Galaxy Hunter Online

Chapter 67: Domestic Affairs

It was time for me to get to work sorting everything out—the Slaves and what I was going to do. With a latrine for the people staying with me, I would have to portion out food and water and ensure a camp style. I would have to make rooms and decide what I was doing with things. I needed to decide my goal for this trip as I had already become successful in some of the reasons I was down here in this damn forest while the ship was in the dry docks.


First, it was time to find out who I took on as the newest member after the bounties. I moved into the room and looked over everyone. The people with collars were around the Laptop or computer that was geolocating for their neck collars. I walked over to my place in the encampment, and I started to get to work. I was no longer idle and just stressed.


No, I was still stressed, but it wasn't a heavyweight after unleashing myself on Cassady with complete control over her. I would also play with her tonight, but that was for later. Instead, I got out the tablet and started composing the data I had.


Bounty: Kimmy Greenhorn

Race: Half Human, Half Gecko-kin

Crimes: Assault, Sexual Assault, Murder

Federation Bounty: 7500 Federation Credits

Wanted Dead or Alive

Note: Known to be with a pack of men and women attacking and murdering Bounty Hunters. Proceed with Caution

Bounty: Emma Volenski

Race: Three-Quarters Human, One quarter Twimmer

Crimes: Multiple accounts of Assault and Attempted Murder

Federation Bounty: 9000 Federation Credits

Wanted Dead or Alive

Note: Known to be with a pack of men and women attacking and murdering Bounty Hunters. Proceed with Caution.

Bounty: Tamerial Mystiron

Race: Silirus

Crimes: Multiple assaults with deadly weapons. Grand theft, Grand theft with the intent to kill

Federation Bounty: 13000 Federation Credits

Wanted Dead or Alive

Note: Known to be with a pack of men and women attacking and murdering Bounty Hunters. Proceed with Caution.


These were the Three bounties that I captured. I would need to bring them back, but they were the ones I captured alive. Tamerial was now bound, completely unable to move. I could collar him, but I wasn't sure with his record if I wanted him able to even move. That was an ethics thing that I didn't give a fuck about. What I needed to find out was what was going on with the group that I collected last night.


I moved forward, and I started to take pictures of the ‘slaves’ or the people that the other group brought back captured. I allowed them to sleep as Kimmy and Emma continued to slave away. So, it didn't take long for the tablet to shoot out answers.

Bounty Hunter: Kathren Bridgit

Race: Human

Affiliation: Half Hunters

Bounty Hunter: Milo LongFang

Race: Half Human, Half Wolf-kin

Affiliation: Half Hunters

Bounty Hunter: Syliva Brown

Race: Half Human, Half-Elf

Affiliation: Half Hunters

Bounty Hunter: Daniel Brown

Race: Half Human, Half High Elf

Affiliation: Half Hunters

Bounty Hunter: Nyavo Brown

Race: Half Human. Quarter Elf, Quarter, Cat-kin

Affiliation Half Hunters

Bounty Hunter: Henry Timmins

Race: Human

Affiliation Half Hunters


All of them looked human as I looked at them, but these were bounty hunters. It seems that they might have been coming into the forest together. It seemed three of them were possibly even family together. I thought that their affiliation was a bit unfortunate because it made them seem that they were hunting half-breeds instead of being half-breeds. Then again, they might actually be doing that. Either way, I wasn’t sure how to proceed with them. 


Their cohesion didn't seem high level when I was dealing with them, but I was also in a lot of pain dealing with them. At least before I took Nyava potion when I came back, I might have missed things. Not that I look at it. The three browns were closer together, and Longfang was closer to Kathrine. I couldn't help but wonder if something happened between the six of them. It was like there was an awkward atmosphere between them.


Also, I couldn't ask because they were all essentially muzzled. There were two ways I could go about with them. First, I could leave them as they were trapped without speaking, and I could feed them. When I left, I could bring them along and use them as cargo haulers for the extra weapons I gathered, then save them as I left. Or I could try and find some way, which I didn't know how to do while I was in the cave.


Shaking my head, I was about to try to free them without some way of knowing. I could ask Kimmy and Emma if they knew how to free these six prisoners. Then there was still these two bounties and the tied-up guy. I didn't know what to do right now except to let them sort themselves out. I wanted to make this into a base to play with and enjoy myself.


Then I realized that there was something that I desperately needed if I was going to continue to collect people who came here. It was only day three, and I had a week or so ahead of me. I would run out of room if I continued to capture people. Then I wondered if I could make them make even more space for a prison. I smirked at the two women who continued to toil away, finishing a latrine. 


I walked over and saw that the woman needed to use it soon. Probably the same with the man, and I sighed as I crossed the distance. Both Emma and Kimmy were a bit of a mess as they continued to work on the Latrine, and it was a bit of a deep hole, too. The only thing needed now was to cover the hole, which should be enough for a week or two. “Okay, ladies, you can take a break, and you can have some rations and some water,” I told them, and both women almost collapsed on the spot.


Both were breathing heavily and smiling. “Thank you,” Kimmy said. “I am so hungry, thirsty, and tired,” she complained.


“I am so sleepy; we have been working for hours,” Emma complained, “I haven't slept in twenty-four hours.” 


“Well, you will get some sleep, food, and rest. I spent a bit of time thinking, and I know what I want to do moving forward. Unfortunately for you two, this isn't the end of your digging,” I told them, and both blanked. “You both will be making a new prison! I need someone to tie up the next groups that might be coming here. This will be my base camp, and this Bounty hunter needs a place where prisoners can be confined. Like your friend Tamerial over there instead of being bound by rope all the time. It doesn't have to be much, but a place where I can bind them to the wall instead. This cavern is just a little too small for that, and so I will get you to work on that wall there to cut into,” I said, pointing to a wall near the latrine. Both women sighed.


“For now,” I said, cutting off complaints, “You will eat and enjoy a break sleeping. Maybe we can even afford some time when I let you wash up, but I don't see much reason for that at the moment. You will just get dirty again. Maybe tomorrow night if no one shows up.” I said with a grin, and both women shivered. I could tell they didn't like my plan, but I didn't care if they didn't like my plan.


Instead, I shouted, “Food time!” The collared mutes all got up to the cavern, and so did Tamerial as he looked sleepily and fought a little against his restraints. I moved over, moved the rope a little from his mouth, and looked at Emma. “You can help him eat, too,” I told her. I moved over to my supplies and pulled out rations for everyone. I got Emma and Kimmy a bit extra and put down food for everyone.


The next hour or so was spent watching everyone eat, but there wasn't any talking. Both women looked like they would collapse, and Emma helped Tamerial eat. He seemed grateful and was the first to say something to me. “Can I be released from my bindings?” He asked as he finished his food.


“No,” I replied simply. “Before you ask, Why? It is because I don't like you,” I finished even more, simply shutting him up. That was not the only reason why. I wanted him as an example for the rest about how conditions for them could be worse. You could end up like Tamerial, who was tied up and gagged. The rest seemed to look at him and no longer felt pity.


“Now,” I said, grabbing stuff from what we looted. I took a bunch of Tent stuff and started to finish the construction of the Latrine so people could cover it up and do their business. When it finished, I got a notification that I looked at, much to my surprise.



New Trait - Wilderness Builder


You know how to make or tell others how to make basic wilderness buildings that others will desperately need.



Another trait to add to the growing list that would come in handy when in the main universe. For now, “Okay, everyone who needs to relieve themselves, that is the spot,” I pointed out, and I pointed at Kimmy, “Since you started it, you can test it out.” I could see the relief on her face as I pointed that out, and she didn't care that she had to in front of everyone. Most turned their heads, but I noticed Longtooth didn't. 


Next was a bit where everyone took turns but myself relieving themselves. I thought I would like to give them some privacy, but these were captured. Any privacy would be a bad thing for me as it gave captives a place where they could do things out of my sight when I was around. So I let it continue and untied Tamerial to let him go to the bathroom. Then I tied him right back up and pinned him to the ground. The entire time, he was under the guidance of a shotgun pointed right at him as he was the most free to do as he liked when out of the bindings.


With all of that being over, it was time to move on to what I actually wanted to do. 


Playing the game! 


I know these were all things that I had to be doing, but I was looking forward to setting up some traps. I wanted to make traps closer to the cave entrance in case someone spotted me when I was looking out the crack. That would increase my security and allow me to expand. I ordered Emma and Kimmy to bed, put the other collared mutes away from the guns, and double-checked Tamerial’s bindings. With that, I was set, and I started to sort through what I would use for traps. 


With a double check to see if anyone had joined us in the valley, I didn't see anyone, and it had become dark.


It was time to get started!

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