Furious Combo

Chapter 82 - : Actively triggered tasks

Jiang Yan burst into tears when she saw her mother’s tombstone.

At this moment, he felt a dilemma between life and death.

Why do you live on your own? Struggling in the infinite space, there is no longer loved ones, no longer warm. The longer you live, the more blood will be on your hands. How is yourself different from those gangsters?

“Doctor! Doctor?”

In Anna’s shaking, Jiang Yan opened her eyes and found that the tears wet the pillow.

“Anna, I …” Jiang Yan wanted to say something, but was stopped by Anna and held in her arms. Anna’s chest is warm and soft, but Jiang Yan has no desire.

“I also had a dream, but I couldn’t cry, doctor, I really envy you.” Anna said softly.

“Envy me?” Jiang Yan’s voice was a little blurry, Anna’s figure was very good, his chest pressed against his nose, and he was reluctant to move away.

“I am an orphan, my childhood, there is nothing to lose. So I never cry, this is not because I am strong, I am used to it.”

got used to……

In these three words, the bitterness contained cannot be expanded at all, and can only be condensed together. After listening to this sentence, Jiang Yan stopped her tears. He stood up, leaned against the bed, and glanced at the contractor’s watch.

On the timeline, the time of the Matrix world happens to be midnight.

“Anna, have you ever thought about doing so many contractors in infinite space?” Jiang Yan changed the subject. Everything in the dream made his heart hurt. He did not want to comfort and pity each other with Anna. If possible, he would rather treat Anna better in the future instead of using this moment.

Has no relatives and friends, at least Anna can be a good friend if she wants to.

“I don’t know. Look, I haven’t been to your city yet. I don’t know anything about this space.” Anna shook her head and leaned against Jiang Yan’s chest.

Jiang Jiang wants to be strong, but she doesn’t want to now. Being strong is something that will happen in the future. Now she would rather be a little woman. I’m afraid there will not be too many such opportunities.

“Our human fantasy has condensed a lot of real worlds. The controller of infinite space may be something that our human fantasy, or may be called God. The semi-data body of the contractor can be regarded as very high Technological means and the tasks of contractors can be regarded as the needs of God. “

“God’s needs?”

“The number of contractors is huge and powerful, but in each mission world, more people die. Each deceased contractor will leave a lot of wealth to God. This wealth is taken away by God and inspired Other contractors. Wealth is not God ’s purpose, God wants us. “

“The only possibility is that God can’t do anything, and I hope our contractors will do it.” Anna also clarified her thoughts, and Jiang Yan said very straightforwardly.

“Anna, you said, what does God let us do?”

“I don’t know, but I have a hunch, certainly not what we are willing to do.”


“Women’s intuition.” Anna smiled, and then said seriously: “My intuition has always been very spiritual.”

Such unreliable words made Jiang Yan think about it, because he also felt this way. The manipulators of infinite space, with so many contractors, must be doing something earth-shattering. Since the beginning of history, any major event in history cannot be compared with this one.

If that day comes, how should I reject God?

Dong dong dong dong!

Someone outside hurriedly knocked on the door, Jiang Yan said, and the man was sitting by the bed, putting on his shoes.

A sturdy female soldier came in and said respectfully to Jiang Yan: “Mr. Jon invites you to come.”

“Here comes.” Jiang Yan and Anna exchanged glances. Anna slowly wore shoes, and her shoes were also equipment, which could be changed in one thought.

“I’m going to wash my face.” Anna no matter how anxious the female warrior turned, walked into the bathroom, checked the weapon and ammunition in the contractor’s space, and embedded 7 energy crystals on her belt. The old energy crystals have not been consumed, but the color is dim and will not be supported for long.

After the modification of the Hydrogen Particle Cannon, it can still only hold 6 standard unit energy crystals, but two of them can already contain 4th level energy. Anna filled two 4 level energy crystals in the energy magazine, and the number of shots of the stream of hydrogen particles was increased to 200 times. Level 4 energy crystal contains 20 times more power than level 5 energy crystal.

This is a huge gap. In the database of Machinery City, level 5 fuel is considered to be the same as waste and is used by mechanical squid.

After checking the energy magazine, Anna checked the magazine of the SZ1 rifle again, and then turned off the faucet and walked out slowly.

Women warriors are impatient, and their expressions inevitably show anger. Jon is the leader of all their fighters and their leader. In Jon ’s private forces, all the soldiers only obeyed his orders, and the city ’s controllers could not mobilize them.

This is the foundation of the leaders of the various regions of the city, private troops.

Jiang Yan didn’t pay attention to her feelings. It took a few days for the army of Machine City to break Coco Island. There is a little more than six days left for my return time. How long is it possible to procrastinate? It’s really forced. If you want to go to the battlefield, you have to wait for the robot to get in.

Smith ’s goal must be himself and Anna, and now it ’s a stupid choice to kill him and fight Smith.

The underground space is very wide. Walking on the road, the light above shines down, and Jiang Yan feels like she is back to earth. Without saying a word, the female warrior took two people to a metal door and pointed to the metal doorway: “After entering, someone will take you to see Mr. Jon.”

Jiang Yan nodded and glanced at Anna. Anna also nodded. In her digital lens, she saw that the metal door had weaknesses above and below. In other words, with her weapon power, it can be easily torn apart.

The metal door slid open. The female soldier summoned several soldiers and turned away. Jiang Yan and Anna entered the door. There were acquaintances in the door, but Clark was waiting for them.

“Doctor, thank you for saving us.” Clark was very enthusiastic and came up to shake hands with Jiang Yan. His hand is very powerful, Jiang Yan estimates that he has reached the standard of an E-level contractor.

“You’re welcome, I’m saving myself.” Jiang Yan refused to take credit, and Clark didn’t waste time. He greeted two people and walked through the corridor to a spacious study.

Jon was waiting for them, and there were four empty wine glasses on the long coffee table against the wall. Around the coffee table is a half-circle sofa.

Seeing that Jiang Yan and Anna were brought in by Clark, Jon pointed to the seat and said, “Doctor, please sit down, you too.” He said, he first found a single sofa and sat down.

Jiang Yan smiled and sat down with Anna, next to him, Clark.

“Jon, if you find me a desperate thing, I won’t do it. There are at least hundreds of spaceships outside, and there are two large battleships.” He watched as Jon poured wine to everyone, the amber wine was sticky It’s thick and fragrant, I don’t know how many years it has been.

Jiang Yan held the wine in his hand and checked it, there was no toxin. This is a little ability of the contractor, you can view everything with attributes. Toxin itself is also an attribute, it is too difficult to poison the contractor ’s diet.

The wine was shaken gently in the glass. Jiang Yan was not a very particular person, and he did n’t drink too much. Good or bad.

Jon looked at Jiang Yan’s movements, thoughtfully. In this era, everyone is in a hurry, even for pleasure. This doctor is different, he does not seem to be a person in this world at all.

Reminisced about what Clark had said, this vision of a man and a woman, Jon already had an idea.

“Doctor, where are you from?” Jon asked seemingly casually, as if it were ordinary friends chatting.

“Los Angeles.” Jiang Yan answered very naturally, so that Jon didn’t know how to continue for a while. Where is Los Angeles?

“Oh, Jon, what are you looking for from us?” Jiang Yan saw Jon in a daze and immediately began to pick up the topic. His origins cannot be said to anyone in the mission world.

Even if he wants to reveal the secret ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ can’t do it.

“I want to get your ability to switch weapons, what is that, magic? Or high-tech equipment?” Jon is also a person who has seen the world, Jiang Yan asked, and he went straight to the subject.

“It’s high-tech equipment, but we don’t know the manufacturing method, nor can we transfer it to you. Even if you killed both of us, you can’t find this equipment.” Jiang Yan suddenly raised his glass and drank the wine Drink it all.

“Really can’t get it?”

“Yes.” Jiang Yan pointed to the empty glass, and Jon poured another half glass of wine for him.

“What price do I need to pay?” Jon asked perseveringly.

Jiang Yan seriously thought about this problem and slowly said: “I need you to protect me and Anna for seven days, and don’t be killed by the monsters of the mechanical city.”

“no problem.”

“Then we will leave. Before leaving, we will sign an agreement. I will bring you a similar piece of equipment next time. The price …”

“You just speak.”

“No, you do n’t understand, we need luck to get this equipment again. Even if we have luck, we can meet it, and we may not have it. I need you to pay a deposit. The amount of this deposit may make you Retreat. “

“As long as money can solve it, it’s not a problem.” Jon smiled boldly as he leaned back on the sofa, his blond hair automatic without wind.

Jiang Yan nodded and triggered a task by himself as an opportunity to return to this world. This is somewhat contrary to his original intention, but this world can provide Anna with a lot of energy, which is easier than any other world. Anna’s future skills training may also be carried out in this world.

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