Full-time BOSS

Chapter 26 - negotiation

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Looking at the monster bosses around him and the younger brother behind them, Xiao Yu suddenly felt that the scene in front of him was a bit like the scene of the negotiations of the triad boss.

“Little goblin, you look very strange, why didn’t Krigan come?” Hogg was the first to speak, this giant jackal seemed to know the old chieftain,

“Hey, our old chief is dead, and now the mud cave tribe is my Eric.”

“Hum, you all look like goblins in my eyes.” Black Rod said coldly.

“Well, Chief Eric, I don’t know what is calling us here?” Big Gold Fear asked, wincing, and when he spoke, he gave Hogg a careful look, and the kobolds were always bullied by jackals. Enslavement, so everything has to be listened to by Hogg.

“Well, of course, there are important things to discuss. I recently had an amazing plan and I want to find several people to participate together.”

“Plan? What plan?” Looking at a few people’s reactions, I obviously didn’t quite believe what amazing plan a little goblin chief could have.

“The plan is to attack Yeyu Village.”

As the saying goes, it’s not shocking to die, “What!” Upon hearing Xiao Yu’s proposal, all three leaders were calmed down, thinking that they had heard it wrong. For a long time, in their ideas, only adventurers teamed up to attack their monsters. Camp, when can monsters attack villages and towns where adventurers live?

Hogg said angrily, “What are you kidding, this, how is this possible?”

“Why, you are afraid,” Xiao Yu sneered at Hogg.

“It seems to be underestimated,” Hogg snarled. “Hum, Hogg is never afraid. Hogg is the most powerful!”

“No need to quibble, I know you are scared. In fact, there is nothing shameful. Indeed, the night elves are far stronger than us, even if it is just a village, it is stronger than any of our tribes, but as long as we unite To defeat them and break Yeyu Village.”

“However, even if we unite to break Yeyu Village, but what good is this?” Blackrod asked with a sneer.

Opening the mouth and asking about the benefits, it sounds very much like the player’s style, but Xiao Yu can’t believe that Black? Rhode must be the player. Generally, if a monster has a very strange name, such as Li Gou Dan Wang Er Ma Zi or love Deep rain and the like can basically be determined to be played by the player.

However, if you are a professional player, you will usually have a name that matches the style of the game. It is difficult to see at a glance whether it is npc or the player. It is like Xiao Yu got the name Eric, generally only npc. With this name.

Xiao Yu glanced at the robber and sent a message to the past, players? This information can only be received by the player. He looked at the other party’s face. Sure enough, Blackrod’s face changed, and he nodded indifferently. He didn’t expect that the goblin would be a player.

Xiao Yu sent a message to Hoag and Dajinya, but showed that there was no such person. It seems that these two guys are npc.

Xiao Yu sighed in his heart. It would be nice if all of them were players. Now this is a little difficult to do. Looking for thought, I suddenly received another message.

Derek (The Jackal Pioneer Officer): “I am a player, you say, I listen.”

Xiao Yu glanced behind Hog, and he really saw a jackal who looked very different. He had a black leather armor, two choppers in his hand, and a flag behind him. He wore a wolf from the Jackal tribe. Tooth sign. The name is Derek (the jackal officer of the werewolf). Looking at his silver frame, he is a rare elite.

Xiao Yu was determined in his mind that it seems that this Derek should also be a player. Although he did not become a leader, it seems to be a second-hand leader, which can be somewhat influential.

Now explain: “You must know that if we want to upgrade, just like the adventurer, we can upgrade as long as we kill monsters, but if we want to upgrade the template, we must rely on the reputation value, so how can we get the reputation value?

Seeing that you can upgrade to the rare elite, presumably you have discovered that you can get a small amount of reputation by killing the famous monsters or npc, but this is too slow to advance, and ordinary monsters need 100 reputation points to upgrade to the rare elite. You have already reached it, but it takes 300 reputation points to upgrade a rare elite to an elite. It is not so easy to achieve it.

You look at me as an elite template, you must be wondering, why am I an elite template only a few days after I entered the game? I have to know that I have only been in the game for three or four days. It is actually very simple. The reason why I can get so many reputation points is because I have completed two plot events.

“Plot incident?” Derek suddenly heard a strange expression. “What does this plot incident mean?” Derek asked. Black Rhode had a thoughtful expression.

Xiao Yu felt suddenly in his mind. It seems that Black Rhode knew about the plot incident, but Derek should not know what happened.

“It’s very simple, it’s the events that happen in the game’s plot, the events that happen between monsters and npc, such as monsters siege, such as a hero taking a certain fast territory, such as alliances and tribes fighting, this type can be in the sky. The things left on the record.”

“If you participate in such a plot event and play a role in the plot event, you will gain reputation. The greater the role you play, the more obvious the reputation value will naturally be.”

“For example, my proposal this time, if I lead the mud cave tribe to break through the night language village and kill all the night elves in the night language village, then you can get almost 1000 reputation points-this is just a plot event. Reputation, plus the reputation of killing npc with famous names, basically I can go directly to the boss template.”

“Of course, I can’t do this with my current strength, so I’ll retreat and ask you for help. As the so-called see has a share, it is natural to be happy to be alone if you have the advantage. We can break through Yeyu Village together, even if the reputation score is scored, one person can get a few hundred points, enough for you to upgrade from rare elite to elite template.”

“It turns out that,” Derek suddenly realized that after entering the game, he was completely mistakenly hit and then advanced to become a rare elite template. As for how to advance, it is a mess, which will listen to Xiao Yu’s explanation. There was a feeling of seeing the clouds suddenly, and wished to lead the Jackal to attack Yeyu Village immediately.

But in turn, he was a little worried again, “But can the system make it? After all, we are going to attack Novice Village. All of them are adventurer players who have spent money. If I kill them badly, the system can still Let?”

“Hum, you don’t understand it. In fact, the game company will not only stop it, but will be happy to see this happen.”

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