Furious Combo

Chapter 52 - : Into the ground

The evil wizard also made up for the common sense of fighting with machines. Seeing the battleship of Machine City appear above his head, he immediately put all the materials on the ground into the contractor’s space and released his puppets.

As soon as the puppet came out, the evil wizard spread his fingers, radiating red light, and injected it into the puppet. The puppet instantly became life-size. The evil wizard’s voice murmured in a low voice: Bocapo, Assis!

The doll’s dull eyes suddenly moved. It opened its hands and looked up at the huge silver-gray battleship. The palms of both hands were upward. With its body as the core, a snow storm with a radius of hundreds of meters changed direction and rotated Get up and collapse violently inward.

The black snowflakes exuded the cold light of iron under the illumination of the battleship. The doll’s hands snapped together, making a thunderous thunder.

A black ice gun, condensed on the top of the doll’s head, spurted up along the beam of light. Hundreds of mechanical squids threw down, and the MX40 in Jiang Yan’s hand shot calmly. The 50 rounds of magazines flashed in an instant, and Anna took out the Hydrogen Particle Cannon and fired it with a single shot.

She was silently thinking: 96, 97, 98, 99 …

When she counted to the number 99, the muzzle of the Hydrogen Particle Cannon turned slightly, and it was already aimed at the auxiliary engine of the battleship. Her Hydrogen Particle Cannon is a black weapon with a level equivalent to the silver level. It is impossible to attack the main engine, but it is too much to destroy the sub-engine.

Energy storage attack (passive): After each 99 bullets are fired, there is a fatal blow, attack × 4; 50% ignores defense, 50% crit, 50% penetration effect, 50% tear effect. The energy storage attack mode is invalid in the continuous fire state and is not included in the energy storage calculation.


Anna took the lead to fire. The black ice gun condensed by the evil wizard has not yet reached the position of the main engine of the spaceship. The bullet of the hydrogen particle gun has hit the vent of the auxiliary engine.

The spout of the sub-engine is oval, and exquisite patterns are engraved around it. Near the spout, there is a significant force field deviation, and ordinary bullets simply cannot hit.

This gun once again hit the penetration effect and the tearing effect. The 50% chance of triggering makes the energy storage attack of the Hydrogen Particle Cannon powerful. It is a pity that this is a passive skill, which can only be used after waiting for 99 bursts. You cannot switch to burst mode halfway.

There was a weird vibration in the air, and the black ice gun condensed by the evil wizard suddenly accelerated and turned into a ghost image, which was submerged into the main engine nozzle. The speed of this attack is far more than any kind of firearm, even the flow of hydrogen particles can not be compared. This is more like the speed of laser attack, so that the warships have no time to do the offset movement.

After the ice gun entered the engine spout, it exploded directly, and numerous ice chips flew into the main engine of the spacecraft. It was not dissolved by the hot high temperature, but caused strong damage to the metal of the spacecraft.

Super low temperature and sharp cutting.

Golden skill-the cold soul gun. With this move, the evil wizard once beheaded a CC-level contractor, but it was a character higher than him.

This gun looks like a straight line attack, but it is actually a range skill. Once the attack started, the speed of the ice gun could no longer be avoided with the power of the contractor itself.

It is only possible to evade skills that exceed the gold level.

The main engine exploded, and the spaceship would not lose control, but Anna ’s shot destroyed a sub-engine. Her attack only tore the spout of the sub-engine, and then a few shots before the bullet was shot. among them.

The flame of the auxiliary engine that Anna attacked changed from blue to orange. After a slight explosion, it stopped running.

The huge spaceship stumbled down, and Jiang Yan and his three people jumped out of the collapsed building. If they were smashed, the huge hull of more than 200 meters was heavy enough to crush the three into meat sauce.

The three of them jumped in the same direction. Anna whispered to follow me, and the person had leaped a dozen meters away. The evil wizard hesitated before he followed. In this world, he is still difficult to support.

Without the help of doctors and Anna, evil wizards can hardly leave the city ruins. Don’t look at his skill to destroy the main engine of the spacecraft, but this main engine exploded without causing much damage to the spacecraft. At most 24 hours, this spaceship can be repaired.

The evil light in the eyes of the evil wizard revealed, this time, he had some difficulty in suppressing the killing of Jiang Yan and Anna. If it was just a hands-on, he was really not sure.

The three men ran out of a distance of less than 100 meters. The spaceship had been smashed down and wobbled. The hull rested on several broken buildings, and then the sound of bricks and rocks shattered, and several of them collapsed. The building is completely turned into powder.

Mechanical squid flew from the side of the spaceship, dark metal wrists were waving, and the red electronic eyes flickered to capture the trajectory of the target’s movement. There are probably hundreds of thousands of mechanical squids stored in this battleship, which were originally scattered among the ruins of the entire city. If they are released, Jiang Yan and others will definitely die.

Not to mention this battleship, in addition to mechanical squid, there are some large robots used to destroy ground forts or chariots, equipped with heavy fire weapons.

With large robots and mechanical squid, there is no hope of escape.

The speed of mechanical squid can reach about 400 kilometers, and it can also reach a speed of 100 kilometers in normal state. I can’t run a mechanical squid on two legs. From here, I want to kill the chariot, and I don’t have enough time.

Anna ran while filling grenades for her MX40. After the grenade was filled, she shouted, “cover!”

Jiang Yan suddenly turned around, and the evil wizard simply manipulated the puppet, forming a strong whirlwind behind him. The whirlwind rolled black snow, throwing dozens of mechanical squids into the sky, and collided with the mechanical squid above.

Jiang Yan’s MX40 fired with all his strength, to gain some time for Anna. Anna’s grenade was fired forward, and a dark red firework lit up, making a loud noise on the ground and blasting a large hole.

“Jump down!” Anna switched her weapon and replaced her with a hydrogen particle cannon. The water mist particle cannon switched to the second form and swept across. Jiang Yan and the evil wizard stooped into the cave on the ground. Around this cave, there was steaming white smoke. Below the black hole, there is ground wind blowing in, carrying black snowflakes.

Is an underground cave that extends in all directions. This should be a nest excavated by mutant mice using city sewers.

The mechanical squids on the ground gathered together. Several squids crawled along the edge of the cave. The red electronic eyes aimed at Anna. The evil wizard and Jiang Yan had landed, and Anna was still sliding.

The evil wizard spit out three dull syllables: Boom!

The cave behind him suddenly closed, and then dozens of mechanical squids rushed in were buried alive. In Anna’s digital lens, her eyes penetrated the soil and found that the mechanical squid trapped inside seemed to be hit by the rock, completely It was damaged, and only a few mechanical wrists were still twitching.

Jiang Yan has evil wizards, and it really works. Anna landed on both feet and looked around, saying, “These tunnels are all made by mutant mice, and there will be no map.”

“They will chase them down.” The evil wizard trembles his hands and his face is pale. The puppet has returned to the height of 1 meter, and it is difficult to maintain the size of a real person. Several powerful witchcrafts in a row, which are not the type he is good at, make him consume mental energy seriously. If it is a magician, these two attacks are nothing.

There is no way for the evil wizard. His goal is a machine without soul, and normal witchcraft will not work at all. Some corrosive witchcraft, the effect is slow.

“Your witchcraft …”

Before Jiang Yan finished, the evil wizard smiled bitterly: “It can still be used, creating favorable terrain here. But I have no potion to restore my mental strength. When I go up, I might encounter a large robot. I must guarantee that, The weapons of large robots are blocked, otherwise no one can escape. “

Jiang Yan frowned, and the evil wizard was right ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Among all the basic attributes, the recovery of vitality is the fastest, and the recovery of mental power is the slowest. Otherwise, the magician is invincible. After returning to the ground, he and Anna have insufficient firepower. In the face of large robots, they must first use the power of evil wizards to contain the heavy firepower of the large robots before they can escape to the chariot.

This time was bad luck. The battleship of the mechanical city only came out once every few months to add mechanical squid to the ruins of cities everywhere. The probability of being hit by yourself is less than 1 in 10,000.

“Sorcerer, I’ll cooperate with your firepower.” Jiang Yan knew at this time that no matter how many plans, there was no quick change. If the mechanical squid chases down, this place is better than the ground.

The evil wizard was silent for a while, and said: “The mechanical squid is not very big. The power of the MX40 can cause a short pause. My marksmanship is not as good as you. I can provide you with an opportunity. You come to shoot. But … I want four blood spell One in one. “

The two sides are not in a formal team. The evil wizard’s ammunition consumption is to be repaid by himself. If the squid is repelled and a pause is produced, Jiang Yan’s marksmanship may kill the squid. In this way, it is tantamount to that the evil wizard himself produced ammunition to obtain a survival point for Jiang Yan.

During the talk, three people had ran hundreds of meters away. The main body of the cave was the sewage system of the original city. Many branches were caves made by giant rats. There are very few caves that giant rats can stand through. The running route of three people becomes limited. Those mechanical squids are smaller than giant mice. The underground world is not safe.

Several red dots appeared in the front. In the dark, through the goggles of the tactical helmet, Jiang Yan saw an electronic squid, which was scanning with a red electronic eye.

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