Furious Combo

Chapter 62 - : Weird robot

Battleship armor, paralyzed robots, and this metal wall are all tools for Jiang Yan to sharpen himself. After he broke through the armor of the battleship, he had a clear positioning for his fighting style.

Melee, skill, combo.

Using firearms, he is not good at it, he hits at most to help Anna. But in close combat, he has absolute talent. Many actions, according to the little devil, are at least two times faster than others.

A contractor with strong melee ability can use attack instead of defense. Jiang Yan himself is a doctor, and the treatment cost is much lower than others. What he needs most is to have the means or equipment to defend against long-range attacks.

Once the direction of development is determined, we must make every effort to advance towards the goal, and we must not hesitate. So Jiang Yan gave Anna the water particle gun, although he said he wanted money, but the price he wanted was really only a friend price.

An advanced black weapon with unlimited potential. Advanced into a golden weapon is the worst kind, and the possibility is the smallest. If there is no accident, the Hydrogen Particle Cannon can evolve into a dark gold level weapon after completing the mission, and it still does not require any level requirements.

This is the most powerful.

The sound of murmurs kept coming, and Jiang Yan’s scalpel ripped open the thin metal wall. Behind this metal wall is a grid of welded metal columns. The size of the grid is not enough for an adult to pass.

Faced with this situation, Jiang Yan just used a scalpel to repeatedly cut through the two adjacent metal grids, and there was no problem in entering or leaving an adult.

Anna’s Hydrogen Particle Cannon never left her hand. She looked closely at the neighborhood. When Jiang Yan cut off the metal column, Anna even directly stimulated the ability of the digital lens and opened a 360 ° viewing angle.

The surrounding environment immediately turned into a relatively dark color. Many objects, in Anna’s eyes, also became a set of data, and green symbols flowed around, making people feel that it is unreal.

Anna turned sharply, a three-shot burst shot of the Hydrogen Particle Cannon, and hit a robot rushing from the side room. The robot didn’t open the ion shield, and I don’t know what the reason was, but it was still able to move freely. The height of the robot is only 3 meters. Anna’s bullet hit the robot’s neck, just a spark.

Jiang Yan hand-held railing, drilled into the other side of the metal wall, turned around and shouted: “Anna, come here, don’t get entangled.”

Anna was surprised when she saw that her attack was fruitless. The one he hit must be the easiest part of the robot, and the defense is relatively weak. The bullet just scratched a shallow mark on the robot and then flew away. One of them even fell into the metal wall next to it, proving that the bullet’s attack power is not low.

Anna jumped, her body passed through the narrow gap and came to the other side of the wall. She didn’t wait to get up and shot again. This time, the bullet hit a dark muzzle on the arm raised by the robot.

Hum! ,

The muzzle sprayed scattered rays, melting the metal wall in front of Anna and Jiang Yan.

At this moment, the temperature of the room suddenly rose, Jiang Yan did not hesitate to release a life price to Anna, and then turned around and fled. A ray passed through Anna’s arm and punched a small hole in her arm.

This pain was heartbreaking, and Anna’s lips were bitten by herself, but she was fortunate in her heart. This time she was injured, and her luck was really good. If the light penetrated her head, she was dead by this time.

Jiang Yan’s treatment stopped her pain in a modest way, and also repaired the damage of the bones being penetrated. This time the injury made her arm no longer function properly. Hydrogen particle cannon is a two-handed weapon. Once one hand is injured, it is equivalent to waste.

Timely treatment, took Anna thousands of survival points.

But even Anna did not pay attention to her body, wherever Jiang Yan had been treated, there would be a faint red light attached to it. This dark red light will fade away at least 24 hours later. After remission, these repaired wounds completely restored to the original shape without any scars and sequelae.

But these golden-red rays are absorbed in the bones and merged into the bone marrow. At these locations, when they are attacked again, their recovery ability is at least doubled, and during treatment, the cost of survival points is also reduced by more than double.

Anna’s injury quickly recovered, and the person escaped fast enough, catching up with Jiang Yan within a few breaths. Jiang Yan slowed down and let Anna pass by him. His vision is now greatly affected. In this environment, all electronic devices have lost their function and can only wait for Anna to lead the way.

Otherwise, with his EE-level contractor’s attributes, it can be seen that a dozen meters away is good.

Anna’s 360 ° viewing angle can maintain 120 seconds, which is enough for her and Jiang Yan to run a distance of nearly one kilometer. The contractor’s physical fitness is not a problem, the biggest problem is the twists and turns of the passage in this battleship, which affects the speed at which the two escape.

However, this battleship is only 200 meters long. If the two men rushed forward, if there were no tortuous passages, they would have rushed out of the battleship.

The problem is that there are many battlefields on this battleship, all of which are between the surviving combat robots and human infantry. The robot behind Jiang Yan and Anna at a height of 3 meters may not be fast enough, but it is much stronger than humans. If the channel in the battleship is not so tortuous, Jiang Yan and Anna would have been caught up.

Now, Anna also has to take risks. She brought Jiang Yan to an empty cabin. In this cabin, four human infantry wearing exoskeleton armor were fighting with a level 4 robot.

The robot’s leg was broken, but a spare limb was pulled from the back of the body, still chasing and killing 4 human infantry. The four human infantry knew that gunpowder weapons and even electromagnetic guns could not penetrate the robot’s ion shield. This robot has just been arranged to clean up in the city, and the energy is quite sufficient.

The idea of ​​consuming light energy is also unrealistic. These four infantrymen simply used the cold weapons on the exoskeleton armor and began to wander. The robots themselves cannot use energy weapons, which is the reason why the infantry suffered little casualties. But the robot has four arms, and on each arm, there is an alloy sword two and a half meters long.

Robots don’t need to consider human fighting styles, even if four alloy swords are hacked, it is enough to let sword masters hate on the spot. Unless, human beings have great power.

The four human soldiers have no power, but their exoskeletons have armor.

Anna and Jiang Yan broke into this empty room one after the other. The four human soldiers were still a little surprised. They immediately saw that the two men had no exoskeleton armor, but were killed with a weird robot behind them. Came in. The most terrible thing is that a gun with a caliber of at least 40 mm is hung on the robot’s arm.

Seeing ghosts, the four infantry screamed and fled towards the other side of the room. The legs of the exoskeleton armor sprayed white gas. This jump was more than 20 meters away. One of the infantry even made a mistake. One hit the wall.

The weird robot chasing Jiang Yan and Anna raised his arm and aimed at the infantry hitting the wall, then bombarded it. Jiang Yan and Anna simply rushed to the level 4 combat robot and rolled sideways to avoid the attack of the alloy sword.

Anna’s Hydrogen Particle Cannon has been put away, and a shuttle 9㎜ bullet was shot into the robot’s muzzle. This time, the light emitted from the muzzle was still scattered. Dozens of lights hit the level 4 combat robot. The ion shield of the combat robot flashed a few times and suddenly went out.

The infantry that hit the wall was not injured, but instead two infantry who had almost rushed out of the room, were accidentally hit by this ray, one of the body was penetrated through the heart and killed on the spot, the other infantry, the exoskeleton armored delivery system Was beaten to the central position ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ blasted with a bang.

Jiang Yan felt a chill in his heart. Although this strange robot was disturbed by Anna, it could destroy the ion shield of the level 4 combat robot in one click. If the muzzle is not disturbed by bullets and hits any target, it may be destroyed directly.

The two surviving infantrymen did not panic, but turned around and shot wildly at the weapon on the grotesque robot arm. Their exoskeleton armor has a powerful electromagnetic gun, and the shooting accuracy can not be compared with Anna. In order to survive in the electromagnetic environment, the exoskeleton armor of these infantry adopts the oldest transmission system, which is not modified by electronic technology.

Anna didn’t dare to use the Hydrogen Particle Cannon anymore. The Hydrogen Particle Cannon is a two-handed weapon. Once an arm is injured and you can’t move, you will immediately be dumb. In her hands, two large pistols were replaced. It was the work of the little devil. The attack power was not high, but it was absolutely accurate.

In the hands of Anna with the digital lens, such a weapon is also equivalent to improving the attack power in disguise.

It was at this time that the level 4 combat robot with the destroyed ion shield suddenly showed its power. It jumped in one leg and flew more than two meters high and more than twenty meters away on one leg. The upper body rotated and four alloy swords Like a windmill, it was cut on the arm of the weird robot, and it was to be cut off.

As long as there is no energy gun that can be used in the electromagnetic environment, it will be safe.

The attack frequency of the alloy sword is surprisingly fast. In Jiang Yan and Anna’s ears, the sound of impact sounds as if hundreds of huge iron hammers have hit the metal block. The contractor’s body could bear it, but the two infantry manipulators who controlled the exoskeleton armor were shaken a few times, stunned, and fell to the ground.

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