Furious Combo

Chapter 44 - : 3 islands arrested

The three islands and one city on the roof were even more surprised. Although his arrangement was hurried, he attacked from both sides, but he did not kill any enemy. This shows that the enemy’s strength is far stronger than he considered. Even worse, the opponent’s firepower is so fierce that he can’t even fight back again.

Jiang Yan fired the bullet of A2 into the air and began to fill the bullet. Anna had turned around again at this time and aimed the hydrogen particle gun at the roof.

The three islands and one city used mechanical shooting to show that he really did not find a helper, otherwise, he would choose to attack the window, and there must be a loophole in the attack.

Mishima and One City regretted that he used cash to seduce the gangster, came to trade guns, and then killed the gang members, only to hide here for one night, and then leave. Knowing that there are such enemies, he said that he would not use violent methods to **** the gang’s weapons, but use other methods to lure the gang to help him do things.

Anna’s back makes Mishima and Ijo feel a little familiar. But his strong memory could not remind him when he had seen Anna.

Actually, Mishima and I remember the shadow of Anna’s girlhood, it was just a photo. Anna joined the Black Star company that year and received training on murder. It was just that the information of her children was lost and she had to be transferred to the administrative department. Although this part of the person’s information is also confidential, it is not very important and does not need to perform special tasks.

Stealing information is the three islands and one city. That was one of his missions to assess whether he was capable of carrying out the special plan of the CIA alone. The success of the three islands and one city also left an indelible stain on Black Star.

That was the only time Black Star had lost internal information.

The memories of the two sides do not intersect. Anna knows Mishima and Citizen, and Mishima and Citizen have forgotten Anna.

“Doctor, you and the wizard are watching below, I will go up and kill him.” Anna said, reaching for the M500 handed over by Jiang Yan and putting away the hydrogen particle gun temporarily. She took a submachine gun from the contractor’s space. The weapon’s lethality was pitiful, but it was okay for a short fire suppression.

The submachine gun was jammed in the hands of the evil wizard, and Anna said undoubtedly: “You are responsible for fire suppression, this is the magazine.”

The evil wizard is holding a submachine gun and two magazines, which is somewhat helpless. He had to put the submachine gun on the shoulder of the puppet and aim at the position of the roof. Even if someone was there, he did not worry about being hit. Ordinary people are dizzy and vomited even if they look at them. Not to mention aiming at yourself and shooting.

The three islands and one city appeared slightly, and the evil wizard swept a shuttle bullet. Although the distance was much different, the three islands and one city retracted. He saw the puppet in front of the evil wizard and felt his head was punched hard, and he had to vomit before waiting for aim.

Finally he was a little frightened, and the power of this world had no resemblance to what he knew. In this hesitant time, Anna has come to the roof along the metal fire escape, M500 banged, the three islands and one city shrank, and her ears were buzzing. This shot did not hit him, but made his sense of dizziness even stronger.

Anna shot a deterrent effect, which was also an accident, but it seemed that she had too many accidents. When breaking the **** Spartan golden armor, she also shot the most effective attack.

There is no room to learn skills in the three islands and one city, but the marksmanship is accurate, Anna has planned to fight both sides and kill to kill. Unexpectedly, this bullet of hers has derived a deterrent effect. Among her digital lenses, The spiritual power of three islands and one city turned gray.

Anna quickly switched her weapon to a hydrogen particle cannon, and she was relieved that she had to beat the three islands and one city into meat sauce. Many times, the action teams of various countries tried to kill three islands and one city, and he was escaped, and he also sent his assassin to hell. She regretted that if she used a particle cannon from the beginning, the three islands and one city were dead.

But turning over the roof is a very dangerous job. She has not performed such a task for a long time, and it is safer to suppress it with a powerful pistol.

Is just such a thing as luck, which is the most unreliable. Anna shot a deterrent effect before. When she took out the hydrogen particle cannon, a gust of wind blew past the three islands and one city. Anna’s subconscious fire spontaneously did not perform precise fire.

The bomb rain enveloped all the escape routes of Mishima City. The body of Mishima City was blurred, and then appeared at the edge of the roof. All the attacks were lost.

Anna turned around and slid down the handrail of the metal fire escape. She shouted, “Agent!” Her arms had been put away, her hands were leaning against the handrail, and she slid to the ground in a falling posture. The palm was in pain. The pain lasted less than 2 seconds before being dispelled.

“Sorcerer, let’s go.” Jiang Yan knew that now he and Anna might not be Smith’s opponents. Once they were close, it was the result of the slaughter. And even if the evil wizard has desperate means, it will only stop for a while, and will never reverse the situation.

The strange wizard and the puppet exchanged positions strangely, and the person had gone out nearly ten meters away. At the next moment, the puppet moved to his front again, and in such a leaping movement, in a blink of an eye, he had already rushed to the road outside.

Anna followed, and she ran to find that she and the evil wizard had too much speed difference. When the evil wizard was on the street, she was still more than 50 meters away.

Jiang Yan at the end, A2 roared, turned around and shot. He also didn’t expect to hit Smith, only hoping to give himself a little buffer time for the evil wizard to grab a car.

Such a thing as robbery, Jiang Yan has not taken it seriously. If you want to complete the task and live, you can no longer think about your previous morality. And Jiang Yan doesn’t want to explain himself, this kind of thing is a binary choice.

Life or death, this is not a problem.

Smith took the neck of the three islands and one city and jumped from the top of the fourth floor. His feet stepped heavily on the ground and the ground cracked. Three islands and one city felt a sharp pain in their neck, as if the head and body were torn off, blood oozed out of the facial features.

Smith didn’t care about the injuries of the three islands and one city. For him, the people in his hands didn’t have to die. The immediate goal is the most important, with magical recovery capabilities, as if it were more advanced data processing.

Jiang Yan stepped back and looked at Smith’s eyes. He saw the silver symbol flowing in Smith’s eyes. A part of the silver symbol was already contaminated with pure gold. Jiang Yan does not have the ability to see through the meaning of the data itself, but intuitively thinks that Smith has evolved.

Jiang Yan does not have a 360 ° angle of view, and can only aim with the footsteps of Smith. His pistol has little attack power, but Smith cannot see through this weakness, his body turns into a phantom, carrying three islands and one city, avoiding Jiang Yan Attacking, moving faster than Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan’s two pistols shot into the air, and the distance between the two sides was less than 10 meters. Between Jiang Yan and Smith, there was a sudden addition of a man with short black hair and a white silk Tang suit, who was the Prophet’s guard Saif.

“Sairov …” Smith gritted his teeth and looked at the enemy in front of him.

“Smith, you’re still so … uninteresting.” Serov’s eyes penetrated Smith’s sunglasses lens, and he saw the silver symbol flowing in his eyes. With a little golden light, he was also surprised. The evolution speed of Smith is far faster than that. The judgment of the prophet.

“Do you think that you can still stop me today?” Smith dropped the three islands and one city on the ground, adjusted his clothes, and walked towards Saif step by step. He knew that it would be absolutely impossible to catch up with those intruders without beating Serov ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~.

“The defeated men, the courage is commendable.” Sai Ruof gently spit out eight words, extended his left hand, and made a gesture. Behind Smith’s body, he pulled up a long phantom and punched underneath Saif’s heart. It was not once for him to fight against Saif, and all failed.

This time, Smith ’s confidence was still not strong enough. He even had the illusion that he wanted freedom and wanted to be free from matrix control. All the causes were caused by this Saif.

From the time of failure, he has had fear, hatred, and … jealousy.

Saifu’s fist was already waiting there. Smith and Sairu both faced each other hard, their fists made a huge impact sound, and shattered the glass windows of the surrounding houses.

Smith was kicked back by Saifu, his feet dragged two black marks on the ground, and he felt that his soles were hot, even burning.

Smith bent over, grabbed the three islands and one city paralyzed on the ground, and jumped up to the top of the building without leaving any cruel words, and fled directly. Brown and Jones have not yet been resurrected. Although he has evolved some abilities, he is still not Sairo’s opponent.

Sairov looked at the escaped Smith and did not catch up. Although Smith is not his opponent, but behind Smith is the power of the matrix, which can mobilize all the forces in this world to deal with himself.

I’m not afraid of any large-scale troops, but I can’t involve the prophet.

Let’s start with those two people, I hope their men don’t lose them. Thinking of this, Sairo turned around. In the nearby building, all the bold voyeurs had pain in their eyes, and immediately lost their instincts. When they woke up, they would forget everything they saw today.

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