Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 264: Bedding An Ice Dragon Part Two

Right now there were three people sitting around a table in awkward silence. This was for two reasons. One, Qian Yan was hatefully staring at Faarel, and two, Misaki was still holding Faarel's hand which she had been gently massaging with her thumb causing Faarel to become a frozen block. And the person causing all of this was leaning back in her chair with a smile on her face. 

"It seems the sun is about to go down. Faarel can you show us where we will be sleeping?" Misaki suddenly spoke up breaking the silence. 

"Huh? Ahhh… Ummm..." Faarel was confused as to what to do since she only had one room and a single bed. "I only have one bedroom..."

"Hmm? That's fine… my Yan'er and I can sleep in the same bed with you, so no worries." And like that three girls were now standing in front of a fairly large sized bed. 

Faarel was fidgeting trying to figure out what she should do. Since she had never slept in a bed with anyone before. On top of that, she never slept in any clothes, so she was not sure what to do about this. That was until she looked over and saw Misaki stripping down to nothing as if it was normal. 

"Mitsu!?" Qian Yan was surprised at Misaki's actions since she figured Misaki would at least sleep in a robe or something. Although at home she did sleep in this same fashion. Which Qian Yan had only found out recently since she began sleeping next to her at night. 

"Hmmm? Yan'er you can't sleep in that just do what you normally do." Misaki said walking over to Qian Yan and began stripping her down to her inner wear as if it was nothing. Qian Yan whose whole face was red did not resist and allowed Misaki to do as she pleased. After Qian Yan was ready, Misaki grabbed Qian Yan's hand and brought her to the bed, and tucked her in like she always did. She then turned to Faarel who was still standing there trying to decide what to do and a big grin formed on Misaki's lips.

Misaki walked up to Faarel stood in front of her and undid the sash on her robes. Faarel who was still in a daze only came to when all she had left on was her inner wear. She blushed and tried to back away from Misaki but Misaki grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to the point that their noses were touching. "It would be a waste to not have a taste, no?"

Misaki griped Faarel's chin and kissed her lips lightly causing Faarel to freeze once again. Misaki let out a laugh as she stripped the last of Faarel's clothes off and led the frozen girl to the bed where she then climbed in pulling Faarel with her. When Faarel realized she was already lying in bed naked next to Misaki she felt very embarrassed. 

Misaki however, did not go to do anything to Faarel just yet. She first leaned over to see Qian Yan waiting patiently for her. The past few nights they would always have a deep passionate kiss before they slept. Misaki would not leave Qian Yan waiting as she quickly stole her lips. The two's tongues intertwined and Qian Yan let out soft coos from her mouth as she gasped for air. When the kiss ended Misaki looked down into Qian Yan's pleading eyes and smiled. She leaned in her lips right next to Qian Yan's ears and whispered. " You can either sleep or watch it is up to you."

Qian Yan bit her lower lip in dissatisfaction and reached up and pulled Misaki's face towards her before diving in for another kiss. Faarel who was next to them watched with eyes wide open trying to comprehend what was going. Were guests supposed to be doing this? Were they supposed to strip down to nothing as well as strip their host and even kiss them? Were they supposed to be kissing their lover in someone else's bed!? All kinds of questions filled her head but those questions were quickly tossed out when she felt something soft against her lips again and a hand running up her inner thigh! 

"You!?" Was all she could squeeze out only to get a laugh in answer. But because she opened her mouth to speak it allowed Misaki to push her tongue in and invade Faarel's mouth. Faarel wanted to escape but she was already too late because Misaki was now mounted on top of her.

Misaki released Faarel's lips and smiled looking down at the bewildered expression on her face, she leaned in and whispered into Faarel's ear. "Miss dragon, I originally came here to exterminate you due to a sect mission but I have changed my mind. From this day forward you will be mine, okay?"

"I, uh… Ahh!" Faarel shuddered as she felt Misaki suddenly run a finger along the slit of her pussy. It felt very different from when she would do it herself. Misaki did not stop there as she slowly did this over and over causing Faarel to squirm. 

Misaki's eyes never left Faarel's face as she watched Faarel's cheek grow rosier and rosier. She watched as Faarel closed her eyes every time Misaki slid her finger through her wettening pussy lips. Misaki smiled as she asked: "Does it feel good?"

"Mmm..." Faarel was being completely honest. She had never felt this way before and her lust that she had held back for so many years was beginning to take over.

"Do you want me to continue?" Misaki asked as she ran her finger through Faarel's slit once again.

"Ahh!" Faarel answered with a soft moan and a nod.

"Then will you become mine?" Misaki asked her final question as she spread Faarel's now soaking wet lips and slid a finger inside her.

"Mmm! I will be yours! Ahh!"


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