Galaxy Hunter Online

Chapter 76: Amber

“Ah, Fuck,” I groaned as I snapped back to the world. I shivered from how much I came, and the world was still a little floaty as I basked in the soft comfort of my queen. She pulled my head into her breasts, and I was resting in her arms. It felt so good, and I wanted to cozy up more. And I sighed, letting my body move up to look at my Queen. “Sorry, I tend to snap back randomly,” I say with a smile, seeing Amber resting, looking disheveled as well from our sex.


“Yes, you did quite the number on me, Honey,” My Queen replied. “You were amazing and played along with my scenario without skipping a beat. I really enjoyed our time together. I got a little too into it, and I made you go into me raw. I don't have diseases, and I hope you don't either. But I lost myself in the play.”


“I don't,” I replied with a smile, “I really hope you don't either, but I always ask my doctor for an annual check, and that is in a couple of weeks. Are you on the pill? My swimmers are very fertile, I have been told.”


“No worries about that. I am not on the pill, but I had a hysterectomy. There is nothing to impregnate within me,” Amber replied with a wry smile, and I looked at her a little shocked. Then I looked down, and I saw all the scars along her abdomen.


 I reached down, and I caressed her scars, tracing them a little, “What happened, my Queen?” I asked, looking into her eyes, and she shivered a little under my touch. 


“That is a little sensitive, but I love how you asked,” Amber grinned, “Um, I don't want to lie,” Amber suddenly went from a grin to a frown at her last statement. “I never did tell you what I did for a living, or at least used to,” Amber said as I looked at her scars.


She had multiple round scars, and there were a bunch of long and thick scars, all in various shapes and directions. I shook my head, “No, you did not tell me, but if you don't want to, that is fine. I am not one to pry, but some of these scars look like gunshot wounds. Were you shot?” I asked.


“Yes, EIght times; it is a miracle that I am alive, honorably discharged from the CSIS, The Canadian Security Intelligence Service, after three years there, From eighteen to twenty-one,” Amber said, “I cannot say what I was in the middle of doing or where at least not for another hundred years, but” She smiled, “It got me a fat payout and disability payments for a bit. I lost my womb and ovaries in the incident, and I am glad that is all I lost. It is a damn miracle; That is all I lost.” I could see that Amber was no longer in the room, so I got up and kissed her.


“My Queen, No need to tell me more; you are here in this room with me, Honey,” I said with a smile.


“Thanks. Sometimes, I remember it; I do have a bit of PTSD from it. Not that,” Amber cut herself off, “Well, I don't want to talk about it that much. Honestly, How did you enjoy your time with me?” 


“My Queen, I think I need your number; I will definitely call you when I am in a Submissive mood,” I said with a grin, “I feel so damn good at the moment. My stress from the day is just blown away. What are you doing now for work, if you are working, if you don't mind me asking, Amber.”


“Nothing; I have enough money to retire as long as I don't blow it all in one place, and I got a partial pension, and I am living off Interest. So I just figure out day to day what I want to do.”

“Have you ever heard of Galaxy Online by Gabin Corporation?” 


“That new Virtual Reality game?”


“Yeah, that one.”


“Well, Yeah, it is being blasted all over, and you cannot escape the ads.”


“I think you should play it!” 




“Because the game is realistic as hell, and I think you would be good if you were trained in intelligence. I am not sure if you were an agent or not; it is not my business, but I think it would be more than just being in a funk.”


“I am not in a funk; I am enjoying life day to day.”


“Well, then, it is something to do day to day!” 


“Why do you want me to play? I am sensing that there is something else.”


“You caught me,” I replied as I cozied up to her. “I am honestly being a little selfish. If you're ex-RCMP or CSIS or whatever, that means you might have formal training in either combat or administration. I have had a thought in the back of my head about starting my own corporation in the game. I am unsure, and it is only a thought at the back of my head because I am having a good start. As long as I can complete the Tutorial with what I have, I might be ahead in the game, and I will need talented people with me to soar into the sky. I am just taking a shot with you because of your background.” 


I felt Amber wrap her arms around me, and I looked up into her eyes, “I am glad that you were honest with me. I have dealt with too many half-truths in my life already. I have nothing better to do, so I don't see why not. Not going to promise anything. I might hate the game and not play it and sell the kit.”


“And I will have to find a way to apologize to you if that happens.” 


“Well, how does your ass feel Whore?”


I gasped, and I turned my body, and I looked up into the mirror, and across my ass which was bright red, was white skin in big bold letters saying ‘WHORE.’ “My Queen, You did an amazing job spanking that in. It has barely any red in the middle. Your aim is amazing.”


“Thanks. You were a great partner. You had lots of stamina, and when you cried out through the ring gag, I could understand it, including that Greenlight. That got me ready to go. Again, I am so glad how quickly you caught onto the play and joined me. I really enjoyed it.”


I got up quickly, moved over to my purse, which was on the floor in the corner by the door, and pulled out my phone. I looked at the time, and I smiled. “Damn, You did a lot to me in only two hours. I actually have time to be on time for my sleep stream.”


“Oh, Running on me?”


“Yup, A sleep streamer has bills to pay, and I sleep in front of creeps and perverts for donations. Sometimes, the bills are tight, but I survive.”


“That's okay; I feel so good having met you,” Amber said, “I loved you having both a cock and pussy, you know. I have never been so turned on that I let a first-time partner go raw in me because I needed to feel you without the rubber.”


“Come on, Get up and exchange numbers with me. I don't want to lose contact with you. I am definitely hoping for a second, and maybe a third, one-night stand with you as my Queen. I am more often a Dominant, but you will be my first call when I want to be a submissive whore.”


Amber got up and looked me up and down, “I cannot say no to that; I am going to say something, and please think about it.”


“Well, say it, and I will think about it.”


“What do you think about dominating a man with me?”


“I am pansexual, Amber; I just recently cucked and fucked both a husband and wife. I might even get the woman pregnant with my child and have the man raise it.” I saw Amber look at me in surprise, “Sorry, that was too much information. He knows that is the couple's fetish, and I am just enjoying some time with that couple. I think of the whole thing as a sperm donation of some kind. But if you're interested in being a double team on someone, Count me in. Have anyone in mind?”


“Yes, I do,” Amber said, “But we can talk about that later; we should get dressed and vacate the room for someone else. I think I am going to sleep well tonight.” Amber got up and smiled at me, walking over to her leather clothes. She jumped a couple of times to put on her leather pants, then zipped them up.


On the other hand, I had to take my time tucking things in, and the lingerie dress took a bit longer to tighten up. Amber smiled and helped me tighten up, saving me a couple of minutes working the back, and I smiled as she put on her red leather bra. “How did you like my leather bra and pants?” Amber asked as she looked over me, “I love that dress, by the way. It's very enticing.”


“I love a good leather queen when I am submitting,” I replied quickly, “You look amazing in it; then again, I love tight clothing. I have no problem sleeping in the tightest latex clothing if my audience allows me. I love the feeling of it, almost like a second skin.”


“You are interesting, Honey; I look forward to getting to know you more.”


“Amber, I am really glad about how stressed out I got tonight because I got to meet you. Honestly,” I replied, and we quickly exchanged contact information. “Before we go, though,” I followed up, “Everything we used into the bin. Seriously, I do not want to lose the right to use this room. Dan is very serious about this. Being allowed into this room is a show of trust.”


“Okay,” Amber replied, and we took only a minute. She moved a couple of things that she mentioned that she thought she touched while looking for things. After a bit, we headed out of the room, closed the bookcase behind us, and smiled with our arms linking back up before heading back down into the bar. 


“I should call an Uber,” I said as we were headed down.


“I was expecting to get a bit more drunk than I did,” Amber added with a wry smile, “I am going to do the same.”


We both turned to our phones and arrived before Vivian, who was brightly smiling as we handed her our coat check. “So, ladies, How did you enjoy your evening?” Vivian asked.


“You did an amazing job recommending us to each other, Vivian; thank you,” Amber replied.


“She made an amazing Queen tonight; I am impressed. Thank you, Vivian; I think we might even have a second or third night together when I am in a submissive mood.”


“Thank you both; I love knowing I got another kinky couple together correctly. You both look so refreshed,” Vivian said happily. “You driving?”


“Uber,” We both replied.


“Heading home together?” Vivian asked, surprised.


“No, Separate, I got work,” I replied.


“Well, Honey, do come back more often; we haven't seen your face for a while. At least call and check in once in a while.”


“You know me, Vivian, I wander around like a Stray cat; I show up when I want and disappear the same way. I am going to go chat with Ola,” I said as I finished putting on my Jacket. Amber had done the same and joined me heading out of the Club. Standing outside, Ola looked us both over and smiled.


“I was expecting you to be in there longer, Honey; you caught a Dom faster than I thought. Mind Introducing me?” Ola said.


“You haven't met Amber? You allowed her in?!” I questioned him. 


“You know I recognize those who have been invited, Honey, and more so those banned, but that doesn't mean I have been introduced,” Ola replied.


“Fair enough, This is Amber. Was my Queen for the night,” I told him with a smile, “She was really good,” I told him and turned to Amber, who was linked in my arm, “This is Ola, The bouncer; he is also a bottom if you are looking for a big guy to ride for a night. I will not say more than that because it would be between you both. But he is a great guy; he will take care of you around the club no matter what. He is an amazing person.”


“Thanks, Honey,” Ola said with a large white smile.


“Nice to Meet you, Ola; maybe we can meet up sometime. I do like big black men, too, if I am being honest. Maybe even Honey and I at the same time?” Amber smiled, and I could see Ola blush.


“Oh, Like that thought, Ola. Amber and I dominating you?” I asked the big, muscular Nigerian man. 


“Yes, you are both very attractive women; I do like the thought of that,” Ola replied.


“Then maybe we will,” I said, actually looking over Ola, thinking about it, and liking the idea. I could ride him and be inside him. I know he didn't mind a strap-on when it wasn't me, and he was very, very good with his mouth on a pussy. I flushed a bit, thinking about it.


“Oh, it seems a couple of cars are pulling up,” Ola suddenly said, bringing me back to reality.


“Well, My Queen, it is time to part ways, but hopefully just for now,” I said with a large grin.


“Till next time, Honey,” Amber replied with a large smile, and we went to a car only to realize we went to the other Uber driver. Then we got in, both blushing a little, and drove off. It was an uneventful drive, but I felt so light-hearted and refreshed now. I had not been in a bottom mood for a long time, and Amber really hit that itch I needed. Galaxy Online has taken a toll on my stress levels for the last couple of days. The lack of a respawn was getting me stressed as I really didn't want to lose what I had. But I could not let that get to me. I needed to be at my best when I played. Spending some time going out tonight was the right call.


I felt amazing, like I just took a week of vacation after being put into the subzone. My ass was tingling and still had ‘WHORE’ written across it, but that was fine. I would make sure none of the outfits I picked would show my probably bruising ass. I looked out the window as the Driver brought me home, and I tipped him before heading into my apartment building and soon reaching my room.


Being home now made me feel better instead of cooped up. I felt great, and my stomach rumbled a little, telling me I had forgotten to eat. I pulled out some noodles and started to heat the water before turning on my computer and checking what I had to wear tonight. I smiled as I saw it was a tight latex body suit that I was hoping for this morning. I excitedly smiled as it seemed that, over the day, it had changed to one of my favorites. This would show off my bulge, but that tightness was perfect, and the increased spending would help my bank account.


I got up and prepared my noodles, and I soon started eating while getting my cameras ready before heading to my closet and changing into Tight latex. It took me almost a full ten minutes to get into, but I got it on, and there was not a curve that wouldn't be in sight. God, I loved tight latex. Next time I go to the club, I am going to wear latex. I always need more opportunities to wear latex. 


With everything finished, I quickly introduced myself in my latex outfit and found a large thousand-user audience, much to my surprise. “Hey guys, Thanks for voting for this outfit; it is one of my favorites. I had a great night out tonight, enjoying myself and making a new friend. I am going to be passing out in a minute, but before I do, here is tomorrow's vote.” I put a half dozen outfits in a vote and finished up so I could go to bed, “Good night, guys; I am sleepy after a long night. Sorry for the delay tonight.”


With that, I got into bed, and I passed out seconds after my head hit the pillow, feeling hugged in a latex embrace.




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I hope you are all enjoying my book!

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