Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 166: A Brutal Space Battle

Despite they achieved their target, James kept his previous orders going, as they kept attacking the base non-stop, while the insiders kept causing ruckus.

The wave of riots was now unstoppable! If the incoming black crows' fleet didn't manage to crush James' fleet, things would go towards one bitter end; the total destruction of the whole unity of the base!

And that was what James was aiming for! He knew the battle would be hard, especially when the allies weren't coming so soon. So, he had to keep the fleets of the black crows on high alert, constantly irritating them, and making them all under pressure; the pressure of losing their homeland.

So, they wouldn't stop and arrange their lines, or when appearing they wouldn't attack calmly. James wanted them to be nervous, highly irritated so he would end up having the upper hand all the time.

Numbers wouldn't matter, as he knew morale was everything. "Rigo, prepare your own men, we might need to use that old infiltrate and destroy tactic of ours."

Rigo was startled for a brief moment before asking:

"But the number of the enemy large cruisers is huge; I doubt destroying tens or even a hundred would make a difference."

"So, you need to be smart and select the one hundred cruisers that would cause massive damage and paralyze the whole fleet!" James said, hunting over to what he wanted to target by this special force.

"You mean the commanding ships?" Rigo asked, just to make sure he understood his leader right.

"Indeed, aim for them and make sure they got eliminated at a crucial time of the battle," James added another condition, as he knew timing was very important in winning over this fight.

"Affirmative," Rigo replied shortly before he went to prepare his men.

According to the incoming intel, the fleet of the black crows would need roughly a couple of days more to arrive. During these two days, Rigo had deployed a large net around the whole base, so any ship would arrive amidst heavy fire.

As they already knew the general direction the ships were coming from, James ordered Dora to take a group of the fleet, and start bombing the space, directing the missiles and cannon fires towards the directions they anticipated the enemy ships would arrive from.

During traveling in speed of light, the defensive shields would be lowered, and with moving at such a high speed, a mere piece of wood would wound the ships easily, and might even destroy them.

So Dora took the ships, compared the space maps of the targets the black crows were targeting and here, before arranging the ships to attack the incoming fleets.

The attacks went astray to the distance, while many really hit innumerable incoming ships, destroying a great number of them, while the debris scattered to block the way, making any incoming fleet hit the remnants of their destroyed fleets.

That made their losses huge, and if not for the timely intervention of their leaders, stop advancing fast, change course, and then travel again, it wouldn't be an exaggeration for whole fleets to be lost due to this simple tactic.

This was expected by James, Rigo, and Dora, but Dora never stopped attacking and James never asked her to stop. Even if many would change course, some idiots would keep coming through the main way.

Plus, Rigo had adjusted and added many ships to support the attack Dora was launching, covering every new course taken by the enemy.

As for the base, the situation inside was getting from bad to worse. The shield failed another time to defend the base, making the firing debris to fall upon many planets, killing endless lives in the process.

James didn't flinch as he kept his previous orders going, with no change at all. He knew if he managed to break the toxic fang of the black crows here, many things would be much easier for him.

Besides, he would have reigned supreme over this part of the space, including the other six forces as well. Even if this wasn't yet announced and formal, any child living here would know who the overlord of this region was.

Two days passed like nothing, and just the last hours the stress and anxiety were really hitting the roof. James was the calmer one, moving around and giving his encouraging words.

He knew the tension was sky high, but he as their leader, even being the most stressful one out of them here, had to show off his dominating presence, and make everyone know he trusted them, and as he did he was calm and collected.

As such, the attack fell upon them like snow falling from the sky! The debris appeared first of a huge number of destroyed ships, followed by the arrival of the vanguard, or what remained of them.


James was the first to shout, giving the order to start officially this fight. Per his orders, part of the fleet remained behind to keep attacking the base, adding more pressure over his enemies.

His little trick succeeded in making many cruisers break off the line and went to attack and stop them. It seemed many soldiers had families inside the base, and some wanted to save their beloved ones, and the other part wanted to have their revenge.

As for James and his fleet, they were anticipating this, welcoming the incoming stray cruisers, which were large in number, with endless cannon fires and missiles, making the losses of the black crows increase exponentially with each passing hour.

It wasn't until ten hours later when the main bulk of the fleet appeared, that the real fight started.

And it was a brutal one!

James was kept at the back, as being the emperor he couldn't be killed or imprisoned, or even missing. Anything bad happened to him would render all their efforts in failure.

He was the only person here that wasn't allowed to directly fight!

And after a couple of hours of constant fighting, a new development occurred! The patrolling guards inside the base decided to act, as they collected all their ships and moved in a grand formation, heading outside the base.

They wanted to squeeze James' fleet between the two forces of theirs!

However there was only a simple problem there; the opening was already lit on fire!

James didn't stop attacking the base for even one second. He did that to put more pressure over the black crows forces, however right now things got escalated to a new height.

"Send in everything we got, even grab the debris of their ships and send them in with explosives!"

James' orders were instantly executed. He knew this was a turning point in the fight. The black crows fleet had already lost many of its strong pillars, and its amount was smaller than his fleet; so it was logical for them to move this precious hidden piece this early on, trying to regain the initiative in this battle.

However they didn't think James would be so crazy to even evacuate many of his cruisers, and send them in towards the opening, using the main engine of the cruisers as a ticking bomb, causing massive destruction at the entrance and exit of the base.

The base was heavily fortified, with a single entrance and also exit, making it an impregnable fortress in deep space. However, this absolute advantage had been changed to become the most bitter weakness, making the only hope for the black crows fleet to shatter in front of their eyes.

The ships burnt, exploded starting from their engines, taking with them the many smaller ships coming from the base; creating a chain reaction.

"Don't stop firing, send everything, don't stop!" James pushed further as he knew this was his winning moment, so he didn't slack off and pressured more on his soldiers.

More and more abandoned cruisers were thrown towards the opening, making the fiery scenery more blazing with raging fire and wild explosions.

And just like this, the plan the black crows depended entirely upon to flip the tables was crushed this easily with the timely response of James!

As for the burning debris, they fell directly over the protective dome, eating it away, waiting for the failure of the stored energy to sustain this shield, and then the inevitable happened.

This time the loss in planets reached a hundred, with endless lives being lost in the process. James felt pain, but he knew this was unavoidable, and now he had to make sure this massacre wouldn't end in vain.

"Don't hesitate to push forward, it's time to crush them. press forward, everyone!"

The words of James were directly broadcasted in the whole fleet, and next thing everyone, literally everyone; grand cruisers, large cruisers, intermediate cruisers, small cruisers, and even fighters went up ahead and engaged with the unbalanced enemy.

Such a mighty unpredictable charge came to make the enemy fall!

A giant force, someone who was extremely feared and respected by all, fell under the hands of James, thanks to the mere scheme of a single girl.

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