F*tanari System

Auction Part 2

With the hammer from the golden bunny-kin Sarah, the arguments inside the VIP lounges ended. They had just realized an extremely valuable potion that was potentially lifesaving for the higher-ups just passed by them. This was the best way to get them off the assistant's asses. The rooms quieted down. Our room monitoring all of theirs calmed down as we no longer needed to keep up with hundreds of voices. We sighed in relief, and my smile grew even larger.

Now the bids would reach a new height. I was surprised with the number of liquid funds the adventurer teams had to be able to pick up the Supreme regeneration potion at such a price. There was another in the auction later, but It wasn't following up the first one. The rooms went silent as Sarah spoke on the stage.

"That was an exciting First Item. Now we move onto something for all the water Wizards out there!" She said with a large smile, "We are bringing out something Ambassador Chelsea personally designed. This Potion is exclusively for Water Wizards that have gone pure Water element. It is a Liquidification Potion. The effects are neigh unheard of previously. This potion will allow a pure water mage to turn themselves into pure water for an hour before solidifying. This is a life escape mechanism. This will render you completely immune from all Physical attacks from an attacker!" She finished as a Bunny-kin brought out a Clear bottle with a blue liquid inside. It was a very light blue looking almost transparent.

I smiled, hearing reactions from the various Wizard towers. Many were in disbelief about the potion effect. This was a potion I was one of my latest developments just before I left on a journey. It was something I stumbled upon when I found a poison. It was called Poison of Water. It came from a rare plant that killed their quarry by turning them liquid never to turn back. The person would be fully able to move use mana or anything else. The problem was reinstating themselves back into a person. I was incredibly interested in this effect and spent months researching into it. The result was permanent with just the poison. I combined it with a couple of solidification ingredients. Each in combination with each other would cancel out the effect of the poison.

The problem then became that it had to be ingested. A person already liquified couldn't 'ingest' it. It became part of their water content, and the person would eventually perish. I was stuck for a couple of weeks when I came up with the thought of turning this into an escape mechanism. I conducted experiments until I used it on a creature with pure water mana. The creature would then turn into a liquid before solidifying after twenty minutes. I was astounded at the time and experimented more. Twenty minutes was not a long time, so I created a delay factor slowing down the solidification process. Any longer than an hour wasn't feasible after half a year of experimentation. It was a potion I wanted to show off to my mother when she told me to go on a journey.

Now the exclamations from the crowd hearing about this potion made me nod. They reacted disbelieving the effects of the potion when Sarah's voice cut in. "This Potion is guaranteed from Ambassador Chelsea's research and is something she researched. She is the only Alchemist known to have created this potion and is only showing it to the light of the world now! This potion will become a Water wizard's ultimate escape in a problem situation! The bidding will start at Fifty thousand Gold coins, and the minimum increase after that is one thousand Gold coins!"

The First VIP bid instantly came from the Medusa's. That sparked a rapid bidding war between them all. I sat back smiling, knowing that when this potion was advertised, no one would believe it. This was an incredible invention, even for myself. If I hadn't stumbled upon it and grew extremely curious, I would never have invented such a crazy potion that defied every concept of reality I understood. It was one of the reasons I created the Mana pulse that killed so many dwarfs. If this type of thing existed in this world, what couldn't be made? What was the limit of mana? My understanding of mana was always humbled by mana itself.

The VIP rooms were bidding each other up on the potion with reckless abandon. The entire time I could hear precisely why they did so regardless of the potion's usefulness to them. They wanted it to study. Many of the Wizard towers brought their own alchemists. Each of them wanted to learn from the potion that had never been heard of before. I knew one thing was if my potion couldn't do what it said, I would take a severe reputation hit. Not only for me but my country would. I was entirely in the clear on this potion as long as only a pure water Wizard used it.

Soon the potion sold for Three hundred and sixty thousand gold coins. It was a considerable profit that I wasn't expecting. It wasn't a sustainable profit margin, though, as many of these potions were hard to create. I had many failures when it came to the Liquidification Potion. I had thirty attempts to make it, and I only created one successfully. The ingredients were rare, and it was a challenge to complete. I wouldn't waste too much time creating it.

The next potions that came up were in both bulk and singletons. Potions moved as Sarah displayed them, and assistants reinforced it with more in-depth explanations in the VIP rooms. The amount of gold going to come into my coffers was significant. I knew most would flow right back out. I listened to discussions from the Wizard towers. Thankfully nothing worrying came from them as although they were miffed, they couldn't collude with other wizard towers. They each took something that interested them.

The night rolled on as people continued to compete over rarely seen potions that I created. At this point, I had brought in three million four hundred and twenty thousand gold coins. A staggering sum that only the high end of society could bring in. This was a considerable win for me. I was not genuinely expecting more than two million gold coins, but I was proven incorrect as the crowd of adventurers was teaming up to win bids from the wizard towers.

The towers were annoyed with the adventurer teams being able to team up together while they couldn't. This was apparent favoritism from me, they said in their rooms, thinking I couldn't hear inside. They kept it muted in undertones due to the spies in the room being Bunny-kin assistants there to help them. This would explain away any knowledge I took even though those assistants were not my spies.

The discussions soon ran up as the night was coming to an end with the last five potions I had put on there. The last one was the one I was most worried about the reaction. Sarah continued despite the pressure she must feel. "Everyone, we are coming to a close on this exciting night. We are down to our last few creations Ambassador Chelsea created for us the evening. This is the Fifth last potion for you all to be able to bid on!" She exclaimed with a bright smile as a Purple Bunny-kin brought in a cart with a single potion on it. The liquid inside was dark black, and the potion seemed to have a haze around it. This was a potion that was considered a rare specialty of Silvermoon tower. I learned it since my mother insisted.

Sarah happily announced what it was as the discussions inside the VIP rooms almost blew up in exclamations. The last five potions were purposefully left out of the advertisements to make the wizard towers not go after they took what they wanted.

"This is the Black Haze potion!" She announced with glee, "This potion is a rare product that only the Silvermoon tower knows how to create! Drop this potion on the battlefield to create a dark mana haze that no light will enter, blinding both foes and allies alike. This is the perfect Escape smoke shroud. This rare potion was created by Ambassador Chelsea and will not be creating another here in the demon lands!" She announced.

This was very carefully calculated on my part. This potion I made with extra ingredients making it not as effective as it should have been. The original was able to spread of fifteen kilometers in a radius from ground zero. It was a potion our tower kept in store for war and actually had storage of over a thousand of these rare potions. It was a military stockpile for a retreating force or an advancing one. We owned one much more common unknown potion that allowed us to see through the haze.

This didn't mean we wanted others to get this warfighting technology. I sold a watered-down, not as effective one here with a smile on my face. The council will hear about this in time, I am sure. Whatever the wizard's tower here learned from it, though, would not be useful. I substituted ingredients making it not nearly as effective. I was the least confident about this black Haze substitute I came up with, though.

Sarah was about to say a starting bid when the bids rolled down from the VIP rooms. Many works were going on, and many of the tower's discussions changed from how much of a bloodsucker I was. I smirked as I changed their thinking with just one item for sale. Many had grown annoyed, thinking I had come to take as much gold from them as I could. This potion, though, changed many minds as it was a genuine military technology that never left our borders. This made many towers think about how authentic we were in allying with them.

The Bids skyrocketed as each tower wanted their Alchemists learning this. Whoever won this potion had the potential to bring more power to their tower. It was something none of the towers were willing to let go of. Soon the single potion price rose to an astronomical figure worth way more than its actual worth as it hit the high seven hundred thousand range.

I sat back with a smile on my face knowing that I had accomplished more than just gaining gold tonight. I would soon be headed into business discussions, and some Wizard towers were talking about the potential gains of going to war with the Empire. I knew that this wouldn't be the key to it, though. I needed to show more benefits for joining us. 'Giving' Military technology of our people would never be the thing that would get the Demon lands to join us. The only thing that would do that is enough benefits for a low cost.

At this point, I didn't know what the demon lands wanted most, and I would strive to find that. I turned my attention away from the conversations that were ongoing to hear Sarah speak. "The Bid Nine hundred and fifty thousand going twice... Sold!" She announced the large gold price we received. The adventurers down in the stands were in heated conversations and the enormous price this potion purchased at. The winner came to be a Nephilim wizard tower in their province. They were an outlier wizard tower that focused on the dark mana with a specialized species in the wind. From the information I had, though, they should not have had as much gold as this bid showed. My eyes narrowed in thought as the conversations they spoke about was told me they could quickly pay for it or were faking it.

I would not be happy if I didn't receive full payment and they wasted my time. I didn't have much time to think about it as Sarah hustled the next potion onto the stage. "Ladies in gentlemen, this next one is another special potion." She stated like everyone didn't know the last five wouldn't be special. "This is a flame potion that will burn even if the ocean dropped onto it!" She announced as a Red bunny-kin brought up a Bright red potion that had a red haze around it. "This potion is widely known but extremely hard to create. This isn't one potion either the winner of tonight's bid will get Ten Extreme flame potions Ambassador Chelsea risked her life to make!" She announced.

This was a hard potion to make with potentially hazardous consequences. It did make everyone in the VIP areas pleased to see it, though, as not many alchemists were skilled enough to make it or downright willing to do it. The bid started to roll in as the wizard towers fought for it.

A winner came out soon, and a Devil wizard tower won the bid with very happy conversations coming from them. The Wizard tower was named Pyromaniac Tower. That was the title they gave themselves and specialized in creating the largest, most dangerous fires possible. I was wholly unsurprised they won this potion for a large amount of gold at three hundred thousand. It was not a surprise since everyone knew the recipe for this potion. It was just finding someone crazy like me to make it. I even heard the devils making plans to meet me with the potential to create more potions for them. This was a welcome thought from them. My price would be exceptionally steep for making more. I risked a lot with making these ten potions and suffered two close calls. The only way to put out the fires they caused was by removing everything around them. It will burn its mana with no fuel source that the flames spread and burn the potion until the mana dissipated. It was a very dangerous potion that I just handed ten of them. This was needed in my plans as I heard the extreme happiness. I then listened to a Timbit from the devils about them losing an alchemist lab just a couple of years ago trying to mass-produce this potion. I shook my head, knowing the title they chose for themselves was perfect. They reminded me of my cute little daughter and her love for fire.

Many other wizard towers guessed correctly, knowing where the potion went as they discussed. They all became silent when Sarah spoke up again. "Amazing! The next potion is something that will make you think that Ambassador is even crazier than the last potion did!" She slightly insulted me. I didn't care as the cart rolled up a green potion that set your hair on edge just looking at it. "This is a rare Venom enhancer," Sarah announced. The Venomancer wizards all over the auction house stood in unison in shock. This was a very dangerous potion almost exclusively made for people who practiced poison mana. If you were not a Venomancer, it was an extremely hard mana type to adapt. It took dedication and living next to death every moment until your body adjusted to the poison.

The Venomancers went instantly crazy over the potion as all the other races stayed out, knowing that anyone trying to outbid them would insult them. The single potion soon began a battle between the five Venomacer wizard towers. They bid each other up, and soon the single potion reached a million gold coins where it stopped with the Venomacer wizard tower the looked into the mysteries of poison being the winner. They were elated that they could spend a million gold coins for such a rare potion. This potion was something even Venomancers balked at creating. I trusted myself, and I only had a single shot at making it. It was created with rare ingredients that many were not willing to purchase but the crazy. A single smell of the main ingredient will fatally poison you during creation. A single drop on a person could kill a person. This was the lightest of things where a spill could destroy the land it rested upon for five years. These were all just some of the issues during creation. It was coveted, though, since it could make venom double to triple more potent; Permanently.

With so many risks, many still took the chance if they had the opportunity. Many didn't survive, and many did use it themselves. This was a potion that never showed up on the market, let alone Auction houses. The fact that I had done it was something the Venomancers started to joke that if I was crazy to make one, maybe they could talk me into creating another.

I ignored that banter listening to the reaction of the other races that expanded across the board. One conclusion came out from all their mutterings—the absolute respect for my pioneering and Alchemy. They were in utter awe at some of the risks I took with some of the more dangerous potions I created. When Sarah announced the next potion, no one spoke, waiting for what I could have produced next. Many sat on the edge of their seats.

"Everyone, we are on our second last potion of the night. I want to introduce you to the Void potion Ambassador Chelsea has produced." She announced, much to everyone's confusion, as an orange potion was carted onto the stage. "This potion is unique." She said, pointing at the orange potion. "When using this potion, just toss it at the person. Where ever this potion lands, that person will be instantly taken to the void!" She stated. Exclamations sounded out throughout the room. This potion would effectively kill anyone who didn't know how to use void wizardry. This was a rare wizard type making this potion a kill on touch potion.

Bids came up, but it wasn't as well taken as I thought it would be. In the end, this potion was just a trump card in battle, and it sold for four hundred thousand gold coins. It could only kill one person, and I heard many talks about wanting to study it. I smirked at the thought of someone trying to use that completed potion to try and research. In the description, I gave it would void out any material it touched except the binding enchantment on it currently. The bottle had extra enhancements that allowed the fluid to be in a state of suspension. With the opening of it, you would release pandora's box. I wrote very explicit details with this potion to be forced onto the person who purchased this potion explaining to either throw this potion after opening or stand away within two minutes. Otherwise, they will join it potentially.

This potion was something of a grenade I thought of when I read the book the Master alchemist of Silvermoon tower created. The recipe was dangerous to develop, but the materials were more common than one would think. I smirked as I thought of the alchemist who believed they could research that potion. Maybe they could; perhaps they couldn't. It would be hell in their attempt, though.

My thoughts were interrupted again as Sarah happily closed the bid and the Bunny-kin assistant exited the stage with the potion. "Now for the Final potion of this evening!" She said and turned to the Pink bunny-kin bringing up a pink potion. "This potion is something out there for all those that have aging wives. This will smooth their skin and increase a woman's vitality for another twenty years. This potion turns back the biological clock of women!" She announced.

The room remained silent. The VIP rooms went quiet, and I turned to Yuri. "Did I make a mistake with this potion?" I asked Yuri, who was in stunned silence. She turned to me, giving me an incredulous face.

"When did you add this potion into the mix?!" She exclaimed.

"It was the last potion I made. The ingredients need to be used at the right time, or the potion can not be brewed. I put it in the final five where Sarah looked happy, saying it would be the perfect ending potion." I said with a smirk.

Yuri wasn't entertained, though, as she looked down to the stage. A couple of seconds later, the rooms almost blew up with exclamations of startlement. Sarah had paused for the potion effects to register in their heads properly. The night became hectic as many were wanting the potion.

"This potion does not literally turn back the clock," Sarah's voice cut through the noise of the crowd cutting into ongoing discussions. "This will help with aging and making women look younger. This does slow down a WOMAN's aging process for a decade or two, depending on their age. This potion will be up for bid starting at-" Her voice was cut off as people knew that every round was at fifty thousand and a minimum of one thousand more. The bids came down like a blizzard, and soon it was up to five hundred thousand before it started to slow down.

It was the Succubi that took the potion for themselves. It was the Illusion wizard tower of the Succubi. The women happily would claim the potion for themselves. Maybe to research or for use on an important woman; They did not let me know through the enchantments.

With that, the auction came to an end, with a fantastic amount of profit headed our way after tonight. The night wasn't over as I would now have to talk to the winners. Many workers got to work, and I stood up and looked at the charming women around me. "Let us get this over with. I want each of you later tonight."


Bonus chapter as a Thanks for all the Support. I just uploaded tonight a Picture of Susie onto Patre*n.

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