F*tanari System


Things in the next couple of days started to move faster. The council of the Demon lands passed a Vote to attack the growing Pirate problem. A week had passed, and the Ship sailed, leaving Ambassador Ralph in the Demon lands. The Demon lands armies started to slowly equip themselves in preparation for the attack on the Pirates. This movement was large and was evident to all. The Citizens of the Demon lands were in support, with many Merchants praising the decision. Although the Council controlling the Demon lands didn't need their approval, it was useful to them. A happy population was a more productive population.

It seemed that with the votes I gathered, the Demons were happy to move along with it. Only two races were against it. The Medusa and the Venomancers; seemed to vote against it for an unknown reason. I was happy that it went through, though. With the first meeting out of the way, I realized that some things would move in the way I want due to the perception if they didn't. The Demon lands political field was more complicated. How the demons lands citizens would react would usually be seen from historical data. The problem was that the data from the last thirty years was insufficient. The only trend I could find was the increased need for Alchemical goods. This spoke well for products from home, but I couldn't learn enough about the political climate here. Ralph sat quietly in his room, now refusing to talk to anyone. This was frustrating as well.

While I was contemplating all my frustrations, Alexia came up beside me. "Chelsea..." She called me out of my thoughts. I turned to her and smiled, pecking her lips with a kiss.


"The Thunder Eagle is back with a message from the Council of Silvermoon." I froze under those words before smiling.

"Thanks, Alexia..." I kissed her lips again to her delight. "I need to go grab that now." I headed out towards the message. The message wouldn't be able to be touched by anyone other than me. These messages were too essential to let an enemy intercept them.

I opened the scroll and started reading.

"To Ambassador Chelsea Loveknot

The information against Ambassador Ralph seems small but substantial. Please find more information about it and investigate further.

To open a large trade deal with the Demon lands. Please broker it. The upcoming war will put an enormous strain on both finances and resources. More cooperation between us and the Demon lands will only benefit our tribes towards the glory of victory. You will have the full backing of the entire Council as long as the Trade deal is fair for our country.

Your recommendation of a slight tax in exchange for no tariffs seems like a better idea. More trade means more money and profit. We welcome the changes that you are trying to put into place.

Please send a message post-haste on the willingness of the Demon lands in accordance to the Pirates. Recently the Pirates off our shore have become even more brazen as more merchants decide to stay in port. Regardless of success or failure, we need to know. The Pirate threat on our shores is only growing in the coming days instead of disappearing. Please do what you can to grab ahold of assistance in this area.

Although you have only been in the Demon lands for a short time, please message us as soon as possible of anything that seems incorrect.


The Council of Silvermoon."

This was fantastic news with solemn news at the same time. The small amount of space for messages made our words very on point without useless words. I now had the backing for a Free trade deal with the Demon lands. This would bring in more profit, and taking away tariffs was good. The amount of taxes for everything sold inside the country will make more merchants come in the end. Tariffs are more expensive and dissuade trade.

I instantly started to work on a message back to the Council about my appropriation of help from the demon lands for the pirate threat. This was going a lot smoother than I thought and that the Demon lands are currently preparing to assist us.

I then went into the various intelligence shortfalls when it came to spying on our allies. Without this information, I was ridiculously undereffective in my role. I was running without sufficient trends and background information in the diplomatic direction. This, exasperated by a lack of cooperation from Ambassador Ralph, made the problem even more considerable.

I was now starting to put some of the limited gold budgets into planting spies into the population. This was more or fewer bribes at this point. I wanted a dedicated team doing this but didn't have the gold from the country to do so at this point. Rose was starting businesses, but that wouldn't get all the information that I wanted. I needed people in the underbelly of the city, and I wanted people among the decision-makers. This was something established over the years and legacies to each Ambassador. What I currently had was contacts being investigated for embezzlement from Ambassador Ralph. The information that I would get from these contacts were now flimsy and limited. They wouldn't get any government contracts and would only collect prices and rumors at best.

This was limited, and although some of it was useful would not take long for me to establish these intelligence avenues myself with little work put into it. All of this was hampered by gold. It was fucking gold every time. I was a...

My brain stopped for a second.

The second felt like an eternity.

It was like shackles on my mind broke.


The thought consumed my mind. Everything I was doing was predicated that I had no power to raise funds of my own. I am my own person, and the Gold of the Silvermoon tower and the Gold of the Beast-kin nation was for that. It wasn't the only avenue that I could do. I was a fucking alchemist of stature!

My mother doesn't even know what many of my working theories even mean, as she was an accomplished alchemist herself. I was hamstringing myself for no reason. The Demon lands were in a shortage of Potions. I could spend a few hours a day making potions to make up the shortfall. The ingredients can be ordered, and my success rate will make my profit for me. I could come up with ways to mass-produce and hire someone else to watch it.

I have become spoiled. I didn't need to do things like this myself before. When I was leading the school in my past life, money came to me without lifting a finger. The nations supporting us liked the technology, so of course, they would pay for everything we asked for. The only difference now was that I needed investors or fucking use my skills to make it myself. Some of the rarer potions I could sell on auctions for a more considerable amount using hunger tactics.

The more potions I make, the more I could do with gold. Maybe I could fund the school system I wanted to start without Rose or not allow too much control to happen.

It was like the floodgates restraining my mind making me worry about how to solve things came off. It was my reliance on others. It was shackling me to the wall. Ideas ran through my mind as I quickly finished the letter to the Council of Silvermoon and sent off the Eagle. I needed to start gathering ingredients.

With the letter sent, I started on a list of ingredients. I began to make a long list from basics to additives. The core materials to more rare potions some of my creation. The list grew larger and larger as I started to get more into it.

I was going to be making essential healing potions to regeneration potions that would bring back dismembered limbs. These were all powerful tools for adventurers in this world. Many were rare potions that were snatched as soon as they came up. I continued to write in a daze as ideas to bring in more gold into my coffers. I needed things that would sell fast at a high price. These were the most important expenditures.

I then started to highlight the list in the order that I needed the ingredients and how necessary they were. This would cost a lot of gold in the quantities that I needed them in. I was going to use the funds from the embassy to do this. I was taking a risk here with the funding that would limit our gold only enough to run for one month. I didn't count it as a risk since I was confident in my alchemy. With the Pirates driving up the current price of alchemical products here in the Demon lands, I would hold a significant income increase. Until the pirates were cleared, I could charge extra for it being products from our country without the transportation costs and the current Tariffs.

This was the golden opportunity that I was presented with, and I planned to make use of it. I was lost to time until I finished the list looking it over to see anything that I forgot. I stood up after checking to see it done. I was happy and feeling in charge of my life for the first time. As I felt this feeling, I wanted to dominate someone, and I smiled, knowing who. I went down to reception only to see the sky was dark, and the building was only being protected and accepting only those needing protection. Or it was fucking deserted except for Bunny-kin guards at the door. I went upstairs to my room, smelling food. I was horny, and food was out of my mind. I couldn't start till tomorrow.

As I opened the door to my room, I was delighted the first person I ran into was the one I was looking for. Kate sat going through the rage exercises that the dwarves had taught her. I didn't even think about it as I closed the distance with Doorknocker rapidly hardening as I grabbed Kate's hair.

She yelped in surprise as I felt her mana right itself as I forced her suprised mouth onto the doorknocker. I wasn't done feeling so in charge. I saw that ass now sticking in the air, and my hand came down upon it powered by mana. Shock ran through the room as a loud slap rang through the room as her well muscles ass got spanked. My hand didn't finish with just one. With one hand forcing her head on my cock, the other started to spank that ass harder and harder repeatedly.

My hand down upon Kate's ass faster as I felt her throat tighten and the vibrations of her squeals of delight as I brought my hand down upon her again and again. I felt myself want to do more as I started to take my life into my own hands. The thoughts that seemed to drag me down before broken I wanted to do even more to my women. I stopped spanking her ass and tore off her shirt, letting her modest B cup breasts free before tearing off her pants with mana enhanced muscles.

My hand found her pussy dripping wet from the unforeseen sexy times. I didn't even give her time to think in the shocked room. My hand started to slap her pussy. Her throat tightened up on me even harder as one hand started to smack her pussy from my awkward position. The other hand reached her left nipple and twisted and pulled it. The unexpected sensations produced a small squirt of female ejaculate from her pussy.

Knowing Kate was ready and with her pregnancy in the back of my mind, I pulled her off Doorknocker. Her sudden gasp of air filled the room with noise. I still hadn't said a word in the silent room before I turned Kate around with confusion and lust on her face. I then penetrated her fast. I stopped myself from knocking on her door and instead started to use her like an onahole. I shoved myself deeply, stopping myself from hitting her womb. I didn't want to hurt my baby inside her.

The once silent room was filled with Kate's loud moans of pleasure from the rough fuck. The sounds of her moans were joined with loud slaps as I started to spank her red ass again. I felt her start to orgasm over and over again as I took her hard without damaging her. I took her as my bitch, and she knew it, as did everyone watching. I heard moans around the room join in as pants were lowered cocks being stroked, and clits being played with. The sudden unexpected sexual scene got everyone hot and ready quickly.

I soon reached my peak, and as I felt Kate ejaculate on my cock again, I released into her. I moaned loudly as I had a huge orgasm. I felt amazing; it was liberating how good I felt. I was myself a dominant female who didn't need to rely on her parents to pick up after her. I didn't know how much this was weighing on my mind as I took Kate. I finished loading Kate and turned to my women, who had a set table with food all over it.

"It looks delicious!" I exclaimed like what just happened didn't happen as I hopped over to the table of food famished from a day of work. Everyone around me looked surprised, not realizing I was teasing them as they jumped me as I sat down at the table.

It was a great night filled with those I love.


As Promised. A Bonus chapter for all the love and Support for Futanari System. Thank you. Enjoy your bonus chapter for the week. Keep up the great work!

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