Full-time Mage: Start by getting the White Tiger Pendant

Chapter 302 Killing the Siren Protoss

Gulu Gulu!

In the depths of the trench, the dark and dark blue water is constantly tumbling, a large number of turbid bubbles are generated, and there are also silt, sand and gravel that were raised during the submarine war.

The sea-monsters were densely packed around, and they seemed to be full of enemies in all directions. They dodged and swam at the bottom of the water for a while, and they couldn't even tell the difference between up, down, left, right, front, back, and back.

If someone looked down at the Merman Sea, they would see that the surface of the sea was like boiling hot water, with waves one after another, large streams of turbulent water flowed up, washing up many broken limbs of monsters, and the water was dyed light red.

The sea monsters do not spare any room for killing the mermaids, and their methods are extremely cruel. Often, seven or eight slave-level monsters will besiege an elemental monster.

Somewhere on the battlefield, the saw-toothed green monster saw the opportunity, kicked its two strong long legs, and its frog-shaped body rushed out like an arrow. It made waves of water ripples with triangular arrows in the water, bit the merman's arm, and yanked hard.

Stab it! The merman suffers from pain, and his arm is broken at the root. Fortunately, as an elemental demon, his whole body is made of water, without blood, and without fatal parts, so his combat effectiveness will not be affected.

Even so, when the rest of the sea monsters swarmed up and tore the merman into pieces, they would still die.

This kind of situation is not uncommon in this three-dimensional battlefield, which is divided into countless small battle circles, like a scene where a handful of bait is sprinkled, and the ornamental fish circles into a vortex.

To a certain extent, the status quo of the mermaid group is not much different from that of bait. Compared with the vast army of sea monsters, the number is pitifully small, and they are instantly submerged without a trace, and they can't even fill their stomachs with food.

What made the mermen even worse was that there were several shrill screams from the lair of the water element holy spirit, and those mermen who ventured to report to the lair of the 'king' found that their king had disappeared!

A group of people, a few leaders, tens of thousands of people, what exactly are you guarding? ! The chiefs have all slipped away.

All the sharks who were still fighting were discouraged at once, and even the leaders of the three Jiao people were also in a state of instability.

Seeing that the defeat of the mermaid group was decided, in the continuous battlefield of more than 2,000 meters above and below the deep sea rift, a vast force suddenly burst out from the largest battle circle surrounded by it.


The next moment, the sea-monster battle ring densely packed into balls suddenly exploded, setting off an overwhelming wave of water and impacting in all directions, engulfing all kinds of sea-monsters to retreat, and many monsters were shaken into flesh on the spot.

Lu Jun stood in the middle of the deep sea, with a majestic figure and the aura of a god or demon. The silver gas mask hung down around him, forcing him to squeeze out of the vacuum zone with a radius of 100 feet.

Beep, the treacherous sea-monster protoss screamed, and the whole monster was pushed thousands of meters away by the space shock as if struck by lightning.

It was obviously intimidated by Lu Jun's aura, its eyes gleamed with colorful brilliance, and it forcibly controlled its subordinates to die. It swam in its 'graceful' figure and hid in the depths of the overlapping monsters.

Buzz buzz!

Lu Jun was taken aback. He didn't know when he was inexplicably in a bright garden, full of all kinds of bright flowers, and above his head was an overhanging jungle with colorful trees with falling leaves, like a dream!

This beautiful picture not only makes people not intoxicated by it, but also makes people feel dizzy and nauseating the more they look at it.

Soon, he came to his senses and snorted coldly: Is it an illusion in the spiritual realm?!


The different pupils of Lu Jun's eyes revealed different rays of light, black red and indigo flowed, and the majestic power of the curse of the soul tore apart the illusion in front of him, revealing the real scene.

He was startled when he saw an ugly sea face sticking tightly in front of him. In just a second or two, the surrounding sea monsters approached, but the figures of the siren god clan disappeared.

hum! As soon as Lu Jun thought about it, the waves of water rushed into the sky all over his body, and a dark blue cloud burst out from above his head, rolling and surging like fish scales, and water lotuses bloomed.

In an instant, countless high-pressure water lines formed on the bottom of the sea, interweaving into a water curtain net with a radius of hundreds of meters, isolating all incoming sea monsters.

Puff, puff, the bodies of the demons passing through the pitch-black water net suddenly stiffened, and they slid uncontrollably for hundreds of meters in the water, and then silently disintegrated into dozens of pieces before reaching him.

In an instant, the nearby monsters were emptied a lot.

Lu Jun stared, and his mind firmly locked on the sea monster protoss behind him, his body flickered abruptly, and silver shavings fell from the spot.

Immediately, his figure appeared above the head of the Siren God Clan, and with a swipe of his fingers, a terrifying murderous intent permeated the air, a sharp aura raged, and a sky-reaching platinum sword light swept across, thick as a dragon, invincible, penetrating the space.

He casually combined the cutting of the space system, the calamity of the gold system, and even the lightning arm of the summoning system, and the power was astonishing.

With a stabbing sound, the seaweed-like devil reacted very quickly, and avoided it in time. The light of the sword touched the edge slightly, and a part of the tentacles were cut off immediately, blood overflowed, and the cut surface was smooth.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining momentum of the sky-reaching sword light continued to slash on the bottom of the sea, with a loud roar, and a deep trench that stretched for several kilometers was cut out abruptly.

Wherever it passed, the Kraken emptied out along the way, and the sea water was opened up a narrow and long vacuum channel.

The Siren Protoss suffered from pain, fell down, and looked at Jun Lu with a terrified expression. It is best at the Psychic System, and it can slightly control the monarch-level creatures. I didn't expect that falling on the opponent would have no effect at all.

Buzz buzz!

Lu Junmo can burn rapidly, and the surface of a rare and crystal-clear elemental diamond in his arms dims visible to the naked eye.

Without further ado, he aimed his palm at the Sea-Monster Protoss below, and gave it a firm grip, the Tai-A Divine Sword soared into the sky between his brows, and the white tiger pendant on his neck shone.

The seabed of this sea area shook suddenly, and a magnificent platinum magic circle emerged, the sea water became heavy, and the unique smell of rust permeated.

Taibai Shenzang · Tongtian Sword Formation.

The seabed shook violently, the platinum radiance shone, thousands of ravines and ravines split open, metal long swords burst out of the ground, countless swords, densely packed, endless, all kinds, forming a rainforest of swords and metal mountains.

That's right, the seabed is the closest distance to the mantle, and Lu Jun tried his best to attract all the metal substances in the earth's crust up.

When Lu Jun was high above him, he raised his hand slightly.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly, the rainforest of swords that grew out of the bottom of the sea suddenly soared into the sky, mighty and overwhelming, and caused ripples and huge waves across the water.

All sea monsters within the scope of Taibai domain have long been firmly imprisoned in place by the magnetic field, unable to move, and forced to accept the baptism of Wanjian piercing the heart.

Pooh! Pooh!

In the middle of the deep sea, miserable snowflakes bloomed one after another, and the black sword light pierced the water surface, soaring all the way up.

Roar! The siren protoss suffered the greatest degree of slaughter, and its originally huge body was turned into a hornet's nest. It was so ugly that it died on the spot.

A leader-level monster in the advanced stage fell like this!

Lu Jun took a deep breath, and the white tiger features around him gradually receded, leaving a mess in front of his eyes.

The Merman Sea was rendered bright red, and corpses were floating in the cracks and trenches in the deep sea, spreading all over the water levels of the seabed.

The sea monsters that were still alive retreated in desperation, unable to make a comeback in a short time, and the mermaid group was basically wiped out. A few survivors were screaming, not understanding why the king they guarded abandoned them.

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