F*tanari System

Auction Planning

With the gold crisis averted temporarily, I was a lot happier. I came back to work as the ambassador, knowing I had wages paid for the next two months. I didn't bring myself back just for work, though. The auction was going to be held soon, and I was busy pleasing my women each day. After a week or so of inactivity on that front, I had not realized I made my women sex-crazed. They received it so often and were satisfied that I found leaving them for a couple of days started to leave them in heat. Mally could control hers because she was a sex demon. That didn't change the fact she wanted it even more. My days quickly became half working the other eight hours satisfying them.

I wasn't complaining, though. I was thoroughly enjoying their bodies each time my hips slapped theirs. My stamina felt limitless as we engaged in activities ranging in the hours. Each of them milked me, trying to get me dry only for me to easily pump another full load into their awaiting pussies. Days passed as I found out Yuri took charge of setting up the Auction.

When I heard the statistics on how many people were showing up, I was surprised. It seemed like too many people. The potions were advertised to everyone invited. There were enhancement potions to night eye. Each would make an adventurer crave them. I made three superior Regeneration potions. These potions were ones that I wanted to take time to see if I could find more common materials to create. Their effect was miraculous. If someone lost any part of their body with their heart still beating, it would regenerate them. This included the head.

There were problems, though, with a regenerated head. In that case, the person's brain would be there, but the memory inside would be gone. It was a logical part that made me sigh in both happiness and sadness. More happiness since logic still played in this world. Magic was unique to add to these potions enhancing all the good or bad points with the correct mixture. It was so exciting and forever fascinating.

I have spent sixteen years in this world, and I loved it. This world may be strong rule the weak. It might be backward technologically. But the endless fascination I received. The mysteries in my old world never fascinated me as much as the secrets of magic. Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Biology all used to be favorites of mine. I would study them when I could. They were not a fascination, though; Sports were. The skill ceiling was high, and the risk was high as well. A single mistake when parkouring or mountain climbing was all thrills I loved—martial arts and making full use of your body, Amazing and fascinating. I lost interest, though. Maybe I would lose my fascination with Magic one day. I do not see that happening soon.

I was over a foot inside Yuri as she told me about the details of the auction. "There-! Will be almost all the Wizard tower elites from all over the Demon lands," She said as I slapped our hips together, "Ah, Fuck!" She cried out as she lightly orgasmed. I reached forward, feeling the scales over her breasts, and pulled her back flush to me as I continued to rock my hips into her. The sound of our mating resounded in the room. Her pregnancy had been confirmed as we continued to fuck like animals talking about the auction. "They are all asking for V! I! P! Treatment!" She hollered out as I knocked on her wombs door.

"VIP treatment?" I Grunted out as I continued to fuck Yuri, "What do you have in mind?" I reached down, resting a hand on her clit, and started to mess with it until she orgasmed even harder. I pulled her chin towards me, and I kissed her softly as she rode out the orgasm.

"Fuck, that was good!" She stated as she came down. I slowed down but still left myself inside her moving slowly, "I wasss- Thinking some private rooms and some privacy. Your potions will spark large bidding wars, I think," She said as a moan released through her mouth. I decided the conversation wasn't moving fast, and we had more work to do. I started to pick up my pace, and I locked lips with her again. I felt her tighten on me as I released my seed into her as our tongues played with each other.

Soon our sweaty bodies separated and fell onto the couch, cuddling. Yuri was in my arms as we laid on the couch as I was still inside her. I rested a moment before continuing our conversation. "That is too little. Can we find access to some lightly trained alchemists? We can give them assistants that can describe more about each product. I can give my descriptions going into further detail. That way, they feel more appreciated." I chimed back with Yuri in my arms. My fingers started to move across smooth scales that had a slight resistance to me. The Wild magic around her felt thicker than before.

"That is a fantastic Idea. That will probably even bring up how much they are willing to bet on an object." Yuri said, her face turning to mine. I propped myself up on my arm, looking down into her eyes.

"We need to add a privacy screening as well. That way, no one knows who bid. This way, no one can ally with each other. Inside the auction, we will enchant it, so the only accepted bid will be those who use our enchantments. We can also make it so no one else can hear each other; only the auctioneer will be heard. This will make it so people will feel isolated and that they can only rely on themselves. No one is asking for people to take their reputation into account. Pure gold is all that will be accepted." I finished with a smile. I leaned down, pecking Yuri on the lips. "Can you pull that off?" I asked.

Yuri seemed in deep contemplation as she watched me. "I can pull that off. It will be a bit difficult, but yes, I could. What about the adventurers, though? They could still band together." Yuri turned it back on me.

I smirked, "Who cares. Adventurers will all be in the crowd. They can be picked out or collaborated with. The main point is, though, that none of the VIPs know. They want autonomy. Anyone who wins on the potions inside the crowd will be winners regardless of whether they are willing to give it up. The Wizard towers, who don't get anything, will come to purchase it off them. Their reputation makes them pay an even higher price. If they are shameless though, That is up to the Demon lands government to take care of."

"A bit callous," Yuri commented, "True nonetheless, We are from a different nation, and it is not our job to police. However, what about the security accommodations inside the auction. Many of these Wizard towers will be seeing each other for the first time in a long time." She pointed out, "Many will have grudges or compete inside the nation for resources." I fell onto the couch behind Yuri thinking.

I wrapped my arms tighter around her as I continued to contemplate. There are many ways I could go. Florance was a strong woman herself with the Embassy guards. That wouldn't work for the auction. We were renting a large Auction hall here in the demon lands. We would be adding many features just to remove them the next day unless the auction hall tried to purchase the enhancements off of us. At this point, They hadn't, and so they would not stay.

I had three ways about this. First, I could go with the brute force method with Florance and myself acting as guards. This would probably be the worst choice. It would leave our tower unguarded and easy to raid. The second choice could be hiring people. This would not be as bad since It would be contracted out to the Adventurers Guild. This would cut heavily into profits.

The last option that came to mind was one I quickly decided upon after thinking about it. "No problem. We will announce that anyone who fights or does any damage inside the auction on the grounds will be permanently uninvited from all future events. I will announce that I am still planning on making more potions and that there will be another auction at the end. This will make it more comfortable at the end of the auction. Anyone who fights will be blacklisted." I finished. Yuri looked surprised before she turned serious.

"That is a dangerous gamble, Chelsea," She said thoughtfully, "Someone could try to rob us blind."

"That is where I will come in. I will be enchanting around the goods. The only time they will be available to be stolen is when it enters the auctioneer's hands. After that, it will be in the customer's hands. Trust me on that. I am not at all worried about the protection of the goods while in our hands." I finished with a smirk. I came back up and kissed her lips again as I reached down, bringing her leg up.

"I have another thirty minutes before I need to talk to the Medusa Rep.," I said with that same smirk. "I know just how to fill that time!"

A steamy session between Yuri and I commenced with both of us thriving on each other's bodies. It ended all too soon as I got up to talk to the Medusa waiting for me.

Outside the room, Alexia looked at me as I dressed in my everyday get up with a nice classy armless shirt with a loincloth. This time though, it was in black instead of green. I smiled as I looked at Alexia. Alexia wasn't having any of it, though; She looked serious. "You will be two minutes late, The Medusa doesn't know what you are doing, but she seems unhappy about something," Alexia told me. Her expression showed that she was angrier than I thought she meant at first. My face turned serious; I didn't regret playing with Yuri longer; I regretted it affected work.

"I understand. I will see what is happening. Please bring a good lunch. Something pricy, and make sure there are extras for her snakes." I told Alexia, who just smiled.

"Already on its way, the Chefs have been working on it since I found out she was in a foul mood." Alexia countered with a smirk. I cut the distance between us and pecked her lips.

"I don't know what I did to deserve such a competent woman beside me," I told her. She blushed as I parted towards the meeting doors. "Wish me luck." She didn't respond as I opened the doors to see a charming Snake woman. Her body was human, with some scales on her arms and legs. Her hair, though, had beautiful, charming snakes instead of hair. They each had their own charm as they came out of her head. I honestly wondered how evolution created her.

I stared into her eyes, knowing wandering eyes on a Medusa was a grave insult. I closed the distance. "Sitheria! How wonderful to see you again. Looking beautiful as always." I complimented her as I reached out a hand without looking down.

Her hand clasped mine as she lightly blushed. "Ambassador, I wish too that I was happy seeing you. You, however, need to answer for something." She cut straight to the chase before pausing for me.

I was startled. Something big must have happened without me knowing. "I am sorry for that. Please tell me what I have done. I am in ignorance and cannot move forward without knowledge being bestowed upon me." Her pause for me to admit to something I didn't know about annoyed me.

"Your auction," She stated, "Has lined up with a big event that we are hosting. Your event has made many of our attendees leave!" She stated.

My eyes opened wide in surprise. I heard a knock on the door. That was followed up with Alexia bringing in tea. She watched my surprised face. She looked confused but kept professional. As Alexia was going to leave, I called out to her to stay for a moment.

"Yes, Ambassador?" She asked.

"Have we set an official date for the auction?" I asked.

"No, We have only stated to others that we will be having an auction of your potions the fourth week of this month, Ambassador." She replied.

I quickly turned back to the face of a now really red blushed and embarrassed Medusa. I didn't let her off the hook, though. This auction was a big event and held a lot of meaning for me. "Where did you happen to learn a date? We have not come up with a solid one. We still have two more weeks before the date." I smiled, knowing I now had the upper hand over her.

Without realizing it, I learned I leaked somewhere. This made the spy ring I needed to set up only more critical. She seemed to stumble with words for a minute before the blush started to fade, and her eyes met mine. "It seems that it is the common knowledge around the upper Houses, Ambassador. They all stated it was the third day of the fourth week. This is the date of a large holiday banquet for the Medusa people. We worship the Goddess of water to give thanks to her. This is a solemn ceremony and banquet. It seems, though, that we happen to have listened to rumors." She said, trying to escape from under my eye.

I smirked, "Now, That I have you here, though, I can request what date suits your people best, Sitheria." I continued, "It is only sure that we want our people to grow closer to the Medusa people as our nations grow closer."

For the next two hours over tea and some delicious lunch, I talked the Medusa representative into a corner. Finally, she relented on some key points in the Trade deal that her people were making difficult. The gains were significant after a long meeting as Sitheria left blushing with shame. The biggest thing was that I learned I had leaks. The problem was that we made no secret of the auction among our ranks. This might not even have been a mole. It could have been a rumor to create problems behind the scenes. Something was off, and Sitheria looked angry.

There was more going on in the background, and I was getting even angrier at my lack of information on what was going on.


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