From Lord to Dimensional Demon

Chapter 447 Creating Restraint Rules

You know, some lords are now suffering from "demon" anxiety. Even the heroes, subjects, and even pet beasts that they trusted so much in the past have begun to become distrustful, fearing that they have been possessed by demons. At some point, intelligence involving one's own life safety will be detonated.

Some lords even felt that they were under the surveillance of demons all the time, and their every move was suspicious.

There are also some lords who are frantically requesting holy angels or psychic troops to review themselves. They wish they could review them every day, for fear that one day they would be possessed by demons without even realizing it.

This kind of potential, invisible monitoring will indeed arouse fear to the greatest extent.

In particular, most of these lords do not have strong psychological qualities.

And under such circumstances, to some lords, the news of Shen Fei's return was no less than seeing the savior come to the world in a desperate situation!

Under the praise of all channels, one huge four-star warship jumped to the designated place one after another. Each one was a huge planet. When tens of thousands of ships gathered together, the scene was particularly spectacular.

However, when Shen Fei devoured the world over the years, he had seen even more spectacular scenes.

So, not much representation.

He just turned to look at Li Tingyu and ordered: "Check it out."

"Yes." Li Tingyu nodded lightly, and her powerful spiritual consciousness covered the entire galaxy, connecting with all the heroes under the lord who were responsible for counting the number of people, and just counting them layer by layer. In a short period of time, such a huge number of The number of lives is all counted.

"All the lords have arrived, but there are still about 0.3% of the population who have not arrived."

"Yes." Shen Fei nodded slightly, "The rest will be isolated first and handed over to the Holy Angel for review slowly."

He said nothing more and narrowed his eyes slightly. In an instant, the endless sea of ​​stars descended.

It is a real sea of ​​stars, but it does not seem to be a real sea of ​​stars. All we can see is that the originally vast universe is covered by a new layer of universe, as if everyone has suddenly changed their positions, but if someone observes carefully, they will find that The original starlight still exists, but on top of it, a whole new layer is covered.

And if anyone has been to the star plane in Shen Fei's small world and has recorded the positions of those stars, they will find that the starry sky covering it is exactly the star plane in the small world!

Yes, Shen Fei turned part of the small world into his own domain and forced his way into this world.

This is a deeper arrival than the "buffer zone". It can even be said that at this moment, here, under this sea of ​​stars, Shen Fei is as if he is in a small world, and he is the only master!

"Let me see." His gaze was just a glance. Under the absolute will of domination, no matter how deeply hidden the emotional demon was, or the information demon that existed dependent on information, there was nowhere to hide.

With another thought, all the demons dissipated without any resistance.

Some powerful heroes and citizens can even clearly feel their whole bodies relax, as if something they had subconsciously ignored before has completely disappeared.

After a while, the sea of ​​stars dispersed, and everything returned to its original state without most people noticing or even knowing what happened.

"I've already cleaned them up." Shen Fei muttered, "Those two things are indeed difficult to deal with, but I already have some understanding, and I should be able to create restrained extraordinary rules."

You know, his most powerful thing now is not just the power of the small world.

He also has the ability to analyze extraordinary rules.

This is a powerful ability that he has mastered after devouring more than a dozen worlds, including a complete world with a collection of nineteen-level extraordinary rules.

With this ability, unless the level exceeds Shen Fei's current level and reaches level 20 or even level 21, there will be almost no extraordinary things that Shen Fei cannot understand.

Obviously, although the level of the extraordinary rules of these two demons is not low, it has not reached this level. It is just that their characteristics are rare and difficult to solve.

Otherwise, this power will not only be used to steal information, but also directly cause serious damage.

Li Tingyu probably didn't expect that her master still had this kind of power, but she quickly thought of the benefits it would bring.

"If that's the case, then we might be able to make a small profit from other kingdoms."

"You mean, selling testing equipment?" Shen Fei nodded slightly.

He thought about it too.

After all, problems can easily arise if you help for free, and how much you charge for paid help is also a problem.

No matter how heavy or light it is, there will always be heroes.

This strange "comrade-in-arms" relationship is indeed not that easy to handle.

Being too indifferent may lead to defeat in the war, and being too enthusiastic may not lead to equal returns and may lead to one's own defeat.

But at least this problem can be solved with testing equipment.

To the outside world, only the cost price is used, and those who are grateful will naturally believe it. However, those who do not believe it, or even suspect that they have made a lot of profits, have no direct evidence, at least they cannot be kidnapped by the "big picture".

"It has always been confrontation before, but now we suddenly have to fight side by side and I don't know what the association is testing." Shen Fei was only sure that this was part of the recruit inspection, but he couldn't understand what exactly was being inspected.

Li Tingyu could only remain silent at this time.

She and the think tank have also analyzed this, but they know too little about the specific situation of the war in the heavens and the current situation of the association.

But this is indeed the first time that the Kingdom of Dark Night has handled its relations with other lord kingdoms so carefully.

You don’t need to be concerned when you are hostile, but you must be careful when you cooperate.

Either way, I'm not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but I'm afraid of teammates who are like pigs.

However, Shen Fei was not too worried.

As long as you are strong enough, you can still take the initiative even if you cooperate.

If you're not strong enough right now, just be a little more troublesome. Once you surpass all your "comrades" in strength, everything will become easier.

After thinking about it, Shen Fei stood directly here and sent a message to all the lords:

"This war is no different than before. The enemy is stronger, more cunning, and more comprehensive. All lords must strictly abide by instructions and must strictly manage their subordinates and not give the enemy any breakthrough."

With just such a brief notice, Shen Fei's figure disappeared.

On the one hand, it is to emphasize the order of war, and on the other hand, it is also to truly declare one's return.

As expected, after Shen Fei disappeared, the Lord Channel was filled with cheers.

"Absolutely obey His Majesty's orders!"

"Comply 100% and do whatever you want me to do!"

"So what did His Majesty really do just now?"

"Everyone, have you received the instructions from Prime Minister Li? All lurking demons have been eradicated by His Majesty in one go."

"Your Majesty is awesome!"

"I can finally get a few comfortable sleeps with peace of mind. God knows how I have been here in the past few years!"

"That comfortable sleep of yours, is it healthy?"


It has to be said that no matter how long it takes, the inner nature of the lords is difficult to change, but at least when the funny guys in the lords’ channel come back, it means that the lords no longer have lingering worries and worries in their hearts. fear.

So, let them be happy for a while.

In order to learn from the lessons of the invasion of the demon reconnaissance force, Li Tingyu has formulated the most stringent management system. What awaits the lords next will not be a pleasant stage.

However, Shen Fei has never interfered with the specific management system.

At this time, he is concentrating on what only he can do, which is to study targeted laws. This is not difficult. The main reason is that the power of the laws corresponding to these two demons is only rare, but the actual level is not high. , equivalent to level seventeen at most.

However, only Shen Fei, the Lord of the World, can easily create new extraordinary rules.

Others, it is estimated that they need to reach level 21, which is the same level as the Mother Goddess of Creation in her previous life, in order to achieve it.

Therefore, this time Shen Fei still won in terms of his own character.

"Solved." He looked at the jade in his hand.

Yes, this is the detection device.

Although it is in the shape of jade, the foundation of the extraordinary rules follows the extremely powerful rune laws from the rune world, which also raises the level of this jade - even if it has a single function, it contains complete information about the extraordinary rules. It is still considered an artifact.

Therefore, charging a high price as the cost price is not a big problem.

After all, who would have thought that Shen Fei's small world could rely on "Tiandao's gift" to inject large quantities of law information and create artifacts.

"The rest is to be handed over to the rune factory for mass engraving." Shen Fei threw the jade in his hand directly into the research institute, and they were responsible for mass production.

Afterwards, he was not idle either.

After he reaches level 19, swallowing the next level 19 world no longer requires his full attention, so he can be distracted to understand the development reports accumulated by the small world and the Kingdom of Dark Night in the past twenty years, and he can also pay attention to The situation in other lord kingdoms.

As Li Tingyu reported before, the current situation in other lord kingdoms is indeed very bad.

And the relationship between them is relatively rigid.

Some who do not have any ability to detect hidden demons can only find ways to seek help from other kingdoms, while those who have the ability to detect do not have enough ability to detect such a huge number. Their situation is very delicate, and they are not willing to go anywhere. Support other lord kingdoms.

The relationships between many lords and kingdoms have become rigid in this way.

Even the atmosphere in the "recruit group" established by Meng Hao began to become particularly unpleasant.

There is no shortage of noise.

Even if some kings clearly realize that there must be a demon behind this situation, they cannot fundamentally solve the problem.

After all, these powerful lord kingdoms have reached this point through constant competition and even fighting with other lords. Even if they are clearly told about each other's comradeship positions, they still cannot change their original habits. .

Overall there is no atmosphere of cooperation at all.

Even Shen Fei could see that if this continued, they would definitely be defeated when the demons invaded in large numbers.

Let’s take a look at how Li Tingyu does it first.

Shen Fei did not speak out in the group of recruits. He only observed from the beginning to the end. After browsing through all the information, he found that there were actually not a few kings like him, but more of them.

Of the one hundred and three kings, less than forty had spoken out.

And not long after, a certain king suddenly spoke up in the group and swiped three times in a row.

"The Kingdom of Dark Night has developed an artifact that can restrain two kinds of demons!"

Then a second king gave the same message, followed by a third and a fourth

There were eight kings who all swiped the same information, each message three times.

There are even two kings who have never spoken in the group before.

"Tingyu's efficiency is still so high."

Shen Fei knew very well that this was Li Tingyu's handiwork.

Even without the association's personal terminal, in the past twenty years, she has established certain connections with several lord kingdoms and even gained a certain amount of trust.

This is stated in the development report.

But even so, the efficiency of being able to persuade five kings to "send advertisements" in such a short period of time still exceeded Shen Fei's expectations.

And soon, the group suddenly became lively.

"??? Are you infected with a virus?"

This piece of information made Shen Fei laugh.

Even here there is some humor.

Fortunately, the other kings are reliable.

"Really? Have you tried it?"

"Nonsense, I haven't tried why I'm posting promotions."

"Why doesn't the king of the Kingdom of Dark Night issue it himself?"

"I know this king. He seems to have been in retreat to break through the nineteenth level."

"We all graduated from the 18th grade, right? How could a king break through to 19th grade so soon?"

"It is indeed the kingdom that will be number one on the future list."

"None of this is important. What's important is, is this detection artifact useful?"


Soon, a king directly released a video. A certain strong man was holding a piece of jade, exuding a mysterious light and covering a large area of ​​​​the people. Some of the people screamed, but they regained their clarity in an instant. .

Really useful!

And so efficient!

No one thought this was an act. Although the emotional demon was invisible and insubstantial, the parasite could still clearly feel it when it was eliminated.

After all, it is a foreign object deeply embedded in the soul.

And if the removal method is relatively rough, it will cause severe pain and confusion, but only for a moment. After all, this kind of emotional demon is only difficult to deal with and difficult to detect, and is not actually powerful.

"Give me a channel! I want to buy two thousand, no, twenty thousand!"

"I want one hundred thousand!"

"This is a reusable device, why do you need so much?"

"Of course, we need to increase the frequency of testing! To ensure that there will be no problems during the gap between testing. You can't even imagine how you became the king."

"I don't care. Well, my hero has said that we will buy two hundred thousand. All important positions and important personnel must stay under the cover of this device at all times during the war."

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