Galactic Technological Library

Chapter 134: Fallen Kings!

Editor and Proofreader: Delther

While the whole [EVOS] community was in an uproar because of the sudden announcement, many news agencies followed this news and announced it as a hacking incident. 

From their tone it was obvious that they were being biased and did not report the truth but it did not matter to them because this would have been able to fool the people if [EVOS] was truly able to bring all of its operations back online.

After 2 days passed, countless people were protesting in country C and many of them were gathered outside [EVOS] headquarter. 

They were demanding an explanation from the company representatives, but all they received was silence. 

No one from the company came forward to explain things and to make matters worse, many of the employees from the company started to resign. 

The initiator was[span] Tang Ru,[/span] who left the company the same day the announcement was posted. He initially contacted Fei Hong for details, but she was unable to clarify things. 

Getting no answers from her, he turned to his AI assistant that was provided to him and the same announcement was posted there. 

Seeing this, he knew that all this matter was true and there were no benefits of him staying here anymore. He understood the power of AI and knew that all the operations of the company would really shut down. 

His departure started a chain reaction and despite the efforts done by Fei Hong, many top level technical talents left the company. 

To make matters worse for country C and [EVOS], many independent news agencies started to report about the internal matters of the company. 

They were able to get the information about [EVOS] internal system shutting down from the company's accounts department's employees. 

An employee from the accounts department told the media agency that almost 80% of the company money vanished from the accounts before the announcement. 

However, neither they nor the bank were able to trace where the money went. The bank confirmed that it was not hacking as there were records of money being transferred away using the company's accounts, but when they tried to trace the money back, the trail disappeared after 2 accounts withdrew the money. 

Country C was also under a lot of pressure from the international community, especially from scientists.

Many of the scientists urged their governments to cut off their business activities and partnerships with country C but such voices were blocked promptly. 

These independent agencies were only able to spread the news to a small community of people so they did not have much impact. 

As for the international media, none of them reported about this. As for the voices and protests in different countries, they were also dealt with.

Fu Yan was currently sitting in the hotel room he had booked and he had seen the true face of humanity these past days, so when he made that announcement, he did not expect much. 

His original intention for doing all this was to distract his opponents and create problems for them while he transferred the money from [EVOS] account to many different accounts Qing had made. 

With the help of Qing creating some fake footprints, he now had over 200 million US dollars in different accounts that he could use whenever he wanted, and no one would be able to trace them. 

Even though he could steal money from other accounts, he did not take the risk of doing so because he did not know if Qing was completely able to hide all her traces.

If he just took the money from [EVOS] accounts, only his enemies would try to find out about him and the bank wouldn't be able to locate him because the money was transferred away legitimately. 

But if he were to steal away money from other accounts then multiple parties would get involved and that would create problems for him. 

After getting the money, Fu Yan decided to proceed to the next part of his plan. He stood up from the bed and walked towards the window.

He looked towards the setting sun and enjoyed its beauty for a while. While watching this, Fu Yan thought about the time when he suddenly started to search about island nations.

At that moment he had a plan about going to an island nation after he had developed enough and built a house there, but now he was still on an island nation but the goals were completely different. 

Fu Yan watched the Sun for a while and then turned around.

"Nir! Let's go."

With a flash of white light, Fu Yan disappeared from the room and appeared in the Library. He then turned towards Nir and then handed him a box, full of mechanical worms that he got from [ANUVIS]. 

"Did you understand what you need to do?" Fu Yan asked Nir after handing him the box.

Nir gave a nod and then replied with a soft voice.

"Yes master! I will complete this mission without any error."

Fu Yan gave a nod and then handed him an earpiece. 

"Take this. You can communicate with Qing through it. No one will be able to hear you and this item can follow you into the other dimension so you don't have to worry about losing it." 

Nir took the earpiece and then placed it in the ear. Fu Yan had purchased it from the Library using 300 credits and it was an inter-planetary communicator which could be used to communicate across planets. 

As for the medicine Fu Yan bought earlier for Xen, he returned it to the Library within 24 hours so he got his 2000 credits back. 

Fu Yan still had over 10000+ credits. He thought for a while and then spent more than 7000 of them to purchase different technologies from the Library. 

He did not hesitate to spend all these credits because all the things he purchased were necessary for his plan. 

After dealing with all these, he looked towards Nir, and the latter gave a nod, indicating that he was ready. After that Nir went to the teleporter and then disappeared in white light. 

Fu Yan watched all this and then turned towards his desk. Now that everything on earth is on the right track, he started to think about what he experienced the past few days.

After he calmed down, Fu Yan immediately noticed changes that happened to him. The most noticeable thing was that he lost his emotions. 

Well, not all emotions. He could still feel anger, greed and other emotions but sympathy, love and fear, these emotions disappeared from him or more like, they were being suppressed. 

Fu Yan also noticed the golden glow in his eyes and knew that something was influencing him, but he was not able to confirm whether the light was beneficial to him or not. 

When he asked Qing to analyze him, Qing also came to a conclusion that Fu Yan was not being himself. 

When she compared his current self to the past, there was a difference of 34%. His body language was still the same, but the way he spoke and reacted to different things was completely different from the past. 

Fu Yan thought about all this for quite a while but was unable to come to a conclusion, so he could not help but let out a sigh. 

While he was immersed in thoughts, he suddenly felt Nir's call inside his mind and knew that Nir had completed his mission. 

He quickly controlled the teleporter and then Nir appeared in the Library. 

As soon as he appeared, Nir gave a bow and then offered the box back to Fu Yan with a respectful posture, as if he was giving an offering to Fu Yan. 

Fu Yan accepted the box back and then gave a nod. 

"So this means you have completed your mission! You were faster than I expected."

"Yes master! I was able to complete the mission faster because human beings on this planet are so weak that they did not hesitate to accept being your slaves."

Fu Yan chuckled upon hearing this and then said.

"Since the initial stage of our plan is complete, then we can move forward. Now the second part of the plan can start."

After saying that, he took Nir's hand and disappeared from the Library. He appeared in the hotel room and the laptop was still running.

Fu Yan looked towards the laptop and ordered with a majestic voice.

"Qing! Initiate plan [FALLEN KING]."

[[[[Chapter Ends Here]]]]

We currently have 450 power stone, make them 730 and I will give you guys 2 chapter tomorrow. 

[ol][li data-annotation-id="2e9fdebd-cc85-667b-2b01-d1e123dc77c4"]The programming department head whom Fu Yan gave a small AI to learn advance technology. [/ol]

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