen, your actions would not have waited until now.

"You really know everything, you are like an old woman descending to earth." Sir Wilder sighed.

"Believe me, I would rather hear the praises of the warriors who came down to earth." Ian rolled his eyes, "Go on, I think your story is almost over, isn't it?"

"Yes, as you said, I didn't choose either option, because once we alert the enemy, we won't be able to get the complete treasure."

Notes: 1. The old woman is one of the seven gods in the Andal people's belief. It symbolizes wisdom. Its image is an old woman holding a lamp.

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