F*tanari System


The Ambassador came in with the Baron behind him, and I was surprised at the response speed that they had to us. I looked behind him, though, and knew why. Each was an individual that looked like they spoke for the government. I felt a headache coming on. They both walked in and sat down while more diplomates came in and sat down, each probably a noble or related to one in their own right; most were dwarves and gnomes. Everyone looked at my girls like they were not welcome. When they tried to get up, I stopped them.

"Ladies, just sit by me; we are a team, and they want to talk to us," I stated, and the couch was now crowded. Alexia got up and more or less stumbled out of the room, blushing. I could tell I did a real number on her.

It was evening, and now everyone was assembled. I could tell the Dwarven Kingdom's side was not happy. My mind slipped to Alexia's tight pussy when I started to feel Doorknocker harden and stopped immediately with a sigh.

"Yes, I am Greybeard of Foreign relations for the Dwarven Kingdom. My land is far to the north, so I have no alliances or anything with Baron Beastal, who is only a dozen miles from here with his land. This makes me natural to both of you." I stopped myself from snorting; only a child would believe that shit, "Now Baron Beastal has brought evidence that you maliciously baited his son and raped him in an Inn just over a year ago, Miss Chelsea Loveknot. These are serious concerns; although you are not a Noble, you are considered in the Beast-kin Country to be of so high standing that they would equate it to being the Heir of a Duke. This makes everything more sticky. We would like you to stay in-country for the duration of the Trial and under our protection from the public."

I couldn't help it; I laughed. The Ambassador shot me a glance that was irritated. I took a deep breath, but Mally giggled, and Emily's hands were gripping hard that I thought blood would come out. Emily was straight-up pissed off. I put a hand on Emily to calm her down.

"Look, Greybeard, I understand what your 'Protection' is, and under no circumstances will I need it." I then turned to the Ambassador, "You deal with them. The fabrication they have put up is an insult to our country and our people. At this rate, our people will ally with the beasts in the northern mountains. I am sure they would love to have fellow beasts fight with them, sacrificing resource rights for more warfighting potential."

This statement turned the Dwarven kingdom's diplomats pale with the thought of it. They sobered up quickly, knowing that I couldn't make that decision as to the Heir. It also straightened their spine. I could see to take me down so I couldn't be Heir to my position. I dug myself a grave, but it was part of our plan.

"Look, there is a simpler way of dealing with this," Greybeard said, but I noticed the Ambassador still in thought. He knew I was going to make them want to kill me but didn't know-how. Now he was in deep contamination. I felt the message spell go out and the door opened with Alexia coming in now much more straightened out and with a significant smile. She brought in the paper that was commonly used for letters. "What are you doing ignoring us?" The Greybeard asked.

"Well, I am writing a letter Greybeard as you see." He started writing quickly, and I took a look and laughed. "There will be three ways this plays out, Greybeard. The first way we will fight this according to your old laws is with Might makes Rules, whether group battle or single battle that is up for you and Chelsea to decide. The second way this can end is you can just let us go; we go back to negotiating peace terms between our countries. Third, You insist on this fabrication till the end and protection. The third route I will recommend the least, Ask me why Greybeard."

"Why will the third be the least recommended?" He said through gritted teeth.

The Ambassadors smile was large, "Because Chelsea reminded me you have another enemy. We didn't want to get involved with the Humans war like you have. Now through The Enemy of my Enemy is my friend, and they are a powerful enemy for you that the fighting for the last year has kept three countries at the same time out of their borders. With just the Bunny-kin Wizards joining in on their side, we could take chunks of territory. Now you must remember that Chelsea is highly sought in our country more than she knows. She has powerful families right now, Lining her family Wizard Tower asking her parents to use their daughters for more children. This is rare in Bunny-kin society for someone of her age. This means that her being locked up will piss off a majority of Bunny-kin's powerful people. That will put pressure on us Dragonic to act since Bunny-kin are not always rational when I come to their favorite Stallions. The bunny-kin Worship the strong almost religiously they can get very pissed off if their top stallions are taken." He stared into the eyes of Greybeard with steel in his spine. "You are threatening a Stallion and of the most wanted in Bunny-kin society right now. If she died in battle, It would be different, but your laughable 'Protection' bullshit will ignite the society in a way that we Dragonic will be happy to stand aside and let you endure."

I can't say I was unhappy with how he was calling me a stallion. But from the way the letter my mother sent, that was exactly how our society was viewing me. I thought about it, and I know in the future, when I take over, if I decide to, I could use it as leverage. All I have to say is I will impregnate your daughter, and the demands I would have to meet will be lower. This was a good thing, not a bad thing in the long run, but it still irked me. I lived a life with general equality, and the only reason in this life I am not a mare for breeding to be kept at home was that I have a dick. I sighed as Greybeard sat there and frowned, thinking.

"Fuck you, Josh, you're an asshole; you know you left me in a corner with this. Fuck it between the Baron, and you must come to terms on fighting a Group battle or single combat between the opposing parties." Greybeard was pissed off, glowering in his beard, and the Baron was angry too.

"Group Battle Chelsea is a strong Wizard of Silvermoon Tower, and her battle instincts are better than my own. I will recruit a team, and you will recruit a team for battle a week from-." I stopped him quickly.

"Two Days no more. I plan to leave this Kingdom in three days. You have put a damper on my plans, and I have made many concessions, and I will do a group battle but only in Two days anymore, and I will no longer be here." I started following our plan to keep time in the kingdom to a minimum. "We will find a Large empty plain for fighting that will be up to your side. What will be the cap for recruits?"

"No Cap, Since this is a competition of leadership, let us see how many you can recruit little Bunny-kin." I smiled at his statement. The plan was falling into place perfectly for me, and I waved them out, shooing them like flies.

"Now leave then; Recruit as many as you can, Baron. I will see you dead in two days," I stated as he left, and my smile turned playful. "Do tell your son to come over; his ass was so accommodating last time Mally, and I have missed it." He stomped out, pissed off, as I laughed at this simple posturing and how easy he was to piss off.

I smiled as the Dwvren Kingdoms diplomats left all pissed off and annoyed. I smiled at their reactions to my provocations. After the door closed, all the girls visibly loosened up.

"Chelsea, you went too far." The Ambassador started, and I smiled.

"Before you continue, Ambassador, I did not go too far. I want the Kingdom to give the Baron its support in expressing and trying to kill me. I have an idea to stop them. None of you girls will be joining me. I will take on their entire force by myself. I will use a trump card to show them that I mean business and Kill all of their 'recruits' The problem will be unintentional casualties. I have a plan to limit that to almost none, though, by controlling it. I had theorized this spell back when I was, I think, eight, and Now I have a moment to use it. If I am right, this will end hostilities permanently with the Dwarven Kingdom in the recent future. If I fail, the war will happen, Mr. Ambassador. This is how It will go. Winner takes all."

I smile with confidence in my plan. The Ambassador looked at me and Sighed. "You have a lot of confidence in yourself, Chelsea. I have no idea where it comes from, but your father only gave me the right to assist you, not force you. I want a favor for all this, though.

I look at him with an eyebrow raised. "What would that be, Mr. Ambassador?"

"I am taking a bet on your family and are deeply entrenched with the Bunny-kin Regardless of my race. I need to keep in your god books with you being the future leader. I would like for you to knock up my daughter, who is Half Dragonic half Bunny-kin. She takes more after her mother and has been bothering me to use you as the future biological father of her next child. So I would like to request this of you to pay me back a little. This would happen regardless, but My daughter would love your seed."

"Okay, I am surprised, but I am fine with it. Is she here or back in our home country?" I say, feeling doorknocker twitch in excitement for another round.

"She is here, but I will bring her by tomorrow after a good sleep. You should clean up and get to bed yourself; it's almost tomorrow already from those delegates showing up so late."

"Agreed!" I shout out and yell out to Alexia, who hasn't left the room since she brought in the letter paper. I hug her from behind and grab an ear bringing it down to whisper in, "Join us for round three to five in the baths here." I smile as she blushes and nods. The Girls and I all follow Alexia to the baths in the Embassy with smiles on our faces as the Ambassador shakes his head at us.


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