Future Mecha God of War

Chapter 347 Take the initiative

Although the previous attempt failed due to insufficient soul crystal energy.

But Muchen did not gain nothing. At least through this experiment, he already knew the level of strength of the enemy he was about to face.

If his judgment was correct, the pilot of the silver mecha was at the same level of spiritual power as him, both at the fourth stage of mental power.

But the mecha they used was obviously not on the same level as Qingtian War God.

Even though Mu Chen's strength had just improved a lot, he knew in his heart that if he encountered that silver mecha now, he wouldn't be able to fight back at all.

Now I just hope that the surprise Li Zhenbang brings to him can be big enough.


Time passed day by day. At the beginning, Mu Chen was still hunting the giant beasts in the void, obtaining soul crystals, and working hard to improve his spiritual power.

But since he discovered that ordinary soul crystals were very limited in improving his mental power, he entered the core of the nebula again and began to look for traces of the amethyst fleet.

Firstly, he wanted to find an opportunity to hunt down the more powerful void beast in the core of the nebula. Secondly, he also wanted to keep an eye on the movements of the Amethyst Fleet.

The Death Nebula is so big and the terrain is complicated. If he hadn't kept an eye on the fleet when it rushed out of the core of the nebula, it would not be that easy to find it again.

Fortunately, Mu Chen's previous judgment was very accurate. Although the commander of this fleet woke up in time, he did not continue towards the core of the nebula and started to take a detour.

But the void behemoths in the Death Nebula are too dense, and these battleships cannot completely restrain the fluctuations like the Phantom. In addition, they are also very large in size. As a result, they have become a thorn in the eyes of many behemoths.

Muchen had already advanced a level, and they had only walked less than half the journey.

There were originally nearly 50 warships, but now there are only 21 left, and more than half have been lost.

However, the five shatter-class mechas are still there, and the loss of their strength is not as great as it appears.

With the continuous fighting and the sufficient supply of soul crystals, the strength of the five broken-class mechas became stronger than when Mu Chen first saw them, and the cooperation between them became increasingly better. The more tacit understanding.

When Mu Chen just found them, he witnessed a battle between these five mechas and 12 giant void beasts with a length of more than 3,000 kilometers.

In this battle, the Amethyst side did not lose even a single battleship, and it was resolved neatly.

Basically, each of these five mechas can fight one-on-two or one-on-three, and have the absolute upper hand.

Muchen secretly estimated that before his cultivation reached a breakthrough, his level with them was only about the same. Even if he was stronger, there would be limits.

Even now, it is not easy to deal with these five mechas at once.

However, Mu Chen never thought about facing them head-on from the beginning to the end. It was just that he didn't come here before. Now that he has come, of course he won't let them go so smoothly again.

So Muchen began to use the Phantom's stealth and speed to constantly cause trouble for the fleet.

He did not take action directly, but looked around for powerful void behemoths. Once the fleet encountered an enemy and a battle broke out, Mu Chen would pilot the Phantom and lure the closer behemoths not far from the fleet, and then completely restrain himself. The breath quickly ran away.

These giant beasts attracted by him will naturally be attracted by the huge battle fluctuations over there.

By using this method, Mu Chen not only further slowed down the advance of the amethyst fleet, but also increased their losses.

During this period, even the silver mecha was forced to take action four times, giving Mu Chen a chance to observe it further.

Mu Chen himself has reached this level now, so he can see more things through the details of the battle.

He discovered that this silver mecha was indeed powerful, but it was not truly invincible.

That kind of powerful energy vortex can only be used twice at most in a battle, and the more common annihilation energy attacks are used.

Although these normal attacks were equally powerful, Mu Chen was not without any ability to fight back against such attacks.

Mu Chen discovered this and started to make a new plan.

It's about a month before Li Zhenbang arrives at the designated place, but he is no longer ready to wait passively.


The Amethyst Fleet had just dealt with a wave of void behemoths. After resting and recuperating, they had advanced less than 20,000 kilometers when another group of turtle-like behemoths as huge as floating islands rushed over in front of them.

Scenes like this have happened frequently in recent months, and they have already become numb.

Then the battleship's main gun began to charge, and the five shatter-class mechas that were the Duke's guards were also ready to fight.

Duke Mano in the Starry Sky Fortress also stared at these giant tortoises with a heavy expression. There were sixteen of these giant tortoises in total, which were beyond what his guards could handle. It seemed that he had to take action personally this time.

Duke Mano is usually reluctant to take action. Although he can kill three to five giant turtles in an instant, it will also exhaust the energy in his mecha. In this starry sky, danger is everywhere. , this is obviously a very risky move.

And if he didn't use all his strength and chose to fight these giant beasts slowly, he was afraid that his men would suffer too much.

He no longer has that powerful empire behind him. Before reaching his new homeland, the resources on hand will be reduced as he uses them up, so he cannot help but be careless.

While he was thinking, the two sides were already at war.

Before Amethyst's warships could launch an attack, the giant turtles opened their huge mouths, and dozens of huge energy beams instantly illuminated the dark nebula and crashed into the Amethyst fleet.


Following an order, five huge energy light shields were superimposed on each other, protecting the entire fleet from behind.

At the same time, energy defense shields were also raised on each battleship.

Huge energy fluctuations spread out layer by layer, and the attacks and defenses of both sides collided instantly.

Even if the five energy shields are stacked together, they cannot withstand such a powerful attack. After being hit, they begin to shatter layer by layer.

But at the same time, the energy beams emitted by the giant turtles also shrunk by nearly half after this blockage.

With this moment of buffering, the warships behind finally raised their energy protection level to the highest level, and the attacks launched by the giant turtles were no longer enough to cause much damage to them.

Before the light dissipated, five shatter-class mechas rushed forward and fought with several giant turtles.

They have already had experience. If they continue to defend passively, no matter how strong they are, they will not be able to match these giant beasts that are almost the size of the planet in terms of energy reserves.

At this time, no one noticed that not far behind the group of giant beasts, a small spaceship that was completely black and seemed to blend perfectly with the dark nebula was secretly observing the battle.

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